SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Zoë Plakias, Ramu Govindasamy, Dawn Thilmany, Karina Gallardo, Kathryn Boys, Kristin Kiesel, Brad Rickard, Jackie Yenerall, Tim Woods, Kynda Curtis, Kim Morgan, Jenifer McBeath, Greg Fonsah

The meeting was called to order by Zoë Plakias at 11 AM Central Time.
1. We began by welcoming folks to the meeting, reviewing the meeting agenda, and review our S-1088 multi-state group objectives.
2. The minutes from the 2020 S-1067 meeting (the final meeting of S1067) were approved.
3. Members in attendance provided state reports (state reports are summarized by objective below).
4. Members in attendance discussed future collaborative activities. We discussed themes that emerged from updates, including food system resiliency, innovations in labeling and branding value-added, climate change and specialty crops, and engaging with recently developed communities of practice outside the S1088 group. Future collaborative activities discussed by the group included a track session leading into a 2023 Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy special issue on the topic of food system resiliency, working groups with possible submission for Food Dollar grant at Cornell, meeting among S1088 members and industry representatives from LFS COVID group to discuss possible research needed by stakeholders.
5. The group discussed potential new members to encourage to join and elected a new chair for the group, Kathryn Boys.
6. The meeting was adjourned at 2 PM Central Time


Objective 1
Analyze the relative benefits and costs for fruit, vegetable, and other specialty crop farmers of: a) the adoption of production and processing practices (e.g., organic, biodynamic farming, adaptation to climate-extremes) and novel technologies at the field level (i.e., mechanical harvesting, biodegradable plastics, gene-edited varieties) that address both the changing production environment and the consumer preferences and needs that will be explored in Objective 2; and b) government and industry-led programs aiming to address consumer preferences and needs while guaranteeing the viability of farm businesses (e.g., certifications, plastic pollution regulations, Farm Workforce Modernization Act).
We conducted a variety of research projects related to Objective 1.
We conducted research on new specialty crops that may benefit producers and consumers. For example, Jenifer McBeath (U. of Alaska) conducted research on cultivation and marketing of rhodiola rosea, a medicinal plant, and Ramu Govindasamy (Rutgers) conducted research on turmeric production and marketing.
We also engaged in research on production and harvesting innovations to enhance farm viability and resilience and environmental sustainability. Karina Gallardo (WA State U.) worked on the economic impacts of pests in specialty crops, along with member Marco Palma (Texas A&M). Zoë Plakias (OH State) and Brad Rickard (Cornell) began a project on the economic impacts of citrus greening disease in partnership with the USDA ERS. Margarita Velandia (U. of Tennessee) conducted research on the adoption of automation technologies in the nursery industry and worked with Tim Woods (U. of Kentucky) on research related to high tunnels and soil health. Member Brad Rickard (Cornell) engaged in the multidisciplinary the Root2Fruit project focused on research to enhance rootstock quality in tree fruits and mitigate disease.
We conducted research on postharvest innovations. Brad Rickard (Cornell) and Karina Gallardo (WA State) engaged in research on postharvest technologies to enhance sustainability and improve storage attributes for fruits.
Finally, we engaged in research on farm management, with a focus on response and resilience to recent shocks. Kynda Curtis (UT State) conducted research on Native American land leasing and drought on reservations and beginning farmer programs for immigrants and Native Americans. Kynda Curtis (UT State) also conducted research on winery resiliency and the impacts of COVID on small/medium farms. Kynda Curtis (UT State) and Ariana Torres (Purdue) conducted a survey of organic wheat farmers. Ramu Govindasamy (Rutgers) and Kathy Kelley (Penn State) conducted a survey on the impacts of COVID-19 on local food, agritourism, direct marketing.
Our work in this area helps provide farmers and decision makers with the evidence they need to make informed decisions in their operations. In addition, our research related to shocks, including COVID-19 and climate-related shocks (e.g., drought) enhances understanding of the changing environment for farmers and informs future research needs and Extension programming across our states.

Objective 2
Investigate the policy and market factors that affect the demand for fresh and value-added specialty crop products, including consumer understanding, perceptions, and behavioral response to non-conventional systems of agri-food production (e.g., organic, biodynamic, hydroponics, vertical growing), and the production and processing practices, and some of the novel technologies explored in Objective 1; commodity and regional marketing programs; voluntary labeling schemes (e.g., Fair Trade, Bee Friendly Farming, SIP Certified, geo-identified, integrated or “stacked” labels); product country of origin; international trade, food safety incidents and food safety risk-reducing practices (e.g., traceability systems), among others.
We continued to engage in research related to Objective 2.
We conducted research on consumers’ preferences for and willingness to pay for certain specialty crops and their attributes. Brad Rickard (Cornell) and Karina Gallardo (WA State) conducted research on how consumers think about new breeding technology for grapes and their willingness to pay for bundles of attributes. Karina Gallardo (WA State) also conducted research with Elizabeth Canales (MS State) and Marco Palma (Texas A&M) on the impacts of labeling on purchase intention for blueberries and cranberries. Kristin Kiesel (University of California, Davis) conducted research on consumer reactions to local labels at local independent food co-op and reactions to promotions. Kynda Curtis (UT State) conducted research on consumer preferences for specialty/artisan bakery goods.
We also conducted research on food waste at the consumer level. Jackie Yenerall (U. of Tennessee) conducted research on food loss and food waste at the consumer level and variation on food waste across the income spectrum. Brad Rickard (Cornell) and Brenna Ellison (U. of Illinois) conducted research on food waste and the trade-off between food waste and gene editing.
We conducted research on trade and risks associated with it. Kathryn Boys (NC State) conducted research on the trade of organically certified products, food fraud and its incidence for
internationally traded product and how fraud has changed due to COVID, as well as liability and fraud related to food safety risk.
Our work provides farmers and other food system stakeholders with key insights about consumer demand to inform their decisions. In addition, our work to identify opportunities to reduce food loss and maintain food quality in consumer and trade environments provides valuable insight for policy makers seeking to enhance food safety and security.

Objective 3
Identify drivers and implications related to the use of various specialty crop marketing channels at the local, regional, national and international scales, including profitability of participation by farmers and intermediaries; benefits and costs for consumers and communities to participate; impacts of various sources of risk and uncertainty; the role of institutional marketing innovations; presence and impacts of market power; implications of supply chain management practices; resiliency of supply chains to shocks; and costs and benefits of policies that impact specialty crop marketing channels.
We conducted research in a variety of areas in support of this objective.
We conducted research on policies and initiatives to support local and regional supply chains. Zoë Plakias (OH State) and Becca Jablonski (CO State) conducted research on the impacts of state-level farm to school procurement subsidies in three states on farmers and rural communities. Dawn Thilmany, Becca Jablonski, and Alessandro Bonanno (all at CO State) conducted research on localizing supply chains and the impacts of these efforts on farmers. Tim Woods (U. of KY) conducted research on local sourcing at restaurants and continued his work to develop and utilize a local food vitality index.
We worked to enhance marketing opportunities for specific specialty crops and products. Dawn Thilmany and Marco Castanigro (both at CO State) worked on a farm to foam project in the beer supply chain in response to state policy changes. Tim Woods (U. of KY) worked on a project on cut flower marketing, Kynda Curtis (UT State) conducted research on organic dryland wheat marketing, and Ramu Govindasamy (Rutgers) and Kathy Kelley (Penn State) conducted research on organic produce marketing and organic processed food marketing.
We conducted research on the impacts of programs to engage local and regional food systems to provide food access to underserved populations. Zoë Plakias (OH State) conducted an impact evaluation of a program to sell fresh produce in rural corner stores and provide fresh produce to local food banks in rural Appalachian Ohio. Kathryn Boys (NC State) wrapped up a related NC Healthy Corner Store food program. Margarita Velanda and Jackie Yenerall (both at U. of TN) conducted research on food justice organizations engaged in local food systems.
We conducted research on the impacts of COVID-19 on local and regional food systems, and the role of these systems in global food system resilience in the presence of systemic shocks. Dawn Thilmany (CO State), Tim Woods (U. of KY), along with partners at Penn State, USDA AMS, and industry partners, participated in the Local Food System Response to COVID project to rapidly gather data from consumers and industry and share strategies for resilience across sectors. Dawn Thilmany (CO State) and Elizabeth Canales (MS State) conducted research on the impacts of COVID-19 on local supply chains. Zoë Plakias (OH State) conducted research on the role of emergency management in food system resilience and the costs and benefits of interventions intended to enhance resilience.
Our work enhances market opportunities for farmers, consumers, and other food system stakeholders in the context of specialty crop supply chains, as well as local and regional food systems. As more people look to local and regional supply chains as a potential source of resilience in the context of COVID-19-induced food system shocks, we are providing expertise to support rapid pivots as well as develop strategies to support long-term resilience and better prepare for the next disaster or disruption.


  1. Objective 1: Producers and production systems Through our work we intend to: • Increase the viability of beginning, local, and specialty enterprises in agriculture and food markets • Make financially sustainable specialty crop farming more accessible to beginning farmers and farmers from historically excluded groups • Increase the economic sustainability, environmental sustainability, and resilience of specialty crops operations
  2. Objective 2: Consumers, demand, and trade Through our work, we intend to: • Increase access to convenient, high quality, safe, preferred foods for all consumers • Support development of food labeling policies and practices that provide value to consumers and producers • Provide value to consumers through the development and marketing of new technologies that enhance consumer experience and reduce waste
  3. Objective 3: Marketing and market channels Through our work, we intend to: • Enhance the effectiveness of marketing efforts conducted by food and farm businesses • Develop markets for innovative products that provide new sources of consumer and produce value • Support development of local and regional supply chains and innovative marketing channels for the benefit of consumers, producers, and communities



State, Station, or Agency (S-1088 members in bold)
1. Alston, J., O. Sambucci, B. Rickard, R.K. Gallardo. 2021 (November). “Trait Economics-Annual Report.” USDA-NIFA-SCRI Project: VitisGen2: Application of Next Generation Technologies to Accelerate Grapevine Cultivar Development.
2. Beghin, J. 2021 (September). “Willingness to pay for genome edited food.” Cornhsuker Economics.
3. Curtis, K., T. Drugova, and R. Ward. 2021. “Utah Fresh Produce Grower Preferred Drought Management Strategies.” USU Extension Fact Sheet, Applied Economics/2021-01pr.
4. Curtis, K., T. Drugova, and R. Ward. 2021. “Utah Livestock Producer Preferred Drought Management Strategies.” USU Extension Fact Sheet, Applied Economics/2021-02pr.
5. Curtis, K., T. Drugova, and R. Ward. 2021. “Utah Hay and Forage Grower Preferred Drought Management Strategies.” USU Extension Fact Sheet, Applied Economics/2021-03pr.
6. Drugova, T., and K. Curtis. 2021. “Bakery Organic Wheat Flour Quality and Quantity Requirements.” USU Extension Fact Sheet, Applied Economics/2021-07pr.
7. Drugova, T., and K. Curtis. 2021. “Wheat Miller and Distributor Organic Wheat Quality and Quantity Requirements.” USU Extension Fact Sheet, Applied Economics/2021-08pr.
8. Fonsah, E.G. 2021. “Veinte Cohol Banana Enterprise Budget.” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia.
9. Fonsah, E. G., E. Smith and J. Jacobs. 2021. “Blackberry Enterprise Budget.” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia.
10. Fonsah, E. G., S.R. Kunwar, R. Allen, J. Jacobs and S. Curry. 2021. “Southern High Bush Blueberry Enterprise Budget.” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia.
11. Fonsah, E. G, J. Shealey and S. Carlson. 2021. “Cantaloupe Enterprise Budget.” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia.
12. Fonsah, E. G., S. R. Kunwar and P. Edwards. 2021. “Muscadine Grapes Enterprise Budget.” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia.
13. Fonsah, E. G., L. Wells, W. Hudson and D. Collins. 2021. “Pecan - High Input Enterprise Budget.” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia.
14. Fonsah, E. G., L. Wells, W. Hudson and D. Collins. 2021. “Pecan - Low Input Enterprise Budget.” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia.
15. Fonsah, E. G., J. Price and B. Cantrell. 2021. “Satsuma - Projected Enterprise Budget.” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia.
16. Fonsah, E. G., J. Price and B. Cantrell. 2021. “Satsuma - 5th Year Enterprise Budget.” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia.
17. Fonsah, E. G., J. Price and B. Cantrell. 2021. “Satsuma - 6th Year Enterprise Budget.” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia.
18. Fonsah, E. G., S. Carlson, S. Curry, and R. Brown. 2021. “Strawberry Enterprise Budget.” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia.
19. Fonsah, E. G., T. Coolong, P. Tucker and J. Shealey. 2021. “Watermelon Enterprise Budget.” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia.
20. Fonsah, E. G., J. Shealey, J. Kichler and S. Carlson. 2021. “Bell pepper Enterprise Budget.” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia.
21. Fonsah, E. G., and J. Shealey. 2021. “Broccoli Enterprise Budget.” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia.
22. Fonsah, E. G., T. Coolong, J. Kichler and J. Shealey. 2021. “Cabbage – Bare ground Enterprise Budget” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia.
23. Fonsah, E. G., and A. DaSilva. 2021. “Cabbage – Nitrogen Studies Enterprise Budget.” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia.
24. Fonsah, E. G., and J. Shealey. 2021. “Carrots Enterprise Budget.” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia.
25. Fonsah, E. G., J. Shealey and J. Kichler. 2021. “Cucumber – Bare ground Enterprise Budget.” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia.
26. Fonsah, E. G., and S. Carlson. 2021. “Cucumber - Climbing Enterprise Budget.” Department of Ag & Applied Economics. University of Georgia.
27. Fonsah, E. G., J. Kichler and J. Shealey. 2021. “Cucumber – Plastic Enterprise Budget.” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia.
28. Fonsah, E. G., T. Coolong, J. Kichler and J. Shealey. 2021. “Collard Green Enterprise Budget.” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia.
29. Fonsah, E. G., J. Kichler and J. Shealey. 2021. “Eggplant Enterprise Budget.” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia.
30. Fonsah, E. G., J. Kichler and J. Shealey. 2021. “Jalapeno Pepper Enterprise Budget.” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia.
31. Fonsah, E. G., T. Coolong, J. Kichler, and J. Shealey. 2021. “Kale Green Enterprise Budget.” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia.
32. Fonsah, E. G. and C. Tyson. 2021. “Onions Enterprise Budget.” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia.
33. Fonsah, E. G., J. Shealey and B. Starr. 2021. “Snap Beans Enterprise Budget.” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia.
34. Fonsah, E. G., and J. Shealey. 2021. “Squash - Double Cropped Enterprise Budget.” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia.
35. Fonsah, E. G., and J. Shealey. 2021. “Squash – Bare Ground Enterprise Budget.” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia.
36. Fonsah, E. G., and J. Shealey. 2021. “Sweet Corn Enterprise Budget in Georgia.” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia.
37. Fonsah, E. G. and J. Shealey and S. Carlson. 2021. “Tomato on Plastic Enterprise Budget.” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia.
38. Fonsah, E. G., R. Srinivasan and S. Diffie. 2021. “Tomato (TYLCV) Enterprise Budget.” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia.
39. Fonsah, E.G. 2021. “Fruits and Tree Nuts.” In: 2021 Georgia Ag Forecast, Strategic Insights for Georgia’s #1 Industry, College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, University of Georgia, pp. 12-13.
40. Fonsah, E.G. 2021. “Vegetables and Pulses.” In: 2021 Georgia Ag Forecast, Strategic Insights for Georgia’s #1 Industry, College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, University of Georgia, pp. 12-13.
41. Gallardo, R.K. and S. Galinato. 2021 (November). “2020 Cost Estimates of Producing Bartlett Pears for Canning in Washington State.” Washington State University Extension Bulletin TB80E.
42. Gallardo, R.K. and S. Galinato. 2021 (March). “2019 Cost Estimates of Establishing, Producing and Packing Gala Apples in Washington.” Washington State University Extension Bulletin TB18E.
43. Kelley, K. M. 2020 (December 15). "Research and Extension Update." Energy, Business, and Community Vitality Extension Team.
44. Kelley, K. M. 2021. "Creating a tasting room experience." Penn State Extension.
45. Kelley, K. M. 2021. "Alcoholic Beverage Category Trends." Penn State Extension.
46. Kelley, K. M. 2021. "Developing Your Tasting Room Loyalty Program." Penn State Extension.
47. Kelley, K. M. 2021. "Tasting Room Odds and Ends." Penn State Extension.
48. Kelley, K. M. 2021. "Subscription Boxes for Ag. Businesses." Penn State Extension.
49. Kelley, K. M. 2021. "Cause marketing program strategies." Penn State Extension.
50. Kelley, K. M. 2021. "Customer Service Checkup." Penn State Extension.
51. Kelley, K. M., & B. Canziani. 2021. "Telling your story: Letting customer know why your brand is unique." Penn State Extension.
52. Kelley, K. M., & C. Schmidt. 2021. "COVID-19 Research to Support Tasting Room Owners in Pennsylvania. Part 1." Penn State Extension.
53. Kelley, K. M., & C. Schmidt. 2021. "Festival and Event Trends." Penn State Extension.
54. Rice, E., and K. Curtis, (2021). “Drought-Tolerant Options for Southwest Agriculture: Edible Produce.” USU Extension Fact Sheet, Applied Economics/2021-05pr.
55. Rice, E., and K. Curtis, (2021). “Drought-Tolerant Options for Southwest Agriculture: Grasses, Grains, and Legumes.” USU Extension Fact Sheet, Applied Economics/2021-04pr.
56. Rice, E., and K. Curtis, (2021). “Drought-Tolerant Options for Southwest Agriculture: Ornamentals, Herbs, and Cosmetics.” USU Extension Fact Sheet, Applied Economics/2021-06pr.
57. Rihn, A., A. Fulcher, H. Khachatryan. 2021. “A Ten Year Review of the Southeast U.S. Green Industry, part 1: Labor and Firm Characteristics.” UT Extension Publication, W1026.
58. Schmidt, C., & K. M. Kelley. 2021. "Winery tasting room precautions during COVID-19 - What customers are looking for." Penn State Extension.
59. Torres Bravo, A. P. 2020. "Social media tools during COVID19," Purdue Landscape Report.
60. Velandia, M., A. Fulcher, K.L. Jensen, and J.L. Cross. 2021. “Labor Use and Challenges Faced by Tennessee Fruit and Vegetable Producers.” UT Extension Publication, W985.
61. Velandia, M., A. Fulcher, K.L. Jensen, and S. Schexnayder. 2021. “Labor Use and Challenges Faced by Tennessee Nursery and Floriculture Producers.” UT Extension Publication, W984.
62. Velandia, M., A. Rihn, R. Denton, R., Z. Hansen, D. Lockwood, and N. Bumgarner. 2020. “Sample Budgets for Blueberry Production under Various Integrated Pest Management and Marketing Strategies.” UT Extension, D102.

Outreach/Industry Publications
1. Angelo, B., L. Mangus, D. Johnson, and D. Thilmany. 2020 (December). “Capturing Federal and State Dollars for Colorado’s Food System.” Colorado Food Systems Advisory Council Issue Brief.
2. Ellison, B., B. McFadden, B. Rickard, and N. Wilson. 2020. Food Loss and Waste in the United States during COVID-19. In CAST Commentary: Economic Impacts of COVID-19 on Food and Agricultural Markets. Available at:
3. Fonsah, E.G., and J. Shealey. (2020). “Coronavirus, Seasonal Workers and Food Supply Shortage.” Food, Agriculture, and Resource Economics (FARE) Blog, Department of Agriculture and Applied Economics, University of Georgia.
4. Gallardo, R.K. 2021. “Washington Tree Fruit Outlook.” In Washington Agribusiness Status and Outlook, An Annual Report by Washington State University’s School of Economic Sciences (T. Randall Fortenbery and Timothy P. Nadreau, eds.). Available online at:
5. Love, E. A. Bauman, D. Thilmany, and B.B.R. Jablonski. 2020 (December). “The Economic Contribution of Nourish Colorado’s Fruit and Vegetable Incentive Program.” CSU Regional Economic Development Institute Report.
6. Raszap Skorbiansky, S., G. Astill, E. Higgins, J. Ifft, B.J. Rickard, R. Yuan, and S. Rosch. 2021. Specialty Crop Participation in Federal Risk Management Programs. Economic Information Bulletin (forthcoming). United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service.
7. Rickard, B., and M. Wiltberger. 2020. “Perspectives on Fruits and Vegetables.” In the Cornell-CALS Report titled “Impact of COVID-19 on New York Agriculture.” Available at:
8. Thilmany, D. 2020 (December). “Consumer Food Insights: Survey Overview.” Local Food System Response to COVID Series CFI-01.
9. Thilmany, D. and H. Edmondson. 2021 (April). “COVID-19 Food Channel Expenditure Shares: Trends Across Time and Consumer Perceptions.” Local Food System Response to COVID Series CFI-07.
10. Thilmany, D. and H. Edmondson. 2020 (December) “Consumer Food Insights: Use of Food Market Channels.” Local Food System Response to COVID Series CFI-02.
11. Xu, Lei, Zoë Plakias, and Jennifer Garner. 2021. “Exploring Food Security in Southeast Ohio.” Food Systems and the Food-Water-Energy Nexus blog, Department of Geography, Ohio State University. Online:

Refereed Journal Articles
1. Adalja, A., F. Livat, B.J. Rickard, and A. Susskind. 2021. “Old world and new world sparkling wines: Consumer decisions and insights for retailers.” Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 62(3): 346-356. doi:
2. Ali, E., E.G. Fonsah, and S. Waliullah. 2021. “First Report of Crown Rot of Banana Caused by Fusarium Porliferatum in Georgia, USA.” Forthcoming in Plant Disease Journal.
3. Amin, M.D., S. Badruddoza, and J.J. McCluskey. 2021. “Predicting access to healthful food retailers with machine learning.” Food Policy 99:101985. doi:
4. Balistreri, E., F. Baquedano, and J. Beghin. “The Impact of COVID-19 and Associated Policy Responses on Global Food Security.” Forthcoming in Agricultural Economics.
5. Basu, R. and R.K. Gallardo. 2021. “Economic Issues Related to Long-Term Investment in Tree Fruits.” Choices 36(2):1-7. Available online:
6. Beghin, J. and C. Gustafson. “WTP for and attitudes towards novel food produced with New Plant Engineering Techniques: A review.” Forthcoming in Sustainability.
7. Beghin, J.C., and H. Schweizer. 2021. “Agricultural Trade Costs.” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 43(2):500-530. doi:
8. Beghin, J and J. O’Donnell. “Trade Agreements in the Last 20 Years: Retrospect and Prospect.” Forthcoming in EuroChoices.
9. Bonanno, A. and S. Mendis. 2021. “Too Cool for Farm to School? Analyzing the Determinants of Farm to School Programming Continuation.” Food Policy 102: 102045. doi:
10. Chen, X., B. Kassas, & Z. Gao. 2021. “Impulsive Purchasing in Grocery Shopping: Do the Shopping Companions Matter?” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 60: 102495. doi:
11. Chen, X., Y. Heng, Z. Gao, & Y. Jiang. 2021. “Impacts of Duo‐regional Generic Advertising of Social Media on Consumer Preference.” Agribusiness: 1-24. doi:
12. Chenarides, L. T.J. Richards, and B.J. Rickard. 2021. “COVID-19 impact on fruit and vegetable markets: One year later.” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue Canadienne d’Agroéconomie 69(2): 203–214. doi:
13. Costanigro, M., and B. Jablonski. 2021. “Consumer Stigma and the Reputation Trap Hypothesis: an In-Store Experiment with Colorado Wines.” Journal of Wine Economics 16(2): 210-230. doi:
14. Curtis, K. and S. Slocum. 2021. “Rural Winery Resiliency and Sustainability through the Covid-19 Pandemic.” Sustainability 13(18):10483. doi:
15. Curtis, K., T. Drugova, T. Knudsen, J. Reeve, and R. Ward. 2020. “Is Organic Certification Important to Farmers' Market Shoppers or is Eco-Friendly Enough?” HortScience 55(11):1822-1831. doi:
16. Didero, N., M. Costanigro, and B. Jablonski. 2021. “Promoting Farmers Markets via Information Nudges and Coupons: a Randomized Control Trial.” Agribusiness: An International Journal 37(3): 531-549. doi:
17. Drugova, T., K. Curtis, and R. Ward. 2021. “Producer Preferences for Drought Management Strategies in the Arid West.” Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems: 1-10. doi:
18. Ellison, B., B. McFadden, B. Rickard, and N. Wilson. 2021. “Examining food purchase behavior and food values during the COVID-19 pandemic.” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 43(1): 58-72. doi:
19. Garrido, D. and R.K. Gallardo. 2021. “Are Improvements in Convenience Good Enough for Consumers to Accept New Food Processing Technologies.” Agribusiness An International Journal, July. doi:
20. Govindasamy, R., S. Arumugam, G. Gao, M. Hausbeck, A. Wyenandt and J.E. Simon. 2021. “Downy Mildew Impacts and Control Measures on Cucurbits in the United States.” Journal of American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers: 78-90.
21. Grant, K.R., R.K. Gallardo, and J.J. McCluskey. 2021. “Consumer Preferences for Foods with Clean Labels and New Processing Technologies.” Agribusiness: An International Journal 37(4): 764-781. doi:
22. Hammami, A.M., and J.C. Beghin. 2021. “The Trade and Welfare Impacts of the US Retaliatory Tariff on EU Olive Oil.” Agricultural Economics 52(5):807-818. doi:
23. Ho, S.-T., and B.J. Rickard. 2021. “Regulation and purchase diversity: Empirical evidence from the U.S. alcohol market.” International Review of Law and Economics 68(December): 106008. doi:
24. Huseynov, S., and M.A. Palma. 2021. “Food Decision-Making under Time Pressure.” Food Quality and Preference 88(March): 104072. doi:
25. Huseynov, S., M.A. Palma, and G. Ahmad. 2021. “Does the Magnitude of Relative Calorie Distance Affect Food Consumption?” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 188:530-551. doi:
26. Jablonski, B.B.R., A. Bauman and D. Thilmany. 2021. “Local Food Markets and Labor Intensity.” Applied Economic Policy and Perspectives 43(3):916-34. doi:
27. Jensen, K. L., J. Yenerall, X. Chen, & T. E. Yu. 2021. “US Consumers’ Online Shopping Behaviors and Intentions During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 53(3):416-434. doi:
28. Kelley, K., M. Todd, H. Hopfer, and M. Centinari. 2021. "Identifying wine consumers interested in environmentally sustainable production practices." International Journal of Wine Business Research, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. doi:
29. Knuth, Melinda J., Hayk Khachatryan, Charles R. Hall, Marco A. Palma, Alan W. Hodges, Ariana P. Torres, and Robin G. Brumfield. 2021. “Trade Flows within the United States Nursery Industry in 2018.” Journal of Environmental Horticulture 39(2): 77-90. doi:
30. Krzyzanowski Guerra, Kathleen, Drew Hanks, Zoë T. Plakias, Susie Huser, Tom Redfern, and Jennifer Garner. 2021. “Short Value Chain Models of Healthy Food Access: A Qualitative Study of Two Approaches.” Nutrients 13(11): 4145. doi:
31. Kunwar, S. R. and E.G. Fonsah. 2021. “Economic Analysis of Southern Highbush Blueberry in Georgia Using Drip Irrigation.” Forthcoming in Journal of Extension.
32. Long, A. B.R. Jablonski, M. Costanigro and W.M. Frasier. 2021. “The Impact of State Farm to School Procurement Incentives on School Purchasing Decisions.” Journal of School Health 91(5): 418-427. doi:
33. Low, S., M. Bass, D. Thilmany and M. Castillo. 2021. “Local Foods go Downstream: Exploring the Spatial Factors Driving U.S. Food Manufacturing.” Applied Economic Policy and Perspectives 43(3):896-915. doi:
34. Marette, S., A. C. Disdier, and J. Beghin. 2021. “A Comparison of EU and US consumers' willingness to pay for gene-edited food: Evidence from apples.” Appetite 159(April): 105064. doi:
35. Marette, S., J. Beghin, A-C Disdier, and E. Mojduszka. "Can foods produced with new plant engineering techniques succeed in the marketplace? A case study of apples." Forthcoming in Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy.
36. O’Hara, J., M. Castillo and D. Thilmany. 2021. “Do Cottage Food Laws Reduce Barriers to Entry for Food Manufacturers?” Applied Economic Policy and Perspectives 43(3):935-954. doi:
37. Plakias, Zoë T. 2021. “Cost-Benefit Analysis as a Tool for Measuring Economic Impacts of Local Food Systems: Case Study of an Institutional Sourcing Change.” Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development 10(3): 1-25. doi:
38. Pruitt, J.R., K.M. Melton, and M.A. Palma. 2021. “Does Physical Activity Influence Consumer Acceptance of Gene Edited Food?” Sustainability 13: 7759. doi:
39. Richards, T.J., and B.J. Rickard. 2021. “Dynamic model of beer pricing and buyouts.” Agribusiness: An International Journal 37(4): 685-712. doi:
40. Rihn, A. L., A. P. Torres Bravo, S. S. Barton, B. K. Behe, and H. Khachatryan. 2021. “Marketing Strategies Used by U.S. Landscape Services Firms.” HortScience 56(6):695-708. doi:
41. Rihn, A. L., A. P. Torres Bravo, S. S. Barton, B. K. Behe, and H. Khachatryan. 2021. “Evaluating the Business and Owner Characteristics Influencing the Adoption of Online Advertising Strategies in the U.S. Green Industry.” HortScience 56(6):659-666. doi:
42. Schmit, T. M., B.B.R. Jablonski, A. Bonanno, and T. Johnson. “Measuring stocks of community wealth and its association with food systems efforts in rural and urban places.” Forthcoming in Food Policy.
43. Shih, Y-T., W. Wang, A. Hasenbeck, D. Stone, and Y. Zhao. 2020. “Investigation of physicochemical, nutritional, and sensory qualities of muffins incorporated with dried brewer’s spent grain flour as a source of dietary fiber and protein.” Journal of Food Science 85(11): 3943-3953. doi:
44. Thilmany, D., L. Brislen, H. Edmondson, M. Gill, B.B.R. Jablonski, S. Rocker, J. Rossi, T. Woods and S. Schaffstall. 2021. “Novel methods for an interesting time: Exploring U.S. local food systems’ impacts and initiatives to respond to COVID.” Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 59:848-877. doi:
45. Tiboldo, G., A. Bonanno, R. Lopez, and E. Castellari. 2021. “Competitive and Welfare Effects of Private Label Presence in Differentiated Food Markets.” Applied Economics 53(24): 2713-2726. doi:
46. Todd, M. J., K. M. Kelley, & H. Hopfer. 2021. "USA Mid-Atlantic Consumer Preferences for Front Label Attributes for Local Wine." Beverages 7(22): 1-16. doi:
47. Torres Bravo, A. P. “Defining Diversification in the Specialty Crops Industry.” Forthcoming in the Journal of Food Distribution Research.
48. Torres Bravo, A. P., M.I. Marshall, & M. S. Delgado. 2021. “The Economic Implications of Social Capital on Hispanic Entrepreneurship.” Journal of Small Business Strategy 31(7): 72-87. Retrieved from
49. Torres Bravo, A. P. “Marketing and Advertising Practices of U.S. Landscape Firms.” Accepted at HortTechnology.
50. Uddin, A. and R.K. Gallardo. 2021. “Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Organic, Clean Label, and Processed with a New Food Technology: An Application to Ready Meals.” International
Food and Agribusiness Management Review 24(3):1-18. doi:
51. Velandia, M., C. Trejo-Pech, K. Moskowitz, K. Tanaka, H. Hyden, K. Rignall, A. and Del Brocco. 2021. “Financial Sustainability of Nonprofit Organizations Covering Multiple Goals of the Food Justice Mission: The Case of New Roots, Inc.” Forthcoming in Journal of Food Distribution Research.
52. Velandia, M., K. Jensen, K. DeLong, A. Wszelaki, and A. Rihn. 2020. “Tennessee Fruit and Vegetable Farmer Preferences and Willingness to Pay for Plastic Biodegradable Mulch.” Journal of Food Distribution Research 51(3): 63-87.
53. Waliullah, S., E.G. Fonsah, and E. Ali. 2021. “First Report of Stem-end Rot Caused by Lasiodiplodia Theobromae on Banana in Georgia, USA.” Forthcoming in Plant Disease Journal.
54. Wang, E., Z. Gao, & X. Chen. 2021. “Chinese Consumer Preference for Processed Food Quality Attributes and the Impact of Trust in Information Sources.” British Food Journal Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. doi:
55. Weersink, A. M. von Massow, N. Bannon, J. Ifft, J. Maples, K. McEwen, M. McKendree, C. Nicholson, A. Novakovic, A. Rangarajan, T. Richards, B. Rickard, J. Rude, M. Schipanski, G. Schnitkey, L. Schultz, D. Schuurman, K. Schwartzkopf-Genswein, M. Stephenson, J. Thompson, and K. Wood. 2021. “COVID-19 and the Agri-Food System in the United States and Canada.” Agricultural Systems 188(March):103039. doi:
56. Weis, C., A. Narang, B.J. Rickard, and D. Souza Monteiro. 2021. “Effects of date labels and freshness indicators on food waste patterns in the United States and the United Kingdom.” Sustainability 13(14): 7897. doi:

Books and Book Chapters
1. Beghin, J.C. 2021. “Sanitary and PhytoSanitary Measures” in Current Issues in Global Agricultural and Trade Policy: A Tribute to the Work of Timothy Josling (D. Blandford and S. Tangermann, eds.). World Scientific Publishing.
2. Hwang, L.C, H.R. Juliani, R. Govindasamy and J.E. Simon. 2020. “Traditional botanical uses of non-timber forest products (NTFP) in seven counties in Liberia” in African Natural Plant Products, Volume III: Discoveries and Innovations in Chemistry, Bioactivity, and Applications (H.R. Juliani, J.E. Simon and C.T. Ho, eds.). American Chemical Society, ACS Symposium Series 1361. Oxford University Press.
3. McCluskey, J.J. and J.A. Winfree. “Product Differentiation in Food” in forthcoming book Modern Guide to Food Economics (Jutta Roosen and Jill E. Hobbs, eds.). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
4. Peters, C. and D. Thilmany. “Using models to study food systems” in forthcoming book Food Systems Modelling (C. Peters and D. Thilmany, eds.). Elsevier.
Refereed Conference Proceedings (S-1088 members in bold)
1. Brumfield, Robin G., Deborah Greenwood, Madeline Flahive DiNardo, Arend-Jan Both, Joseph R, Heckman, Ramu Govindasamy, Nicholas Polanin, Ashaki A. Rouff, Amy Rowe, Richard VanVranken, and Surendran Arumugam. 2020. “Farming in New Jersey’s Cities and the Urban Fringe: A successful educational program for women producers, beginning farmers, and military veterans.” Proceedings of Conference on Women’s Empowerment in the World, pp. 355-363.
2. Drugova, T., K. Curtis, and M.K. Kim. 2021. “The Economic Impacts of Drought on Navajo Nation.” Journal of Food Distribution Research 52(1): 31-38.
3. Torres Bravo, A. P. 2021. “The adoption of drying value-added technologies in the specialty crop industry.” Journal of Food Distribution Research 52(1): 92-101.
4. Velandia, M., X. Chen, J. Yenerall, S. Schexnayder, C. Trejo-Pech, K. Tanaka, H. Hyden, K. Rignall. (2021). “Factors Influencing Fruit and Vegetable Farmers’ Willingness to Participate in Market Outlets with a Food Justice Mission: The Case of Fresh Stop Markets.” Journal of Food Distribution Research 52(1): 6-7.

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