Meeting Authorization

Meeting Information

  • Project No. and Title: W3008 - Integrated Onion Pest and Disease Management
  • Dates: 12/04/2017 to 12/04/2017
  • Contacts: [Lindsay du Toit]

This authorizes the annual meeting: .
The meeting will be held on 12/04/2017 at Grandview Room, Amway Hotel, Grand Rapids, MI. :

Admin Advisor: Tracy Dougher (

Additional Info

Our meeting will take place immediately preceding the Great Lakes Expo (GLE – see on Dec. 5-7 in the same location, which is one of the (if not the) largest vegetable and fruit expo’s in the USA and has an onion session on Wed., Dec. 6th. This will enable the many onion specialists who typically attend the W-3008 meeting to participate in the GLE. The W-3008 meeting will take place in the Grandview Room of the AMWAY Hotel. A tentative agenda is attached for your review based on the last W-2008 annual meeting, with the meeting scheduled to run from 9 am to ~3 pm. The meeting may go through to 5 pm if we have more people attending than last year’s annual meeting.<br /> <br /> Accommodation options: Details on hotels affiliated with the GLE and in close proximity to the AMWAY Convention Center can be found at the GLE website at: Hotel rooms book up very quickly for the GLE so we encourage you to make your reservations ASAP. Besides the 3 main hotels in closest proximity to the convention center, there are many additional hotels listed on this website that are located a little further and might necessitate a shuttle, taxi, or rental car to get to the AMWAY for our meeting and the GLE if the weather has turned cold.
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