S1077: Enhancing Microbial Food Safety by Risk Analysis

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Active

SAES-422 Reports

Annual/Termination Reports:


Date of Annual Report: 02/05/2024

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 10/04/2023 - 10/05/2023
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2022 - 09/30/2023


Last Name First Name Organization
Adhikari Achyut Louisiana State University
Chaves Byron University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Chamberlin Barbara University of New Mexico
Dana Dittoe University of Wyoming
Gibson Kristen University of Arkansas
Mishra Abhivav University of Georgia
Kinchla Amanda University of Massachusetts Amherst
Perry Jennifer University of Maine
Plaza Maria University of Puerto Rico
Richard Nicole University of Rhode Island
Trinetta Valentina Kansas State University
Stasiewicz Matthew University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Zhu Meijun Washington State University

Brief Summary of Minutes


<p>Participants at Illinois continued to lead a team evaluating the power of sampling and testing plans throughout various produce supply chains. This projects has variously involved other S1077 participants in project design, simulating specific supply chains, and in discussions with stakeholders.</p><br /> <p>Participants at UT Knoxville continued research on improved rapid methods to detect, track and control foodborne pathogens, as well as collaborated with the TN Department of Health on WGS for detection and tracking.</p><br /> <p>Participants at UMaine worked in collaboration with participants from DE and colleagues from VT and the FDA to routes of preharvest pathogen contamination in regionally relevant fresh produce commodities grown in the northeast US.</p><br /> <p>Participant at Texas A&amp;M University quantified presence and dissemination of <em>Salmonella</em> via winged insects approaching/entering poultry animal production systems in Central Texas. Isolates&rsquo; identities were confirmed and antibiotic resistance profiles were obtained. Isolates were found to be resistant to only one or two drugs, and did not fit the definition of multi-drug/multi-class resistant <em>Salmonella. </em>Research data were used to submit two new competitive grants and formed the foundation of newly funded research carrying into FY2024.</p><br /> <p>Virginia Tech initiated a study to categorize and prioritize the most significant veterinary drug residues in cattle, identify the possible risks associated with them, and provide proper guidance to enhance cattle residue sampling plans and protect public health. The project participants will develop criteria for selecting animals for drug residue testing and recommend appropriate sampling plans to minimize veterinary drug residue contamination of meat and milk.</p><br /> <p>Participants at UMass continued their research related to developing better detection methods for foodborne pathogens. Additionally, they also conducted research related to better understanding how pathogens may evolve and survive in food processing environments, as well as evaluated the potential for risk of common produce processing methods to result in cross-contamination of pathogens.</p><br /> <p>The KSU team continued their research on characterizing the food safety risk in food system, particularly focusing on produce, water and animal food collaborating nationally and internationally.</p><br /> <p>Rutgers University participants characterized food safety risks in food systems. This is done through research in the laboratory which studies the behavior of foodborne pathogens and pathogenic surrogates. This is also accomplished through analysis of data collected in our laboratory but also from the scientific literature. These data are then used to create predictive mathematical models to assess risk.</p><br /> <p>Clemson University analyzed reducing risk of coronavirus in food service facilities, the spread of pathogens by flying insects, reduction of <em>Listeria</em> in stone fruit processing and cross contamination in food pantries. Clemson is collaborating with the University of Florida, University of Utah and University of California Los Angeles.</p><br /> <p>University of Wyoming is characterizing the risk of spillover of Sars-Cov-2 into wildlife systems from wastewater treatment plants in the U.S.. As well, UW has continued to assess the role of environmental inputs on the spread and dissemination of foodborne pathogens and antimicrobial resistance and genes in bacteria.</p><br /> <h2><strong>Risk Management: Develop, validate, and apply science-based interventions to prevent and mitigate food safety threats</strong></h2><br /> <p>Participants from UT Knoxville investigated application of intervention and processing technologies including novel UV-LED based systems to inactivate foodborne viral pathogens on surfaces and to decrease the risk of foodborne illness transmission or cross-contamination. In addition, research on bacteriophages for food safety applications continued and work was conducted to understand natural reservoirs of foodborne pathogens.</p><br /> <p>Participants at Texas A&amp;M University modeled and validated the inactivation of <em>Salmonella</em> Senftenberg as a high heat-tolerant <em>Salmonella</em> in poultry carcass offal (feathers, blood) routinely used as an animal food/feed component and/or a biological soil amendment of animal origin.</p><br /> <p>Participant at Texas A&amp;M University collaboratively validated the utility of superhydrophobic coating materials to repel bacterial pathogens from differing materials relevant to fresh produce packing, demonstrating 99% reductions in effective attachment of enteric pathogens (<em>Salmonella</em>, <em>E. coli</em>) and gram-positive non-sporeformers (<em>S. aureus</em>, <em>Listeria</em> spp.)</p><br /> <p>Participants at UMass investigated and developed novel formulations and techniques for inactivating foodborne pathogens, viral and bacterial, in different food processing relevant environments. Further, participants at UMass conducted research on the potential for different foodborne pathogens to develop enhanced resistance to common sanitation regimens used in food production environments.</p><br /> <p>Participants form the KSU team investigated hte application of intervention, such as UV-C and LED light, TiO2 and enhance and combined used of commercially available chemicals to inactive foodborne pathogens on surfaces commonly used in food processing facilities in order to control and decrease the level of foodborne pathogens contamination. Furthermore, researchers have been working on the use of qualitative and quantitative data to determine if pre-chill and post-chill sampling are predictive <em>of Salmonella enterica</em> contamination in ground turkey.</p><br /> <p>Participants from the WSU investigated the efficacy of commonly used sanitizers in inactivating foodborne pathogens on the surfaces of apples and stone fruits and to reduce the risk of foodborne illness transmission or cross-contamination.</p><br /> <p>Participant at University of Missouri investigated the antimicrobial activity of a TiO2-coating on growth of<em> Escherichia coli</em> O157:H7 and <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em> on stainless steel, characterized a novel lytic phage that is effective against Shiga toxin producing<em> E. coli</em>, and worked on development of a biosensor and packaging films using the phage as a tool, as well as on rapid detection methods for pathogens in food. Studies into internalization of <em>E. coli</em> O157:H7 in lettuce continue.</p><br /> <p>Rutgers University participants took the results from risk assessment and then used these results to develop, validate, and apply science-based interventions to prevent and mitigate food safety threats. This area relies on a close partnership with our colleagues who work as regulators and in the food industry. They use the results from our risk assessments in their own work to focus their efforts to assure the greatest benefit for the resources available to manage risk.</p><br /> <p>Clemson University evaluated natural products to replace antibiotics in poultry production, steam treatments to eliminate coronavirus in food service, food-grade sanitizers to sanitize refrigerator waterlines, microbrewery sanitation.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>University of Wyoming evaluated novel antimicrobial interventions, grape seed extract and sodium bisulfate, for foodborne pathogen control on food products. As well, UW has continued efforts to develop rapid pathogen quantification and characterization diagnostic tools by adapting a commercial detection kit (PCR) to quantitate <em>Campylobacter jejuni, lari, </em>and<em> coli</em> in poultry rinsate samples, developing a multi-<em>Salmonella </em>detection assay in raw poultry products (dPCR), and enhancing SARS-CoV-2 detection technology (dPCR).</p><br /> <h2><strong>Risk Communication: Convey science-based messages to stakeholders to improve food safety behaviors and practices</strong></h2><br /> <p>LSU AgCenter food safety team offered several food safety workshops including PSA growers course, FSPCA PCQI course, Farmers market food safety, Composting for food safety, GAPs/GHPs and Farm workers food safety course around the state.</p><br /> <p>UMaine Extension, in collaboration with NECAFS, offered a series of workshops focusing on sanitation and sanitary equipment design for growers in Maine using specialized harvesting equipment.</p><br /> <p>Texas A&amp;M UNiversity participant, in partnership with Texas Department of Agriculture, using Zoom.com, provided four differing remote training events to Texas located fresh produce industry members to transfer food safety knowledge to growers and packers of speciality crops, and aid with federal rules compliance.</p><br /> <p>Rutgers University participants conveyed science-based messages to stakeholders to improve food safety behaviors and practices. Stakeholders are defined very broadly and can range from the regulators and members of the food industry, but also includes consumers in their own homes who are seeking risk and science-based information to help with improved decision-making.</p><br /> <p>Through the multi-state networks, a collaborative team from New Mexico State, UMass and Iowa State have designed a new interactive food safety game to convey science based food safety concepts through a fun and engaging delivery method.</p><br /> <p>The Clemson team conveyed results from research projects to the food industry and regulators through Food Safety training workshops, research presentations and research publications</p>


<ol><br /> <li>Asgari, S., Dhital, R., <strong>Mustapha</strong>, A., &amp; Lin, M. &nbsp; Duplex detection of foodborne pathogens using a SERS optofluidic sensor coupled with immunoassay. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 383 (2022):109947.</li><br /> <li>Choo, K. W., Mao, L. and <strong>Mustapha, A.</strong> &nbsp; CAM-21, a novel lytic phage with high specificity towards <em>Escherichia coli</em> O157:H7 in food products. Int. J. of Food Microbiol. 386 (2023):110026.</li><br /> <li>Haley, O.C.*, Xu, X., Jaberi-Douraki, M., Rivard, C., Pliakoni, E.D., Nwadike, L. &amp; <strong>Bhullar, M.S</strong>. 2023. The Reduction of Escherichia coli on the Surface of Fresh Strawberries by UV-LED Technology is limited by Its Complex Surface Structures. Journal of Food Protection (Revisions submitted).</li><br /> <li>Haley, O.C.*, Xu, X., Jaberi-Douraki, M., <strong>Bhullar, M.S</strong>., Rivard, C., Pliakoni, E.D., &amp; Nwadike, L. 2023. Knowledge, Attitudes, and Perceptions of Ultraviolet-C Light Technologies for Agricultural Surface Water Decontamination by Produce Growers in Kansas and Missouri. Food Protection Trends (Accepted).</li><br /> <li>Haley, O. C.*, Zhao, Y., Hefley, T., Britton, L. L., Nwadike, L., Rivard, C., &amp; <strong>Bhullar, M.S</strong>. 2023. Developing a decision-making tool for agricultural surface water decontamination using ultraviolet-C light. Journal of Food Protection, 100129.</li><br /> <li>Manville, E.,<strong> Bhullar, M.</strong>, Nwadike, L., Mustapha, A., &amp;<strong> Trinetta, V</strong>. 2023. Characterization of Escherichia coli Isolates from Agricultural Water on Kansas and Missouri Fresh Produce Farms by Whole-Genome Sequencing. Food Protection Trends, 43(4).</li><br /> <li>Zhao, Y.*, Haley, O.C.*, Xu, X., Jaberi-Douraki, M., Rivard, C., Pliakoni, E.D., Nwadike, L. &amp; <strong>Bhullar, M.S.</strong>, 2023. The Potential for Cover Crops to Reduce the Load of Escherichia coli in Contaminated Agricultural Soil. Journal of Food Protection, 86(7), p.100103.</li><br /> <li>Haley, O.C.*, Nwadike, L., Pliakoni, E., Rivard, C., &amp; <strong>Bhullar, M.S</strong>. 2023. Not 'berry' fruitful. The attenuation of UV-LED microbial reduction efficacy in blueberry fruit despite 360&ordm; treatment. Journal of Food Protection</li><br /> <li>Choi, J. M., and D. H. D'Souza. &nbsp; Inactivation of Tulane virus and feline calicivirus by aqueous ozone.&nbsp; Journal of Food Science, J Food Sci. 2023 Sep 7. Doi: 10.1111/1750-3841.16755.</li><br /> <li>Joshi, S., S. Ailavadi, L. Dice, and D. H. D'Souza. &nbsp; Antiviral Effects of Quillaja saponaria Extracts Against Human Noroviral Surrogates.&nbsp; Food Environ Virol. Mar 15. doi: 10.1007/s12560-023-09550-7.</li><br /> <li>Dhital, R. &amp; <strong>Mustapha, A.</strong> DNA concentration by solid phase reversible immobilization improves its yield and purity, and detection time of <em>E. coli</em> O157:H7 in foods by high resolution melt curve qPCR. Food Control 145 (2023):109456.</li><br /> <li>Dhowlaghar, N. and T. G. Denes. 2023. Control of residual phage in the evaluation of phage-based food safety applications. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 1-7.</li><br /> <li>Yan, R., Mikanatha, N., Nachamkin, I., Hudson, L. K., Denes, T. G., and J. Kovac. 2023. Prevalence of ciprofloxacin resistance and associated genetic determinants differed among <em>Campylobacter</em> isolated from human and poultry meat sources in Pennsylvania. Food Microbiology, 116:104349.</li><br /> <li>Chaggar, H.K., Hudson, L.K., Kuster, R., Garman, K.N., Dunn, J.R. and T.G. Denes.2023. ClustFinder: A tool for threshold-delineated clustering of microbial isolates by pairwise genomic distance. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 211:106788.</li><br /> <li>Bryan, D.W., Hudson, L.K., Wang, J. and T.G. Denes. 2023. Characterization of a diverse collection of Salmonella phages isolated from Tennessee wastewater. PHAGE, 4(2):90-98.</li><br /> <li>G. Denes. 2023. Bacteria can shed a layer when phages turn up the heat. Nature Microbiology, 8(3):367-368..</li><br /> <li>Hudson, L.K., Andershock, W.E., Qian, X., Gibbs, P.L., Orejuela, K., Garman, K.N., Dunn, J.R. and T.G. Denes. 2023. Phylogeny and genomic characterization of clinical Salmonella enterica serovar Newport collected in Tennessee. Microbiology Spectrum,11(1):e03876-22.</li><br /> <li>Murray, A.F., Bryan, D., Garfinkel, D.A., Jogensen, C.S., Tang, N., Liyanage, W.L.N.C., Lass, E.A., Yang, Y., Rack, P.D., Denes, T.G. and D.A. Gilbert*. 2022. Antimicrobialproperties of a multi-component alloy. Scientific Reports, 12(1):21427.</li><br /> <li>Claxton, M.L., Hudson, L.K., Bryan, D.W. and T.G. Denes*. 2022. Soil collected from asingle Great Smoky Mountains trail contains a diversity of Listeria monocytogenes and Listeria spp. Microbiology Spectrum.</li><br /> <li>Waldron, C., Eifert, J., O&rsquo;Keefe, S., Williams, R. and Le, T. 2023. Delmopinol hydrochloride inhibits <em>Campylobacter jejuni</em> on skinless poultry meat, stainless steel and high-density polyethylene food contact surfaces. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 76, 1&ndash;6. <a href="https://doi.org/10.1093/lambio/ovad042">https://doi.org/10.1093/lambio/ovad042</a></li><br /> <li>Acuff, J. C., Waterman, K., Wu, J. Murphy, C., Gallagher, D. and Ponder, MA. 2023. Inactivation kinetics of a surrogate yield conservative predictions of foodborne pathogen reductions from low water activity foods of varying size and composition during low-temperature steam processing. Heliyon. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e17893</li><br /> <li>Bywater A, Alexander KA, Eifert J., Strawn L. and Ponder MA. &nbsp; Survival of inoculated Campylobacter jejuni and Escherichia coli O157:H7 on kale during refrigerated storage.&nbsp; Journal of Food Protection.&nbsp; 86 (3): 100042.&nbsp; doi: 10.1016/j.jfp.2023.100042</li><br /> <li>Brooks M, Alexander KA, Medley, S. and M. Ponder. 2023. Campylobacter in aquatic and terrestrial mammals is driven by life traits: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11: 57.</li><br /> <li>Devarajan, N., Weller, D.L., Jones, M., Adell, A.D., Adhikari, A., Allende, A., Arnold, N.L., Baur, P., Beno, S.M., Clements, D., Olimpi, E.M., Critzer, F., Green, H., Gorski, L., Ferelli Gruber, A., Kovac, J., McGarvey, J., Murphy, C.M., Murphy, S.I., Navarro-Gonzalez, N., Owen, J.P., Pires, A.F.A., Richard, N., Samaddar, S., Schmidt, R., Scow, K., Shariat, N.W., Smith, O.M., Spence, A.R., Stoeckel, D., Tran, T.D.H., Wall, G., Karp, D.S. 2023. Evidence for the efficacy of pre-harvest agricultural practices in mitigating food-safety risks to fresh produce in North America. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.3389/fsufs.2023.1101435">3389/fsufs.2023.1101435</a></li><br /> <li>Rolon M.L., Tan, X., Chung, T., Gonzalez-Escalona, N., Chen, Y., Macarisin, D., LaBorde, L., Kovac, J. 2023. The composition of environmental microbiota in three tree fruit packing facilities changed over seasons and contained taxa indicative of <em> monocytogenes </em>contamination. Microbiome. DOI: 10.1186/s40168-023-01544-8.</li><br /> <li>Chung, T., Yan, R., Weller, D.L., Kovac, J. 2023. Conditional forest models built using metagenomic data accurately predicted <em>Salmonella</em> contamination in Northeastern streams. Microbiology Spectrum. DOI: 10.1128/spectrum.00381-23.</li><br /> <li>Bedassa, A., Nahusenay, H., Asefa, Z., Sisay, T., Girmay, G., Kovac, J., Vipham, J.L., Zewdu, A. 2023. Prevalence and associated risk factors for <em>Salmonella enterica</em> contamination of cow milk and cottage cheese in Ethiopia. International Journal of Food Contamination. DOI: 10.1186/s40550-023-00101-3.</li><br /> <li>Mengstu, B., Tola, A., Nahusenay, H., Sisay, T., Kovac, J., Vipham, J., Zewdu, A. 2023. Evaluation of microbial hygiene indicators in raw milk, pasteurized milk and cottage cheese collected across the dairy value chain in Ethiopia. International Dairy Journal. <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.idairyj.2022.105487">DOI: 10.1016/j.idairyj.2022.105487</a></li><br /> <li>Admasie, A., Eshetu, A., Tessema, T.S., Vipham, J., Kovac, J., Zewdu, A. 2023. Prevalence of <em>Campylobacter </em>species and associated risk factors for contamination of dairy products collected in a dry season from major milk sheds in Ethiopia. Food Microbiology. <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fm.2022.104145">DOI: 10.1016/j.fm.2022.104145</a>.</li><br /> <li>Mu, M., J.-K. Oh, <em> Perez</em>, W. Zhou, X. Wang, A. Castillo, <strong>M. Taylor</strong>, Y. Min, L. Cisneros-Zevallos, and <span style="text-decoration: underline;">M. Akbulut</span>. 2024. Effect of wax chain length on the adhesion dynamics and interfacial rigidity of <em>Salmonella</em> Typhimurium LT2. <em>Surfaces and Interfaces.</em> 44:103745. Doi: 10.1016/j.surfin.2023.103745</li><br /> <li>Nickodem, C.A., A.N. Arnold, M.R. Beck, J.J. Bush, K.B. Gehring, J.J. Gill, T. Le, J.A. Procter, J.T. Richeson, H.M. Scott, J.K. Smith, <strong>M. Taylor</strong>, J. Vinasco, and <span style="text-decoration: underline;">K.N. Norman</span>. 2023. An experimental field trial investigating the use of bacteriophage and manure slurry applications in beef cattle feedlot pens for <em>Salmonella</em> mitigation. <em>Animals</em>. 13:1370. Doi: 10.3390/ani13203170.</li><br /> <li>Arcot, Y., M. Mu, <strong> Taylor</strong>, A. Castillo, L. Cisneros-Zevallos, and <span style="text-decoration: underline;">M.E.S. Akbulut</span>. 2023. Essential oil vapors-assisted plasma for rapid, enhanced sanitization of food-associated pathogenic bacteria. <em>Food and Bioprocess Technology.</em> Doi: 10.1007/s11947-023-03203-0.</li><br /> <li><em>Shimwa Mykuvure, A.L.</em>, R.G. Moreira, and <strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">M. Taylor</span></strong>. 2023. Lethality validation for human pathogenic <em>Salmonella enterica</em> on chicken feathers and blood during simulated commercial low-temperature dry rendering. <em>Microorganisms</em>. 11:2071. Doi: 10.3390/microorganisms11082071.</li><br /> <li>Mu, M., X. Wang, <strong> Taylor</strong>, A. Castillo, L. Cisneros-Zevallos, <span style="text-decoration: underline;">M. Akbulut</span>, and <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Y. Min</span>. 2023. Multifunctional coatings for mitigating bacterial fouling and contamination. <em>Colloid and Interface Science Communications</em>. 55:100717. Doi: 10.1016/j.colcom.2023.100717.</li><br /> <li>Nickodem, C., A. Arnold, K. Gehring, J. Gill, J. Richeson, K. Samuelson, H. Scott, J. Smith, <strong> Taylor</strong>, J. Vinasco, and <span style="text-decoration: underline;">K. Norman</span>. 2023. A longitudinal study on the dynamics of <em>Salmonella enterica</em> prevalence and serovar composition in beef cattle feces and lymph nodes and potential contributing sources from the feedlot environment. <em>Applied and Environmental Microbiology</em>. 89:e0003323. Doi: 10.1128/aem.00033-23</li><br /> <li>Mu, M., S. Liu, <em> DeFlorio</em>, L. Hao, X. Wang, K.S. Salazar, <strong>M. Taylor</strong>, A. Castillo, L. Cisneros-Zevallos, J.K. Oh, Y. Min, and <span style="text-decoration: underline;">M. Akbulut</span>. 2023. Influence of surface roughness on nanostructure, and wetting on bacterial adhesion. <em>Langmuir</em>. 39:5426-5439. Doi: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.3c00091.</li><br /> <li><em>Annor, S.D.</em>, K.S. Salazar, S.D. Pillai, C.R. Kerth, <span style="text-decoration: underline;">J. Gill</span> and <strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">T.M. Taylor</span></strong>. 2023. Melibiose-X-Gal-MacConkey agar for presumptive differentiation of <em>Escherichia albertii</em> from <em>E. coli</em> and <em>Salmonella</em> from poultry meat. <em>Applied Microbiology</em>. 3:119-130. Doi: 10.3390/applimicro3010010.</li><br /> <li>Li K, Yucel U, <strong>Trinetta V. </strong>The Effects of Different Types of Sorghum varieties on the microbial fermentation dynamics of Huangjiu (Chinese-wine-rice) 2023. Journal <em>of Food Technology and Preservation. </em>7(6): 201.</li><br /> <li>Harrison O, Jones C, <strong>Trinetta V. </strong> Understanding the environmental presence of <em>Salmonella</em> spp. in finishing pigs at commercial swine farms in Kansas. <em>Letters of Applied </em>Microbiology. 1;76 (6):ovad065</li><br /> <li>Manville E., Nwadike L, <strong>Trinetta V</strong>. 2023. The Combined Effect of Sanitizers and UV-C Light on <em>Listeria monocytogenes</em> Biofilms Growth and Survivability on Produce Harvesting Materials. <em>Food Protection Trends. </em>43 (5), 376-382</li><br /> <li>Pozuelo Bonilla K., Vega D., Maher J., Najar-Villareal F., Kang Q., <strong>Trinetta V.</strong>, O&rsquo;Quinn T.G., Phebus R.K., Gragg S.E. 2023. Validation of commercial antimicrobial intervention technologies to control Salmonella on skin-on market hog carcasses and chilled pork wholesale cuts. <em>Food Control Journal</em>. 151, 109829.</li><br /> <li>Kiprotich SS, Altom E, Mason R, <strong>Trinetta V</strong>, Aldrich G. 2023 Application of encapsulated and dry-plated food acidulants to control <em>Salmonella enterica</em> in raw meat-based diets for dogs. Accepted <em>Journal of Food Protection. 86 (5), 10077</em></li><br /> <li>Shen, X., <strong> J. Zhu</strong>. 2023. Enhancing the efficacy of peracetic acid against <em>L. monocytogenes</em> and <em>L. innocua</em> on fresh apples using commercial cleaners. <em>Food Microbiology</em>, 116, 104358.</li><br /> <li>Shen, X., Y. Su, Z. Hua, H. Zhu, G. Unlu, C. Ross, M. Mendoza, I. Hanrahan, J. Tang, <strong> J. Zhu</strong>. 2023. <em>Listeria monocytogenes</em> cross-contamination during apple waxing and subsequent survival under different storage conditions. <em>Food Microbiology, </em>110: 104166.</li><br /> <li>Su, Y., X. Shen, Z. Hua, H. Zhu, T. Chiu, Y. Wang, M. Mendoza, I. Hanrahan, <strong> J. Zhu</strong>. 2023. Fate of <em>Listeria innocua</em> on wax-coated Fuji apple surfaces under commercial refrigerated air storage. <em>Postharvest Biology and Technology, </em>198: 112236.</li><br /> <li>Wang, R., X. Shen, Y. Su, F. Critzer, <strong> J. Zhu.</strong> 2023. Chlorine and peroxyacetic acid inactivation of <em>Listeria monocytogenes</em> in simulated apple dump tank water. <em>Food Control</em>, 144: 109314</li><br /> <li>Charles, V.A., W.C. Baldwin, and <strong>W. Schaffner</strong>. 2023. Growth models for Salmonella, E. coli O157:H7 and L. monocytogenes give different predictions for pathogen growth in cut leafy greens transportation but are consistent in identifying higher risk conditions. Food Microbiology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fm.2023.104338.</li><br /> <li>Dolan, K.D., Miranda, R. and <strong>Schaffner, D.W.</strong> Estimation of bacteriophage MS2 inactivation parameters during microwave heating of frozen strawberries. Journal of Food Protection, 86, 100032. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfp.2022.100032</li><br /> <li>Charles, V.A. and <strong>Schaffner, D. W. </strong> Curli production influences cross-contamination by Escherichia coli O157:H7 when washing fresh-cut romaine lettuce. Journal of Food Protection, 100023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfp.2022.100023</li><br /> <li>Jung, J. and <strong>W. Schaffner</strong>. 2022. Thermal inactivation of Salmonella enterica and nonpathogenic bacterial surrogates in wheat flour by baking in a household oven. J Food Prot; 85 (10): 1431&ndash;1438. https://doi.org/10.4315/JFP-22-107</li><br /> <li>Jung, J. and <strong>W. Schaffner</strong>. 2022. Enterobacter aerogenes B199A may be an effective surrogate for quantifying transfer of Salmonella Newport 96E01152C-TX from cucumber peel to edible flesh and peeler during peeling. J Food Prot. 85(10): 1452&ndash;1457. https://doi.org/10.4315/JFP-22-110</li><br /> <li>Jung, J. and <strong>W. Schaffner</strong>. 2022. Role of Salmonella Newport cell surface structures on bacterial attachment and transfer during cucumber peeling. Lett Appl Microbiol. 75: 1246-1253. <a href="https://doi.org/10.1111/lam.13792">https://doi.org/10.1111/lam.13792</a></li><br /> <li>Kimbrell, B., J. Huang, A. Fraser, and X. Jiang. Efficacy of ready-to-use spray disinfectants against SARS-COV-2 surrogates, bovine coronavirus and human coronavirus OC43, in suspension and on surfaces. IAFP Annual Meeting 2023, Jul 16-19, Toronto, Canada.</li><br /> <li>Kimbrell, B., J. Huang, A. Fraser, and X. Jiang. Efficacy testing of three disinfectants against two SARS-COV-2 surrogates, bovine coronavirus and human coronavirus OC43, on materials commonly used in the &ldquo;front-of-house&rdquo; of foodservice establishments. Will submit to J. Food Prot.</li><br /> <li>Huang, J., Fraser, and X. Jiang. Persistence of and steam vapor efficacy against two SARS-CoV-2 surrogates on two types of carpet.&nbsp; Will submit to Viruses.</li><br /> <li>Vishal Manjunatha and Xiuping Jiang. <em>Nigella sativa</em> and kefir as antibiotic alternatives in sustainable broiler production&rdquo;, Southeastern Institute of Food Technologists (SEIFT) Annual Spring meeting, University of Alabama, Huntsville, AL, 21 April 2023. Placed 3<sup>rd</sup> in the poster competition.</li><br /> <li>Manjunatha, V., Nixon, J. E., Mathis, G. F., Lumpkins, B. S., G&uuml;zel-Seydim, Z. B., Seydim, A. C., Greene, A.K. Jiang, X. 2023. <em>Nigella sativa</em> as an antibiotic alternative to promote growth and enhance health of broilers challenged with Eimeria maxima and <em>Clostridium perfringens</em>. <em>Poultry Science</em>, 102831.</li><br /> <li>Vishal Manjunatha, V., J. Nixon, G. Mathis, B. Lumpkins, Z. B. Seydim, A. C. Seydim, A.K. Greene, and X. Jiang. Effect of combined action of<em> Nigella sativa</em> and kefir on the growth performance and health of broiler chickens with necrotic enteritis. Appl. Microbiol. (under review)</li><br /> <li>Vishal Manjunatha, Vijay Shankar, Christopher J. Grim, Zhao Chen, and Xiuping Jiang. Analysis of whole genome sequences of <em>Clostridium perfringens</em> strains CP4 and CP6 isolated from chickens affected by necrotic enteritis. Genome report according to Genome Biology and Evolution. (in preparation)</li><br /> <li>Dawson, P., and Richardson, J. (2023). Storage Temperature Effects on the Quality of Chicken Breast and Beef Sirloin. <em>European Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences</em>, <em>5</em>(2), 85-91.</li><br /> <li>Buyukyavuz, A, Northcutt, J.K. and <strong>Dawson, P</strong>. Bacterial pathogens carried by insects on and around poultry farms. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. In review. submitted 5-2023.</li><br /> <li>Hopkins, D. Z., M. A. Parisi, P. L. Dawson and <strong>K. Northcutt. </strong>2021. Surface decontamination of fresh whole peaches (<em>Prunus persica</em>) using sodium hypochlorite or acidified electrolyzed water solutions. International Journal of Fruit Science 21(1):1-11. <a href="https://nam12.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tandfonline.com%2Fdoi%2Ffull%2F10.1080%2F15538362.2020.1822269&amp;data=05%7C01%7Cpdawson%40clemson.edu%7C5dcf8328d0744979382d08dbcc0096bd%7C0c9bf8f6ccad4b87818d49026938aa97%7C0%7C0%7C638328075121042314%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&amp;sdata=U9S6mFJmcEpp5S%2FZYExNKErMM%2Fkn6zpGKGYM1sV6Z0Q%3D&amp;reserved=0">https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15538362.2020.1822269</a></li><br /> <li>Thompson, A., Northcutt, J.K., and <strong>Dawson, P</strong>. 2023. Surface hygiene in the microbrewery environment. Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists. In review. submitted 11/2023.</li><br /> <li>Dawson, P.L., Northcutt, J.K., Buyukyavuz, A., Cochran, B. and McCollough, T. 2023. Assessment and mitigation of bacterial and fungal contamination of refrigerator waterlines. European Journal of Agriculture and Food Science. Submitted 9-29-23.</li><br /> <li>Ghorbani Tajani, A. and <strong>Bisha, B. </strong> Effect of food matrix and treatment time on the effectiveness of grape seed extract as an antilisterial treatment in fresh produce. Microorganisms 11: 1029. <a href="https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms11041029">https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms11041029</a></li><br /> <li><strong>Moore, M.D., Bisha, B.,</strong> Anderson, J., and Brehm-Stecher, B. 2023. Sample preparation for detection of microbiological and chemical analytes. Elsevier.</li><br /> <li><strong>Bisha, B. </strong>and Brehm-Stecher, B. 2023. Disposable devices for microbial and chemical detection. Elsevier.</li><br /> <li>Bodie, A.R., <strong>Dittoe, D.K.</strong>, Applegate, S.F., Stephens, T.P., and Ricke, S.C. 2023. Adaptation of a commercial qualitative BAX<sup>&reg;</sup> Real-Time PCR assay to quantify <em>Campylobacter</em> in whole bird carcass rinses. Foods 13,56. https://doi.org/ 10.3390/foods13010056</li><br /> <li><strong>Dittoe, D.K.,</strong> Olson, E.G., Wythe, L.A., Lawless, Z.G., Thompson, D.R., Perry, L.M., and Ricke, S.C. 2023. Mitigating the attachment of <em>Salmonella</em> Infantis on isolated poultry skin with cetylpyridinium chloride. PLoS ONE 18(12): e0293549. https://doi.org/ 10.1371/journal.pone.0293549</li><br /> <li>Dann A, Kaur S, Stoufer S, Kim M, Kaur I, <strong>Moore MD</strong>, Peeters M, McClements J. 2023. Imprinted Polymers for Detection of Chemical and Microbial Contaminants in Foods. Textbook Chapter. Encyclopedia of Food Safety, 2nd Edition, Ed. <strong>Byron Brehm-Stecher</strong>.</li><br /> <li>Soorneedi A, Stoufer S, Kim M, <strong>Moore MD</strong>. 2023. Sample concentration and processing methods for viruses from foods and the environment prior to detection. Annual Reviews in Food Science and Technology. (In Press).</li><br /> <li>Gensler C, Harper K, Stoufer S, <strong>Moore MD</strong>, <strong>Kinchla A</strong>. 2023. Exploring washing procedures for produce brush washers. Journal of Food Protection. 86(9): 100126.</li><br /> <li>Kim M, Foster J, <strong>Moore MD</strong>, Chen M. 2023. Improving Single-Molecule Antibody Detection Selectivity through Optimization of Peptide Epitope Presentation in OmpG Nanopore. ACS Sensors. 8(7): 2673&ndash;2680.</li><br /> <li>Dilpreet S, Soorneedi A, Vaze N, Domitrovic R, Sharp F, Lindsey D, Rohr A, <strong>Moore MD</strong>, Koutrakis P, Nardell E, Demokritou P. 2023. Assessment of SARS-CoV-2 surrogate inactivation on surfaces and in air using UV and blue light-based intervention technologies. Journal of the Air &amp; Waste Management Association 73(3):200-211.</li><br /> <li>Stoufer S, Demokritou M, Buckley D, Teska P, <strong>Moore MD</strong>. 2023. Evaluation of Commercial Disinfectants&rsquo; Ability to Degrade Free Nucleic Acids Commonly Targeted using Molecular Diagnostics. Journal of Hospital Infection 133:28-37.</li><br /> <li>Foster JC, Pham B, Pham R, Kim M, <strong>Moore MD</strong>, Chen M. 2023. An engineered OmpG nanopore with displayed peptide motifs for single-molecule multiplex protein detection. Angewandte Chemie 62(7): e202214566.</li><br /> <li>Safavizadeh V, Moggadam MRA, Farajzadeh MA, Mojkar M, <strong>Moore MD</strong>, Nokhodchi A, Naebi M, Nemati M. 2023. Descriptions in toxicology, interactions, extraction, and analytical methods of Aflatoxins; a 10-year study performed in Iranian foodstuffs. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 103(3):701-711.</li><br /> <li>Soorneedi A, <strong>Moore MD</strong>. 2022. Recent developments in noroviruses interactions with bacteria. Current Opinion in Food Science 48:100926.</li><br /> <li>Rafieepoor M, Mohebbi SR, Hosseini SM, Tanhaei M, Niasar MS, Kazemian SK, Aghdaei HA, <strong>Moore MD</strong>, Zali MR. 2022. Detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in farms, markets, and fresh leafy green vegetables from Tehran, Iran. 2022. Frontiers in Public Health 10:823061.</li><br /> <li>Alavia M, Kamarasu P, McClements DJ, <strong>Moore MD</strong>. 2022. Metal and metal oxide-based antiviral nanoparticles: Properties, mechanisms of action, and applications. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 306: 102726.</li><br /> <li>Vaze N, Soorneedi A, <strong>Moore MD</strong>, Demokritou P. 2022. Inactivating SARS-CoV-2 surrogates on surfaces using Engineered Water Nanostructures incorporated with nature derived antimicrobials. Nanomaterials 12(10):1735.</li><br /> <li>Mertens BS, <strong>Moore MD</strong>, Jaykus L-A, Velev OD. 2022. Efficacy and mechanisms of copper ion-catalyzed inactivation of human norovirus. American Chemical Society Infectious Diseases 8(4):855-864.</li><br /> <li>Suther C, Stoufer S, Zhou Y, <strong>Moore MD</strong>. 2022. Recent Developments in Isothermal Amplification Methods for the Detection of Foodborne Viruses. &ldquo;Rising Stars in Virology: 2022&rdquo; Special Issue, Frontiers in Microbiology 13:841875.</li><br /> <li>S&ouml;derlund-Venermo M; Varma A; Guo D; Gladue DP; Poole E; Pujol FH; Pappu H; Romalde J; Kramer L; Baz M; Venter V; <strong>Moore MD</strong>; Nevels MM; Ezzikouri S; Vakharia VN; Wilson WC; Malik Y; Shi Z; Abdel-Moneim A. 2022. World Society for Virology First International Conference: Tackling Global Virus Epidemics. Virology. 566:114-12</li><br /> </ol>

Impact Statements

  1. New Extension funds will allow researchers to improve food safety knowledge and practices by providing learning materials and experiences for both the food industry and consumers. USDA NIFA: Food Safety Outreach Program. “Sanitation Control Practitioner Program (SCPP)- the development of an education sanitation program for small processors”.Amanda J. Kinchla, Clint Stevenson. Collaborating team: Lynette Johnston, Robeson Machado, Christina Wormald-Allingham, Stephanie Cotter, Kate Nicholas. 09/1/21-08/31-2024. $396,800. USDA NIFA: Food Safety Outreach Program. iTIPS: Interactive Tools to Improve the Practice of Food Safety. Nancy Flores, Barbara Chamberlin, Amanda Kinchla, Shannon Coleman. 9/1/21-8/31/24. $545,593.00. USDA NIFA: Food Safety Outreach Program. iTIPS: Interactive Tools to Improve the Practice of Food Safety. Betty Feng, Erin DiCaprio, Amanda Kinchla, Nicole Richard. 9/1/21-8/31/24. ~$400,000.
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