OLD SERA3: Southern Region Information Exchange Group for IPM

(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports


Bessin, R., and J. Obrycki. 2011. An IPM Scouting Guide for Natural Enemies of Vegetable Pests. ENT-67.
23 pp. http://www.ca.uky.edu/agc/pubs/ent/ent67/ent67.pdf

Bessin, R. and D. Johnson. 2011 Insecticide Recommendations for Conventional and No-tillage Field
Corn. ENT-16.

Bessin, R. and D. Johnson. 2011. Insecticide Recommendations for Popcorn. ENT-62.

Coolong, T., K. Seebold, R. Bessin, and J. Strang. 2011. An IPM Scouting Guide for Common Pests of Solanaceous Crops in Kentucky. ID-172. 32 pp. (revision) http://www.ca.uky.edu/agc/pubs/ent/ent67/ent67.pdf

Egli, D.B. 2011. Time and the Productivity of Agronomic Crops and Cropping Systems. Agron. J. 103: 743-

Fulcher, A. 2011. UK-UT Commercial Nursery and Landscape IPM website http://utuknurseryipm.utk.edu/

Grable, C. 2011. West Kentucky Nursery Crops Newsletter. Newsletter featuring KY Nursery Crops IPM
program information. http://www.ca.uky.edu/HLA/Dunwell/WestKentuckyNurseryCrops.html

Green, J.D. and J. Martin. 2011. Weed control options on fallow crop fields. Grain Crops Update http://graincrops.blogspot.com/

Johnson, D. 2011. Insecticide Recommendations for Grain Sorghum (Milo) ENT-24. Johnson, D. 2011. Insecticide Recommendations for Soybeans. ENT-13.
Johnson, D. , R. Bessin, J. Brown, C. Hardy, C. Harper, T. Hendrick, D. Irvan, C. Kenimer, T. Miller, A. Mills,
T. Missun, and D. Perkins. Establishing a Baseline Data Set before the Arrival of Several Invasive Pests of
Kentucky Field Crops. Ann. Meet. NCB-ESA. 13-16 Mar. 2011, Minneapolis, MN. Poster.

Lacefield, E. and K. Kalberg. 2010. 2010 Kentucky Soybean Performance Tests. PR-607. Ag. Exp. Station. University of Kentucky. College of Agriculture.

Martin, J. 2011 Factors That Affect Ryegrass Control This Spring. Mid-America Farmer Grower. Issue 9. Martin, J. 2011 Factors That Affect Ryegrass Control This Spring. Kentucky Pest News 1258: 2-3.
Murdock, L. 2011. Variable Rate Nitrogen (VRN) Application On Wheat Using The Greenseeker On A
Field Basis. Mid-America Farmer Grower. Issue 5.

Wendroth, O.*, KersebaumK., Schwab G., and Murdock L.. 2011. Spatial relationships of soil properties, crop indices and N application pattern with wheat growth and yield in a field. In: Ahuja, L., and L. Ma (Eds.) Methods of Introducing System Models in Field Research, Volume 2 in the Advances in Agricultural System Modeling Series, ASA-SSSA-CSSA, Madison, WI. (in press).

Wendroth, O*., Murdock L., and Schwab G. 2011. How close is close enough? In: Stafford, J.V. (Ed.). Precision Agriculture 05. Proc. 8th Europ. Conf. Prec. Agric., Prague, Czech Republic, (in press).


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