NE2227: Contribution of Ovarian Function, Uterine Receptivity, and Embryo Quality to Pregnancy Success in Ruminants

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Active

SAES-422 Reports


Ault-Seay TB, Brandt KJ, Henniger MT, Payton RR, Mathew DJ, Moorey SE, Schrick FN, Pohler KG, Smith TPL, Rhinehart JD, Schneider LG, McLean KJ, Myer PR. Bacterial communities of the uterus and rumen during heifer development with protein supplementation. Front Anim Sci 2022. doi: 10.3389/fanim.2022.903909.


Ault-Seay TB, Moorey SE, Mathew DJ, Schrick FN, Pohler KG, McLean KJ, Myer PR. Importance of the female reproductive tract microbiome and its relationship with the uterine environment for health and productivity in cattle: A review. Front Anim Sci 2022.  doi: 10.3389/fanim.2023.1111636.


Ault-Seay TB, Payton RR, Moorey SE, Pohler KG, Schrick FN, Shepherd EA, Voy BH, Lamour KH, Mathew DJ, Myer PR, McLean KJ. Endometrial gene expression in response to lipopolysaccharide between estrous cycle phases and uterine horns in cattle. Front Anim Sci 2022. doi: 10.3389/fanim.2022.939876.


Bishop C, Selvaraj V, Townson DH, Pate JL, Wiltbank MC. History, insights, and future perspectives on studies into luteal function in cattle. J Anim Sci 2022  100: 1-15.


Bisinotto RS, Ribeiro ES, Greco LF, Taylor-Rodriguez D, Ealy AD, Ayres H, Lima FS, Martinez N, Thatcher WW, Santos JEP. Effects of progesterone concentrations and follicular wave during growth of the ovulatory follicle on conceptus and endometrial transcriptome in dairy cows. J Dairy Sci. 2022 Jan;105(1):889-903. doi: 10.3168/jds.2021-20193.


Byrd  MKH, Arneson AG, Soffa DR, Stewart JW, Rhoads ML. Human continuous glucose monitors for measurement of glucose in dairy cows. J Dairy Sci Comm. 2022. 3: 78-83.


Carr SN, Crites B, Pate JL, Hughes CHK, Matthews JC, Bridges PJ.  Form of supplemental selenium affects the expression of mRNA transcripts encoding selenoproteins, and proteins regulating cholesterol uptake, in the corpus luteum of grazing beef cows.  Animals. 2022. 12:313. 


Chaney HL, Grose LF, LaBarbara JM, Sirk AW, Blancke AM, Sanchez JM, Passaro C, Lonergan P, Mathew DJ. Galectin-1 induces gene and protein expression related to maternal-conceptus immune tolerance in bovine endometrium. Biol Reprod. 2022. doi: 10.1093/biolre/ioab215.


Crites BR, Carr SN, Matthews JC, Bridges PJ. Form of dietary selenium affects mRNA encoding cholesterol biosynthesis and immune response elements in the early luteal phase bovine corpus luteum.  J Anim Sci. 2022. 100(7): doi:10.1093/jas/skac135.


Crites BR, Carr SN, Anderson LH, Matthews JC , Bridges PJ. Form of dietary selenium affects mRNA encoding interferon-stimulated and progesterone-induced genes in the bovine endometrium and conceptus length at maternal recognition of pregnancy. J Anim Sci.  2022. 100(7): doi:10.1093/jas/skac137.


Ealy AD, Pate JL, Ron Butler W. A synopsis of the NE1727 multistate project collection in the Journal of Animal Science. J Anim Sci. 2022 Jul 1;100(7):skac173. doi: 10.1093/jas/skac173.



García-Guerra A, Motta JCL, Hayden CB, Sala RV, Pereira DC, V. Absalon-Medina A, Moreno JF, Ross PJ. Advances in donor synchronization and superstimulation for OPU-IVEP:  the quest for enhanced oocyte quantity and quality. Proceedings of the Joint Convention of the American Embryo Transfer Association and the Canadian Embryo Transfer Association 2022, Pages 1-8.


Garza V, West SM, Cardoso RC. Review: Gestational and postnatal nutritional regulation of puberty and subsequent reproductive performance in heifers. Animal (accepted), 2022.


Hayden CB, Sala RV, Absalon-Medina VA, Motta JCL, Pereira D, Moreno JF, García-Guerra A. Synchronization of follicle wave emergence before ovarian superstimulation with FSH and ovum pick-up improves in vitro embryo production in pregnant heifers. Theriogenology 2022 188: 71-78.


Hardin, KN, dos Reis BR, Dias NW, Fiske DA, Mercadante VRG, Rhoads ML, Wilson TB, White RR. Growth and reproductive responses of heifers consuming endophyte-infected tall fescue seed with or without sodium bicarbonate supplementation. Appl Anim Sci. 2022 38(4):317-325.


Horn, EJ, Read CC, Edwards JL, Schrick FN, Rhinehart JD, Payton RR, Campagna SR, Klabnik JL, Clark HM, Myer PR, McLean KJ, Moorey SE. Preovulatory follicular fluid and serum metabolome profiles in lactating beef cows with thin, moderate, and obese body condition. J Anim Sci. 2022. 1 (7): skac152. doi: 10.1093/jas/skac152.


Klabnik JL, Christenson LK, Pohler KG, Moorey SE, Rispoli LA, Gunewardena SSA, Payton RR, Schrick FN, Edwards JL. Heat-induced increases in body temperature in lactating dairy cows: impact on the cumulus and granulosa cell transcriptome of the periovulatory follicle. J Anim Sci. 2022. 1 (7): skac121. doi: 10.1093/jas/skac121


Lengi AJ, Stewart JW, Makris M, Rhoads ML, Corl BA. Heat stress increases mammary epithelial cells and reduces viable immune cells in milk of dairy cows. Animals (Basel). 2022. 12(20):2810. doi: 10.3390/ani12202810. PMID: 36290196; PMCID: PMC9597744.


Li Q, Chen KC, Bridges PJ, Matthews JC.  Pituitary and liver selenoproteins transcriptome profiles of grazing steers and their sensitivity to the form of selenium in vitamin-mineral mixes. Front Anim Sci.  2022. 3:911094. doi: 10.3389/fanim.2022.911094.


Lundberg AL, Jaskiewicz MN, Maucieri AM, Townson DH. Short Communication: Stimulatory Effects of TGFα in Granulosa Cells of Bovine Small Antral Follicles. J Anim Sci. 2022. 100:1-8.


Maia TS, Guimarães HR, Garza V, Pohler KG, Cardoso RC, Williams GL. Early juvenile but not mid-to-late prenatal nutrition controls puberty in heifers but neither impact adult reproductive function. Biol Reprod. 2022 107(4):1035-45, 2022.


Mathew DJ, Peterson KD, Senn LK, Oliver MA, Ealy AD. Ruminant conceptus-maternal interactions: interferon-tau and beyond. J Anim Sci. 2022 Jul 1;100(7):skac123. doi: 10.1093/jas/skac123.


McCoski SR, Cockrum RR, Ealy AD. Short communication: Maternal obesity alters ovine endometrial gene expression during peri-implantation development. J Anim. Sci. 2022 Jul 1;100(7):skac090. doi: 10.1093/jas/skac090.


Moorey SE, Hessock EA, Edwards JL. Preovulatory follicle contributions to oocyte competence: Importance of the ever-evolving intrafollicular environment leading up to the LH surge. J Anim Sci. 2022. 1 (7): skac153. doi:10.1093/jas/skac153.


Moorey SE, Perry GA, Smith MF. Management Decisions to improve the reproductive performance of your herd: From calving to rebreeding. Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle. 2022. San Antonio, TX.


Read CC, Edwards JL, Schrick FN, Rhinehart JD, Payton RR, Campagna SR, Castro HF, Klabnik JL, Moorey SE. Preovulatory serum estradiol concentration is positively associated with oocyte ATP and follicular fluid metabolite abundance in lactating beef cattle. J Anim Sci. 2022. 1 (7): skac136. doi: 10.1093/jas/skac136.


Soffa DR, Stewart JW, Arneson AG, Dias NW, Mercadante VRG, Rhoads RP, Rhoads ML. Reproductive and lactational responses of multiparous dairy cattle to short-term postpartum chromium supplementation during the summer months. J Dairy Sci Comm. 2022. doi:


Speckhart SL, Wooldridge LK, Ealy AD. An updated protocol for in vitro bovine embryo production. STAR Protoc. 2022 Dec 13;4(1):101924. doi: 10.1016/j.xpro.2022.101924.


Stewart JW, Arneson AG, Byrd MKH, Negron-Perez VM, Newberne HM, White RR, El-Kadi SW, Ealy AD, Rhoads RP, Rhoads ML. Comparison of production-related responses to hyperinsulinemia and hypoglycemia induced by clamp procedures or heat stress of lactating dairy cattle. J Dairy Sci. 2022 Oct;105(10):8439-8453. doi: 10.3168/jds.2022-21922.


Stoecklein KS, García-Guerra A, Duran BJ, Prather RS, Ortega M. Actions of FGF2, LIF, and IGF1 on Bovine Embryo Survival and Conceptus Elongation following Slow-rate Freezing. Front Anim Sci. 3. 2022. DOI: 10.3389/fanim.2022.1040064.


Walker BN, Nix J, Wilson C, Marrella MA, Speckhart SL, Wooldridge L, Yen CN, Bodmer JS, Kirkpatrick LT, Moorey SE, Gerrard DE, Ealy AD, Biase FH. Tight gene co-expression in BCB positive cattle oocytes and their surrounding cumulus cells. Reprod Biol Endocrinol. 2022 Aug 13;20(1):119. doi: 10.1186/s12958-022-00994-3.


Webb KL, Trotta RJ, Jia Y, Bridges PJ, Matthews JC. Influence of form of selenium supplementation and tall fescue toxicity on growth performance, serum parameters, and tissue mass of grazing beef steers.  Transl Anim Sci. 2022. 6(4):txac122. doi: 10.1093/tas/txac122. 


Wooldridge LK, Keane JA, Rhoads ML, Ealy AD. Bioactive supplements influencing bovine in vitro embryo development. J Anim Sci. 2022 Jul 1;100(7):skac091. doi: 10.1093/jas/skac091.


Zhang M, Current JZ, Chaney HL, Yao J. Identification of the DNA binding element of ZNFO, an oocyte-specific zinc finger transcription factor in cattle. Gene. 2022 Aug 5;834:146655. doi: 10.1016/j.gene.2022.146655.


Rial C, Laplacette AL, Giordano JO. Effect of a targeted reproductive management program designed to prioritize insemination at detected estrus and optimize days to insemination on the reproductive performance of lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 2022. 105:8411-8425. https://doi:10.3168/jds.2022-22082 


Giordano JO, Sitko EM, Rial C, Perez MM, Granados GE. Use of multiple biological, management, and performance data for the design of targeted reproductive management strategies for dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 2022. 105:4669-4678.  





Sarah N. Carr. Selenium form-induced changes in the early luteal phase corpus luteum, the blood, and the endometrium during early gestation in beef cows. PhD Dissertation. Kentucky.


Cassidy Ficker. Characteristics of Small Antral Follicles in Heifers Carrying the Bovine High Fecundity Allele Trio. Undergraduate Honors thesis. Ohio.


CB Hayden. Optimization of ovarian superstimulation before ovum pick-up and in vitro embryo production in pregnant cattle. MS thesis. Ohio.


Emma Hessock. Differential metabolome profiles in preovulatory follicular fluid of cattle with varying duration of proestrus. MS Thesis. Tennessee.


Emma Horn. Preovulatory follicular fluid and serum metabolome profiles in lactating beef cows with thin, moderate, and obese body condition. MS Thesis. Tennessee.


Ruben Lopez-Carrillo Jr. Ovarian protein hormones as biomarkers of fertility in dairy cows – Is it an acceptable model to predict infertility in dairy breeds? BS Thesis. Oregon. 


Endya McKinley. Investigating the supplementation of IL-6, IL-11, & LIF at in vitro maturation to improve oocyte competency. MS Thesis. Virginia.


Katie Peterson. Identification of Endometrial Transcripts and Proteins Associated with the in vivo derived and in vitro produced bovine conceptus microenvironment. MS Thesis. Tennessee.


Casey Read. Effects of preovulatory follicle physiological status on oocyte metabolic capacity. PhD Dissertation. Tennessee.


Dallas Soffa  Effects of feed additives on uterine morphology and selected reproductive attributes. MS Thesis. Virginia.


Savannah L. Speckhart. Interleukin-6 and its Contribution to Embryogenesis in Cattle. PhD Dissertation. Virginia.


Emily Sitko. Genomically enhanced predictions of dairy cattle fertility: implementation in reproductive management and associations with cow reproductive biology and behavior. PhD Dissertation. Cornell University

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