WERA205: Integrated Water Quality Research and Extension Programs for the Western United States

(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports

Annual/Termination Reports:


Date of Annual Report: 06/12/2003

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 03/10/2002 - 03/11/2002
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2001 - 10/01/2002


Weaver, Richard; Sorensen, Fred; Feder, Augie; Mesner, Nancy (nancy.mesner@usu.edu); Farrell-Poe, Kitt; Panfil, Maria; Arne, Karl; Freeman, Marilyn; Mahler, Robert; Runyan, Craig; Walker, Lloyd; Skinner, Quentin; Miner, Ron; Norland,Eric; Whitesides, Ralph; Wu, Laosheng; O'Neill, Mike; Smolen, Mike; McFarland, Mark; Simmons, Bob; Bird, Elizabeth, Evensen, Carl

Brief Summary of Minutes

After introductions and review of the agenda Ralph Whitesides (committee advisor) discussed his views of what the committees role should be. With examples from agriculture and cancer research he pointed out that the committee should:

 produce concrete products

 show direct, measurable impacts

 define what is the most researchable and extendable

 have direction

There followed a discussion of the formation of an Executive Committee that would continue discussions and follow-up during the year in order to provide leadership between the annual meetings. It was decided that the committee would consist of the elected officers of the WCC and the 406 regional Coordinators.

Subcommittee reports followed.

Kitt reported that the region 9 proposal had been submitted.

Craig reported on the Water Quality Web Educational Tools. There have been a number of conference calls and initial work on the front page and review page has been done. He asked that members of the committee to suggest favorite sites and assist in finalizing review criteria. Points of discussion were:


 educational emphasis

 relevance to western states


There was a discussion on the need to visit the legal issues of having commercial sites reviewed. Craig will seek legal advice for his institution and get back to the group.

Discussion followed on the location of the conference discussed at the Hawaii meeting. Nancy discussed the proposal of having it in conjunction with the Galaxy 2 conference. There will 2-3 thousand professional Extension faculty attending and would have great visibility. Galaxy 2 will be happening no matter what we do. Marilyn brought up the Research/Extension conference planned for 2003 in Region 10 as a possibility. Craig relayed an invitation to join with the southern region at their conference/training in the fall of 2003. After lengthy discussions on the purpose of the WCC and outcomes or impacts rather than meetings, it was decided to not attach a conference onto a larger event and focus on furthering the efforts of the 406s.

Quintin reported on his development of a Riparian Buffer onto the web.

Finally, Nancy quickly reported on her efforts on the ranchettes. Uncontrolled growth is an issue throughout the west and there is good material out there, just not pulled together.

March 11


Kitt, Quintin, Ron, Ralph, Rick, Carl, Bob S., Fred, Bob M., Nancy, Craig, Laosheng,

There was an initial discussion on the continuance of the WCC brought up by Carl. After stating pros and cons and needs for products the group decided that they would like to see the WCC continue because it provides a means to address western  water quality issues.

Discussion followed on possible projects and products. During the discussion the region 10 Staff training needs Survey was brought up as an example. This appeared to the group as a viable process that the WCC could use with some modification to assess the professional needs in the Western region. It would also fit the needs of justifying the WCC to the directors. Bob Simmons will provide his information on the survey in region 10 to the group for review.

Discussion on the terms of the WCC officers concluded with the extension of the present officers until an election in the spring of 2003.


Coordination between water quality coordinators in western U.S., and assistance to Region 9 cooredinators in their efforts to obtain CSREES 406 regional funding.


Impact Statements

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