NRSP_TEMP461: National Animal Nutrition Program

(National Research Support Project Summary)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

NRSP_TEMP461: National Animal Nutrition Program

Duration: 10/01/2015 to 09/30/2020

Administrative Advisor(s):

NIFA Reps:

Non-Technical Summary

Statement of Issues and Justification

Prerequisite Criteria

How is the NRSP consistent with the mission?

How does the NRSP pertain to a national issue?



Priority Established by ESCOP/ESS

Relevance to Stakeholders



Projected Outcomes

Management, Budget and Business Plan


Outreach, Communications and Assessment

Projected Participation

View Appendix E: Participation

Literature Cited


Land Grant Participating States/Institutions

Non Land Grant Participating States/Institutions

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