NC131: Molecular Mechanisms Regulating Skeletal Muscle Growth and Differentiation

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports


Committee members published 42 full-length papers in refereed journals during the period of this report; 17 other full-length papers were accepted for publication. In addition, they published 40 abstracts of papers presented at professional meetings and 15 non-referred publications as proceedings and book chapters.

The full listing of publications can be found in the NC-131 annual report for 2001-02, which is available on the NC-131 web page, .


Refereed Journal Articles

Published Full-Length Articles


Goll, D.E., V.F. Thompson, H. Li, W. Wei, and J. Cong. 2003. The calpain system. Physiol. Rev. 83: 731-801.

Thompson, V.F., K.R. Lawson, K.R., J. Barlow, J., and D.E. Goll. 2003. Digestion of m- and m-calpain by trypsin and chymotrypsin. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1648: 140-153.


Hendricksen, R.E., C. Gazzola, M.M. Reich, R.F. Roberton, D.J. Reid, and R.A.Hill. 2003. Using molasses as an alternative to controlled release devices for administering n-alkane markers to cattle. Animal Sci.76: 471-480.


Kocamis, H., and J. Killefer. 2003. Expression profiles of IGF-1, IGF-II, bFGF and TGFB2 growth factors during chicken embryonic development. Turk. J. Vet. Anim. Sci. 367-372.

McCusker, R. H., R. L. Mateski, J. Novakofski. 2003. Zinc alters the kinetics of IGF-II binding to cell surface receptors and binding proteins. Endocrine 21(3): 279-288.

McCusker, R. H. and J. Novakofski. 2003. Zinc partitions Insulin-Like Growth Factors (IGFs) from soluble IGF Binding Protein (IGFBP)-5 to the cell surface receptors of BC3H-1 muscle cells. J. Cell. Physiol. 197(3): 388-399.


Hammelman, J.E., B.C. Bowker, A.L. Grant, J.C.Forrest, A.P. Schinckel, and D.E. Gerrard. 2003. Early postmortem electrical stimulation simulates PSE pork development Meat Sci. 63: 69-77.

Hatem, L., J. Tan, and D.E. Gerrard. 2003. Determination of animal skeletal maturity by image processing. Meat Sci. 65: 999﷓1004.


Carlsson, L., C. Fischer, G. Sjoberg, R. M. Robson, T. Segersen and L.﷓E. Thomell. 2002. Cytoskeletal derangements in hereditary myopathy with desmin L345P mutation. Acta Neuropathol. 104: 493﷓504.


Johnson, B. J., M.E. White, M.R. Hathaway, and W.R. Dayton. 2003. Effect of differentiation on levels of insulin-like growth factor binding protein mRNAs in cultured porcine embryonic myogenic cells. Dom. Anim. Endocrinol. 24: 81-93.

White, M. E., B.J. Johnson, M.R. Hathaway, and W.R. Dayton. 2003. Growth factor mRNA levels in muscle and liver of steroid-implanted and nonimplanted steers. J. Anim. Sci. 81: 965-972.

Pampusch, M. S., B. J. Johnson, M. E. White, M. R. Hathaway, J. D. Dunn, A. T. Waylan, and W. R. Dayton. 2003. Time course of changes in growth factor mRNA levels in muscle of steroid-implanted and non-implanted steers. J. Anim. Sci. 81: 2733-2740.


Scheffler J.M., D.D. Buskirk, S.R. Rust, J.D. Cowley and M.E. Doumit. 2003. Effect of repeated administration of combination trenbolone acetate and estradiol implants on growth, carcass traits, and beef quality of long﷓fed Holstein steers. J. Anim. Sci. 81: 2395﷓2400.

Yao, J., P.M. Coussens, P. Saama, S. Suchyta, and C.W. Ernst. 2002. Generation of expressed sequence tags from a normalized porcine skeletal muscle cDNA library. Anim. Biotech. 13: 211﷓222.

Farber, C.R., N.E. Raney, D.L. Kuhlers, K. Nadarajah and C.W. Ernst. 2003. Identification of genetic markers between two pig populations using representational difference analysis. Anim. Biotech. 14: 87﷓102.

Zhao, S., D. Nettleton, W. Liu, C.W. Fitzsimmons, C.W. Ernst and C.K. Tuggle. 2003. cDNA macroarray analyses of differential gene expression in porcine fetal and postnatal skeletal muscle. J. Anim. Sci. 81: 2179﷓2188.


Pampusch, M. S., E. Kamanga-Sollo, M. E. White, M. R. Hathaway, and W. R. Dayton. 2003. Effect of recombinant porcine IGF-binding protein-3 on proliferation of embryonic porcine myogenic cell cultures in the presence and absence of IGF-I. J. Endocrinol. 176: 227-235.

Kamanga-Sollo, E., M. S. Pampusch, M. E. White, and W. R. Dayton. 2003. Role of insulin-like growth factor binding protein (IGFBP)-3 in TGF-beta- and GDF-8 (myostatin)-induced suppression of proliferation in porcine embryonic myogenic cell cultures. J. Cell Physiol. 197: 225-231.

Johnson, B. J., M. E. White, M. R. Hathaway, and W. R. Dayton. 2003. Effect of differentiation on levels of insulin-like growth factor binding protein mRNAs in cultured porcine embryonic myogenic cells. Domest. Anim Endocrinol. 24: 81-93.

Pampusch, M. S., B. J. Johnson, M. E. White, M. R. Hathaway, J. D. Dunn, A. T. Waylan, and W. R. Dayton. 2003. Time course of changes in growth factor mRNA levels in muscle of steroid-implanted and non-implanted steers. J. Anim. Sci. 81: 965-972.

White, M. E., B. J. Johnson, M. R. Hathaway, and W. R. Dayton. 2003. Growth factor messenger RNA levels in muscle and liver of steroid-implanted and nonimplanted steers. J. Anim Sci. 81: 965-972.

Hathaway, M. R., W. R. Dayton, M. E. White, and M. S. Pampusch. 2003. Effects of antimicrobials and weaning on porcine serum insulin-like growth factor binding protein levels. J. Anim Sci. 81: 1456-1463.

North Carolina

Mozdziak P.E., Pophal S., Borwornpinyo S., J.N. Petitte. 2003. Transgenic chickens expressing beta﷓galactosidase hydrolyze lactose in the intestine J. Nutr. 133 (10): 3076﷓3079.

Pophal, S., J.J. Evans, and P.E. Mozdziak. 2003. Myonuclear apoptosis occurs during early posthatch starvation Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B Biochem. Mol. Biol. 135 (4): 677﷓681.

Giamario, C., J.N. Petitte, and P.E. Mozdziak. 2003. Hatchability of chicken embryos following somite manipulation Biotechniques 34 (6): 1128﷓1130.

Greaser M.L., M. Berri, C.M. Warren, and P.E. Mozdziak. 2002. Species variations in cDNA sequence and exon splicing patterns in the extensible I﷓band region of cardiac titin: relation to passive tension J. Muscle Res. Cell Motil. 23 (5﷓6): 473﷓482.

Mozdziak P.E, J.J. Dibner, and D.W. McCoy. 2003. Glyceraldehyde﷓3﷓phosphate dehydrogenase expression varies with age and nutrition status. Nutrition 19 (5): 438﷓440.

Mozdziak, P.E., C. Giamario, and J.N. Petitte, 2003. Myonuclear accretion-a brief review. An. Sci. Papers and Reports 21 (Suppl. 1) 121-131.

Mozdziak, P.E., S. Borwornpinyo, D.W. McCoy, and J.N. Petitte. 2003. Development of transgenic chickens expressing bacterial beta﷓galactosidase. Dev. Dynam. 226 (3): 439﷓445.

Mozdziak, P.E., T.J. Walsh, and D.W. McCoy. 2002. The effect of early posthatch nutrition on satellite cell mitotic activity. Poult. Sci. 81 (11): 1703﷓1708.

Mozdziak, P.E., J.J. Dibner, and D.W. McCoy. 2002.The effect of early posthatch starvation on calpain mRNA levels. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B Biochem. Mol. Biol. 133 (2): 221﷓226.

Mozdziak, P.E., J.J. Evans, and D.W. McCoy. 2002. Early posthatch starvation induces myonuclear apoptosis in chickens J. Nutr. 132 (5): 901﷓903.


McFarland, D.C., X. Liu, S.G. Velleman, Z.Caiyun, C.S. Coy, and J.E. Pesall. 2003. Variation in fibroblast growth factor response and heparan sulfate proteoglycan production in satellite cell populations. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. C Toxicol. Pharmacol. 134:341﷓351.

Wick, M., S. G. Velleman, C. S. Coy, D. C. McFarland, and C. I. Pretzman. 2003. Myosin heavy chain isoform expression is altered during in vitro myogenesis in low score normal chickens. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A Mol. Integr. Physiol. 136(2): 401-408.

Velleman, S.G. J.W. Anderson, C.S.Coy, and K.E. Nestor. 2003. Effect of selection for growth rate on muscle damage during turkey breast muscle development. Poult. Sci. 82: 1069﷓1074.

Liu, X., D.C. McFarland, K.E. Nestor, and S.G. Velleman, S.G. 2003. Expression of fibroblast growth factor 2 and its receptor during skeletal muscle development from turkeys with different growth rates. Dom. Anim. Endocrinol. 25: 215﷓229.

Velleman, S.G. and K.E. Nestor, K.E. 2003. Effect of selection for growth rate on myosin heavy chain temporal and spatial localization during turkey breast muscle development. Poult. Sci. 82: 1373﷓1377.

Velleman, S.G., C.S.Coy, J.W. Anderson, R.A. Patterson, and K.E. Nestor. 2003. Effect of selection for growth rate and inheritance on post hatch muscle development in turkeys. Poult. Sci. 82: 1365﷓1372.


Xiao, Y.Y., M.C. Wang, J. Purintrapiban and N.E. Forsberg. 2003. Roles of u-calpain in cultuired L8 muscle cells: application of a skeletal muscle-specific gene expression system. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. C Toxicol Pharmacol. 134: 439-450.

Xiao, Y.Y., M.A. Beilstein, M.C.Wang J. Purintrapiban, and N.E. Forsberg. 2003. Development of a ponasterone A-inducible expression system for application in cultured skeletal muscle cells. Int. J. Biochem. Cell. Biol. 35: 79-85.

Purintrapiban, J., M.C. Wang, and N.E. Forsberg. 2003. Degradation of sarcomeric and cytoskeletal proteins in cultured skeletal muscle cells. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B Biochem Mol Biol. 136(3): 393-401.

Azuma, M., Y. Tamada, S. Kanaami, E. Nakajima, Y. Nakamura, C. Fukiage, N.E. Forsberg, M.K. Duncan, and T.R. Shearer. 2003. Differential influence of proteolysis by calpain 2 and Lp82 on in vitro precipitation of mouse lens crystallins. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 307(3): 558-63.

South Dakota

Wick, M., S. G. Velleman, C. S. Coy, D. C. McFarland, and C. I. Pretzman. 2003. Myosin heavy chain isoform expression is altered during in vitro myogenesis in low score normal chickens. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A Mol. Integr. Physiol. 136(2): 401-408.

Liu, X., K. E. Nestor, D. C. McFarland, and S. G. Velleman. 2002. Developmental expression of skeletal muscle heparan sulfate proteoglycans in turkey lines with different growth rates. Poult. Sci. 81: 1621-1628.

McFarland, D. C., X. Liu, S. G. Velleman, C. Zeng, C. S. Coy, and J. E. Pesall. 2003. Variation in fibroblast growth factor and heparan sulfate proteoglycan production in satellite cell populations. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. C 134: 341-351.

Liu, X., D. C. McFarland, K. E. Nestor, and S. G. Velleman. 2003. Expression of fibroblast growth factor 2 and its receptor during skeletal muscle development in turkeys with different growth rates. Dom. Anim. Endocrin. 25(2): 215-219.


Harris, S.P., W.T. Heller, M.L. Greaser, R.L. Moss, and J. Trewhella. 2003. Solution structure of heavy meromyosin by small-angle scattering. J. Biol. Chem. 278: 6034-6040.

Huang, C., Q. Zhou, P. Liang, M. Hollander, F. Sheikh, X. Li, M. Greaser, G. D. Shelton, S. Evans, and J.Chen. 2003. Short or long isoforms of Cypher can rescue lethality resulting from loss of Cypher function. J. Biol. Chem. 278: 7360-7365.

Warren, C.M., P.R. Krzesinski, and M.L. Greaser. 2003. Vertical agarose gel electrophoresis and electroblotting of high molecular weight proteins. Electrophoresis 24: 1695-1702.

Warren, C.M. and M.L. Greaser. 2003. Method for cardiac myosin heavy chain separation by SDS gel electrophoresis. Anal. Biochem. 320: 149-151.


Vierck, J., D. Icenoggle, L. Bucci and M.V. Dodson. 2003. The effects of ergogenic compounds on satellite cells. Med. Sci. Sports Exer. 35: 769-776.

Kuber, P.S., S.K. Duckett, J.R. Busboom, G.D. Snowder, M.V. Dodson, J.L. Vierck and J.F. Bailey. 2003. Measuring the effects of phenotype and mechanical restraint on proteolytic degradation and rigor shortening in callipyge lamb longissimus muscle during extended aging. Meat Sci. 63(3): 325-331.

Published Abstracts


Cong. J., V.F. Thompson, and D.E. Goll. 2003. Phosphorylation of dephosphorylated m-calpain by protein kinase C. FASEB J. 17: A1006.

Cong, J., V.F. Thompson, and D.E. Goll. 2003. Phosphorylation of the calpains. 3rd General Meeting of the International Proteolysis Society, Nagoya, Japan. (in press).

Saido, M., H. Li, V.F. Thompson, N. Kunisaki, and D.E. Goll, D.E. 2003. Properties of the calpain system in rainbow trout. 3rd General Meeting of the International Proteolysis Society, Nagoya, Japan. (in press).


H.Y.Jin, Y.S. Kim and M.A. Dunn. 2003. Refolding and purification of unprocessed porcine myostatin expressed in E. coli. J. Anim. Sci. 81 (Suppl. 1): 305.


Cochrane, J., A.L. Strat, M.V. Dodson, A. Gertler, and R.A. Hill. 2003. The impact of serine phosphorylation on the insulin pathway. Proc. Am. Chem. Soc. (in press).

Hunt, M.L., T.A. Kokta, T. OShea, R.A. Hill, and J.R. McFarlane. 2003. Leptin clearance rates during the early follicular phase are higher than during the luteal phase of the estrius cycle in ewes. Proc. Endocrin. Soc. Aust. 46: 77.

Hill, R.A., M.V. Dodson, a. Gertler, N.J. Hughes, and D. Henderson. 2003. Insulin signaling in bovine myogenic cells. J. Animal Sci. 81(Suppl. 1): 96.


Eash, J.K., A. Olsen, A.L. Grant, D.E. Gerrard, and K.M. Hannon. 2003. Fibroblast growth factor receptor I mediates disuse atrophy in gastrocnemius and soleus muscles of mice. J. Anim. Sci. 81: (Suppl. 2): 57.

Guo, Q., A.L. Grant, B.T. Richert, A.P. Schinckel and D. E. Gerrard. 2003. Ractopamine may improve meat quality by altering postmortem metabolism. J. Anim. Sci. 81: (Suppl. 2) 53.


Lee, H.﷓S., R. M. Bellin, D. L. Walker, M. H. Stromer, D. R. Critchley, and R. M. Robson. 2002. Characteristics of an actin﷓binding site (ABS) in the talin head domain and comparison to an ABS near the C﷓terminal of the molecule. Mol. Biol. Cell 13: 56a.

Lex, S.A., T. W. Huiatt, M. H. Stromer and R. M. Robson. 2003. Localization of intermediate filament proteins in developing avian skeletal muscle cells. J Anim. Sci. 81 (Suppl. 2): 28.


Sissom, E. K., J. P. Kayser, A. T. Waylan, J. D. Dunn, and B. J. Johnson. 2003. Effect of melengestrol acetate (MGA) on bovine muscle satellite cell proliferation and differentiation. J. Anim. Sci. 81 (Suppl. 1): 305.

Dunn, J. D., A. T. Waylan, J. P. Kayser, E. K. Sissom, and B. J. Johnson. 2003. Effect of flax supplementation and a combined trenbolone acetate and estradiol implant on muscle satellite cell activity in beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 81 (Suppl. 1): 305.

Dunn, J. D., J. P. Kayser, A. T. Waylan, E. K. Sissom, J. S. Drouillard, and B. J. Johnson. 2003. Effect of flax supplementation and a combined trenbolone acetate and estradiol implant on circulating IGF-1 and muscle IGF-1 mRNA levels in finishing cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 81 (Suppl. 2): 20.

Waylan, A. T., J. P. Kayser, J. D. Dunn, E. K. Sissom, and B. J. Johnson. 2003. Effect of flax supplementation and growth promotants on steady-state lipoprotein lipase and glycogenin mRNA concentrations in finishing cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 81 (Suppl. 2): 30.

Kayser, J. P., J. D. Dunn, A. T. Waylan, S. S. Dritz, J. C. Nietfeld, J. E. Minton, and B. J. Johnson. 2003. Effects of acute enteric disease challenge on the insulin-like growth factor system in nursery pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 81 (Suppl. 2): 30.

Burkey T. E., S. S. Dritz, J. C. Nietfeld, B. J. Johnson, and J. E. Minton. 2003. Effect of dietary mannanoligosaccharide (MOS) and sodium chlorate (CHL) on bacterial shedding in weaned pigs challenged with Salmonella enterica serotype typhimurium (ST). J. Anim. Sci. 81(Suppl. 2): 38.

Dunn, J. D., J. P. Kayser, A. T. Waylan, E. K. Sissom, J. S. Drouillard, and B. J. Johnson. 2003. Effect of flax supplementation and a combined trenbolone acetate and estradiol implant on circulating IGF-1 and muscle IGF-1 mRNA levels and satellite cell activity in beef cattle. Proc. Plains Nutrition Spring Conference. Pub. AREC 03-13. Texas A & M Research and Extension Center, Amarillo. P. 106.

Waylan, A. T., J. P. Kayser, J. D. Dunn, E. K. Sissom, and B. J. Johnson. 2003. Effect of flax supplementation and growth promotants on steady-state lipoprotein lipase and glycogenin mRNA concentrations in finishing cattle. Proc. Plains Nutrition Spring Conference. Pub. AREC 03-13. Texas A & M Research and Extension Center, Amarillo. P. 119.

Epp, M. P., D. A. Blasi, B. J. Johnson, and J. P. Kayser. 2003. Steroid hormone profiles and brain monoamine oxidase type A (MAO-A) activity of buller steers. Proc. Plains Nutrition Spring Conference. Pub. AREC 03-13. Texas A & M Research and Extension Center, Amarillo. P. 107.


Zhao, S., D. Nettleton, W. Liu, C. Fitzsimmons, C.W. Ernst, N.E. Raney and C.K. Tuggle. 2003. cDNA macroarray analyses of differential gene expression in porcine fetal and postnatal muscle. Plant and Animal Genome XI Conference. San Diego, CA. http://www.intl﷓


Novak, C., S. Scheideler, and S. Jones. 2003. Effect of dietary level and TSAA:Lysine ratio on body composition, egg protein and magnum tissue of the laying hen. Poultry Sci. 80: (Suppl. 1) 390.

North Carolina

Evans, J.J., S. Pophal, and P.E. Mozdziak. 2003. Myonuclear apoptosis during early post﷓hatch starvation. Poult. Sci. (Suppl. 1)82: 45.

Mozdziak, P.E. 2003. An undergraduate laboratory course on animal cell culture techniques Poult. Sci. (Suppl. 1) 82: 255.

Mozdziak, P.E., J.J. Dibner, and D.W. McCoy. 2003. Glyceraldehyde﷓3﷓dehydrogenase expression in skeletal muscle is altered by nutritional status. Poult Sci. (Suppl. 1) 82: 324

Moore, D.T., P.R. Ferket, and P.E. Mozdziak, P.E. 2003. BrdU administration to avian embryos. Poult. Sci. (Suppl. 1) 82: 351

Giamario, C., J.N. Petitte, and P.E. Mozdziak. 2003. Hatchability of chicken embryos following intrasomite injection. Poult Sci. (Suppl. 1) 82: 354.

Mozdziak, P.E., S. Pophal, S. Borwornpinyo, S. Pardue, and J.N. Petitte. 2003. Transgenic chickens expressing beta﷓galactosidase. Transgen. Res (in press).

Mozdziak, P.E., S. Borwornpinyo, D.W. McCoy, and J.N. Petitte. 2002. Development of transgenic poultry expressing nuclear﷓located lacZ. Poult. Sci. 81 (Supplement 1): 376.

Evans, J.J., D.W. McCoy, and P.E. Mozdziak. 2002. Early post﷓hatch starvation induces myonuclear apoptosis. Poult. Sci. 81 (Supplement 1): 100.


Watanabe, K., P. Nair, D. Labeit, M. Kellermayer, M. Greaser, S. Labeit, and H. Granzier. 2003. Molecular mechanics of cardiac titins PEVK and N2B spring elements. Biophys. J. 84: 244a.

Warren, C.M. and M.L. Greaser. 2003. Vertical agarose gel electrophoresis and electroblotting of high molecular weight proteins. Biophys. J. 84: 564a.


He, M.L., P.S. Mir, E. Okine, and M.V. Dodson. 2003. Effect of culture media containing conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)cis (c)9,trans(t)11 and CLAt10,c12 on proliferation of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 83: #55.

He, M.L., P.S. Mir, E. Okine, and M.V. Dodson. 2003. Effect of culture media containing conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)cis (c)9,trans(t)11 and CLAt10,c12 on lipid accumulation in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes. Can. J. Anim. Sci 83: #56.

Hill, R.A., M.V. Dodson, A. Gertler, N.J. Hughes and D. Henderson. 2003. Insulin signaling in bovine myogenic cells. J. Anim. Sci. 81: 96.

Cochrane, J., L. Strat, M.V. Dodson, A. Gertler and R.A. Hill. 2003. The impact of serine phosphorylation on the insulin pathway. Proc. Am. Chem. Soc. 143: 93.

Fernyhough, M.E., L.R. Bucci, J. Feliciano, J.L. Vierck and M.V. Dodson. 2003. Ergogenic supplements and their effects on muscle satellite cells. J. Am. Coll. Nutr. 22(5): 482.

Accepted Full-Length Articles


Li, H., V.F. Thompson, V.F., and D.E. Goll. Effects of autolysis on properties of :- and m-calpain. Biochim. Biophys. Acta (in press).


McCusker, R. H. and J. Novakofski. 2003. Zinc partitions IGFs From soluble IGFBP-5, but not soluble IGFBP-4, to myoblast IGF Type 1 receptors. J. Endo. (in press).

Gahr, S.A., H. Kocamis, J.J. Richter and J. Killefer. 2003. The effects of in ovo rhIGF-I administration on expression of the growth hormone secretagogue receptor (GHSR) during chicken embryonic development. Growth Dev. Aging (in press).


Bowker, B.C., D.R. Swartz, A.L. Grant, and D.E. Gerrard. Method of isolation, rate of postmortem metabolism, and myosin heavy chain isoform composition influence ATPase activity of isolated porcine myofibrils. Meat Sci. (in press).

Alzghoul, M.B., D.E. Gerrard, B.A. Watkins and K.M. Hannon. Ectopic expression of IGF﷓I and Shh by skeletal muscle inhibits disuse﷓mediated skeletal muscle atrophy and bone osteopenia in vivo. FASEB J. (in press).

Bowker, B.C., D.R. Swartz, A.L. Grant, and D.E. Gerrard. Myosin heavy chain isoforms influence myofibrillar ATPase activity under simulated postmortem pH, calcium, and temperature conditions. Meat Sci. (in press).


Potts, J.K., S.E. Echternkamp, T.P.L. Smith, and J.M. Reecy.. Characterization of Gene Expression In Double﷓Muscled and Normal﷓Muscled Bovine Embryos. Anim. Genet. (in press).


Dunn, J. D., B. J. Johnson, J. P. Kayser, A. T. Waylan, E. K. Sissom, and J. S. Drouillard. Effects of flax supplementation and a combined trenbolone acetate and estradiol implant on circulating insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and muscle IGF-I messenger RNA levels in beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. (in press).

Burkey T. E., S. S. Dritz, J. C. Nietfeld, B. J. Johnson, and J. E. Minton. Effect of dietary mannanoligosaccharide and sodium chlorate on growth performance, acute phase response and bacterial shedding of weaned pigs challenged with Salmonella enterica Serotype typhimurium. J. Anim. Sci. (in press).

Anderson, P. T. and B. J. Johnson. Effects of metabolic modifiers in food animal production. Encyclopedia of Meat Sciences (in press).


Wesolowski, S.R., N.E. Raney and C.W. Ernst. Developmental changes in the fetal pig transcriptome. Physiol.Genom. (in press).

Farber, C.R., N.E. Raney, V.D. Rilington, P.J. Venta and C.W. Ernst. Comparative mapping of genes flanking the human chromosome 12 evolutionary breakpoint in the pig. Cytogenet. Genome Res. (in press).

Martinez, M.M., G.M. Hill, J.E. Link, N.E. Raney, R.J. Tempelman and C.W. Ernst. Impact of pharmacological zinc and phytase on liver metallothionein concentration and mRNA abundance in the young pig. J. Nutr. (in press).


Kamanga-Sollo, E, M. S. Pampusch, G. Xi, M. E. White, M. R. Hathaway, and W. R. Dayton. IGF-I mRNA Levels in Bovine Satellite Cell Cultures: Effects of Fusion and Anabolic Steroid Treatment. J. Cell Physiol. (In press).


Velleman, S.G., Anderson, J.W., and Nestor, K.E. Possible maternal inheritance of breast muscle morphology in turkeys at sixteen weeks of age. Poultry Sci. (in press).

Velleman, S.G., and McFarland, D.C. Beta I integrin mediation of myogenic differentiation: Implications for satellite cell differentiation. Poultry Sci. (in press).


Wang, X., S.R. Thomson, J.D. Starkey, J.L. Page, A.D. Ealy and S.E. Johnson. Transforming growth factor beta-1 (TGF - beta 1) is up-regulated by activated Raf in skeletal myoblasts but does not contribute to the differentiation-defective phenotype. J. Biol. Chem. (in press).

South Dakota

Wick, M., S.G. Velleman, C.S. Coy, D.C. McFarland, and C.I. Pretzman. Myosin heavy chain isoform expression is altered during in vitro myogenesis in low score normal chickens. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. (in press).

Velleman, S.G., Anderson, J.W., and Nestor, K.E. Possible maternal inheritance of breast muscle morphology in turkeys at sixteen weeks of age. Poult. Sci. (in press).

Velleman, S.G., and McFarland, D.C. Beta I integrin mediation of myogenic differentiation: Implications for satellite cell differentiation. Poult. Sci. (in press).


Kuber, P.S., J.R. Busboon, E. Huff-Lonergan, S.K. Duckett, P.S. Mir, Z. Mir, R.G. McCormick, M.V. Dodson, C.T. Gaskins, J.D. Cronrath, D.J. Marks, and J.J. Reeves. Effects of biological type and dietary fat treatments on factors associated with tenderness I. Measurements on beef longissimus muscle. J. Anim. Sci. (in press).

Cochrane, J., L. Strat, M.V. Dodson, A. Gertler and R.A. Hill. 2003. The impact of serine phosphorylation on the insulin pathway. Proc. Am. Chem. Soc.(in press).

Dodson, M.V. Publishing in BAM is an act of benevolence, vanity, stupidity or just good science: Reflection of a BAM supporter. Basic and Appl. Myol. 13(6): (in press).

Holman, B. and M.V. Dodson. Creatine monohydrate attenuates satellite cell proliferation. McNair J. 11(in press).

Fernyhough, M.E., L.R. Bucci, J. Feliciano, J.L. Vierck and M.V. Dodson. Ergogenic supplements and their effects on muscle satellite cells. J. Am. Coll. Nutr. (in press).

Non-refereed Publications

Proceedings, Book Chapters, etc.


Allen, R.E. and D.E. Goll. 2003. Cellular and developmental biology of skeletal muscle as related to muscle growth. In: Scanes, C.G., (ed.) Biology of Growth of Domestic Animals, Iowa State University Press, Ames, IA. pp 148-169.


Hill, R.A., F.R. Dunshea, and M.V. Dodson. 2003. Growth and livestock. In: Scanes, C.G. (ed.) Biology of Growth of Domestic Animals. Iowa State University Press, Ames, IA. pp 342-364.

Hill, R.A., J.M. Pell, and D.J. Flint. 2003. Immunomodulation of growth. In: Scanes, C.G. (ed) Biology of Growth of Domestic Animals. Iowa State University Press, Ames, IA. pp 316-341.


Velleman, S.G. 2003. Extracellular matrix and growth. In: Scanes, C.G. (ed.) Biology of Growth of Domestic Animals, Iowa State University Press, Ames, IA. pp 134-147.

South Dakota

McFarland, D.C. 2003. Nutrition and growth. In: Scanes, C.G. (ed.) Biology of Growth of Domestic Animals, Iowa State University Press, Ames, IA. pp 249-262.


Calza, R.E. and M.V. Dodson. 2003. Approaches to assess animal growth potential. In: Scanes, C.G. (ed.) Biology of Growth of Domestic Animals, Iowa State University Press, Ames, IA. pp 27-58.

Hill, R., F. Dunshea and M. Dodson. 2003. Growth and livestock. In: Scanes C.G. (ed). Biology of Growth of Domestic Animals, Iowa State University Press, Ames, IA. pp 342-364.



Lee, Y.K. 2003. Production and characterization of anti-myostatin antibody. M.S. Thesis, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, 101p.


Bowker, B.C. 2003. Effects of myosin heavy chain isoform on postmortem myofibril functionality and meat quality. PhD Thesis, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 193p.


Edeal, J. B. 2003. Identifying differentially expressed genes in C2C 12 myogenic cells using differential display PCR. M. S. Thesis, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, 101p.


Referreed Papers:


Li, H., V. F. Thompson, and D. E. Goll. 2004. Effects of autolysis on properties of the calpains. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1691: 91-103. (Listed as in press in last years report).

Mendias, C. L., R. Tatsumi, and R. E. Allen. 2004. The role of cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) in skeletal muscle satellite cell proliferation, differentiation, and fusion. Muscle and Nerve 30:497-500.

Tatsumi, R., K. Mitsuhashi, K. Ashida, A. Haruno, A. Hattori, Y. Ikeuchi, and R. E. and Allen, R. E. 2004. Comparative analysis of mechanical stretch-induced activation activity of back and leg muscle satellite cells in vitro. Animal Science Journal (Japan) 75:345-351.

Tatsumi, R., and R. E. Allen. 2004. Active hepatocyte growth factor is present in skeletal muscle extracellular matrix. Muscle and Nerve 22:654-658.

Wendt, A., V. F. Thompson, and D. E. Goll. 2004. Interaction of calpastatin with calpain: a review. Biol. Chem. 385: 465-472.

Zalewska, T., V. F. Thompson, and D. E. Goll. 2004. Effect of phosphatidylinositol and inside-out erythrocyte vesicles on autolysis of µ- and m-calpain from bovine skeletal muscle. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1693: 125-133.


H.J. Jin, M.A. Dunn, D. Borthakur and Y.S. Kim. 2004. Refolding and purification of unprocessed porcine myostatin expressed in Escherichia coli. Protein Expression and Purification 35:1-10.


Kinkel, A.D., Fernyhough, M.E., Helterline, D.L., Vierck, J.L., Oberg, K.S., Vance, T.J., Hausman, G.J., Hill, R.A. and Dodson, M.V. (2004) Oil red-O stains non-adipogenic cells: A precautionary note. Cytotechnology. (accepted).

Hill, R.A., Strat, A.L., Hughes, N.J., Kokta, T.A., Dodson, M.V., and Gertler, A. (2004). Early Insulin Signaling Cascade In A Model of Oxidative Skeletal Muscle: Mouse Sol8 Cell Line. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1693: 205-211.

Fernyhough, M.E., Helterline, D.L., Vierck, J.L., Hill, R.A. and Dodson, M.V. (2004). Coulter Counter use in the enumeration of muscle and fat stem cells. Methods in Cell Science 25(3-4):221-225.

Kokta, T.A., Dodson, M.V., Gertler, A. and Hill, R.A. (2004). Intercellular Signaling Between Adipose Tissue and Muscle Tissue. Domestic Animal Endocrinology. (in press).

Hendricksen, RE, Gazzola, C, Reich, MM, Roberton, RF, Reid, DJ, and Hill, RA (2003) Using molasses as an alternative to controlled release devices for administering n-alkane markers to cattle Animal Science 76:471-480.


Gahr, S.A., Kocamis, J.J., J. Killifer. The effects of in ovo rhIGF-1 administration oin expression of the GH secretagogue receptor (GHSR) during chicken embryonic development. Growth, Development and Aging. 68:3-10, 2004.

McCusker, R. and J. Novakofski. Zinc partitions IGFs from soluble IGF-binding proteins (IGFBP)-5, but not soluble IGFBP-4, tpo myoblast IGF type 1 receptors. J. Endocrinol. 180:227-246, 2004.

Salem, M., J.Killifer. Cloning of the calpain regulatory subunit cDNA from fish revelas a divergent domain V. Anim. Biotech. 15:1-13, 2004.


Bowker, B.C., Botrel, C., Swartz, D.R., Grant, A.L., Gerrard, D.E. (2004) Influence of myosin heavy chain isoform expression and postmortem metabolism on the ATPase activity of muscle fibers. Meat Science. 68:587-594.

Bowker, B.C., Grant, A.L., Swartz, D.R., Gerrard, D.E. (2004) Myosin heavy chain isoforms influence myofibrillar ATPase activity under simulated postmortem pH, calcium, and temperature conditions. Meat Science. 67:139-147.

Bowker, B.C., Swartz, D.R., Grant, A.L., Gerrard, D.E. (2004) Method of isolation, rate of postmortem metabolism, and myosin heavy chain isoform composition influence ATPase activity of isolated porcine myofibrils. Meat Science. 66:742-753.

Alzghoul M.B., Gerrard D., Watkins B.A., Hannon K. (2004) Ectopic expression of IGF-I and Shh by skeletal muscle inhibits disuse-mediated skeletal muscle atrophy and bone osteopenia in vivo. FASEB Journal. 18(1):221-3.


Dunn, J. D., B. J. Johnson, J. P. Kayser, A. T. Waylan, E. K. Sissom, and J. S. Drouillard. 2003. Effects of flax supplementation and a combined trenbolone acetate and estradiol implant on circulating insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and muscle IGF-I messenger RNA levels in beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 81:3028-3034.

Burkey T. E., S. S. Dritz, J. C. Nietfeld, B. J. Johnson, and J. E. Minton. 2004. Effect of dietary mannanoligosaccharide and sodium chlorate on growth performance, acute phase response and bacterial shedding of weaned pigs challenged with Salmonella enterica Serotype typhimurium. J. Anim. Sci. 82:397-404.

Waylan, A. T., J. D. Dunn, B. J. Johnson, J. P. Kayser, and E. K. Sissom. 2004. Effect of flax supplementation and growth promotants on lipoprotein lipase and glycogenin messenger RNA concentrations in satellite cells and finishing cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 82:1868-1875.

Johnson, B. J., S. S. Dritz, K. A. Skjolaas-Wilson, T. E. Burkey, and J. E. Minton. 2004. Interactive reponses in gut immunity, and systemic and local changes in the IGF system in nursery pigs in response to Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. J. Anim. Sci. (accepted, 10/19/04).

Anderson, P. T. and B. J. Johnson. 2004. Growth of meat animals/Metabolic modifiers. In: Encyclopedia of Meat Sciences. pp 538-546.


Ernst, C.W., N.E. Raney, V.D. Rilington, G.A. Rohrer, J.A. Brouillette and P.J. Venta. 2004. Mapping of the FES and FURIN genes to porcine chromosome 7. Anim. Genet. 35:142-143.

Farber, C.R., N.E. Raney, V.D. Rilington, P.J. Venta and C.W. Ernst. 2003. Comparative mapping of genes flanking the human chromosome 12 evolutionary breakpoint in the pig. Cytogenet. Genome Res. 102:139-144.

Pagan M., M.E. Davis, D.A. Stick, R.C.M. Simmen, N.E. Raney, R.J. Tempelman and C.W. Ernst. 2003. Evaluation of serum insulin-like growth factor binding proteins (IGFBP) in Angus cattle divergently selected for serum IGF-I concentration. Domest. Anim. Endocrinol. 25:345-358.

Wesolowski, S.R., N.E. Raney and C.W. Ernst. 2004. Developmental changes in the fetal pig transcriptome. Physiol. Genomics. 16:268-274.

Allison, C.P., R.C. Johnson and M.E. Doumit. 2004. The effects of halothane sensitivity on carcass composition and meat quality in HAL-1843-free pigs. J. Anim. Sci. (In Press).


Kamanga-Sollo, E., M. S. Pampusch, G. Xi, M. E. White, M. R. Hathaway, and W. R. Dayton. 2004. IGF-I mRNA levels in bovine satellite cell cultures: Effects of fusion and anabolic steroid treatment. J. Cell Physiol 201:181-189.

Xi, G., E. Kamanga-Sollo, M. S. Pampusch, M. E. White, M. R. Hathaway, and W. R. Dayton. 2004. Effect of recombinant porcine IGFBP-3 on IGF-I and Long-R3-IGF-I-stimulated proliferation and differentiation of L6 myogenic cells. Journal of Cellular Physiology 200, 387-394.

North Carolina:

Mozdziak, P. E., J. N. Petitte, and S. D. Carson, 2004 An introductory undergraduate course covering animal cell culture techniques. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education. 32: 319Ó322

Mozdziak PE and J. N. Petitte, 2004. Status of transgenic chicken models for developmental biology. Dev Dyn 229: 414Ó421.

Mozdziak P.E., Giamario C., Dibner J.J., and D.W. McCoy, 2004. A chicken mRNA similar to heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H1.Comp Biochem Physiol B 137: 89Ó94.

Moore D.T., P. R. Ferket PR, and P. E.Mozdziak, 2004. In ovo intraperitoneal administration of bromodeoxyuridine to avian fetuses. Biotechniques 36: 50.


Ding, S.T., Li, Y.C., Nestor, K.E., Velleman, S.G., and Mersmann, H.J. 2003. Expression of turkey transcription factors and acyl CoA oxidase in different tissues and genetic populations. Poultry Sci. 82:17-24.

Velleman, S.G., Coy, C.S., and Bacon, W.L. 2003. Temporal and spatial localization of the proteoglycan decorin transcripts during the progression of cholesterol induced atherosclerosis in Japanese quail. Connect. Tissue Res. 44:69-80.

McFarland, D.C., Liu, X., Velleman, S.G., Caiyun, Z., Coy, C.S., and Pesall, J.E. 2003. Variation in fibroblast growth factor response and heparan sulfate proteoglycan production in satellite cell populations. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Part C 134:341-351.

Velleman, S.G. Anderson, J.W., Coy, C.S., and Nestor, K.E. 2003. Effect of selection for growth rate on muscle damage during turkey breast muscle development. Poultry Sci. 82:1069-1074.

Liu, X., McFarland, D.C., Nestor, K.E., and Velleman, S.G. 2003. Expression of fibroblast growth factor 2 and its receptor during skeletal muscle development from turkeys with different growth rates. Dom. Anim. Endocrinol. 25:215-229.

Velleman, S.G., and Nestor, K.E. 2003. Effect of selection for growth rate on myosin heavy chain temporal and spatial localization during turkey breast muscle development. Poultry Sci. 82:1373-1377.

Velleman, S.G., Coy, C.S., Anderson, J.W., Patterson, R.A., and Nestor, K.E. 2003. Effect of selection for growth rate and inheritance on post hatch muscle development in turkeys. Poultry Sci. 82:1365-1372.

Wick, M., Velleman, S.G., Coy, C.S., McFarland, D.C., and Pretzman, C.I. 2003. Myosin heavy chain isoform expression is altered during in vitro myogenesis in low score normal chickens. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Part A 136:401-408.

Velleman, S.G., Anderson, J.W., and Nestor, K.E. 2003. Possible maternal inheritance of breast muscle morphology in turkeys at sixteen weeks of age. Poultry Sci. 82:1479-1484.

Velleman, S.G., and McFarland, D.C. 2004. Beta 1 integrin mediation of myogenic differentiation: Implications for satellite cell differentiation. Poultry Sci. 83:245-253.

Liu, X., McFarland, D.C., Nestor, K.E., and Velleman, S.G. 2004. Developmentally regulated expression of syndecan-1 and glypican in pectoralis major muscle in turkeys with different growth rates. Dev. Growth Diff. 46:37-51.

Velleman, S.G., Liu, X., Coy, C.S., and McFarland, D.C. 2004. Effects of syndecan-1 and glypican on muscle cell proliferation and differentiation: Implications for possible functions during myogenesis. Poultry Sci. 83: 1020-1027.

Liu, X., Nestor, K.E., and Velleman, S.G. 2004. The influence for increased body weight and sex on pectoralis major muscle weight during the embryonic and post-hatch periods. Poultry Sci. 83: 83: 1089-1092.

Nestor, K.E., Anderson, J.W., Patterson, R.A., and Velleman, S.G. 2004. Genetic variation in body weight and egg production in an experimental line selected long term for increased egg production, a commercial dam line, and reciprocal crosses between lines. Poultry Sci. 83: 83:1055-1059.

Velleman, S.G. and Nestor, K.E. 2004. Inheritance of breast muscle morphology in turkeys at sixteen weeks of age. Poultry Sci. 83:1060-1066.


Xiao, Y.Y., M.C. Wang, J. Purintrapiban and N.E. Forsberg. (2003) Roles of u-calpain in cultured L8 muscle cells: application of a skeletal muscle-specific gene expression system. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 134:439-450.

Xiao, Y.Y., M.A. Beilstein, and N.E. Forsberg. (2003) Development of a ponasterone A-inducible expression system for application in cultured skeletal muscle cells. Int. J. Biochem. Cell. Biol. 35:79-85.

Forsberg, N.E., Jan-Shiang Taur, Ying-yi Xiao and H. Chesbrough. (2003) Internationalization of the Animal Science curriculum: a survey of its current status, barriers to its implementation and its value. J. Anim. Sci. 81:1088-1094.

Purintrapiban, J., M.C. Wang, N.E. Forsberg. (2003) Degradation of sarcomeric and cytoskeletal proteins in cultured skeletal muscle cells. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Vol 136/3 pp 393-401.

South Dakota:

Liu, Xiaosong, Douglas C. McFarland, Karl E. Nestor, and Sandra G. Velleman. 2004. Developmental Regulated Expression of Syndecan-1 and Glypican in Pectoralis major Muscle with Different Growth Rates. Dev. Growth Differ. 46:37-51.

Velleman, Sandra G. and Douglas C. McFarland. 2004. Beta1 Integrin Mediation of Myogenic Differentiation: Implications for Satellite Cell Differentiation. Poultry Science 83:245-252.

Velleman, Sandra G., Xiaosong Liu, Cynthia S. Coy, and Douglas C. McFarland. 2004. Effects of Syndecan-1 and Glypican on Muscle Cell Proliferation and Differentiation: Implications for Possible Functions During Myogenesis. Poultry Science 83:1020-1027.

Kokta, T, M.V. Dodson, A. Gertler and R.A. Hill. 2004. Intercellular signaling between adipose tissue and muscle tissue. Domestic Animal Endocrinology 27(4):301-331.

Fernyhough, M.E., D. Helterline, J.L. Vierck, R.A. Hill and M.V. Dodson. 2004. Coulter counter use in enumeration of muscle and fat stem cells. Methods in Cell Science 25(3-4):221-225.

Hill, R.A., A.L. Strat, N.J. Hughes, T.J. Kokta, M.V. Dodson and A. Gertler. 2004. Early insulin signaling cascade in a model of oxidative skeletal muscle: Mouse Sol8 cell line. Biochemica et Biophysica ACTA (Molecular Cell Research) 1693(3):205-211.

Fernyhough, M.E., L.R. Bucci, J. Feliciano, J.L. Vierck, D. Helterline, and M.V. Dodson. 2004. Myogenic satellite cell proliferative and differentiative responses to components of common oral ergogenic supplements. Research in Sports Medicine 12(3):161-190.

Dodson, M.V., M. Fernyhough, J. Antonio and L. Bucci. 2004. New ideas: Ordinary is extraordinary. Sports Nutrition Review Journal 1(1):67-68.

Fernyhough, M.E., L.R. Bucci, J. Feliciano, J.L. Vierck, D. Icenoggle, and M.V. Dodson. 2004. Commonly consumed oral herbal supplements do not influence satellite cell activity. Research in Sports Medicine 12(2):71-93.

Dodson, M.V. 2004. Publishing in BAM is an act of benevolence, vanity, stupidity or just good science: Reflection of a BAM supporter. Basic and Applied Myology 14(2):95-97.

Kuber, P.S., J.R. Busboon, E. Huff-Lonergan, S.K. Duckett, P.S. Mir, Z. Mir, R.G. McCormick, M.V. Dodson, C.T. Gaskins, J.D. Cronrath, D.J. Marks, and J.J. Reeves. 2004. Effects of biological type and dietary fat treatments on factors associated with tenderness: I. Measurements on beef longissimus muscle. Journal of Animal Science 82(3):770-778.

Kinkel, A.D., M.E. Fernyhough, D.L. Helterline, J.L. Vierck, K.S. Oberg, T.J. Vance, G.J. Hausman, R.A. Hill and M.V. Dodson. (accepted, 28 Sept). Oil red-O stains non-adipogenic cells: A precautionary note. Cytotechnology (accepted)


Ringkob, T.P., D.R. Swartz, and M.L. Greaser. 2004. Light microscopy/image analysis of thin filament lengths utilizing dual probes on beef, chicken and rabbit myofibrils. J. Anim. Sci. 82:1445-1453.

Warren, C.M., P. R. Krzesinski, K. S. Campbell, R. L. Moss, and M. L. Greaser. 2004. Titin isoform changes in rat myocardium during development. Mech. Dev. 121:1301-1312.



Allison, C.P. 2004. Use of halothane gas to identify pigs with novel polymorphisms in the skeletal muscle calcium release channel. PhD Dissertation. Michigan State University.


Schulz, J. 2004. Development of protein microarrays for measurement of sarcoplasmic reticulum-associated proteins: A tool for studying calcium regulation. MS Thesis 12/04

Dilger, Anna Carol, M. S. Purdue University, December (2004). Muscle hypertrophy and obesity. Purdue Univerisity, West Lafayette, Indiana


Mei-chuan Wang. Purification and characterization of recombinant calpain-5. PhD, 2004.

Gene sequences recorded:


Liu, C. and Velleman, S.G. 2004. Meleagris gallopavo glypican-1 precursor mRNA, complete cds. GenBank Accession number AY551002.

Liu, C. and Velleman, S.G. 2004. Meleagris gallopavo myogenin mRNA, complete cds. GenBank Accession number AY560111.

Liu, C. and Velleman, S.G. 2004. Melagris gallopavo MyoD mRNA, complete cds. GenBank Accession number AY641567.



Goll, D.E., J. Cong, and V.F. Thompson. 2003. Phosphorylation of the calpains. 3rd General Meeting of the International Proteolysis Society, Nagoya, Japan. p. 109.

Li, H., V. F. Thompson, and D. E. Goll. 2004. Inhibitory properties of different calpastatin constructs. 4th International Conference on Cysteine Proteinases and Their Inhibitors. Portoro~, Solvania. p.55.

Saido, M., H. Li, V. F. Thompson, N. Kunisaki, and D. E. Goll. 2003. Properties of the calpain system in rainbow trout. 3rd General Meeting of the International Proteolysis Society, Nagoya, Japan. P. 312.


Szasz, J.I., Hunt, C.W., Baker, S.D., Klein, T., Kuber, P.S., Glaze, B., Falk, D., Richard, R., Miller, J., Battaglia, R.A., and Hill, R.A. (2004) Correlations among ultrasonic carcass estimates, growth performance measures, and residual feed intake in Angus steers. Journal of Animal Science 82 (supplement 1) 409.

Kokta, T.A., Strat, A.L., Dodson, M.V., Gertler, A. and Hill, R.A. (2004). Preliminary Characterization of Differentiating Bovine Adipofibroblasts. The Endocrine Society's 86th Annual Meeting, A163.

Strat, A.L., Dodson, M.V., Gertler, A., and Hill, R.A. (2004) Leptin-Insulin Interactions: Effects on Insulin Receptor Substrate-1 Modulation in Bovine Myogenic Cells. The Endocrine Society's 86th Annual Meeting, A473.

Strat, A.L., Rodgers, B.D., Dodson, M.V., Gertler, A., and Hill, R.A. (2004). Leptin Induced or Suppressed Genes in Myogenic Cells using High-Density Oligonucleotide Arrays. 64th Annual Meeting of the American Diabetes Association Diabetes 53: 267.

Strat, A.L., Holder, M.C., Wallace, A., Dodson, M.V., Gertler, A. and Hill, R.A. (2003). Models of Insulin Resistance: Towards Defining Pathological Changes in the Insulin Signaling Cascade. 4th Annual Rachmiel Levine Diabetes and Obesity Symposium. p.112. City of Hope California.

Cochrane, J., Strat, A.L., Dodson, M.V., Gertler, A. and Hill, R.A. (2003). The Impact of Serine Phosphorylation on the Insulin Pathway. Proceedings of the American Chemical Society 143:93.

Hunt, M.L., Kokta, T.A., OShea, T., Hill, R.A. and McFarlane, J.R. (2003) Leptin clearance rates during the early follicular phase are higher than during the luteal phase of the estrus cycle in ewes. Proceedings of the Endocrine Society of Australia. 46: 77.

Hill, R.A., Dodson, M.V., Gertler, A., Hughes, N.J. and Henderson, D. (2003). Insulin signaling in bovine myogenic cells. Journal of Animal Science 81(supplement 1): 96.


Rehfeldt, C., Ott, G., Gerrard, D.E., Varga, L., Schlote, W., Williams, J.L., Bünger, L. (2004) Effects of the Compact mutant myostatin allele MstnCmpt-dl1Abc introgressed into a high growth mouse line on skeletal muscle cellularity. J. Anim. Sci. 82, Suppl. 1, 378.


Johnson, B. J., S. S. Dritz, K. A. Skjolaas-Wilson, T. E. Burkey, and J. E. Minton. 2004. Interactive responses in gut immunity, and systemic and local changes in the IGF system in nursery pigs in response to Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. J. Anim. Sci. 82 (Suppl. 1):444.

Sissom, E. K., and B. J. Johnson. 2004. Potential non-genomic effects of progestins on C2C12 muscle cell proliferation and differentiation. 16th International Symp. of the J. Steroid Biochem. and Mol. Bio. 137-P.

Waylan, A. T., B. J. Johnson, D. P. Gnad, and J. C. Woodworth. 2004. Effect of L-carnitine on porcine embryonic myoblast proliferation and the IGF-system. FASEB J. 18:(4) A547, Abstract #373.1.

Rachakatla, R. S., M. L. Weiss, D. L. Davis, D. L. Troyer, and B. J. Johnson. 2004. Umbilical cord matrix stem cells express muscle specific markers and can be induced to differentiate into the myogenic pathway in vitro. FASEB J. 18(4) A6, Abstract #LB26.

Sissom, E. K., and B. J. Johnson. 2004. Effect of progestins on bovine satellite cell insulin-like growth factor-I and myogenin messenger RNA (mRNA) abundance. J. Anim. Sci. 82 (Suppl. 2):18.

Waylan, A. T., B. J. Johnson, D. P. Gnad, and J. C. Woodworth. 2004. Feeding L-carnitine to gestating sows alters the insulin-like growth factor system in cultured porcine embryonic myoblasts isolated from fetal skeletal muscle. J. Anim. Sci. 82 (Suppl. 2):20.

Kayser, J. P., A. T. Waylan, and B. J. Johnson. 2004. The relationship between porcine uterine and placental IGF-I, IGF-II, IGFBP-3, and IGFBP-5 messenger RNA (mRNA) levels at mid-gestation. J. Anim. Sci. 82 (Suppl. 2):59.

Epp, M. P., D. A. Blasi, B. J. Johnson, J. P. Kayser, and D. M. Grieger. 2004. Steroid hormone profiles and brain monoamine oxidase type A (MAO-A) activity of buller steers. J. Anim. Sci. 82 (Suppl. 2):1.


Allison, C.P., R.C. Johnson and M.E. Doumit. 2004. The effects of halothane sensitivity on carcass composition and meat quality in HAL-1843-normal pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 82(Suppl. 2):58.

Allison, C.P., A.L. Marr, N.L. Berry, D.B. Anderson, D.J. Ivers, L.F. Richardson, K. Keffaber, R.C. Johnson, M.E. Doumit. 2004. Impact of halothane sensitivity on mobility status and blood metabolites of HAL-1843-free pigs following an aggressive handling model. J. Anim. Sci. 82(Suppl. 2).

Bach, L.H., N.E. Raney, M.E. Doumit, E.E. Helman, S. Zhao, C.K. Tuggle and C.W. Ernst. Differential gene expression in proliferating and differentiating porcine skeletal muscle satellite cells. J. Anim. Sci. 82(Suppl. 2):107.

Berry, N.L., E.E. Helman, C.P. Allison, and M.E. Doumit. 2004. Relationship between glycolytic oscillations and pork color and water-holding capacity. J. Anim. Sci. 82(Suppl. 2).

Kim, K.-S., S. Costello, G.J.M. Rosa, A.M. Mullen, N.E. Raney and C.W. Ernst. Evaluation of microsatellite markers on bovine chromosomes 1 and 5 for potential allelic associations with meat characteristics and growth traits in beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 82(Suppl. 1):414.

Rilington, V.D., N.E. Raney, P.M. Coussens, X. Ren, S.S. Sipkovsky and C.W. Ernst. Identification and mapping of differentially expressed genes in fetal and postnatal pig skeletal muscle. J. Anim. Sci. 82(Suppl. 2):43.


Kamanga-Sollo, E., M. S. Pampusch, G. Xi, M. E. White, M. R. Hathaway, and W. R. Dayton. 2004. IGF-I mRNA levels in bovine satellite cell cultures: Effects of fusion and anabolic steroid treatment. J. Anim. Sci. 82(Suppl. 2):201 (Abstract).

Pampusch, M, G. Xi, E. Kamanga-Sollo, M. White, M. Hathaway, and W. Dayton. 2004. Production of recombinant porcine IGF binding protein-5 (IGFBP-5) and its effect on proliferation of porcine embryonic myoblast cultures (PEMC) and L6 cells and on differentiation of L6 cells in the presence and absence of IGF-I . J. Anim. Sci. 82(Suppl. 2):201 (Abstract).

Xi, G., E. I. Kamanga-Sollo, M. S. Pampusch, M. E. White, M. R. Hathaway, and W. R. Dayton. 2004. Effect of recombinant porcine IGFBP-3 on IGF-I and Long-R3-IGF-I-stimulated proliferation and differentiation of L6 myogenic cells. J. Anim. Sci. 82(Suppl. 2):201 (Abstract).


Creamer, B.A., J.M. Scheffler, and S.J. Jones 2004 Effects of insulin and glucose on translation rates in primary porcine satellite cells. J. Anim. Sci 82 (suppl 1) abs T 157.

Schulz, J.S., S.J. Jones, and M. Zeece. 2004 Development of a microarray-based ELISA for the assessment of SR-associated calcium regulatory protein in skeletal muscle. J. Anim. Sci. 82 (suppl 1) abs T158

North Carolina:

Pophal, S., P.E. Mozdziak, and S. Viera, 2004. Satellite cell mitotic activity of broilers receiving lysinedeficient diets. Poultry Sci. (Suppl. 1) 83: 2767.

Pophal, S. P. E. Mozdziak, S. Borwornpinyo, and J. N. Petitte, 2004. Transgenic Chickens Expressing BetaÓGalactosidase Hydrolyze Lactose In The Intestine. Poultry Sci. (Suppl.1) 83: 2810.


Balog, J.M., Pavlidis, H.O., Wolfenden, R.E., Stamps, L., Nestor, K.E., Velleman, S.G., and Huff, W.E. 2003. Correlated responses to divergent selection for ascites incidence in broilers: Evaluation of meat quality characteristics. Poultry Sci. 82 (suppl 1):367.

Coy, C.S., and Velleman, S.G. 2004. Expression of the anti-apoptotic gene Bcl-2 during skeletal muscle development in normal and Low Score Normal chickens. Poultry Sci. 83 (suppl 1).


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