SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information

  • Project No. and Title: NCAC1 : Crop and Soil Research
  • Period Covered: 01/01/2002 to 01/01/2003
  • Date of Report: 03/17/2003
  • Annual Meeting Dates: 01/23/2003 to 01/24/2003


Stephen H. Anderson, University of Missouri; Craig A. Beyrouty, Purdue University; Will Bleam, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Douglas D. Buhler, Michigan State University; Kenneth G. Cassman, University of Nebraska; Donald J. Eckert, The Ohio State University; Steven L. Fales, Iowa State University; Dale J. Gallenberg, South Dakota State University; Burle G. Gengenbach, University of Minnesota Gary H. Heichel University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Ray Knighton, USDA-CSREES/NRE; Birl Lowery, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Stephen C. Myers, The Ohio State University; Edward A. Nater, University of Minnesota; Darrell W. Nelson, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Jimmie L. Richardson, North Dakota State University; John S. Russin, Southern Illinois University; Albert A. Schneiter, North Dakota State University; Robert E. Sharp, University of Missouri-Columbia;




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