NE1602: Explorations in the Turfgrass Phytobiome: Understanding Microbial Associations and Developing Tools for Management

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports


Crouch, J.A., Carter, Z., Ismaiel, A. and Roberts, J.A.  2017.  The US National Mall microbiome:  A census of Rhizosphere bacteria inhabiting landscape turf.  Crop Science 57: S341-S348.

Doherty, J.R., M. Botti-Marino, J.P. Kerns, and J.A. Roberts.  2017.  Response of phyllosphere associated microbial populations in creeping bentgrass to periodic fungicide applications.  Plant Health Progress 18:44-49.


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