NE140: Biological Improvement of Chestnut and Management of the Chestnut Pathogens and Pests

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports


  1. Anagnostakis, S.L. 2001. American chestnut sprout survival with biological control of the chestnut-blight fungus population. Forest Ecology and Management 152:225-233.

  2. Connors, B.J., Maynard, C.A., and Powell, W.A. 2001. Expression sequence tags from stem tissue of American chestnut. Biotechnology Letters 23:1407-1411.

  3. Dawe, A.L. and Nuss, D.L. 2001. Hypoviruses and chestnut blight: exploiting viruses to understand and modulate fungal pathogenesis. Annu. Rev. Genet. 35:1-29.

  4. Groome, P.C., Tattar, T.A., and Mount, M.S. 2001. Bacillus megaterium: a potential biocontrol agent against chestnut blight. J. American Chestnut Foundation 15:45-49.

  5. Linder-Basso, D., Foglia, R., Zhu, P., and Hillman, B.I. 2001. Crypt1, an active Ac-like transposon from the chestnut blight fungus, Cryphonectria parasitica. Molecular Genetics and Genomics. 265:730-738.

  6. Rhoades, C.C. 2001. Pre-blight abundance of American chestnut in Kentucky. J. of the American Chestnut Foundation 15:36-44.

  7. Van Heerden, S.W., Geletka, L.M., Preisig, O. Nuss, D.L., Wingfield, B.D., and Wingfield, M.J. 2001. Characterization of South African Cryphonectria cubensis isolates infected with a C. parasitica hypovirus. Phytopathology 91:628-632/.

  8. Yuan, W. and Hillman, B.I., 2001. In vitro translational analysis of genomic, defective, and satellite RNAs of Cryphonectria hypovirus 3-GH2. Virology 28:117-123.


1. Anagnostakis, S. L. 2001. The effect of multiple importations of pests and pathogens on a native tree. Biological Invasions 3:245-254.

2. Campbell, F. T., and Schlarbaum, S. E. 2002. Fading Forests II. Trading Away our Natural Heritage. Healing Stones Foundation, paper and compact disc. 128 p.

3. Dawe, A. L., and Nuss, D. L. 2001. Hypoviruses and chestnut blight: exploiting viruses to understand and modulate fungal pathogenesis. Annual Review of Genetics 35:1-29.

4. Gold, M., and Hunt, K. 2002. Establishment of a chestnut industry to enhance the viability of small farms in Missouri. IN: P. L. Byers, ed., Proc. 2002 Missouri Small Fruit and Vegetable Conference, 18-20 February 2002, Springfield, MO, p 11-26.

5. Hunt, K, Gold, M, and Reid, W. 2002. Growing Chinese Chestnuts in Missouri. Bulletin, University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry, Agroforestry in Action #4-2002, 12 pp.

6. Parsley, T. B., Chen, B., Geletka, L. M., and Nuss, D. L. 2002. Differential modulation of cellular signaling pathways by mild and severe hypovirus strains. Eukaryotic Cell 1:401-413.

7. Sasaki, A., Onoue, M., Kanematsu, S., Suzaki, K., Miyanishi, M., Suzuki, N., Nuss, D. L., and Yoshida, K. 2002. Extending chestnut blight hypovirus host range within Diaporthales by biolistic delivery of viral cDNA. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 15:780-789.

8. Suzuki, N., and Nuss, D. L. 2002. The contribution of protein p40 to hypovirus-mediated modulation of fungal host phenotype and viral RNA accumulation. Journal of Virology 76:7747-7759.

9. Taylor, D. R. 2002. The evolution of hypovirulence in the chestnut blight system: implications for management options. Pp286-296 IN: Adaptive Dynamics of Infectious Diseases: In Pursuit of Virulence Management. U. Dieckmann, J. A. J. Metz, M. W. Sabelis, and K. Sigmund, eds. Cambridge Studies in Adaptive Dynamics.



Segers, G. C. and D. L. Nuss. 2003. Constitutively activated G alpha negatively regulates virulence, reproduction, and hydrophobin gene experession in the chestnut blight fungus Cryphonectria parasitica. Fungal Genetics and Biology 38:198-208

Parsley, T. B., G. C. Segers, D. L. Nuss, and A. L. Dawe. 2003. Analysis of altered G-protein subunit accumulation in Cryphonectria parasitica reveals a third G alpha homologue. Current Genetics 43:24-33

Dawe, A. L., V. C. McMains, M. Panglao, S. Kasahara, B. Chen, and D. L. Nuss. 2003. An ordered collection of expressed sequences from Cryphonectria parasitica and evidence of genomic microsynteny with Neurospora crassa and Magnaporthe grisea. Microbiology 149:2373-2384

Craddock, J. H. 2002. Il Castagno negli Stati Uniti. p. 278-283 IN: Buonous, G. (ed.) Il castagno in Italia e nel Mondo: Colturo del passato per il futuro. Edagricole-Calderini, Bologna

Bassi, G. and Craddock, J. H. 1999. Performance and description of the introduced chestnut cultivar 'Colossal' in Cuneo province, northwest Italy. In: Salesses, G. (ed.) Proc. 2nd. International Chestnut Symposium, Bordeau, France. Acta Horticulturae 494:207-212

Craddock, J. H. and Bassi, G. 1999. Effect of clonally propagated interspecific hybrid chestnut rootstocks on short-term graft incompatibility with four cultivars of Italian "Marrone." In: Salesses, G. (ed.) Proc. 2nd. International Chestnut Symposium, Bordeaux, France. Acta Horticulturae 494:207-212

Craddock, J. H. and Bassi, G. 1999. Introduction into Italy of eight Castanea mollissima cultivars from China. In: Salesses, G. (ed.) Proc 2nd. International Chestrnut Symposium, Bordeaux, France. Acta Horticulturae 494:319-321

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