NE2140: Sustainable Management of Nematodes in Plant and Soil Health Systems

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Active

SAES-422 Reports

Annual/Termination Reports:

[02/09/2023] [10/09/2023]

Date of Annual Report: 02/09/2023

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 10/20/2022 - 10/21/2022
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2021 - 09/30/2022


Jim LaMondia, CT Ag. Experiment Station
Andreas Westphal, University of California
Marisol Quintanilla, Michigan State University
Nathaniel Mitkowski, University of Rhode Island
Lesley Schumacher, USDA-ARS
Billy Crow, University of Florida
Koon-Hui Wang, University of Hawaii
Deborah Neher, University of Vermont
Melakeberhan, Michigan State University
Ernest Bernard, University of Tennessee
Christopher Taylor, Ohio State University
Jim Kotcon, University of West Virginia
George Bird, Michigan State University
Frank Hay, Cornell University
Anton Bekkerman, University of New Hampshire (Administrator)

Brief Summary of Minutes


<p><strong>SHORT TERM OUTCOMES:</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>CA: </strong>Screened walnut breeding populations concomitantly for three soil-borne pathogens: crown gall, Phytophthora root and crown rot and root lesion nematode resulted in the discovery of two genotypes with reduced susceptibility to all three pathogens, and several more with reduced susceptibility to two of the diseases which can be used to develop resistant varieties in the future.</p><br /> <p><strong>FL:&nbsp; </strong>Identified that grass root-knot nematodes (<em>Meloidogyne graminis</em>) exposed to multiple applications of the SDHI nematicide fluopyram in the field were less sensitive to the active ingredient in vitro, suggesting resistance to the nematicide. This highlights the importance of rotation of nematicides to avoid nematicide resistance in turf.</p><br /> <p><strong>FL:&nbsp; </strong>Field research results indicate that combining two bionematicides, Zelto and Crescendo, provides turf protection from the grass root-knot nematode and gives a nematicide rotation option on turf.</p><br /> <p><strong>FL:&nbsp; </strong>Field and greenhouse trial results indicate that the new SDHI nematicide cyclobutrifluram is effective against two of the most damaging turfgrass-parasitic nematodes, grass root-knot and lance (<em>Hoplolaimus galeatus</em>) nematodes.&nbsp; This is especially important since none of the currently labeled turfgrass nematicides are effective against lance nematode.</p><br /> <p><strong>FL:&nbsp; </strong>Greenhouse trial results revealed that the newly-described foliar nematode <em>Aphelenchoides pseudobesseyi</em>, infects and causes yield reduction in strawberry, but that it&rsquo;s feeding habit and symptoms differ from those of the known strawberry-infecting <em>Aphelenchoides besseyi</em>.</p><br /> <p><strong>FL:&nbsp; </strong>Several new nematode-plant interactions were reported, including the commonly-occurring southern root-knot nematode <em>M. incognita</em> infecting and damaging <em>Mitragyna speciosa</em>, a new crop in Florida.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>FL:&nbsp; </strong>We made the first detection of the sting nematode <em>Belonolaimus longicaudatus</em> in Indiana, where it was damaging soybean in a commercial field.&nbsp; This expands the known range of this very damaging nematode.</p><br /> <p><strong>HI: </strong>Experiments utilizing 1) ground papaya seeds or sorghum-sudangrass hybrids cover crop residues as soil amendment as biofumigants against plant-parasitic nematodes and Fusarium oxysporum. This information can be used to replace conventional fumigants to manage soil-borne pathogens without harmful effects on soil health. 2) long-term perennial cover crops such as white clover as living mulch or resilience cover crop residues such as sorghum as surface organic mulch for soil health management.</p><br /> <p><strong>MI:&nbsp; </strong>In the ANL, we have used the nematode community analysis-based a) soil food web (SFW) model to establish links between soil health conditions and nematode parasitic variability, and b) integrated productivity efficiency (IPE) model to identify soil health outcomes as <em>i</em>) sustainable, <em>ii</em>) unsustainable and <em>iii</em>) what additional measures are needed to get to sustainable outcomes, and <em>iv</em>) link nematode numbers to a specific soil health value.</p><br /> <p><strong>MI: </strong>A cover crop research site comparing six systems, the system using pearl millet and oil seed radish had the highest mechanically-harvested cherry yield and the legume-based system the lowest yield.&nbsp; Cherry trees planted with starter compost in the planting hole had higher mechanically-harvested cherry yields than those without compost in the tree planting hole. After the third growing season, cherry tree trunk diameters following soil fumigation were greater than those mulched with straw or treated with a non-fumigant nematicide.</p><br /> <p><strong>MI: </strong>Use of PI 437654 soybeans as a trap crop for soybean cyst nematode in four locations where the SCN population density was less than 100 eggs per 100 cm<sup>3</sup> soil did not result in increased soybean yield; whereas, use of PI 437654 as a trap crop in two sites with population densities greater than 1,000 eggs per 100 cm<sup>3</sup> soil&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>MI: </strong>In a soil health survey of ninety-six Michigan commercial potato sites, soil fumigation the fall before potato planting was associated with low population densities of <em>Pratylenchus penetrans</em>, soil water stable aggregates, active carbon and nitrogen mineralization potential, compared to non-fumigated sites.</p><br /> <p><strong>MI: </strong>In a comparative soil health survey of seventy-two geo-referenced Michigan commercial sites, population densities of <em>Pratylenchus penetrans</em> were significantly lower in 2022, compared to 2012.&nbsp; The mean total soil health for these sites, however, was lower in 2022 than in 2012.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>NY:&nbsp; </strong>A heat treatment protocol suited for small-scale farm operations was developed for disinfestation of garlic seed cloves of bloat nematode (<em>Ditylenchus dipsaci</em>).&nbsp; The heat treatment had no deleterious effects on seedling emergence or plant growth and yield and was able to reduce, but not eradicate nematode within seed cloves (NY).</p><br /> <p><strong>TN:&nbsp; </strong>Thirty-five <em>Cannabis sativa</em> cultivars exhibited wide variation in their suitability as hosts of <em>Meloidogyne incognita</em>, from nearly immune to heavily galled. Fiber types in general supported more reproduction than CBD types, but in both cases the most susceptible cultivars had a reproductive value (Rf) of more than 30.</p><br /> <p><strong>TN:&nbsp; </strong><em>Aphelenchoides</em> specimens collected from leaf lesions on ginseng (<em>Panax quinquefolius</em>) were compared to all morphologically and morphometrically to the published descriptions of known species. The ginseng nematodes appear to be similar to A. myceliophagus but not to the five previously described species on ginseng, all from Asia</p><br /> <p><strong>TN:&nbsp; </strong>Knowing the battle faced with SCN in Tennessee, an earlier burndown timing prior to soybean planting is recommended to reduce SCN populations densities and give adequate soybean yield. Late burndown increased SCN reproduction factor compared to early burndown. Additionally, late burndown increased reproduction factor of fungivores and bacterivores. Lance nematode reproduction factor was greatest in plots with <em>Brassica</em>. The results from this trial will help growers make management decisions, and this experiment serves as a good example of what can be done in other cropping systems such as corn and cotton in relation to cover crops and soil faunal communities.</p><br /> <p><strong>RI: </strong>Trials were undertaken to determine the efficacy of fluazaindolizine against <em>Hoplolaimus galeatus </em>on cool-season putting greens over multiple years in similar locations, as a new method for controlling these nematodes in challenging situations.</p><br /> <p><strong>VT: </strong>Generated research priorities for soil health research geared toward small and medium sized farms.</p><br /> <p><strong>WV:&nbsp; </strong>A lab study of soil microcosms with versus without <em>Aphelencus avenae</em> demonstrated that this fungivore nematode drives microbial diversity and carbon cycling in soil. Respiration was higher in microcosms with <em> avenae</em>, while Carbon Use Efficiency was slightly lower.&nbsp; Bacterial and fungal communities were altered by presence of <em>A. avenae</em>. Fungal-to-bacterial biomass ratio decreased ~ 10 % and both fungal and bacterial species richness declined with <em>A. avenae</em>.</p><br /> <p><strong>WV:&nbsp; </strong>Sheep infected with the animal parasitic nematode, <em>Haemonchus contortus</em>, gained more weight and fewer animals required de-worming when grazed on pastures with birdsfoot trefoil than on pastures with orchard grass and red clover. While birdsfoot trefoil is more difficult to establish in pastures, it can provide significant benefits to organic growers or conventional sheep producers who need to manage resistance to deworming medications.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>OUTPUTS:</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>CA: </strong>Wrote three secondary press articles on nematode management. Participated in writing a Best Management Practice guide for cover crops in almond production. Gave seven presentations on nematode management to various interest groups.</p><br /> <p><strong>FL:</strong>&nbsp; Produced 4 Refereed journal publications, 2 New extension fact sheets, 2 International webinars, 1 Two-week international workshop, 6 Presentations at scientific meetings, 7 Presentations at stakeholder education meetings, 1 Field day and processed 4899 Diagnostic samples</p><br /> <p><strong>HI:&nbsp; </strong>One book chapter, 8 peer reviewed refereed / journal articles, 4 extension articles, 4 invited presentations, 4 guest lectures to new farmers, 5 conference presentations, 1 public media interview, 8 field days/workshops presentations or displays; and secure 2 extramural grants.</p><br /> <p><strong>MI: </strong>Published 8 peer-reviewed papers, 1 book chapter, 2 abstracts, 2 posters, 12 outreach publications &nbsp;and conducted 2 invited workshops promoting the nematode community analysis-based SFW, fertilizer use efficiency (FUE), and IPE models.&nbsp; 20 additional extension meetings were given and 2500 stakeholders were directly reached.&nbsp; 6 graduate students were being trained.</p><br /> <p><strong>NY</strong>: Determined that stubby root nematode (<em>Paratrichodorus</em> spp.), were associated with patches of stunting of onion on four commercial farms in Oswego County, NY.&nbsp; Contributed to Webinar, Garlic school: March 2022, hosted by Cornell Cooperative Extension - Eastern NY Commercial Horticulture (NY). <a href=""><strong></strong></a></p><br /> <p><strong>TN:</strong> Produced 2 peer-review articles, 2 abstracts, 4 presentations and one podcast:&nbsp; Shaping Fire with host Shango Los (, July 7, 2022: ''Nematodes: Just Don't Call Them Worms.'' 1hr 40min.</p><br /> <p><strong>TN:&nbsp; </strong>4 refereed articles (referenced below), 1 extension publication (referenced below), 8 abstracts (Society of Nematologists, Beltwide Cotton Conferences, Southern Soybean Disease Workers, International Congress of Nematology, National Soybean Nematode Conference, and American Phytopathological Society), 8 presentations (Purdue University, University of Tennessee-Martin, American Phytopathological Society Graduate Student Committee, Gulf Coast Postdoc and Student Association, Society of Nematologists, International Congress of Nematology, and University of Tennessee), 2 field days (University of Tennessee&rsquo;s Summer Celebration, No-Till Field Day in Milan, TN), and 762 diagnostic samples evaluated for free-living and plant-parasitic nematodes</p><br /> <p><strong>RI: &nbsp;</strong>Wrote one chapter (in press), gave 7 presentations to golf course superintendents and process approximately 500 nematode diagnostic samples.</p><br /> <p><strong>VT:&nbsp;</strong> Neher, D.A. Historical perspective on nematodes as indicators. Invited session organizer and speaker, International Congress of Nematology, Antibes Juan-Les-Pins, France, 1-6 May 2022.</p><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>ACTIVITIES:</strong></p><br /> <p><em><strong>Objective 1:</strong></em> Develop and integrate management tactics for control of plant-parasitic nematodes including biological, cultural (such as rotation or cover crops and plant resistance), and chemical controls.</p><br /> <p><strong>CA:</strong> Initiated a series of in-orchard cover crop trials with preselected cover crop species with nematode resistance to plant-parasitic nematodes in nut crops.Simplified application procedures for Dominus, a biofumigant for nematode management. Simplified application protocols for anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD).&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>FL: </strong>We conducted 13 field trials evaluating potential nematicides on turf or ornamentals. We conducted 14 greenhouse trials evaluating potential nematicides on turf or ornamentals. We conducted 15 greenhouse trials evaluating nematicide seed treatments</p><br /> <p><strong>HI:&nbsp; </strong>We conducted multiple greenhouse pot trials and field trials in Hawaii to examine 1) the biofumigation potential of ground papaya seeds in suppressing root-knot nematodes and <em>Fusarium oxysporum</em> infection on mustard green; 2) biofumigation potential of sorghum-sudangrass hybrids as cover crop against reniform nematode infection on eggplants.</p><br /> <p><strong>MI: </strong>The SFW, FUE, and IPE models are important decision-making tools in translating basic and complex information into practical application.&nbsp; We have developed an IPE model that a) expands the weighted abundance of functional guilds (WAFG) of the SFW, and integrates b) soil health indicator (SHI) and c) the concepts of the FUE model to identify sustainability of soil health outcomes as: i) sustainable if SHI and WAFG increase (<em>best case</em>), ii) unsustainable if SHI and WAFG decrease (<em>worst case</em>) and iii) need additional measures to increase either SHI or WAFG to get to a sustainable outcome (Habteweld et al., 2022).</p><br /> <p><strong>MI: </strong>Completed five of six Michigan on-farm trials to evaluate the potential of PI 437654 as a trap crop for soybean cyst nematode.</p><br /> <p><strong>MI:</strong>We have obtained 100 grants to address this objective.&nbsp; We have conducted multiple trials on management of nematodes in field, vegetable, fruit, and ornamental crops.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>NY:&nbsp; </strong>Three trials were undertaken to investigate efficacy of two heat treatment protocols for disinfestation of garlic seed for control of bloat nematode (<em>Ditylenchus dipsaci</em>) with the addition of OMRI listed chemicals including bleach, JetAg, Majestene and Trilogy (NY)&nbsp; Pot trials (4) were undertaken in association with a local company to determine the mode of action and efficacy of a biological control product against <em>Meloiodogyne hapla</em> on tomato (NY).</p><br /> <p><strong>TN:&nbsp; </strong>A series of greenhouse experiments were continued in which the southern root-knot nematode, <em>Meloidogyne incognita</em> were tested for their ability to parasitize <em>Cannabis sativa</em> cultivars. Replicates for each cultivar were rooted cuttings from an individual mother plant. Host suitability was measured at about 60 days after soil infestation by means of a gall index and eggs per root system. A measure called Rmax (highest egg production on a within-cultivar replicate) was used to rank cultivars from highly susceptible to nearly immune.</p><br /> <p><strong>TN:&nbsp; </strong>Two field trials were established in May 2022 to investigate mixing different ratios of soybean cyst nematode-resistant varieties in conjunction with a cover crop and no-tillage and its effects on nematode community structure. A field trial was established in October 2021 to determine plant-parasitic and free-living nematode population densities in response to cover crop, burn down timing, and seed treatments.</p><br /> <p><strong>TN: </strong>Current soybean breeding efforts yield mostly susceptible reactions to SCN, and focus needs to be shifted to breeding better SCN resistance for mid-South maturity groups (i.e., IV and V). The continued search for new sources of SCN resistance remains crucial in fighting this pathogen.</p><br /> <p><strong>WV: </strong>The WVU Long-Term Organic Crop/Livestock Farming Systems Trial was continued in 2022. While yield and soil fertility differ significantly in response to compost amendment and livestock rotation, population densities of plant-parasitic nematodes remained low. A new project evaluates nutritional quality of wheat in response to soil management in this trial.&nbsp; Earthworm population density increased in plots receiving compost amendment, but preliminary data indicate the mycorrhizal colonization of roots was lower with compost than in unamended soil.&nbsp; Data on the content of the nutraceutical amino acid ergothioneine in wheat will be available next year.</p><br /> <p><strong>WV: </strong>A new project is being initiated to compare various forms of manure amendment.&nbsp; Plots with corn, wheat and soybean will be amended with dairy manure that is dry-stacked, composted, or applied as liquid manure.</p><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Objective 2:</em></strong> Determine the ecological interactions between nematode populations, nematode communities, ecosystems and soil health.</p><br /> <p><strong>CA: </strong>The cover crop studies aim at soil health parameters (water infiltration) and nematode suppression.</p><br /> <p><strong>HI:&nbsp; </strong>We successfully developed a companion cover cropping method (mix of white clover, black oat and buckwheat) as a long-term living mulch that led to instant improvement in soil health, water infiltration and soil moisture retention within one cropping cycle. We also verified that cover cropping of sorghum followed by strip-till can improve soil health, water infiltration and soil moisture retention better than a no-till system.</p><br /> <p><strong>MI:&nbsp; </strong>The SFW model uses changes in beneficial nematode functional guilds abundance relative to food and reproduction and resistance to disturbance to describe the soil conditions of a given environment or in response to agricultural practice treatments. We isolated 3 NRKN populations from mineral and 6 from muck soils with conditions described as and/or degraded by the SFW model and tested them for PV. We tested 2 populations (8 and 13) from degraded and Population 2 from disturbed mineral soil and 3 populations each from disturbed (4, 6 and 10) and degraded (5, 14 and 16) muck soil and revealed highest (Population13), medium (Population 8) and lowest (Populations 2, 4, 5, 6, 10, 14 and 15) PV (Lartey et al., 2022). In addition to expanding our understanding of why NRKN PV is higher in mineral than in muck soils, these results show that a) there is specificity within a category of soil health degradation and b) provide a foundation for formulating hypotheses that test deeper levels of interactions between nematode PV and the biophysicochemical environment.</p><br /> <p><strong>MI: </strong>Conducted a 2022 soil health survey of 72 Michigan potato sites based on the geo-reference positions used in a 2012 potato soil health survey.&nbsp;&nbsp; Obtained soil health thermal stability data from seventeen Michigan potato fields for use as a new soil health indicator.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>TN:&nbsp; </strong>The primary goal of this study was to examine the effect of increasing levels of physical disturbance on nematode communities in an undisturbed forest ecosystem. The experiment included four treatments: control with no disturbance, surface litter removed with no litter and no vegetation, tilling the soil with a rototiller every 2 mon, and every 2 wk. Tillage significantly reduced the overall abundance and overall richness of nematode communities over time. Nematodes of higher c-p classes such as Dorylaimida, <em>Aporcelaimellus</em>, <em>Alaimus</em>, <em>Clarkus</em>, and <em>Tripyla</em> were sensitive to physical disturbances. Bacterial feeders belonging to the c-p 2 class such as <em>Tylocephalus</em>, <em>Acrobeles</em>, <em>Ceratoplectus</em>, <em>Plectus</em>, and <em>Pseudacrobeles</em> were significantly reduced by tillage. Tillage significantly reduced the functional metabolic footprint of nematodes, indicating decreased metabolic activity, reduced C inflow, and poorly structured soil food webs.</p><br /> <p><strong>TN: </strong>A collaborative field trial continued in 2022 with five soil sampling dates to investigate free-living nematodes surrounding the roots and rhizosphere of charcoal-rot susceptible and resistant soybean varieties. The forementioned cover crop, burndown timing, and seed treatment trial also has the objectives of determining potential benefits/disadvantages of using cover crops in relation to plant-parasitic nematodes and soil faunal communities in soybean production systems.</p><br /> <p><strong>WV:&nbsp;&nbsp; </strong>Activity of nematode trapping fungi is being compared among diverse peach orchard soils.&nbsp; Surveys of 14 orchards detected very low rates of nematode trapping fungi.&nbsp;&nbsp; A related project demonstrated that fungivore nematodes drive microbial diversity and carbon cycling in soil.&nbsp; Adding Aphelenchus avenae to de-faunated soil microcosms produced higher soil respiration and decreased the fungal-to-bacterial biomass ratio.&nbsp; Another new project will compare nematode communities in pastures with high versus low plant species diversity.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><em><strong>Objective 3:</strong></em> Detect and evaluate the distribution and movement of invasive and emerging nematode pests.</p><br /> <p><strong>CA: </strong>Pilot studies with the newly discovered <em>Meloidogyne floridensis </em>were conducted under quarantine conditions.</p><br /> <p><strong>FL:&nbsp; </strong>We made the first detection of sting nematode in Indiana where it was causing damage in a commercial soybean farm.</p><br /> <p><strong>TN:&nbsp; </strong>An <em>Aphelenchoides</em> species on ginseng in central Tennessee was determined to likely be an undescribed species. Personnel at Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GRSM) were engaged to examine the ginseng patches in the park for leaf spots and lesions.Ginseng sites in GRSM are kept secret from the public to reduce plant poaching. Lesions found on ginseng leaves in the Park were not typical of the original collections and did not contain nematodes.</p><br /> <p><strong>TN: </strong>Numerous diagnostic samples were evaluated for plant-parasitic nematodes. <em>Meloidogyne javanica</em> was identified infecting soybean in Marion County, TN and verified using molecular diagnostics from the University of Florida Nematode Assay Lab. Additionally, <em>Rotylenchulus reniformis</em> was identified in Madison County, TN infecting cotton. Numerous SCN, lance, lesion, and stunt nematodes were recovered from west TN soybean fields.</p><br /> <p><strong>RI/CT: </strong>Detection of <em>Litylenchus</em> <em>crenatae</em> on beech trees throughout New England continues and field trials in RI and CT are in their second year of experiments.&nbsp; To this point, only fluopyram applied foliarly appears to significantly reduce populations.&nbsp; However, when trees are defoliated in the spring, new flushes of leaf grow are uninfected which suggests larger trees may be able to sustain damage and replace damage leaves through axillary buds in the short term.<strong><br /></strong></p><br /> <p><strong>RI:&nbsp; </strong><em>Paratrophorus </em>spp. were identified as the primary pathogenic nematode species from a number of golf course putting greens in the Northeast.&nbsp; Although not considered a significant pathogen of turf, it appears that regular applications of various nematicides have resulted in ecological soil shifts that have allowed <em>Paratrophorus</em> to thrive while other genera have declined.&nbsp; Survey work into this possible shift continues.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>WV: </strong>Monitoring and experiments are underway to determine the role of avian dispersal of the Beech Leaf Disease pathogen, <em>Litylenchus crenatae mccannii</em>.&nbsp; The project is sampling fecal material and external parasites for <em>L c. mccannii</em>, and positive detections for the nematode in inoculated chicken feces were obtained using PCR.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><em><strong>Objective 4:&nbsp;</strong></em> Outreach, Public Relations and Extension - Compile and present/ publish guidance on nematode management and management effects on soil health for different crops under different conditions</p><br /> <p><strong>FL:&nbsp; </strong>The University of Florida Nematode Assay Lab diagnosed 4899 nematode samples submitted to the lab.&nbsp; We published two new extension fact sheets, one on the Pacific shoot-gall nematode and one on ring nematodes. Dr. Crow provided education on nematode management at 7 turfgrass managers events.</p><br /> <p><strong>HI:&nbsp; </strong>We were invited to present cover cropping and soil health management strategies to 4 cohort of new farmers through GoFarm Hawaii New farmers training program, 1 cohort of new farmers through Oahu RC&amp;D Farmer Soil Health Training in Kauai, and 2 sessions of NRCS staff meetings in the Pacific Island Area. We also organized or co-organized 8 field days related to cover crop and soil health management that reached out to 222 participants in field days, and published extension articles at Haina&rsquo;Ai with &gt;1000 subscribers.</p><br /> <p><strong>MI: </strong>We conducted 2 invited workshops promoting the SFW, FUE, and IPE models at national and international conferences (Melakeberhan and Habteweld, 2022a and b).&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>MI:&nbsp; </strong>Edited the monthly SCN Coalition Newsletter.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>MI:&nbsp; </strong>In 2022 the Quintanilla nematology program at MSU has contributed peer-reviewed publications (5), extension publications (4), conference presentations, extension presentations (20 with 1500 attendees), news articles (5) among many other contributions.&nbsp; Finally, my program has had a state, national, and international impact.&nbsp; Currently I am the Global Nematode Expert for a USAID project in Africa and Asia.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>TN:&nbsp; </strong>A podcast was presented on the ecology of nematodes and their uses as biocontrols in container-grown <em>Cannabis sativa</em>.</p><br /> <p><strong>TN:&nbsp; </strong>Published &ldquo;Soybean cyst nematode of soybean: a diagnostic guide&rdquo; in Plant Health Progress. Also published an extension publication &ldquo;Soybean variety tests in Tennessee&rdquo; through the University of Tennessee Extension. Gave two extension demonstrations: &ldquo;Soybean Cyst Nematode&rdquo; at the West Tennessee Research and Education Center&rsquo;s Summer Celebration and &ldquo;Using Resistance to Manage Soybean Cyst Nematode&rdquo; at the Milan No-Till Field Day during summer 2022. The latter included a recorded seminar that was distributed to the public.</p><br /> <p><strong>VT: </strong>Sustainable Winegrowing Podcast, Interview by Craig Macmillan, 27 June and 11 July 2022, <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p><a href="">151: The Role of the Soil Microbiome in Soil Health</a> (live on 6 October 2022)</p><br /> <p><a href="">153: The Role of Nematodes in Soil Health</a> (live 20 October 2022)</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>MILESTONES</strong>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>HI:</strong> Initiate or continue long-term experiments to examine new soil amendment materials and techniques against Meloidogyne spp. in vegetables, and other nematodes in grain crops. Evaluate the effects of identified non-host or nematode-suppressive rotational crops against different nematodes in multiple states under field conditions.</p><br /> <p><strong>MI:</strong> Publishing the IPE model, which is the first and the only one of its kind to link nematode numbers to a specific soil health value.&nbsp; Continued long-term experiments to examine new soil amendment materials and techniques against <em>Pratylenchus penetrans</em> in Michigan cherry systems. Evaluated the effects of identified non-host or nematode-suppressive rotational crops against different nematodes in multiple states under field conditions. Served on the Organizing Committee for the 2022 National Soybean Nematode Conference.</p><br /> <p><strong>NY:&nbsp; </strong>Assess the efficacy of at least five chemical or physical treatments for eradicating bloat nematode (Ditylenchus dipsaci) from garlic seed cloves. Communicate management strategies for bloat nematode to at least 50 garlic growers in New York.</p><br /> <p><strong>TN: </strong>Test 10 hemp cultivars for relative susceptibility to M. incognita. Additional cultivars will be tested in 2023 and 2024.</p><br /> <p><strong>Multiple States: </strong>Conduct grower education, annual short courses, webinars, field day</p><br /> <p><strong>Multiple States: </strong>Evaluate new nematicidal products for efficacy in turfgrass, perennial and field crops</p><br /> <p><strong>Multiple States:</strong> Begin germplasm resistance screening in multiple crops <br /><br /> <strong>Multiple States: </strong>Begin/continue long-term experiments to examine non-target effects of nematode treatments on soil biology <br /><br /> <strong>Multiple States:&nbsp; </strong>Begin screening for new and emerging nematode pathogens <br /><br /><strong>Multiple States: </strong>Maintain nematode diagnostic services for growers and extension specialists. <br /><br /></p>


<p>Bernard, E. C., A. G. Chaffin, and K. D. Gwinn.&nbsp; 2022.&nbsp; Review of nematode interactions with hemp (<em>Cannabis sativa</em>).&nbsp; Journal of Nematology 54: e2022-2. <a href=""></a>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Bird, G. an N. Rothwell. 2022.&nbsp; Impact of cover crops, compost and mulch on cherry tree development and yield.&nbsp;&nbsp; ACTA HORT. 1346. DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2022.1346.52.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Bonkowski, J., Crow, W. T., and Habteweld, A. 2022. First report of <em>Belonolaimus longicaudatus</em> infecting soybean in Indiana.&nbsp; Journal of Nematology 54:e0034.</p><br /> <p>Budhathoki, S., B. Sipes, I. Shikano, R. Myers and K.-H. Wang. 2022. Integrating trap cropping and entomopathogenic nematode foliar sprays to manage diamondback moth and imported cabbage worm. Horticulturae, 8(11): 1073 (<a href=""></a>).</p><br /> <p>Choi, C. J., Valiente, J., Schiavon, M., Dhillon, B., Crow, W. T., and Stingl U.&nbsp; 2022.&nbsp; Bermudagrass cultivars with different tolerance to nematode damage are characterized by distinct fungal but similar bacterial and archaeal microbiomes.&nbsp; Microorganisms 10:e457.</p><br /> <p>Darling, E.,&nbsp;N&uacute;&ntilde;ez-Rodr&iacute;guez, L., Chung, H., Zasada, I.,&nbsp;Quintanilla-Tornel, M.&nbsp;2022. The hop cyst nematode, <em>Heterodera humuli</em>: history, distribution, and impact on global hop production. APS Phytopathology. <a href=""></a>.</p><br /> <p>Espinoza-Lozano, L., Joseph, S., Crow, W. T., Noling, J., and Mekete T.&nbsp; 2022.&nbsp; <em>Meloidogyne haplanaria</em>: An emerging threat to tomato production in Florida. Journal of Nematology 54:e0032.</p><br /> <p>Habteweld, A., Davidson, W., Desaeger, J., and Crow, W. T.&nbsp; 2022.&nbsp; First report of <em>Meloidogyne incognita</em> infecting <em>Mitragyna speciosa</em> in the United States.&nbsp; Journal of Nematology 54:e0021.</p><br /> <p>Habteweld, A., A. N. Kravchenko, P. S. Parwinder, and H. Melakeberhan (2022). A nematode community-based integrated productivity efficiency (IPE) model that identifies sustainable soil health outcomes: A case of compost application in carrot production. <em>Soil Systems</em> 6, 35. <a href=""></a>.</p><br /> <p>Honsberger, D., J. Matsunaga, K.-H. Wang, and I. Shikano. 2022. <em>Oomyzus sokolowskii</em> (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) joins the small complex of parasitoids known to attack the diamondback moth on Kauai. Hawaiian Entomological Society 54: (<a href=""></a>).</p><br /> <p>Howland, A., Cole, E., Poley, K., and Quintanilla, M.&nbsp; 2022.&nbsp; Alternative management strategies and impact of the northern root-knot nematode in daylily production.&nbsp; Plant Health Progress. <a href=""></a>.</p><br /> <p>Kane, J., J. Kotcon, Z. Freedman, and E. Morrissey.&nbsp; 2022.&nbsp; Fungivorous nematodes drive microbial diversity and carbon cycling in soil.&nbsp; Ecology. <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>Kinnebrew, E., Neher, D.A., Ricketts, T.H., Wallin, K.F., Darby, H., Ziegler, S.E., Alger, S.A., and Galford, G.L. Cultivated milkweed hosts high diversity of surface-active and soil-dwelling arthropods in a New England case study. 2022. <em>Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment</em> 325: 107749.</p><br /> <p>Lartey, I., A. Kravchenko, G. Bonito, and H. Melakeberhan (2022). Parasitic variability of <em>Meloidogyne hapla</em> relative to soil groups and soil health conditions. <em>Nematology</em> 24: DOI 10.1163/15685411-bja10185.</p><br /> <p>Limoges, M.A., Neher, D.A., Weicht, T.R., Millner, P. D., Sharma, M., and Donnelly, C. 2021. Differential survival of generic <em> coli</em> and <em>Listeria</em> spp. in northeastern U.S. soils amended with dairy manure compost, poultry litter compost, and heat-treated poultry pellets and fate in raw edible radish crops. <em>Journal of Food Protection</em> PMID: 34855938.</p><br /> <p>Mahecha-Garnica, S., W. Ye, A. Schumacher, and A. Gorny. 2022. Soybean cyst nematode of soybean: a diagnostic guide. Plant Health Progress. DOI: <a href=""></a>.</p><br /> <p>Marquez, J., R. Paudel, B. S. Sipes, and Koon-Hui Wang. 2022. Successional effects of no-till cover cropping with black oat (<em>Avena olariza</em>) vs. soil solarization on soil health in a tropical Oxisol. Horticulturae 8: 527 (<a href=""></a>).</p><br /> <p>Mengistu, A., H.M. Kelly, Q.D. Read, J.D. Ray, N. Bellaloui, and <span style="text-decoration: underline;">A. Schumacher</span>. 2022 (accepted 9/1/2022). Charcoal rot severity and soybean yield responses to&nbsp;plantingdate, irrigation, and genotypes. Plant Disease.</p><br /> <p>Neher, D.A., Harris, J.M., Horner, C.E., Scarborough, M.J., Badireddy, A.R., Faulkner, J.W., White, A.C., Darby, H., Farley, J.C., and Bishop-von Wettberg, E.J. 2022. Resilient soils for resilient farms: An integrative approach to assess, promote and value soil health for small- and medium-size farms. <em>Phytobiomes</em>org/10.1094/PBIOMES-10-21-0060-P</p><br /> <p>Neher, D., Horner, K., von Wettberg, E.B., Scarborough, M., Harris, J., Darby, H.M., Badireddy, A.R., Roy, E.D., Farley, J.C., Faulkner, J. and White, A. (2021) Resilient soils for resilient farms: an integrative approach to assess, promote and value soil health for small- and medium-size farms. <em>USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Center</em>. 7.</p><br /> <p>Oliveira, C.J., A. Schumacher, N.A. Peres, J.A. Brito, M. Suarez, and J. Desaeger. 2022. Feeding selectivity of <em>Aphelenchoides besseyi</em> and <em>A. pseudogoodeyi </em>on fungi associated with Florida strawberry. Plant Disease. DOI: <a href=""></a>.</p><br /> <p>Olmedo-Velarde, A., P. Waisen, A.T. Kong, K.-H. Wang, J. S. Hu, and M.J. Melzer. 2022. Examination of the virome of taro plants affected by a lethal disease, the alomae-bobone virus complex, in Papua New Guinea. Viruses 2022, 14: 1410; <a href=""></a>.</p><br /> <p>Omidi, R., Pourreza, A., Moghimi, A., Zuniga-Ramirez, G., Jafarbiglu, H., Maung, Z.T.Z., and A. Westphal. 2022. A Semi-supervised Clustering Approach to Cluster Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Leaves in Root Lesion Nematode Infected Walnut Trees. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 194 &ndash; 106761.</p><br /> <p>Pugh, M., N, Kihata, J. Uyeda, K.-H. Wang, and I. Shikano. 2022. The effects of a naturalized weed, <em>Lepidium virginicum</em>, on the development and behaviors of the diamondback moth and its natural enemies in Hawaii. Biological Control 173: 104994 (<a href=""></a>).</p><br /> <p>Pothula, S.K, G. Phillips, and E. C. Bernard.&nbsp;2022.&nbsp;Increasing levels of physical disturbance affect soil nematode community composition in a previously undisturbed ecosystem.&nbsp; Journal of Nematology 54: e2022-1. <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>Rahman, M., Islam, T., Jett, L. and Kotcon, J.&nbsp; 2021.&nbsp; Biocontrol agent, biofumigation, and grafting with resistant rootstock suppress soil-borne disease and improve yield of tomato in West Virginia.&nbsp; Crop Protection 145 (2021) 105630. &nbsp;<a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>Schumacher, L.A. and Z.J. Grabau. 2022. Evaluation of three common root extraction methods for <em>Rotylenchulus reniformis</em> recovery from cotton roots. Plant Health Progress. DOI: <a href=""></a>.</p><br /> <p>Schumacher, L.A., Z.J. Grabau, H.L. Liao, D.L. Wright, and I.M. Small. 2022. Effects of grass-based crop rotation, nematicide, and irrigation on the nematode community in cotton. Journal of Nematology 54:e2022-1. DOI: <a href=""></a>.</p><br /> <p>Silvasy, T., A.A. Ahmad, K.-H. Wang, T.J.K. Radovich. 2021. Rate and timing of meat and bone meal applications influence growth, yield and soil water nitrate concentrations in sweet corn production. MDPI-Agronomy 11: 2945 (<a href=""></a>).</p><br /> <p>Sykes, Virginia, R. Blair, H. Kelly, Schumacher, A. Wilson, F. Palacios, B. Keadle, V. Pantalone, and A. Thompson McClure. 2021. Soybean variety tests in Tennessee. University of Tennessee Extension Publication PB 1889.</p><br /> <p>Wang, K.-H. P. Waisen, R. Paudel, G. Chen, S.L.F. Meyer and C.R.R. Hooks. 2022. Effects of plasticulture and conservation tillage on nematode assemblage and their relationships with nitrous oxide emission following a winter cover cropping and vegetable production system. Horticulturae 8: 728. (<a href=""></a>).</p><br /> <p>Wang, K.-H., P. Waisen, A. W. Leslie, R. Paudel, S.L.F. Meyer and C.R.R. Hooks. 2022. Relationships between soil tillage systems, nematode communities and weed seed predation. Horticulturae 8: 425. <a href=""></a>.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p>

Impact Statements

  1. Elucidation on the interactions of nematodes within the soil biome which can be used to help develop practices to improve soil health which will lead to greater sustainablility of farming systems.
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Date of Annual Report: 10/09/2023

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 10/04/2023 - 10/05/2023
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2022 - 09/30/2023


In person: Ernie Bernard (U. Tennessee), George Bird (Michigan State U.), Jim Kotcon (West Virginia U.), Horacio Lopez-Nicora (Ohio State U.), Marisol Quintanilla (Michigan State U.).

Via ZOOM: Frank Hay (Cornell), Mihail Kantor (Penn State), Nathaniel Mitkowski (U. Rhode Island), Lesley Schumacher (USDA-Tifton, Georgia), Chris Taylor (Ohio State U.), Koon-Hui Wang (U-Hawaii), Andreas Westphal (California), Billy Crow (UFL), Haddish Melakeberhan (Michigan State U.)

Also: Anton Bekkerman

Brief Summary of Minutes


<p>OUTCOMES:</p><br /> <p><strong>CA:&nbsp; </strong>In the walnut rootstock development effort, several multi-pathogen resistant accessions were identified. One accession was resistant against <em>Pratylenchus vulnus</em>, <em>Meloidogyne incognita</em>, <em>Agrobacterium tumefaciens</em>, <em>Phytophthora </em>spp., and grew vigorously under nematode-infested conditions. Several more had three or two positives of these traits.</p><br /> <p><strong>CA: </strong>In orchard trialing of prior selections, at least one rootstock accession performed superior to commercial comparatives in regards to vigor and early yield, and is currently assessed for possible release.</p><br /> <p><strong>CA: </strong>A logistically and potentially economically feasible application method for the allyl iso thiocyanate (AITC) -containing &ldquo;Dominus&rdquo; was developed and repeatedly corroborated as being effective in reducing preplant population densities of <em>P. vulnus</em>. When coupled with postplant applications, this treatment was competitive with soil fumigation with 1,3-dichloropropene (1,3-D) or combinations of 1,3-D and chloropicrin.</p><br /> <p><strong>CA: </strong>Anaerobic soil disinfestation can be applied without plastic tarp and drip irrigation lines. When substrate is incorporated with a moldboard plow, and soil kept moist at the same prescribed irrigation schedule as used under tarp, slightly reduced efficacies are found. This change in application pattern potentially reduces expenses of the application to an acceptable level.</p><br /> <p><strong>FL:</strong> Expanded the host range of the foliar nematode <em>Aphelenchoides pseudobessyi</em> to include several additional fern and aster plant species.</p><br /> <p><strong>FL: </strong>Identified the new fluopyram-containing nematicide/fungicide Resilia as being very efficacious against the grass root-knot nematode <em>Meloidogyne graminis</em> on golf greens, while using only 25% the amount of fluopyram from the standard fluopyram nematicide Indemnify.</p><br /> <p><strong>FL: </strong>Published first report of nematicide resistance in plant-parasitic nematodes and initiated nematicide resistance management trials.</p><br /> <p><strong>FL: </strong>Organized a NE2140-sponsored symposium on Beech Leaf Disease at the Society of Nematologists annual meeting.</p><br /> <p><strong>HI:</strong>&nbsp; Documented that velvet bean as a cover crop prior to sweet potato planting improved soil health (increasing soil carbon, ammonia nitrogen, boosting arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and indigenous entomopathogenic fungi, improving soil water infiltration and soil moisture content) while suppressing reniform nematodes. Velvet bean was the only cover crop treatment that significantly reduced rough sweet potato weevil damage compared to 3 other nematode suppressive tropical cover crops (sorghum, sunn hemp and marigold). Thus, we contributed new information for organic sweet potato farmers in Hawaii to manage challenging pests they are facing.</p><br /> <p><strong>MI: </strong>The SCN Coalition&rsquo;s profit checker had about 20,000 users during the first 90 days after it was released in September 2023.</p><br /> <p><strong>MI: </strong>The 2012-2022 Michigan potato soil health survey detected increases in soil water capacity, organic matter and active carbon in all sixty-four commercial sites in addition to a decline in root-lesion nematodes in all sites.</p><br /> <p><strong>MI: </strong>Planting PI-437654 soybeans immediately after wheat harvest resulted in increased soybean yields when the SCN populations were above 1,000 per 100 cm<sup>3</sup> soil, but not when the population density was below 1,000 cm<sup>3</sup> soil.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>PA:&nbsp; </strong>Adapted a collection method for plant-parasitic nematodes in a forest setting.</p><br /> <p><strong>RI:&nbsp; </strong>It was determined that soil drench applications have no impact on reducing the severity of BLD on American Beech and while polyphosphite applications have been shown to be effective in Ohio on smaller diameter trees, these applications did not have an impact on trees larger than 8 dbh when conducted for two consecutive years.&nbsp; Additional years and higher rates are likely to be required.</p><br /> <p><strong>TN:&nbsp; </strong>The effects of LDPE microplastic particles (250 &mu;m diameter) on <em>Meloidogyne incognita</em> root invasion of cucumber were investigated in a sandy mix in the greenhouse. Treatments were 0, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0% by weight. Ten days after infestation, root invasion and root weights were not significantly different across treatments</p><br /> <p><strong>TN: </strong>One hundred USDA germplasm accessions tested were susceptible to soybean cyst nematode (<em>Heterodera glycines</em>) HG Type and one was moderately resistant. Out of 64 soybean varieties available to growers in Tennessee, mostly moderately susceptible and susceptible reactions to HG Type were recorded. Two hundred eighty-three soybean entries were tested for reaction to HG Types 2.5.7 and for the 2023 Uniform Soybean Tests &ndash; Southern States, resulting in mostly susceptible reactions to SCN for maturity groups IV through VIII.</p><br /> <p><strong>TN: </strong>If planting a soybean cyst nematode susceptible variety, do not use a prior cover crop of Austrian winter pea. This particular cover crop significantly increased soybean cyst nematode reproductive factor compared to other cover crop treatments of wheat and hairy vetch.</p><br /> <p><strong>WV: </strong>Long-term rotation trials in an organic farming system did not produce significant differences in population densities of most plant parasitic nematodes, but compost amendments increased the bacteriovore/fungivore ratio in soybean.</p><br /> <p><strong>WV: </strong>All cultivars of Cannabis sativa are moderate hosts for Pratylenchus penetrans, but P. scribneri reproduction was low.</p><br /> <p><strong>WV: </strong>DNA of the Beech Leaf Disease nematode, Litylenchus crenatae maccannii, was detected in fecal samples of birds.&nbsp; Further work on birds as vectors is underway.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>OUTPUTS</p><br /> <p><strong>CA:&nbsp; </strong>4&nbsp;refereed articles.</p><br /> <p><strong>FL: </strong>One book chapter<strong>, </strong>2&nbsp;refereed publications<strong>, </strong>14 Presentations to grower groups<strong>, </strong>5 field days<strong>, </strong>1 Grower workshops<strong>, </strong>6 In-service trainings for extension agents<strong>, </strong>4 Extension volunteer training events<strong>, </strong>5 papers presented at scientific meetings<strong>, </strong>&gt;5000 diagnostic samples.</p><br /> <p><strong>HI: </strong>2 peer reviewed refereed journal articles, 1 M.S. Student Thesis, 6 extension articles, 4 invited presentations, 4 guest lectures to new farmers, 9 conference presentations, 2 YouTube videos (e.g. <a href=""></a>), 2 public media (<a href="">NE2140 Multistate Research Fund Impacts</a>; <a href="">pod cast</a>), 5 field days/workshops presentations or displays; and secure 1 extramural grant. We also generate an app for Cover Crop Plant-Available Nitrogen calculation (<a href=""></a>).</p><br /> <p><strong>MI:&nbsp; </strong>9 refereed articles, 1 book, 1 book chapters, 6 oral research presentations, 19 research posters, 5 Extension publications and 38 Extension presentations (field days and grower talks).</p><br /> <p><strong>PA:&nbsp; </strong>1&nbsp;refereed article, 1 abstract, 2 oral presentations and 2 press articles.</p><br /> <p><strong>TN:</strong>&nbsp; 3&nbsp;refereed articles (referenced below), 2 extension publications (referenced below), 6 abstracts (Society of Nematologists, Beltwide Cotton Conferences, Southern Soybean Disease Workers, Organization of Nematologists of Tropical America, and American Phytopathological Society), 9 presentations (University of Tennessee-Martin, American Phytopathological Society Graduate Student Committee, Society of Nematologists, Embrapa/University of Florida/USDA-ARS, and University of Tennessee), 1 international meeting (Brasilia, Brazil for the US-Brazil Fertilize 4 Life initiative), and 782 diagnostic samples evaluated for free-living and plant-parasitic nematodes. Furthermore, &ldquo;notice of release of conventional soybean germplasm lines JTN-4119 and JTN-4419 with novel source of resistance to multiple cyst nematode populations&rdquo; is currently under review.</p><br /> <p><strong>RI:&nbsp; </strong>1&nbsp;refereed article, 1 book chapter, 3 presentations to golf course superintendents (300 total attendees) and approximately 1000 disease and nematode assays</p><br /> <p><strong>NY: </strong>Hay, F.S.; Hoepting, C.A. 2023. &lsquo;Stubby root nematode&rsquo; Presentation to Oswego onion growers, March 22, 2023 (Phoenix, NY) (20 attendees).</p><br /> <p><strong>WV:&nbsp; </strong>Two Refereed publications in 2023, See below for previous years that may not have been reported, 3 Abstracts published, 3 non-technical presentations to growers</p><br /> <p><strong>VT</strong>: Three refereed articles.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>ACTIVITIES</p><br /> <p><strong>Objective 1: </strong>Develop and integrate management tactics for control of plant-parasitic nematodes including biological, cultural (such as rotation or cover crops and plant resistance), and chemical controls.</p><br /> <p><strong>CA:&nbsp; </strong>In the walnut and the almond program, accessions are moved into orchard trialing. Here, superior elites are produced as completed trees and tested under nematode-infested conditions under commercial production practices.</p><br /> <p><strong>CA: </strong>Different application patterns of ASD are under investigation. Simplifications of the application method and substrate used are examined.</p><br /> <p><strong>FL:&nbsp; </strong>Conducted turfgrass field trials evaluating different nematicide and bionematicide programs.&nbsp; Conducted greenhouse trials evaluating biological seed treatments for nematode control in cotton and corn and soil bionematicides for nematode control on turf, peanut, and ornamental plants.</p><br /> <p><strong>HI:&nbsp; </strong>We conducted sweetpotato field trials (8 in Hawaii and 2 in Alabama and 2 North Carolina) to evaluate 1) soil health benefits of locally adapted cover crop on sweetpotato crops, 2) effects of entomopathogenic nematodes and entomopathogenic fungi biological control agents on key insect pests of sweetpotato crops.</p><br /> <p><strong>HI: </strong>We successfully developed a companion cover cropping method (mix of white clover, black oat and buckwheat) to establish white clover with minimal weed management effort for soil health improvement in orchard and trellis cropping systems. We are finalizing the projects with several publications.</p><br /> <p><strong>MI:&nbsp; </strong>Facilitated commercial Michigan potato grower increased use of compost and cover crops in addition to decreases in toxic chemical inputs and reduced tillage for soil health improvement.&nbsp; Developed PI-437654 as a non-cash crop for management of SCN.</p><br /> <p><strong>NY: </strong>Onion growers in the Oswego region of NY have indicated issues of poorly growing areas of onion in some of their fields.&nbsp; An investigation of four fields in 2022 indicated that poorly growing onion was associated with high numbers of stubby root nematode (<em>Paratrichodorus</em> spp.).&nbsp; Stubby root nematode has been reported causing stunting of onion and reduced yield in other parts of the US.&nbsp;&nbsp; A survey detected stubby root nematode in all the main onion growing regions in NY, i.e. Genesee/Orleans, Wayne, Oswego and Orange counties in 10/14 fields.&nbsp; Other potentially yield limiting nematodes including root knot (<em>Meloidogyne hapla</em>) and lesion nematode (<em>Pratylenchus</em> spp.), were detected in 1/14 and 8/14 fields respectively and, where detected, occurred at low (non-damaging) population density.&nbsp;&nbsp; Work is on-going to investigate efficacy of nematicides and appropriate rotational crops for managing stubby root nematode in NY onion.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>NY: </strong>Diagnosis of garlic seed samples for bloat nematode continued, with 10 samples processed.&nbsp; Bloat nematode was found in bulb samples of one grower, leading to complete loss of crop in the affected variety and necessitating fallowing of the affected area.</p><br /> <p><strong>RI:&nbsp; </strong>Trials were conducted at golf courses to determine the efficacy or various new nematicides at multiple rates and application regimens.&nbsp; &nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>TN:&nbsp; </strong>A field trial was established in May 2023 to investigate mixing different ratios of soybean cyst nematode-resistant varieties to reduce soybean cyst nematode population densities and stabilize yield. The third year of a field trial was established in October 2022 to determine plant-parasitic and free-living nematode population densities in response to cover crop, burn down timing, and seed treatments. An additional long-term cropping system trial was sampled for soybean cyst nematode in May and October 2023. Nematode population densities (free-living and plant-parasitic) from soil samples obtained from these trials have been counted using an inverted microscope and data are being analyzed.</p><br /> <p><strong>TN: </strong>Three greenhouse trials with collaborators were conducted over the past year (USDA soybean germplasm screening, Uniform Soybean Tests &ndash; Southern States, and Tennessee soybean variety tests).</p><br /> <p><strong>WV:&nbsp; </strong>A long-term organic farming systems trial was continued.&nbsp; Evaluation of crop yields, pest populations, and soil quality continued.&nbsp; A new project evaluated food nutritional quality by comparing the content of the amino acid ergothioneine in wheat from plots with or without compost.&nbsp; Nematode biological control activity is being monitored.&nbsp; Susceptibility of hemp cultivars to lesion nematodes was compared.</p><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Objective 2: </strong>Determine the ecological interactions between nematode populations, nematode communities, ecosystems and soil health.</p><br /> <p><strong>MI:</strong>&nbsp; Showed that changes in potato grower management practices in 64 Michigan sites resulted in improvement of soil health indicators.</p><br /> <p><strong>MI: </strong>Demonstrate that the efficacy of PI-437654 for SCN management was nematode density dependent.</p><br /> <p><strong>TN:</strong> The influence of microplastics on nematode communities and root invasion are being investigated. This work includes analysis of communities maintained in microplastic contaminated field soil, population dynamics of bacterivores in culture and effects on individual species of root-knot and cyst nematodes.</p><br /> <p><strong>TN:</strong>&nbsp; The third year of a collaborative field trial concluded in 2023 with five soil sampling dates (preplant, midseason roots, midseason rhizosphere, final roots and final rhizosphere) to investigate the nematode community (fungivores, omnivores, bacterivores, predators) in the roots and rhizosphere of charcoal rot-resistant and susceptible soybean. Final root samples had greater numbers of nematodes (all trophic groups) than any of the other sampling dates while preplant contained the fewest.</p><br /> <p><strong>WV:</strong>&nbsp; Nematode biological control activity is being monitored in long-term farming systems trials.&nbsp; Susceptibility of nematodes to trapping fungi is being assessed in laboratory experiments.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>Objective 3:&nbsp; </strong>Detect and evaluate the distribution and movement of invasive and emerging nematode pests.<strong><br /></strong></p><br /> <p><strong>FL:&nbsp;</strong> Conducted a survey of botanical gardens in Florida to determine the distribution and ornamental plant hosts of foliar nematodes <em>Aphelenchoides</em> spp.</p><br /> <p><strong>HI:&nbsp; </strong>We collaborated with nematologists from California and Florida and led to a publication on <a href="">Morphological and molecular diversity among pin nematodes of the genus <em>Paratylenchus</em> (Nematoda: Paratylenchidae) from Florida and other localities and molecular phylogeny of the genus</a>.</p><br /> <p><strong>PA:&nbsp; </strong>Assessed multiple BLD sites across different counties (Centre, Mifflin, Clearfield, Lycoming) to find the best location for conducting long term monitoring. Conducted local BLD transmission studies. Identified a plot in a Penn State owned forest affected by beech leaf disease and, in collaboration with PA Department of Conservation, we established a long-term monitoring for BLD.</p><br /> <p><strong>RI:&nbsp; </strong>Three different trials were established and evaluated to determine chemical efficacy against <em>Litylenchus crenatae mccannii </em>on both American and European beech trees in southern Rhode Island.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>TN: </strong>Numerous diagnostic samples were evaluated for plant-parasitic nematodes, mainly recovering soybean cyst nematode. Continued HG Type Testing efforts yielded mostly HG Type in west Tennessee fields.</p><br /> <p><strong>WV: </strong>Songbirds are being evaluated as vectors for the Beech Leaf disease nematode, <em>Litylenchus crenatae mccannii.</em> Surveys for Soybean Cyst Nematode are on-going, but no detections have been found in West Virginia.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>Objective 4:&nbsp; </strong>Outreach, Public Relations and Extension - Compile and present/ publish guidance on nematode management and management effects on soil health for different crops under different conditions</p><br /> <p><strong>FL:&nbsp; </strong>Provided nematode IPM education for turfgrass professionals at numerous seminars and webinars in Florida, Georgia, Alabama and nationwide, and at 5 field days in Florida and Alabama to a combined audience of 1490 stakeholders.</p><br /> <p><strong>HI: </strong>We summarized our NIFA OREI Organic Sweet Potato project through &ldquo;The Alabama Crops Report Podcast&rdquo; where PI of the project and graduate students from Alabama and Hawaii shared our research findings most pertinent to organic sweet potato farmers at&nbsp; <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p><strong>HI:&nbsp; </strong>Besides hosting 4 field days/workshops related to cover crop and soil health projects, we co-organized a Western Region Cover Crop Council retreat meeting (Jan 17-18, 2023) on the Island of Hawaii where 10 council members actively working on cover crop projects from the Western Region of the U.S. visited 3 farms in Hawaii to study and share knowledge about cover crop adoption and challenges faced by farmers in Hawaii.</p><br /> <p><strong>HI: </strong>We were invited to present at a symposium &ldquo;<em>How Will Regenerative Agricultural Practices Affect Parasitic Nematode Populations?</em>&rdquo; during the Society of Nematologists 62<sup>nd</sup> Annual Conference in Ohio where we shared our studies in a talk titled &ldquo;<em>Nematode linkage to regenerative agriculture in the tropics/subtropics</em>&rdquo;. We were also invited to present a similar topic to 60 faculty, students and staff members at the Department of Plant Pathology, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND (October 14, 2023).</p><br /> <p><strong>HI:&nbsp; </strong>We continue to share cover crop and soil health management strategies to 4 cohorts of new farmers through GoFarm Hawaii New farmers training program throughout 2023. A total of 98 farmers participated through online learning platforms. More than 110 audience (scientists, students etc) attended our invited conference or special seminar presentations. We published 6 extension articles in Haina&rsquo;Ai with &gt;1000 subscribers.</p><br /> <p><strong>MI: </strong>Presented on soil health at the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Potato Association of America.&nbsp; Presented on soil health at the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists.&nbsp; Presented on SCN management at the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Society of Nemagtologists.&nbsp; Presented on potato soil health morally and as a poster at the 2023 Great Lakes Fruit and Vegetable Exposition.&nbsp; Served on the Executive Work Group of the SCN Coalition.&nbsp; Edited the SCN Coalition Monthly New Letter.</p><br /> <p><strong>TN:&nbsp; </strong>Published an extension publication &ldquo;Soybean variety tests in Tennessee&rdquo; through the University of Tennessee Extension. Also contributed to the United Soybean Board-funded &ldquo;Uniform Soybean Tests &ndash; Southern States&rdquo; annual report. Served as the USDA-ARS Group 2 (Biological Products, Soil Biology, and Soil Health) lead for the US-Brazil Fertilize 4 Life Initiative, which has included 6 meetings (in-person in the US and Brazil as well as online) since November 2022. Nematology in this initiative will include evaluating and improving dynamic assessment tools (i.e., nematode ecological indices) to quantify site-specific soil health response to land management.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>MILESTONES</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>HI:&nbsp; </strong>Initiate or continue long-term experiments to examine new soil amendment materials and techniques against <em>Meloidogyne</em> spp. in vegetables, and other nematodes on crops.</p><br /> <p><strong>HI: </strong>Evaluate the effects of identified non-host or nematode-suppressive rotational crops against different nematodes in multiple states under field conditions.</p><br /> <p><strong>MI and TN:&nbsp; </strong>Adjusted cover- and rotation-crop experimental designs based on previous results</p><br /> <p><strong>TN:&nbsp; </strong>Tested nematode management practices for potential to induce suppressive soils</p><br /> <p><strong>Multiple States: </strong>Conduct grower education, annual short courses, webinars, field day</p><br /> <p><strong>Multiple States: </strong>Evaluate new nematicidal products for efficacy in turfgrass, perennial and field crops</p><br /> <p><strong>Multiple States:</strong> Continue germplasm resistance screening in multiple crops <br /><br /> <strong>Multiple States: C</strong>ontinue long-term experiments to examine non-target effects of nematode treatments on soil biology <br /><br /> <strong>Multiple States:&nbsp; </strong>Continue screening for new and emerging nematode pathogens <br /><br /><strong>Multiple States: </strong>Maintain nematode diagnostic services for growers and extension specialists.</p>


<p>PEER REVIEWED ARTICLES and BOOKS/BOOK CHAPTERS:</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>1. Alvarez-Ortega, S., Subbotin, S. A., Wang, K-H., Stanley, J. D., Vau, S., Crow, W., and Inserra, R. N.&nbsp; 2023.&nbsp; Morphological and molecular diversity among pin nematodes of the genus <em>Paratylenchus</em> (Nematoda: Paratylenchidae) from Florida and other localities and molecular phylogeny of the genus.&nbsp; Plants 12:2770.</p><br /> <p>2. Crow, W.T., Mitkowski, N.A. and LaMondia, J.A. &nbsp;2023.&nbsp; Nematode Problems in Ornamentals and Turf and their Sustainable Management. &nbsp;Chapter 27, pages 655-683. <em>In: </em>Kahn and Quintanilla (eds.) <em>Nematode Diseases of Crops and their Sustainable Management.&nbsp; </em>Academic Press.</p><br /> <p>3. Darling, E., Palmisano, A., Chung, H. and&nbsp;Quintanilla, M. 2023 A new biological product showing promising control of the northern root knot nematode,&nbsp;<em>Meloidogyne hapla</em>, in greenhouse tomatoes. Journal of Nematology</p><br /> <p>4. Eberlein, C., A. Westphal. 2023. Suppression of <em>Meloidogyne incognita</em> by co-application of chitin and <em>Streptomyces nigrescens </em>(AMV1033). Biocontrol Science and Technology 33: 484-498. <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>5. Faske, T.R., Mueller, J., Becker, J.O., Bernard, E.C., Bradley, C., Bond, J., Desager, J., Eisenback, J., Grabau, Z., Hu, J., Kemerait, R., Koehler, A., Lawrence, K., Mehl, H., Rudolph, R.E., Sikora, E.J., Thomas, S., Walker, N., Wheeler, T., Wrather, A.J., Ye, W. and Zhang, L. 2023. Summarized distribution of the southern root-knot nematode, <em>Meloidogyne incognita</em>, in field crops in the United States. Plant Health Progress 24(4): 522-524. <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>6. Gibson, K.S., Neher, D.A., Johnson, N.C., Parmenter, R., and Antoninka, A. 2023. Heavy logging machinery impacts soil physical properties more than nematode communities. <em>Forests </em>14:1205.</p><br /> <p>7. Howland, A., Cole, E., Poley, K., and Quintanilla, M.&nbsp; 2022.&nbsp; Alternative management strategies and impact of the northern root-knot nematode in daylily production.&nbsp; Plant Health Progress. <a href=""></a>.</p><br /> <p>8. Howland, A.D., Quintanilla, M<sup>.</sup> 2023. Plant-parasitic nematodes and their effects on ornamental plants. Journal of Nematology. <a href=""></a>.</p><br /> <p>9. Kahn and Quintanilla (eds.) 2023. <em>Nematode Diseases of Crops and their Sustainable Management.&nbsp; </em>Academic Press.&nbsp; 705 pp.</p><br /> <p>10. Kammerer, C. L., Harmon, P. H., and Crow, W. T.&nbsp; 2023 Reduced sensitivity to fluopyram in <em>Meloidogyne graminis</em> following long-term exposure in golf turf.&nbsp; Journal of Nematology 5:e2023-0048.</p><br /> <p>11. Kane, J., J. Kotcon, Z. Freedman, and E. Morrissey.&nbsp; 2022.&nbsp; Fungivorous nematodes drive microbial diversity and carbon cycling in soil.&nbsp; Ecology. <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>12. King, A. E., J. Amsili, C. Cordova, S. Culman, S. J. Fonte, J. Kotcon, M. Masters, K. McVay, D. Olk, A. Prairie, M. Schipanski, S. Schneider, C. Stewart, and M. F. Cotrufo.&nbsp; 2023.&nbsp; A soil matrix capacity index to predict&nbsp;mineral-associated but not particulate organic carbon across a range of climate and soil pH.&nbsp; Biogeochemistry 165:1&ndash;14. Available at: <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>13. Liang, J., Levi, A., A. Westphal. Walnut Growers&rsquo; Preferences Regarding Rootstock Attributes. California Agriculture. In Press.</p><br /> <p>14. Liu, K., C. Eberlein, A. Edalati, R. Zhang, A. Westphal. 2023. Nematode-suppressive potential of digestates to <em>Meloidogyne incognita</em> and <em>Heterodera schachtii</em>. Plant Disease 107: 2384-2394. <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>15. Maltais-Landry, G., James, M., Wilson, C., Schumacher, L., Grabau, Z., Sidhu, S., and George, S. 2023. Long-term integration of bahiagrass into a cover-cropped and strip-tilled peanut-cotton rotation has a limited effect on soil carbon and other soil properties. Soil Science Society of America Journal. <a href=""></a>.</p><br /> <p>16. Neher, D.A. 2023. Moving up within the food web: Protists, nematodes and other microfauna. Chapter 16. Pages 157-168 in: Uphoff, N. and Thies, J. Biological Approaches to Regenerative and Resilient Soil Systems, Second Edition. CRC. <a href=""></a>, ISBN 9780367554712</p><br /> <p>17. Neher, D.A., and Powers, T.O. (2023) Nematodes. In: Goss, Michael and Oliver, Margaret (eds.) <em>Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment</em>. 11: 105-111. Oxford: Elsevier.</p><br /> <p>18. Oliveira, C.J., van Santen, E., Marin, M., Schumacher, L.A., Peres, N.A., and Desaeger, J. 2023. Susceptibility of seven strawberry cultivars to <em>Belonolaimus longicaudatus </em>and interaction with <em>Phytophthora cactorum</em>. Nematology 25(5):531-542.</p><br /> <p>19. Pitiki, M., R. Paudel, J. Mew, and K.-H. Wang. Examining susceptibility of white clover, buckwheat, black oat and forage radish as a long-term cover crop mix to Meloidogyne incognita.&nbsp; Nematropica (accepted pending on revision, Dec 2023).</p><br /> <p>20. Rahman, M., Islam, T., Jett, L. and Kotcon, J.&nbsp; 2021.&nbsp; Biocontrol agent, biofumigation, and grafting with resistant rootstock suppress soil-borne disease and improve yield of tomato in West Virginia.&nbsp; Crop Protection 145 (2021) 105630. &nbsp;<a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>21. Rahman, M., T. Islam, L. and J. Kotcon.&nbsp; 2023.&nbsp; Probiotic bacteria, anaerobic soil disinfestation and mustard cover crop biofumgation suppress soilborne disease and increase yield of strawberry in a perennial organic production system.&nbsp; Plant Disease 10.1094/PDIS-10-22-2402-RE.</p><br /> <p>22. Thapa, S., Darling, E., Cole, E., Poley, K., and&nbsp;Quintanilla, M.&nbsp;2023.&nbsp;&nbsp;Distribution of plant parasitic nematodes in Michigan corn fields.&nbsp;&nbsp;Journal of Nematology. <a href=""></a>. Journal impact Factor: 1.442</p><br /> <p>23. Vieira, P., Kantor, M.R., Jansen, A., Handoo, Z.A. and Eisenback, J.D., 2023. Cellular insights of beech leaf disease reveal abnormal ectopic cell division of symptomatic interveinal leaf areas.&nbsp;Plos one,&nbsp;18(10), p.e0292588.DOI: <a href="">10.1371/journal.pone.0292588</a></p><br /> <p>24. Westphal, A., Maung, Z.T.Z., Buzo, T., Brown, P.J., Leslie, C.A., Browne, G.T., Ott, N.J., McClean, A., and Kluepfel<sup>, </sup>D.A. Identifying walnut rootstocks with resistance to multiple soil-borne plant pathogens. eJHS: In Review</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>EXTENSION and TECHNICAL WORKS</p><br /> <p>1. Bird, G. 2023. <em>Healthy soils: A key component of successful agriculture</em>. Michigan Farm News Column, December 13, 2023.</p><br /> <p>2. Gillen, A.M. Uniform Soybean Tests, Southern States 2022. USDA-ARS, Stoneville, MS 38776. 2023. (Annual Report) Available: <a href=""></a>.</p><br /> <p>3. Pitiki, M., B. Wiseman, L. Wong, B. Sipes, J. Silva, J. Uyeda, R. Mandhar and K.-H. Wang. 2023. Sustainable Pest and Soil Health Management for Sweet Potato Production. HānaiʻAi 51: September 2023. <a href=";dt=3&amp;g=12">;dt=3&amp;g=12</a></p><br /> <p>4. Sykes, V., Blair, R., Kelly, H.M., Schumacher, L.A., Palacios, F., Keadle, B., Thelin, A., and Pantalone, V. Soybean variety tests in Tennessee. University of Tennessee Extension Publication. 2022. (Technical Bulletin) Available: <a href=""></a>.</p><br /> <p>5. Tay, J.-W., R. Manandhar, and K.-H. Wang. 2023. Hydrogel baits for ant control and the combined use of hydrogel baits and tanglefoot for citrus sooty mold control. HānaiʻAi 51: September 2023.</p><br /> <p>6. Wang, K.-H., R. Paudel, J. Mew, and J. Silva. 2023. Akamai Cover Crop Mix (White clover, buckwheat, black oat): Does it benefit soil health? HānaiʻAi 52: December, 2023 (in press).</p><br /> <p>7. Wang, K.-H., and B. S. Sipes. 2023. Prescription for soil health by cover cropping in Hawaii: for annual cropping systems. HānaiʻAi 50: June 2023.</p><br /> <p>8. Wang, K.-H., J. Mew and J. Silva. 2023. Akamai cover crop mix: How to establish? Partial cost analysis and its benefits. HānaiʻAi 49: March 2023.;dt=3&amp;g=12</p><br /> <p>9. Wang, K.-H., B. S. Sipes, A. Ahmad and J. Uyeda. Integrated pest management against Chinese rose beetles for cacao. HānaiʻAi 49: March 2023. 4 pp.;dt=3&amp;g=12</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p>

Impact Statements

  1. The unique PPP (Public-Private Sector Program) SCN Coalition integrates active nematode management among seventeen states, eight transnational corporations, an agricultural marketing company and two commodity organizations has saved soybean growers an estimated $387,600,000 associated with potential yield losses since 2018.
  2. Provide diagnostic programs and services to give growers a resource in determining whether plant-parasitic nematode populations are problematic, thus allowing them to make informed decisions about control measures.
  3. Development of new and unique plant germplasm, resistant to nematode predation, which can increase grower yields and reduce consumer costs.
  4. Demonstration of new and novel nematicides which can reduce nematode injury to important crop plants while also reducing non-target effects and environmental degradation.
  5. Continued communication with growers through various outreach events, providing them with current science that will allow them to maintain or increase productivity.
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