SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Antonio Mallarino, Iowa State Univ. Chair, Iowa rep David Franzen, North Dakota State Univ. (Attended over phone 0n 25 and joined on 26th -ND rep Carrie Laboski, Univ. of Wisconsin, Wisconsin rep Jon Dahl, Michigan State Univ., Michigan rep Jason Clark, South Dakota State University rep Andrew Margenot- Illinois rep, attended only on the 2nd day the Soil Testing and Plant Analysis Workshop and presented Dan Kaiser, Univ. of Minnesota, Minnesota rep- attended via skype meeting Andrew Stammer, University of Wisconsin., visitor Steve Culman, The Ohio State Univ., Ohio rep Sakthi Subburayalu, Central State Univ., visitor


Short-term outcomes: We have no short-term outcomes to report with firm metrics.

A white paper on the problems with the sulfur soil has been added to the NCERA-13 publications on the website.

A draft of phosphorus methods has been completed and is being circulated among members.

Activities: The biannual Soil testing and plant analysis workshop was held Feb. 26-27 in Iowa City, IA. The meeting was well attended by industry with about 50 attending. The agenda is included in the minutes and on the NIMMS website.

Milestones: The draft revision of phosphorus methods have been completed, with the goal of uploading the revision by November, 2019.


  1. The laboratories in the North Central Region represented in NCERA-13 have continued to represent the standard in soil testing procedures in the region. The evidence for this is the attendance at the 2019 Soil Testing Workshop of representatives from most of the soil testing laboratories in the region. The soil and plant analysis methods recommended by the committee are used by most of the soil/plant testing laboratories in the region.


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