NE1000: Improved Weed Control Through Residue Management and Crop Rotation

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports


  • Publications Issued or Manuscripts Approved During the Year:

  • Refereed Journal Articles (in print): 2

    Proceedings Abstracts (in print): 3

  • Refereed Journal Articles:

  • Bellinder, R. R., J. J. Kirkwyland, R. W. Wallace, and J. B. Colquhoun. 2000. Weed control and potato (Solanum tuberosum) yield with banded herbicides and cultivation. Weed Technology 14:30-35.

    Teasdale, J. R. and C. L. Mohler. 2000. The quantitative relationship between weed emergence and the physical properties of mulches. Weed Science 48:385-392.

  • Abstracts in Proceedings:

  • Teasdale, J. R. and C. L. Mohler. 2000. The physical properties of mulches contributing to weed suppression. Third International Weed Science Congress, Foz do Iguassu, Brazil, June 6 to 11, 2000, Abstracts, pp. 95-96 (No. 204).

    Mohler, C. L. 2000. Seed size controls the ability of seedlings to emerge through rye mulch. WSSA Abstracts, 2000 Meeting of the Weed Science Society of America 40:98, (No. 235).

    Reberg-Horton, C., N. G. Creamer and C. L. Mohler. 2000. The suppression of weeds by nine varieties of rye (Secale cereale). WSSA Abstracts, 2000 Meeting of the Weed Science Society of America 40:27-28, (No. 66).


Complete Listing of NE-1000 Publications

Refereed Journal Articles (in print): 15

Proceedings Abstracts (in print): 8

Theses: 1

Refereed Journal Articles:

1. Bellinder, R. R., J. J. Kirkwyland, R. W. Wallace, and J. B. Colquhoun. 2000. Weed control and potato (Solanum tuberosum) yield with banded herbicides and cultivation. Weed Technology 14:30-35.

2. Brainard, D.C. and R.R. Bellinder. 2001. Effect of cultivation and interseeded cover crops on weed suppression and cover crop establishment in transplanted kale and broccoli. Brighton Crop Prot. Conf. (Weeds) 2001 1:321-324.

3. Caldwell, B. and C.L. Mohler. 2001. Stale seedbed practices for vegetable production. HortScience 36:703-705.

4. Conklin, A.E., M.S. Erich, M. Liebman, D. Lambert, E.R. Gallandt, and W.A. Halteman (2002). Effects of red clover (Trifolium pratense) green manure and compost soil amendments on wild mustard (Brassica kaber) growth and incidence of disease. Plant and Soil 238:245-256.

5. Liebman, M. and E.R. Gallandt (2002). Differential responses to red clover residue and ammonium nitrate by common bean and wild mustard. Weed Science 50:521-529.

6. Liebman, M., and C.L. Mohler. 2001. Weeds and the soil environment. Pp. 210-268, in, Ecological Management of Agricultural Weeds, M. Liebman, C.L. Mohler and C. Staver. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

7. Liebman, M., C.L. Mohler and C. Staver. 2001. Ecological Management of Agricultural Weeds, M. Liebman, C.L. Mohler and C. Staver. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

8. Mohler, C. L. 2002. Mechanical weed control in agriculture. Encyclopedia of Pest Management, Supplement 2., David Pimentel, ed. Marcel Dekker: New York. Electronic publication at

9. Mohler, C.L. 2001. Enhancing the competitive ability of crops. Pp. 269-231, in, Ecological Management of Agricultural Weeds, M. Liebman, C.L. Mohler and C. Staver. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

10. Mohler, C.L. 2001. Mechanical management of weeds. Pp. 139-209, in, Ecological Management of Agricultural Weeds, M. Liebman, C.L. Mohler and C. Staver. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

11. Mohler, C.L. 2001. Weed evolution and community structure. Pp. 444-493, in, Ecological Management of Agricultural Weeds, M. Liebman, C.L. Mohler and C. Staver. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

12. Mohler, C.L. 2001. Weed life history: Identifying vulnerabilities. Pp. 40-98, in, Ecological Management of Agricultural Weeds, M. Liebman, C.L. Mohler and C. Staver. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

13. Mohler, C.L., M. Liebman, and C. Staver 2001. Weed management: The broader context. Pp. 494-581, in, Ecological Management of Agricultural Weeds, M. Liebman, C.L. Mohler and C. Staver. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

14. Sawma, J. T. and C. L. Mohler. 2002. Evaluating seed viability by an unimbibed seed crush test in comparison with the tetrazolium test. Weed Technology 16:781-786.

15. Teasdale, J. R. and C. L. Mohler. 2000. The quantitative relationship between weed emergence and the physical properties of mulches. Weed Science 48:385-392.

Abstracts in Proceedings:

1. Gallandt, E.R. (2001) Controlling Problem Weeds with Cover Crops. New England Vegetable and Berry Growers Conference Proceedings.

2. Mohler, C. L. 2000. Seed size controls the ability of seedlings to emerge through rye mulch. WSSA Abstracts, 2000 Meeting of the Weed Science Society of America 40:98, (No. 235).

3. Mohler, C.L. and J.C. Frisch. 2001. Measurement and modeling of depth changes of weed seed surrogates during tillage. WSSA Abstracts, 2001 Meeting of the Weed Science Society of America 41:113-114 (No. 274).

4. Nurse, R.E. and A. DiTommaso. 2002. Influence of photoperiod on barnyardgrass seed germination and seedling vigor. Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society of America, 56:3.

5. Nurse, R.E. and A. DiTommaso. 2003. Influence of seed pretreatment with sodium hypochlorite on seed germination and radicle elongation in three annual weed species. Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society of America, 57:123.

6. Reberg-Horton, C., N. Creamer, J. Burton, N. Ranells, and C. Mohler. 2001. Bioassay and field evaluation of rye cultivars for allelopathy. WSSA Abstracts, 2001 Meeting of the Weed Science Society of America 41:109-110 (No. 274).

7. Reberg-Horton, C., N. G. Creamer and C. L. Mohler. 2000. The suppression of weeds by nine varieties of rye (Secale cereale). WSSA Abstracts, 2000 Meeting of the Weed Science Society of America 40:27-28, (No. 66).

8. Teasdale, J. R. and C. L. Mohler. 2000. The physical properties of mulches contributing to weed suppression. Third International Weed Science Congress, Foz do Iguassu, Brazil, June 6 to 11, 2000, Abstracts, pp. 95-96 (No. 204).


1. Brainard, D. C. 2002. Weed management implications of a broccoli-winter rye intercropping system. Ph.D. Dissertation, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY 14853, 136pp.



Brainard, D. C., A. DiTommaso and C. L. Mohler. 2005 Ecotypic variation in seedcharacteristics of Powell amaranth from habitats with contrasting crop rotation histories. Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society 59:142.

Gallandt, E. R. 2005. Experimental substrate affects rate of seed removal in assays of invertebrate seed predation. Weed Technology 19:481-485.

Gallandt, E. R., T. Molloy, R. P. Lynch, and F. A. Drummond. 2005. Effect of cover cropping systems on invertebrate seed predation. Weed Science 53:69-76.
Haramoto, E. R., and E. R. Gallandt. 2005. Brassica cover cropping: I. Effects on weed and crop establishment. Weed Science 53:695-701.

Haramoto, E. R., and E. R. Gallandt. 2005. Brassica cover cropping: II. Effects on growth and interference of green bean and redroot pigweed. Weed Science 53:702-708.

Mohler, C. L., J. C. Frisch and C. E. McCulloch. 2006. Vertical movement of weed seed surrogates by tillage implements and natural processes. Soil and Tillage Research, in press.

Mohler, C. L. 2005, Weeds and weed management on eleven northeastern organic
farms. Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society 59:141.

Shearin, A. and S.C. Reberg-Horton. 2005. Cover crop management impacts on the weed seed predator Harpalus rufipes. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting 
Northeastern Weed Science Society 59: 77.

Shearin, A. F., S.C. Reberg-Horton, E.R. Gallandt, and F.A. Drummond. 2005.
Cover crop and cultivation impacts on the weed seed predator Harpalus rufipes. Programs and Abstracts of the Annual Meeting  American Society for Horticultural Science. Hortscience 40(1): 1102.


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