SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

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We had 15 members in attendance: Karina Gallardo, Washington State University; Dawn Thilmany, Colorado State University; Ramu Govindasamy, Rutgers University, Greg Fonsah, University of Georgia, James Stern, Oregon State University; Margarita Velandia, University of Tennessee Knoxville; Zoë Plakias, The Ohio State University; Tim Woods, University of Kentucky; Kathryn Boys, North Carolina State University; Ariana Torres, Purdue University; Marco Costanigro, Colorado State University; Bradley Rickard, Cornell University; Alicia Rihn, University of Tennessee Knoxville; Kynda Curtis, Utah State University; Jackie Yenerall, University of Tennessee Knoxville.




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