NC1213: Sources and fate of ammonia across the landscape

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Active

SAES-422 Reports


  1. Beltran, I., van der Weerden, T.J., Alfaro, M.A., Amon, B., de Klein, C.A.M., Grace, P., Hafner, S., Hassouna, M. Hutchings, N., Krol, D.J., Leytem, A.B., Noble, A., Salazar, F., Thorman, R.E., and Velthof, G.L. DataMan: A global database of nitrous oxide and ammonia emission factors for excreta deposited by livestock and land-applied manure. Environ. Qual. 2021.

  2. Rotz, C.A., R.  Stout, B. Leytem, G. Feyereisen, H. Waldrip, G. Thoma, M. Holly, D. Bjorneberg, J. Baker, P. Vadas and P. Kleinman. Environmental assessment of United States dairy farms. J. Cleaner Prod. 2021. 315:128153

  3. VanDerWeerden, T.J., Noble, A., De Klein, C.A.M., Hutchings, N., Thorman, R.E., Alfaro, M.A., Amon, B., Beltran, I., Grace, P., Hassouna, M., Krol, D.J., Leytem, A.B., Salazar, F., and Velthof, G.L. Ammonia and nitrous oxide emission factors for excreta deposited by livestock and land-applied manure. 2021. Environ. Qual. DOI: 10.1002/jeq2.20259

  4. Leytem, A.B., P. Williams, S. Zuidema, A. Martinez, Y.L. Chong, A. Vincent, A. Vincent, D. Cronan, A. Kliskey, J.D. Wulfhorst, L. Alessa, and D. Bjorneberg. Cycling phosphorus and nitrogen through cropping systems in an intensive dairy production region. Agronomy. 2021. 11,1005

  5. C. Hu, T.J. Griffis, A. Frie, J.M. Baker, J.D. Wood, D.B. Millet, Z. Yu, X. Yu, and A.C. Czarnetzki. A multi-year constraint on ammonia emissions and deposition within the U.S. Corn Belt. Geophysical Research Letters, 2021, 48, e2020GL090865


Recent Publications and Presentations

Beltran, I., van der Weerden, T.J., Alfaro, M.A., Amon, B., de Klein, C.A.M., Grace, P., Hafner, S., Hassouna, M. Hutchings, N., Krol, D.J., Leytem, A.B., Noble, A., Salazar, F., Thorman, R.E., and Velthof, G.L. DataMan: A global database of nitrous oxide and ammonia emission factors for excreta deposited by livestock and land-applied manure. J. Environ. Qual. 2021.

Cuchiara, G. C., Hand, J. L., Barna, M. G., and Schichtel, B. A. (2021), Assessing the impact of agricultural NH3 emissions on the excess nitrogen deposition in U.S. national parks, presented at Air & Waste Management Association Specialty Conference - Atmospheric Optics: Aerosols, Visibility, and the Radiative Balance, paper #AV #119, Bryce Canyon, Utah, October 5-8.

Frie, A., Griffis T.J. et al., (2022) Atmospheric ammonia fluxes in the USA Corn Belt: Insights from aircraft measurements and WRF-CHEM modeling of a spring peak emission period,  American Geophysical Union (AGU), Chicago, Illinois, USA.  

Leytem, A.B., P. Williams, S. Zuidema, A. Martinez, Y.L. Chong, A. Vincent, A. Vincent, D. Cronan, A. Kliskey, J.D. Wulfhorst, L. Alessa, and D. Bjorneberg. Cycling phosphorus and nitrogen through cropping systems in an intensive dairy production region. Agronomy. 2021. 11,1005

Rotz, C.A., R.  Stout, A.B. Leytem, G. Feyereisen, H. Waldrip, G. Thoma, M. Holly, D. Bjorneberg, J. Baker, P. Vadas and P. Kleinman. Environmental assessment of United States dairy farms. J. Cleaner Prod. 2021. 315:128153

Schichtel, B. A., Cuchiara, G. C., Hand, J. L., Barna, M. G., and Vimont, J. (2022), Assessing the impact of agricultural activities on air quality in national parks and other rural lands, presented at National Acid Deposition Program Annual Conference, Knoxville, TN, November 14-18.

VanDerWeerden, T.J., Noble, A., De Klein, C.A.M., Hutchings, N., Thorman, R.E., Alfaro, M.A., Amon, B., Beltran, I., Grace, P., Hassouna, M., Krol, D.J., Leytem, A.B., Salazar, F., and Velthof, G.L. Ammonia and nitrous oxide emission factors for excreta deposited by livestock and land-applied manure. 2021. J. Environ. Qual. DOI: 10.1002/jeq2.20259

Walker, J.T., Chen, X., Wu, Z., Schwede, D., Daly, R., Djurkovic, A., Oishi, A.C., Edgerton, E. Bash, J., Knoepp, J., Puchalski, M., Miniat, C.F. (2022) Atmospheric Deposition of Reactive Nitrogen to Deciduous Forest in the Southern Appalachian Mountains. Biogeosciences [preprint] (

Xuehui Guo, Da Pan, Ryan W. Daly, Xi Chen, John T. Walker, Lei Tao, James McSpiritt, Mark A. Zondlo, 2022. Spatial heterogeneity of ammonia fluxes in a deciduous forest and adjacent grassland. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 326, 109128.




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