NECC1009: Multidisciplinary Evaluation of Tree Fruit Cultivars

(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

NECC1009: Multidisciplinary Evaluation of Tree Fruit Cultivars

Duration: 10/01/2005 to 09/30/2010

Administrative Advisor(s):

NIFA Reps:

Non-Technical Summary

Statement of Issues and Justification

New tree fruit cultivars are continuously being developed around the world. However, most land grant universities no longer have a critical mass of researchers addressing the regional and national needs for evaluating fruit cultivars. The fruit industry and scientists working in tree fruit research would benefit from a unified system of evaluation and a repository for information about new cultivars. The objective of this coordinating committee would be twofold. First the committee would provide a means for scientists in diverse fields to gather and discuss the merits and liabilities of new tree fruit cultivars. This would include information on growth, yield, geographical adaptability, fruit quality, disease susceptibility and insect preference of new cultivars of such fruit as apples, peaches, plums, cherries and other tree fruit. Second the committee will function as a repository and gathering group for new information and publications about tree fruit cultivars. The information would be located on the web and provide easy access to both industry and the university community.


  1. To meet as a multidisciplinary group to discuss the merits and liabilities of new tree fruit cultivars

Procedures and Activities

The group will meet annually at an agreed upon location and time to review information and data developed by the cooperators pertaining to the evaluation of tree fruit cultivars.

Expected Outcomes and Impacts

  • Coordination of evaluation procedures for apple and other deciduous tree fruit cultivars
  • Exchange of information on the performance of different fruit cultivars in multiple regions of the country
  • Increased knowledge of tree fruit cultivars.

Projected Participation

View Appendix E: Participation

Educational Plan

The group currently maintains a web site ( will be continued and updated. Knowledge and information gained will be shared through the publication of articles in popular trade journals and newsletters as well as scientitic journals. Presentations to fruit grower organizations will be made by the members. The knowledge will be incorporated into extension publications.


The recommended Standard Governance for multistate research activities include the election of a Chair, a Chair-elect, and a Secretary. All officers are to be elected for at least two-year terms to provide continuity. Administrative guidance will be provided by an assigned Administrative Advisor and a CSREES Representative.

Literature Cited

Greene, D., A. Azarenko, B. Barritt, B. Belding, L. Berkett, J. Cline, W. Cowgill, R. Crassweller, D. Ferree, E. Garcia, G. Greene, C. Hampson, R. McNew, I. Merwin, D. Miller, S. Miller, R. Moran., M. Parker, D. Rosenberger, C. Rom, T. Roper, J. Schupp, and E. Stover. 2004. Multidisciplinary evaluation of new apple cultivars: The NE-183 regional project. J. Amer. Pom. Soc. 58:61-64

Miller, S., R. McNew, R. Belding. L. Berkett, S. Brown, J. Clements, J. Cline, W. Cowgill, R. Crassweller, D. Ferree, E. Garcia, D. Greene, G. Greene, C. Hampson, I. Merwin, R. Moran, T. Roper, J. Schupp, and E. Stover. 2004. Performance of apple cultivars in the 1995 NE-183 regional project planting: II Fruit quality characteristics. J. Amer. Pom. Soc. 58:65-77.

Hampson, C. R., R. McNew, R. Belding. L. Berkett, S. Brown, J. Clements, J. Cline, W. Cowgill, R. Crassweller, D. Ferree, E. Garcia, D. Greene, G. Greene, C. Hampson, I. Merwin, R. Moran, T. Roper, J. Schupp, and E. Stover. 2004. Performance of Braeburn, Golden Delicious and Yataka Fuji apple on Mark and M.9 rootstocks at multiple locations across north America. J. Amer. Pom. Soc. 58:78-89.

Miller, S. ; Hampson, C. ; McNew, R. ; Berkett, L. ; Brown, S. ; Clements, J. ; Crassweller, R. ; Garcia, E. ; Greene, D. ; Greene, G. 2005. Performance of apple cultivars in the 1995 NE-183 regional project planting: III. Fruit sensory characteristics. Journal of the American Pomological Society 59:28-43.

Crassweller, R. ; McNew, R. ; Azarenko, A. ; Barritt, B. ; Belding, R. ; Berkett, L. ; Brown, S. ; Clemens, J. ; Cline, J. ; Cowgill, W. ; Ferree, D. ; Garcia, E. ; Greene, D. ; Greene, G. ; Hampson, C. ; Merwin, I. ; Miller, D. ; Miller, S. ; Moran, R. ; Obermiller, J. ; Rosenberger, D. ; Rom, C. ; Roper, T. ; Schupp, J. ; Stover, E. ; 2005. Performance of apple cultivars in the 1995 NE-183 regional project planting: I. Growth and yield characteristics. Journal of the American Pomological Society 59:18-27.


Land Grant Participating States/Institutions


Non Land Grant Participating States/Institutions

West Virginia
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