NE1640: Plant-Parasitic Nematode Management as a Component of Sustainable Soil Health Programs in Horticultural and Field Crop Production Systems

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports


Publications since last report:

Bird, George, Fred Warner and Ben Werling, 2016. Managing Michigan’s Six Species of Carrot Nematodes. Carrot Country. Vol. 242:12-15.

Bird, George, Fred Warner and Angie Tenney. 2016. Beet Cyst Nematode Management. News Beet, Vol. 30:11.

Dandurand, L.-M., G. R. Knudsen, R. Kooliyottil, and J. A. LaMondia. 2015. Alternative eradication strategies for the pale cyst nematode, Globodera pallida, using the trap crop Solanum sisymbriifolium and two biological control fungi. Methyl Bromide Alternatives Outreach Proceedings.

Grabau, Z. J., and Chen, S. 2016.  Influence of long-term corn-soybean crop sequences on soil ecology as indicated by the nematode community.  Applied Soil Ecology 100:172-185.

Grabau, Z. J., and Chen, S. Y. 2016.  Determining the role of plant-parasitic nematodes in the corn-soybean crop rotation yield effect using nematicide application: I. corn.  Agronomy Journal 108:782-793.

Grabau, Z. J., and Chen, S. Y. 2016.  Determining the role of plant-parasitic nematodes in the corn-soybean crop rotation yield effect using nematicide application: II. soybean.  Agronomy Journal 108:1168-1179.

Grabau, Z.J., B.P. Werling, R. Goldy, B. Phillips, and H. Melakeberhan. 2016. Plant parasitic nematode distribution in Michigan vegetable soils. Posted on April 25, 2106.

LaMondia, J. A. and P. Timper. 2016.  Interactions of Microfungi and Plant Parasitic Nematodes. Chapter 23, Pp. 573-614.  De-Wei Li (ed), Biology of Microfungi. Springer, Switzerland, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-29137-6_23.

LaMondia, J. A. 2016. Evidence for suppression of Meloidogyne hapla by Pasteuria in Connecticut. Journal of Nematology  in press.

Powers, T.O., Bernard, E.C., Harris, T., Higgins, R., Olson, M., Olson, S., Lodema, M., Matczyszyn, J., Mullin, P., Sutton, L. & Powers, K.S. 2016. Species discovery and diversity in Lobocriconema (Criconematidae: Nematoda) and related plant-parasitic nematodes from North American ecoregions. Zootaxa 4085:301‒344.

Snapp, Sieglinde, Lisa Tiemann, Noah Rosenzweig, Dan Brainard and George Bird. 2016. Managing Soil Health for Root and Tuber Crops. Michigan State University Extension Bulletin E-3343. pp. 1-10.

Warner, Fred, Angela Tenny and George Bird. 2016. Current Status of Michigan Heterodera glycines Types.  Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists. p.192.


Asiedu, O., C. K. Kwoseh, H. Melakeberhan, and T. Adjeigyapong. 2017. Nematode distribution in cultivated and undisturbed soils of Guinea Savannah and Semi-deciduous Forest zones of Ghana. Geoscience Frontiers.

Baidoo, R., T. M. Mengistu, J. A. Brito, R. McSorley, R. H. Stamps, and W. T. Crow. 2017. Vertical distribution of Pasteuria penetrans parasitizing Meloidogyne incognita on Pittosporum tobira in Florida. Journal of Nematology 49:311-315.

Baidoo, R., T. M. Mengistu, R. McSorley, R. H. Stamps, J. A. Brito, and W. T. Crow. 2017. Management of root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) on Pittosporum tobira under greenhouse, field, and on-farm conditions in Florida. Journal of Nematology 49:133-139.

Baidoo, R., S. Joseph, T. M. Mengistu, J. A. Brito, R. McSorley, R. H. Stamps, and W. T. Crow. 2016. Mitochondrial haplotype-based identification of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) on cut foliage crops in Florida. Journal of Nematology 48:193-202.

Bajaj, R., Chen, S., Hu, W., Huang, Y., Prasad, R., Kumar, V., Tuteja, N., Varma, A., and Bushley, K. E. 2017. Protocol for biocontrol of soybean cyst nematode with root endophytic fungi. Pp. 401-412 in A. Varma and A. K. Sharma, eds. Modern Tools and Techniques to Understand Microbes. Cham, Switzerland: Springer

Bakelaar, J.E., Neher, D.A., and Gilker, R. 2016. Minimal soil impact by cold season pasture management in Vermont. Canadian Journal of Soil Science DOI 10.1139/CJSS-2014-0005.

Bird, G. 2017. Potato cyst nematode and soil health biology. Proceedings of the Eurasian Agriculture and Natural Sciences Congress. Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

Bird, G. 2017. The Organic Movement at MSU, pp. 70-80 (in) The Organic Movement in Michigan, Maynard Kaufman (ed.)

Bird, G., I. Zasada and G. Tylka, 2018. Role of Population dynamics and Damage Thresholds in Cyst Nematode Management (in) Cyst Nematodes, Perry, Moens and Jones (eds). CABI, Wallingford, UK. In Press.

Bird, G. and F. Warner. 2018. Nematodes and Nematologists of Michigan (in) Plant Parasitic Nematodes of North America, S. Subbbotin (ed.). Submitted for Publication.

Bird, G., G. Abawi and J. LaMondia. 2018. Nematodes of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania (in) Plant parasitic Nematodes of North America, S. Subbotin (ed.). Submitted for publication.

Carta, L. and Wick, R. L. Bursaphelenchus antoniae from Pinus strobus in the U.S. 2017The Journal of Nematology (in review).

Crow, W. T. 2017. Nematodes - How do I know if I have a problem? USGA Green Section Record 55:1-6.

Crow, W. T., J. P. Becker, and J. H. Baird. 2017. New golf course nematicides. Golf Course Management 85:66-71.

Eshchanov, B., G. Bird and F. Zalom. 2017. Influence of grafting and pruning on Meloidogyne incognita associated with resistant and susceptible Solanum lycopersicum Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists. Williamsburg, VA.     

Eshchanov, B., G. Bird and F. Zalom. 2017. Impact of Solanum lycopersicum grafting on the life cycle of Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Insecta) in the presence and absence of Meloidogyne incognita (Nematoda): With Special Reference to the Mi Gene and Type-D Trichomes. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists. Williamsburg, VA.

Filgueiras, Camila Cramer, Denis S. Willett, Alcides Moino Junior, Martin Pareja, Fahiem El Borai, Donald W. Dickson, Lukasz L. Stelinski, and Larry W. Duncan. 2016. Stimulation of the salicylic acid pathway aboveground recruits entomopathogenic nematodes belowground. Plos One: 11:1-9.

Grabau, Z., Vetsch, J., and Chen, S. 2017. Effects of fertilizer, nematicide, and tillage on plant-parasitic nematodes and yield in corn and soybean. Agronomy Journal 109:1651-1662. doi:10.2134/agronj2016.09.0548.

Grabau, Z.J., Z.T.Z. Maung, C. Noyes, D. Baas, B.P. Werling, D.C. Brainard, and H. Melakeberhan. 2017. Effects of cover crops on Pratylenchus penetrans and the nematode community in carrot production. Journal of Nematology. Journal of Nematology 49, 114-123.

Hu, W., Samac, D. A., Liu, X., and Chen, S. 2017. Microbial communities in the cysts of soybean cyst nematode affected by tillage and biocide in a suppressive soil. Applied Soil Ecology 119:396-406.   

Kelly A. Morris, David B. Langston, Richard F. Davis, James P. Noe, Donald W. Dickson and Patricia Timper. 2016. Efficacy of various application methods of fluensulfone for managing root-knot nematodes in vegetables. Journal of Nematology 48:65-71.

Kelly A. Morris, David B. Langston, Bhabesh Dutta, Richard F. Davis, Patricia Timper, James P. Noe, and Donald W. Dickson. 2016. Evidence for a disease complex between Pythium aphanidermatum and root-knot nematodes in cucumber. Plant Health Progress 17:200-201.

Kokalis-Burelle, N., R. McSorley, K-H. Wang, S. Saha, R. McGovern. 2017. Rhizosphere microorganisms affected by soil solarization and cover cropping in Capsicum annuum and Phaseolus lunatus agroecosystems. Applied Soil Ecology 119: 64-71.

LaMondia, J. A. and L. M. Dandurand. 2017. Effects of resistant or susceptible tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), eastern black nightshade (Solanum ptychanthum), and litchi tomato (Solanum sisymbriifolium) on reproduction of the tobacco cyst nematode Globodera tabacum. Journal of Nematology in press.

LaMondia, J. A. 2016. Evidence for suppression of Meloidogyne hapla by Pasteuria in Connecticut. Journal of Nematology 48:341.

LaMondia, J. A., R. L. Wick and N. A. Mitkowski. 2017. Plant Parasitic Nematodes of New England – Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Chapter 3. In: Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Sustainable Agriculture in North America edited by S. A. Subbotin and J. J. Chitambar, Springer (in review).

LaPorte, Patricia, B. Sipes, H. Melakeberhan, C. Chan, A. Sanchez-Perez, and A. Sacbaja 2017. An interdisciplinary assessment of integrated nematode-soil health management for smallholder potato farming systems in western highlands of Guatemala. Society of Nematologists Annual Meeting proceedings, 83-84.

Leslie, A., K-H. Wang, S. Meyer, C. R.R. 2017. Hooks. Influence of cover crops on arthropods, free-living nematodes, and yield in a succeeding no-till soybean crop. Applied Soil Ecology 117-118: 21-31.

Manandhar, R., K-H. Wang, C. R.R. Hooks, and M. Wright. 2017. Effects of strip-tilled cover cropping on the population density of thrips and predatory insects in a cucurbit agroecosystem. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 192_R1.

Monteiro, T.S.A., J. A. Brito, S. J. S. Vau, W. Yuan, J. A. LaMondia, and D. W. Dickson 2016. First report of endotokia matricida in Meloidogyne hapla: a case study. Journal of Nematology 48:354.

Neher, D. A., Fang, L., and Weicht, T. R. 2017. Ecoenzymes as indicators of compost to suppress Rhizoctonia solani. Compost Science and Utilization DOI 10.1080/1065657X.2017.1300548

Noyes, D.C., Z. Hayden, D. Baas, H. Melakeberhan, B. Werling and D.C. Brainard.  2017.  Cover crop effects on nitrogen and weeds in MI processing carrots.  38th International Carrot Conference, CP-102, Bakersfield, CA, March (Oral).

Poley, K. and M. Quintanilla. 2017. Control of Root Knot Nematode in Daylily Bare Root Production. Poster. Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable, and Farm Market Expo.

Poley, K. and M. Quintanilla. 2017. Nematicidal Control of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes in Carrots. Poster. Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable, and Farm Market Expo.

Quintanilla-Tornel, M. A., 2017. Soil Acoustics. In: A. Farina and S.H. Gage (Eds.). Ecoacoustics: The ecological role of sounds. Wiley Press.

Quintanilla, M., J. Shoemaker, K. Poley, and F. Warner. 2017. Soybean Cyst Nematode, Management for a destructive soybean pathogen. Michigan Farmer Magazine, December issue.

Quintanilla, M., Warner, F., 2018. Nematode Management. In: J.C. Wise, L.J. Gut, J. Wilson, M. Greishop, M. Whalon, D. Mota-Sanchez, M. Quintanilla, R. lsaacs, A.M.C. Schilder, G.W. Sundin, B. Zandstra, R. Beaudry, G. Lang, L. Jess, D. Elsner, W. Shane, M. Longstroth, C. Garcia-Salazar, and D. Brown-Rytlewski. Fruit Management Guide. Michigan State University Extension Bulletin E-154, pp. 311-314.

Quintanilla-Tornel, M. A., Wang, K. H., Tavares, J., & Hooks, C. R. 2016.
Effects of mulching on above and below ground pests and beneficials in a green onion agroecosystem. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 224: 75-85. Journal impact factor: 3.564.

Shoemaker, J. and G. Bird. 2017. Evaluation of potential trap crops for management of Heterodera glycines in Michigan soybean production. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists. Williamsburg, VA.       

Snapp, S., L. Tiemann, N. Rosenzweig, D. Brainard and G. Bird. 2016. Managing Soil Health for Root and Tuber Crops. Michigan State University Extension Bull. E-3343. East Lansing, 10 pp. 



Bird, G., G. S. Abawi and J. A. LaMondia. 2018. Plant Parasitic Nematodes of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Chapter 3, Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Sustainable Agriculture in North America” edited by S. A. Subbotin and J. J. Chitambar, Springer. November 2018

Carta, L. and Wick, R. L. Bursaphelenchus antoniae from Pinus strobus in the U.S. 2017. The Journal of Nematology (in review).

Cheng, Z., H. Melakeberhan, S. Mennan, and P.S. Grewal (2018). Relationship between soybean cyst nematode Heterodera glycines and soil nematode community under long-term tillage and crop rotation. Nematropica 48, 101-115.

Cho, A., Quintanilla, M., McDonald, T., Kawabata, A., and Nakamoto, S. 2017. ‘Sharwil’ Avocado Identification. University of Hawaii CTAHR Extension Publication F_N-50.

Crow, W. T. 2017. The Killer: Belonolaimus longicaudatus. On the Turf Winter:23-26.

Crow, W. T. 2018. Nematode management on athletic fields. Florida Turf Digest 35:8-16.

Dandurand L. M., I. A. Zasada, and J. A. LaMondia 2018. Effect of the trap crop, Solanum sisymbriifolium, on Globodera pallida, Globodera tabacum, and Globodera ellingtonae Journal of Nematology in press.

Gorny, A., Hay, F.S., Wang, X., & Pethybridge, S.J. 2018. Isolation of nematode DNA from 100 g of soil using Fe3O4 super paramagnetic nanoparticles. Nematology 20, 271-283.

Grabau, Z. J., Vetsch, J. A., and Chen, S. Y. 2018. Swine Manure, Nematicides, and Long-Term Tillage Change Soil Ecology in Corn and Soybean Production. Agronomy Journal 110:2288-2301.

Gu, M., and W. T. Crow. 2018. Abamectin, thiophanate-methyl, and iprodione for management of sting nematode on golf turf. Nematropica 48:38-44.

Habteweld, A. W., Brainard, D. C., Kravchenko, A. N., Grewal, P. S. & Melakeberhan, H. (2018). Effects of plant and animal waste-based compost amendments on soil food web, soil properties, and yield and quality of fresh market and processing carrot cultivars. Nematology 20, 147-168. DOI: 10.1163/15685411-00003130

Hu, W. M., Strom, N., Haarith, D., Chen, S. Y., and Bushley, K. E. 2018. Mycobiome of cysts of the soybean cyst nematode under long term crop rotation. Frontiers in Microbiology 9:DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.00386.

Huang, D., G. Yan, N. Gudmestad, J ,Whitworth, K. Frost, C. Brown, W. Ye, P. Agudelo, W. Crow. 2017. Molecular characterization and identification of stubby root nematode species from multiple states in the United States. Plant Disease 102:2101-2111.

Heve, W. K., F. E. El-Borai, E. G. Johnson, D. Carrillo, W. T. Crow, and L. W. Duncan. 2018. Responses of Anastrepha suspense, Diachasmimorpha longicaudata, and sensitivity of guava production to Heterorhabditis bacteriophora in fruit fly integrated pest management. Journal of Nematology 50:261-272.

Jones, W. B., and W. T. Crow. 2018. Nematodes, turfgrass, and organic amendments. Clippings Winter:6.

LaMondia, J. A., R. L. Wick and N. A. Mitkowski. 2018. Plant Parasitic Nematodes of New England – Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Chapter 1, Pp.. Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Sustainable Agriculture in North America” edited by S. A. Subbotin and J. J. Chitambar, Springer. November 2018

LaMondia, J. A. and L. M. Dandurand. 2017. Effects of resistant or susceptible tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), eastern black nightshade (Solanum ptychanthum), and litchi tomato (Solanum sisymbriifolium) on reproduction of the tobacco cyst nematode Globodera tabacum. Journal of Nematology 49:509-510.

Lindberg, H., Quintanilla, M., and Poley, K. 2018. Nematodes in ornamental plant production: Good or bad? MSU Extension.

Lindberg, H., Quintanilla, M., Horling, K., and Poley, K. 2018. Combating root-knot nematodes in daylilies: Experimental results. MSU Extension.

Melakeberhan, H., Maung, Z.T.Z., Lee, C-L., Poindexter, S., Stewart, J. (2018). Soil type-driven variable effects on cover- and rotation-crops, nematodes and soil food web in sugar beet fields reveal a roadmap for developing healthy soils. European Journal of Soil Biology 85, 53-63.

Mishra, S., K.-H. Wang, B. S. Sipes, M. Tian. 2018. Induction of host-plant resistance in cucumber by vermicompost tea against root-knot nematode. Nematropica 48: (in press).

Monteiro, T. S. A, J. A. Brito, S. J. S. Vau, W. Yuan J. A. LaMondia, L. G. Freitas, and D. W. Dickson. 2017. First report of matricidal hatching in Meloidogyne hapla. Nematoda 4:e092017.

Neher, D.A., Weicht, T.R. 2018. A plate competition assay as a quick preliminary assessment of disease suppression. Journal of Visualized Experiments e58767, doi: 10.3791/58767.

Quintanilla, M. 2017. Soil Acoustics. In: A. Farina and S.H. Gage (Eds.). Ecoacoustics: The ecological role of sounds. Wiley Press.

Quintanilla, M. 2018. The New Soybean Cyst Nematode Coalition. Michigan Soybean News. Fall Issue, p. 21.

Quintanilla, M., Shoemaker, J., Bird, G., Tenney, A., Warner, F., and Poley, K. 2018. Soybean Cyst Nematode Resistance Management. MSU Extension.

Quintanilla, M., Shoemaker, J., Bird, G., Tenney, A., Warner, F., and Poley, K. 2018. Soybean Cyst Nematode Resistance Management Workshop held June 20, 2018. MSU Extension.

Quintanilla, M., Warner, F., 2018. Nematode Management. In: J.C. Wise, L.J. Gut, J. Wilson, M. Grieshop, M. Whalon, D. Mota-Sanchez, M. Quintanilla, R. lsaacs, A.M.C. Schilder, G.W. Sundin, B. Zandstra, R. Beaudry, G. Lang, L. Jess, D. Elsner, W. Shane, M. Longstroth, C. Garcia-Salazar, and D. Brown-Rytlewski. Fruit Management Guide. Michigan State University Extension Bulletin E-154, pp. 311-314. Michigan Potato Research Report 2017:

Steel, H., Moens, T., Vandecasteele, B., Hendrickx, F., De Neve, S., Neher, D. A., and Bert, W. 2018. Factors influencing the nematode community during composting and nematode-based criteria for compost maturity. Ecological Indicators 85: 409-421. doi 10.1016/j.ecolind.2017.10.039.

Waisen, P. and Wang, K.-H. 2018. Trap cropping and biofumigation for plant-parasitic nematode management. HānaiʻAi Newsletter March, April, May 2018. (extension publication)

Waldo, B. D., and W. T. Crow. 2018. Nematicides and soil health. Clippings Winter:6-7.

You, X., K.-H. Wang, S. Ching, and M. Tojo. 2018. Effects of vermicompost water extract prepared from bamboo and kudzu against Meloidogyne incognita and Rotylenchulus reniformis. Journal of Nematology 50: (in press).




Bernard, E. C.  2018.  Plant-parasitic nematodes in Alaska. Pp. 241-246 In: Subbotin, S.A. & Chitambar, J.J. (Eds.). Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Sustainable Agriculture in North America, Vol. 1. Springer, Cham, Switzerland.

Bernard, E. C.  2018.  Plant-parasitic nematodes of Tennessee and Kentucky. Pp. 305-325 In: Subbotin, S.A. & Chitambar, J.J. (Eds.). Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Sustainable Agriculture in North America, Vol. 2. Springer, Cham, Switzerland.

Bernard, E.C., S.M. Schaeffer, L.S. Taylor, G. Phillips and J.M. Welker. 2019. High Arctic nematode communities of northwest Greenland. Journal of Nematology 51 (in press).

Bintarti, A.F., Wilson, J., Quintanilla-Tornel, M., and Shade, A.   2019. Biogeography and diversity of multi-trophic root zone microbiomes in Michigan apple orchards: analysis of rootstock, scion, and growing region.  Phytobiomes Journal.  Submitted

Bird, G. G. Abawi and J. LaMondia. 2018. Plant Parasitic Nematodes of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Pp. 27-56 m(in) Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Sustainable Agriculture of North America, Vol. 2, S. Subbotin and J. Chitambar (eds) Subbotin and J. Chitambar (eds) Springer Nature, New York. 457 pp.

Bird, G., G. Tylka and I. Zasada. 2018. Role of Population Dynamics and Damage Thresholds in Cyst Nematode Management. pp. 101-127 (in) Cyst Nematodes, R. Perry, M. Moens and J. Jones (eds), CABI, New York.  

Bird, G. and F. Warner. 2018. Nematodes and Nematologists of Michigan. pp. 57-85 (in) Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Sustainable Agriculture of North America, Vol. 2, S. Subbotin and J. Chitambar (eds) Subbotin and J. Chitambar (eds) Springer Nature, New York.  457 pp.

Cole, E., Pu, J., Chung, H., and Quintanilla, M.  2020.  Impacts of manures and manure-based composts on root lesion nematodes and Verticillium dahliae in Michigan potatoes. Phytopathology.  Approved

Cole, E., Parrado, L., and Quintanilla, M.  2019.  Selecting Soil Amendments and Nematicides to Best Prevent Potato Early Dying Complex.  Potato Country Magazine.  Submitted

Dandurand L. M., I. A. Zasada, and J. A. LaMondia 2019. Effect of the trap crop, Solanum sisymbriifolium, on Globodera pallida, Globodera tabacum, and Globodera ellingtonae. Journal of Nematology 51: ISSN (Online) 2640-396X, DOI: 10.21307/jofnem-2019-030, Mar 2019.

Darling, E., Thapa, S., and Quintanilla, M.  2020.  Exploring Alternative Strategies for Nematode Management for the processing carrot (cv. Cupar).  Carrot Country Magazine.  Submitted

Dyrdahl-Young, R., Cole, E., Quintanilla Tornel, M., Weldon, R., & DiGennaro, P.   2020. Economic assessment of nematode biological control agents in a potato production model. Nematology, 1(aop), 1-9

Eberlein, C., Zhang, R., Adelati, A., Westphal, A. 2019. Do liquid digestates, by-products of bioenergy production, have nematode-suppressive potential?  Progressive Crop Consultant JCS Marketing Vol 4 (4):16-20.

Gorny, A. M., Wang, X., Hay, F. S., and Pethybridge, S. J. 2019. Development of a species-specific quantitative PCR for detection and quantification of Meloidogyne hapla using the 16D10 root-knot nematode effector gene. Plant Dis. 103:1902-1909.

Grabau, Z. J., Bao, Y., Vetsch, J. A., and Chen, S. Y. 2019.  Swine manure application enriches the soil food web in corn and soybean production.  Journal of Nematology 51:DOI: 10.21307/jofnem-2019-014 .

Gu, M., and W. T. Crow.  2018.  Abamectin, thiophanate-methyl, and iprodione for management of sting nematode on golf turf.  Nematropica 48:38-44.

Haarith, D., Hu, W. M., Kim, D. G., Showalter, D. N., Chen, S. Y., and Bushley, K. E. 2019.  Culturable mycobiome of soya bean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines) cysts from a long-term soya bean-corn rotation system is dominated by Fusarium.  Fungal Ecology 42:

Hu, W., Kidane, E., Neher, D.A., and Chen, S. 2019. Field and greenhouse evaluations of soil suppressiveness to Heterodera glycines in the Midwest corn-soybean production systems. Journal of Nematology 51:e2019-32.

Hu, W. M., Strom, N., Haarith, D., Chen, S. Y., and Bushley, K. E. 2019.  Mycobiome of cysts of the soybean cyst nematode under long term crop rotation.  Frontiers in Microbiology 10:article 2671.

Huang, D., G. Yan, N. Gudmestad, J. Whitworth, K. Frost, C. Brown, W. Ye, P. Agudelo, W. Crow.  2018.  Molecular characterization and identification of stubby-root nematode species from multiple states in the United States.  Plant Disease 102:2101-2111.

LaMondia, J. A., R. L. Wick and N. A. Mitkowski. 2018.  Plant Parasitic Nematodes of New England – Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island.  Chapter 1, Pp. 1-25.  Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Sustainable Agriculture in North America Volume 2” edited by S. A. Subbotin and J. J. Chitambar, Springer

LaMondia, J. A. 2018. Rotation crops for management of Pratylenchus penetrans in Connecticut. Journal of Nematology 50:644.

Levene, B., and Quintanilla, M. 2020.  Muddy fields and rush to finish field work may move soybean cyst nematodes.  MSU Extension.

Levene, B., Groulx, B., Stewart, J., and Quintanilla, M.  2019.  Evaluation of oilseed radish cover crop, pre-plant application timing/rate and in-furrow pesticide applications for nematode management.  Michigan Sugarbeet REACh journal, 2019 Variety trial results.

Levene, B., Groulx, B., Stewart, J., and Quintanilla, M.  2019.  Evaluation in-furrow and/or foliar pesticide applications for nematode management.  Michigan Sugarbeet REACh journal, 2019 Variety trial results.

Levene, B., Groulx, B., Stewart, J., and Quintanilla, M.  2019.  Evaluation in-furrow Abamectin treatments at planting for nematode management.  Michigan Sugarbeet REACh journal, 2019 Variety trial results.

Ma, X., R.T. Robbins, E.C. Bernard, C.M. Holguin and P. Agudelo. 2019. Morphological and molecular characterisation of Hoplolaimus smokyensis n. sp. (Nematoda: Hoplolaimidae), a lance nematode from Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA. Nematology 21(9): 923-935.

Neher, D.A., Nishanthan, T., Grabau, Z.J., and Chen, S.Y. 2019. Crop rotation and tillage affect nematode communities more than biocides in monoculture soybean. Applied Soil Ecology 140: 89-97.

Neher, D.A., Cutler, A.J., Weicht, T.R., Sharma, M., and Millner, P.D. 2019. Composts of poultry litter or dairy manure differentially affect survival of enteric bacteria in fields with spinach. Journal of Applied Microbiology 126:1910-1922.

Phillips, G., D. I. Yates, R. M. Shelley, P. Ortstadt, and E. C. Bernard. 2019. Laboratory inquiries utilizing millipedes to demonstrate commensal parasitism. American Biology Teacher 81: 278-283.

Phillips, G. and E.C. Bernard. 2019. Biodiversity of Thelastoma spp. in North American millipedes and continued efforts toward revision of the genus. Journal of Nematology 51 (in press).

Pothula, S. K., P. S. Grewal, R. M. Auge, A. M. Saxton, and E. C. Bernard. 2019. Meta-analysis of the influence of agricultural intensification and urbanization on nematode diversity. Journal of Nematology e2019-11/51: 1-17.

Quintanilla, M., Cole, E., Poley, K., and Wilson, J.  2019.  Fruit replant problem with a special emphasis on nematodes.  New York State Horticultural Society Fruit Quartely 27: 19-21

Ravelombola, W. S., Qin, J., Shi, A., Nice, L., Bao, Y., Lorenz, A., Orf, J. H., Young, N. D., and Chen, S. Y. 2019.  Genome-wide association study and genomic selection for soybean chlorophyll content associated with soybean cyst nematode tolerance.  BMC Genomics 20:Article 94. DOI: 10.1186/s12864-019-6275-z.

Strom, N., Hu, W. M., Harrith, D., Chen, S. Y., and Bushley, K. E. 2019.  Continuous monoculture shapes root and rhizosphere fungal communities of corn and soybean in soybean cyst nematode-infested soil.  Phytobiome Journal 3:300-314.

Strom, N., Hu, W. M., Harrith, D., Chen, S. Y., and Bushley, K. E. 2019.  Interactions between soil properties, fungal communities, the soybean cyst nematode, and crop yield under continuous corn and soybean monoculture.  Applied Soil Ecology

Strom, N., Hu, W. M., Harrith, D., Chen, S. Y., and Bushley, K. E. 2019.  Corn and soybean host root endophytic fungi with toxicity towards the soybean cyst nematode.  Phytopathology

Taylor, L.S., A.R. Mason, G. Phillips, E.C. Bernard and J.M. DeBruyn. 2019. Forensic ecology: A comparative analysis of nematode succession in soils impacted by animal and human decomposition. Journal of Nematology 51 (in press).

Waisen, P.*, K.-H. Wang and B. S. Sipes. 2019. Effect of spirotetramat (Movento®) on hatch, penetration and reproduction of Rotylenchulus reniformis. Nematropica 49: (in press).

Waldo, B. D., Z. J. Grabau, T. M. Mengistu, W. T. Crow.  2019.  Nematicide effects on non-target nematodes in bermudagrass. Journal of Nematology 51: DOI: 10.21307/jofnem-2019-009.

Wilson, J., Quintanilla, M., Shade, A., Einhorn, T., Sundin, G., and A. Irish-Brown.  2019. The apple replant field trial at the Clarksville Research Center. New York State Horticultural Society, Fruit Quarterly, Vol 27(4): in press


Adams, A., J. LaMondia, R. Cowles, B. Nicholson and T. Mione. 2020. Stimulating hatch of tobacco cyst nematode Globodera tabacum, by hydroponically obtained weedy Solanum spp. root exudates. Nematropica in press.

Bintarti, A.F., Wilson, J., Quintanilla-Tornel, M., and Shade, A.   2020. Biogeography and diversity of multi-trophic root zone microbiomes in Michigan apple orchards: analysis of rootstock, scion, and growing region. Phytobiomes Journal.  

Cole, E., Pu, J., Chung, H., and Quintanilla, M. 2020. Impacts of manures and manure-based composts on root lesion nematodes and Verticillium dahliae in Michigan potatoes. Phytopathology.

Crow, W. T., Habteweld, A., Bean T. 2020. Mist chamber extraction for improved diagnosis of Meloidogyne spp. from golf course bermudagrass. Journal of Nematology 52:e2020-96.

Demesyeux, L., Mendes M. L., Crow, W. T., Chambers, A. H. 2020. Plant-parasitic nematodes associated with eight banana cultivars in southern Florida. Nematropica 50:19-28.

Dyrdahl-Young, R., Cole, E., Quintanilla Tornel, M., Weldon, R., & DiGennaro, P.   2020. Economic assessment of nematode biological control agents in a potato production model. Nematology, 1(aop), 1-9.

Eberlein, C., Heuer, H., and A. Westphal. 2020. Biological suppression of populations of Heterodera schachtii adapted to different host genotypes of sugar beet. Frontiers in Plant Science. Plant Pathogen Interactions. Online:

Eberlein, C., Edalati, A., Zhang, R., and A. Westphal. 2020. A rapid bioassay for measuring nematode suppressive potential of anaerobic digestate. Nematology 22: 879-889.

Eshchanov, Bahodir and George Bird. 2020. Influence of grafting and pruning on Solanum lycopersicum ‘Anahu’ and ‘Rutgers’ biomass partitioning in the presence and absence of Meloidogyne incognita (Nematoda). Acta Horticulturae (in press).

Habteweld, A., Akyazi, F., Joseph, S., Crow, W. T., Abebe, E., Mekete, T. 2019. Description of Hirschmanniella dicksoni n. sp.(Nematode Pratylenchidae) from rhizosphere soil of limpograss from Florida U. S. A. Journal of Nematology 51:e2019-83.

Hansen, Z. R., E. C. Bernard, J. F. Grant, K. D. Gwinn, F. A. Hale, H. M. Kelly, and S. D. Stewart. 2020. Hemp Disease and Pest Management. University of Tennessee Extension Publication, W 916. 15 pp.

Jones, W. B., Kruse, J. K., Enloe, H. A., Crow, W. T. 2020. Effects of pre-planting incorporation or post-planting top-dressing of organic amendments on bermudagrass for tolerance to Belonolaimus longicaudatus. Nematropica 50:59-66.

Marra R. E. and J. A. LaMondia 2020. First Report of Beech Leaf Disease, caused by the foliar nematode, Litylenchus crenatae, on American Beech (Fagus grandifolia) in Connecticut. Plant Disease 104:

Mendes, M. L., Dickson, D. W., Crow, W. T. 2020. Yellow and purple nutsedge and coffee senna as hosts of common plant nematodes in Florida. Journal of Nematology 52:e2020-94.

Miller, M., Uppala, L., and Wick, R. 2020. A Survey of Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Cranberry Bogs in Massachusetts (Poster, NEDAPS)

Myers, R., B. Bushe, C. Mello, J. Lichty, A. Hara, B. Sipes, and K.-H. Wang. 2020. Yield Increases in burrowing nematode infested anthurium with fluopyram and trifloxystrobin applications. HortTech 30: 603-607 (

Neher, D.A. and Barbercheck, M.E. 2019. Soil microarthropods and soil health: Intersection of decomposition and pest suppression. Special issue on “Elucidating the Role of Soil Arthropods in Soil Health”, Insects 10(12):414. doi: 10.3390/insects10120414

Neher, D.A., Limoges, M.A., Weicht, T.R., Sharma, M., Miller, P.D. and Donnelly, C. 2020. Bacterial community dynamics distinguish poultry compost from dairy compost and unamended soils planted with spinach. Microorganisms 8(10):1601. doi:10.3390/microorganisms8101601

Nuaima, R.H., H. Heuer, and A. Westphal. 2019. Effects of cover cropping on microbial communities associated with Heterodera schachtii and nematode virulence. Soil Systems 3(4) 67. Online:

O’Brien, B.J., Neher, D.A., and Roy, E.D. 2019. Nutrient and pathogen suppression properties of anaerobic digestates from dairy manure and food waste feedstocks. Waste and Biomass Valorization doi: 10.1007/s12649-019-00906-4

Phillips, G., J. K. Moulton, and E. C. Bernard. 2020. Heth pivari n. sp. (Nematoda: Ransomnematoidea: Hethidae) from the indigenous North American millipede Narceus gordanus (Spirobolida: Spirobolidae), with keys for worldwide Heth spp. Zootaxa, 4861 (1): 486-514.

Porterfield, K.K., Joblin, R., Neher, D.A., Curtis, M., Dvorak, S., Rizzo, D.M., Faulkner, J.W. and Roy, E.D. 2020. Upcycling phosphorus recovered from anaerobically digested dairy manure to support production for vegetables and flowers. Sustainability 12:1139. doi: 10.3390/su12031139

Sedaghatjoo, S., Söchting, H.P., and A. Westphal. 2017. Potential of Crotalaria juncea as a cover crop for cyst nematode suppression under Central Europe conditions. Nematoda: published online DOI: 10.4322/nematode.00417.

Taylor, Lois S., G. Phillips, E. C. Bernard, and J. M. DeBruyn. 2020. Soil nematode functional diversity, successional patterns, and indicator taxa associated with vertebrate decomposition hotspots. PLoS ONE, 15(11): e0241777.

Ugarte, C.M., and J.R. Taylor. 2020. Chemical and biological indicators of soil health in Chicago urban gardens and farms. Urban Agriculture and Regional Food Systems. doi10.1002/uar2.20004

Waisen, P., Z. Cheng, B.S. Sipes, J. DeFrank, S.P. Marahatta and K.-H. Wang. 2020. Effects of biofumigant crop termination methods on suppression of plant-parasitic nematodes. Applied Soil Ecology 154: 103595 (

Waller, R., Linderme, J and Wick, R. 2020. An Undescribed Meloidogyne sp. (root-knot nematode) from turfgrasses in two sites in New Hampshire (Poster, NEDAPS)

Westphal, A., Maung, Z.T.Z., Doll, D.A., Yaghmour, M.A., Chitambar, J.J., and S.A. Subbotin. 2019. First Report of the Peach Root-Knot Nematode, Meloidogyne floridensis Infecting Almond on Root-Knot Nematode Resistant “Hansen 536” and “Bright’s Hybrid 5” Rootstocks in California, USA. Journal of Nematology, 51, 1–3.


Thesis: Rebecca Kimmelfield: (PhD Thesis; 2020, OSU, Plant Pathology): Establishing the use of Pseudomonas spp. as biocontrol agents of fungal and nematode pathogens.

Thesis: Marlia Bosques Martinez: (Masters of Science; 2020, OSU, Plant Pathology): Assessment of root-knot nematode presence in tomatoes in Ohio, yield loss, and biocontrol.



Peer-reviewed publications:

Adams, A., J. LaMondia, R. Cowles, B. Nicholson and T. Mione. 2020. Stimulating hatch of tobacco cyst nematode Globodera tabacum, by hydroponically obtained weedy Solanum spp. root exudates.  Nematropica in press.

Crow, W. T., Habteweld, A., Bean T. 2020. Mist chamber extraction for improved diagnosis of Meloidogyne spp. from golf course bermudagrass. Journal of Nematology 52:e2020-96.

Demesyeux, L., Mendes M. L., Crow, W. T., Chambers, A. H. 2020. Plant-parasitic nematodes associated with eight banana cultivars in southern Florida. Nematropica 50:19-28.Eberlein, C., Heuer, H., and A. Westphal. 2020. Biological suppression of populations of Heterodera schachtii adapted to different host genotypes of sugar beet. Frontiers in Plant Science. Plant Pathogen Interactions. Online:

Eberlein, C., Edalati, A., Zhang, R., and A. Westphal. 2020. A rapid bioassay for measuring nematode suppressive potential of anaerobic digestate. Nematology 22: 879-889.

Eshchanov, Bahodir and George Bird. 2020.  Influence of grafting and pruning on Solanum lycopersicum ‘Anahu’ and ‘Rutgers’ biomass partitioning in the presence and absence of Meloidogyne incognita (Nematoda).  Book Chapter. Acta Horticulturae (in press).

Gorny, A. M., Hay, F. S., Esker, P. D., & Pethybridge, S. J. 2020. Spatial and spatiotemporal analysis of Meloidogyne hapla and Pratylenchus spp. populations in commercial potato fields in New York. Nematology

Gorny, A. M., Hay, F. S., & Pethybridge, S. J. 2020. Response of potato cultivars to the northern root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne hapla) under field conditions in New York State, USA. Nematology.

Habteweld, A., Akyazi, F., Joseph, S., Crow, W. T., Abebe, E., Mekete, T.  2019. Description of Hirschmanniella dicksoni n. sp.(Nematode Pratylenchidae) from rhizosphere soil of limpograss from Florida U. S. A. Journal of Nematology 51:e2019-83.

Haarith D., Kim, D.G., Strom, N.B., Chen, S., and Bushley, K.E. 2020. In vitro screening of a culturable soybean cyst nematode cyst mycobiome for potential biological control agents and biopesticides. Phytopathology 110:1388-1397.

Haarith, D. Bushley, K.E., and Chen, S. 2020. Fungal communities associated with Heterodera glycines and their potential in biological control: A current update. Journal of Nematology 52: 10.21307/jofnem-2020-022.

Hansen, Z. R., E. C. Bernard, J. F. Grant, K. D. Gwinn, F. A. Hale, H. M. Kelly, and S. D. Stewart.  2020.  Hemp Disease and Pest Management.  University of Tennessee Extension Publication, W 916. 15 pp.

Marra R. E. and J. A. LaMondia 2020. First Report of Beech Leaf Disease, caused by the foliar nematode, Litylenchus crenatae, on American Beech (Fagus grandifolia) in Connecticut. Plant Disease 104:

Jones, W. B., Kruse, J. K., Enloe, H. A., Crow, W. T.  2020. Effects of pre-planting incorporation or post-planting top-dressing of organic amendments on bermudagrass for tolerance to Belonolaimus longicaudatus.  Nematropica 50:59-66.

Kimmelfield, Rebecca. 2020. Establishing the use of Pseudomonas spp. as biocontrol agents of fungal and nematode pathogens.  PhD Thesis; 2020, OSU, Plant Pathology.

Martinez, Marlia Bosques. 2020. Assessment of root-knot nematode presence in tomatoes in Ohio, yield loss, and biocontrol.  Master of Science Thesis; 2020, OSU, Plant Pathology.

Mendes, M. L., Dickson, D. W., Crow, W. T.  2020. Yellow and purple nutsedge and coffee senna as hosts of common plant nematodes in Florida. Journal of Nematology 52:e2020-94.

Neher, D.A. and Barbercheck, M.E. 2019. Soil microarthropods and soil health: Intersection of decomposition and pest suppression. Special issue on “Elucidating the Role of Soil Arthropods in Soil Health”, Insects 10(12):414. doi: 10.3390/insects10120414

Neher, D.A., Limoges, M.A., Weicht, T.R., Sharma, M., Miller, P.D. and Donnelly, C. 2020. Bacterial community dynamics distinguish poultry compost from dairy compost and unamended soils planted with spinach. Special issue on “Microorganisms in Recycling and Valorization of Organic Waste for Sustainable Soil Health and Management”, Microorganisms 8(10):1601. doi:10.3390/microorganisms8101601

Nuaima, R.H., H. Heuer, and A. Westphal. 2019. Effects of cover cropping on microbial communities associated with Heterodera schachtii and nematode virulence. Soil Systems 3(4) 67. Online:

O’Brien, B.J., Neher, D.A., and Roy, E.D. 2019. Nutrient and pathogen suppression properties of anaerobic digestates from dairy manure and food waste feedstocks. Waste and Biomass Valorization doi: 10.1007/s12649-019-00906-4

Phillips, G., J. K. Moulton, and E. C. Bernard.  2020.  Heth pivari n. sp. (Nematoda: Ransomnematoidea: Hethidae) from the indigenous North American millipede Narceus gordanus (Spirobolida: Spirobolidae), with keys for worldwide Heth spp.  Zootaxa, 4861 (1): 486-514.

Porterfield, K.K., Joblin, R., Neher, D.A., Curtis, M., Dvorak, S., Rizzo, D.M., Faulkner, J.W. and Roy, E.D. 2020. Upcycling phosphorus recovered from anaerobically digested dairy manure to support production for vegetables and flowers. Sustainability 12:1139. doi: 10.3390/su12031139

Sedaghatjoo, S., Söchting, H.P., and A. Westphal. 2017. Potential of Crotalaria juncea as a cover crop for cyst nematode suppression under Central Europe conditions. Nematoda: published online DOI: 10.4322/nematode.00417.

Taylor, Lois S., G. Phillips, E. C. Bernard, and J. M. DeBruyn.  2020.  Soil nematode functional diversity, successional patterns, and indicator taxa associated with vertebrate decomposition hotspots.  PLoS ONE, 15(11): e0241777.

Ugarte, C.M., and J.R. Taylor. 2020. Chemical and biological indicators of soil health in Chicago urban gardens and farms. Urban Agriculture and Regional Food Systems. doi10.1002/uar2.20004

Walkup, J., Z. Freedman, J. Kotcon, E. M. Morrissey.  Pasture in crop rotations influences microbial biodiversity and function reducing the potential for nitrogen loss from compost.  Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 304: 107122.

Westphal, A., Maung, Z.T.Z., Doll, D.A., Yaghmour, M.A., Chitambar, J.J., and S.A. Subbotin. 2019. First Report of the Peach Root-Knot Nematode, Meloidogyne floridensis Infecting Almond on Root-Knot Nematode Resistant “Hansen 536” and “Bright’s Hybrid 5” Rootstocks in California, USA. Journal of Nematology, 51, 1–3.


Non-peer-reviewed or peer-reviewed extension outlets:

Bird, G., N. Rothwell, K. Powers and W. Kline. 2019. Impact of compost and mulch on the establishment of sweet cherry trees. Poster presented at 2019 Great Lakes Fruit and Vegetable Exposition.

Crow, W. T. 2020. Risk thresholds for lance nematode on ultradwarf bermudagrass. Golf Course Management. 2020 (March): 76-78.

Eberlein, C., Zhang, R., Adelati, A., Westphal, A. 2019. Do liquid digestates, by-products of bioenergy production, have nematode-suppressive potential?  Progressive Crop Consultant JCS Marketing Vol 4 (4):16-20.

Eshchanov, Bahodir and George Bird, 2019. Influence of physical and biological disturbanes on Meloidogyne incognita resistance in greenhouse tomato production. Proceedings of the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists.

Eshchanov, Bahodir and George Bird. 2019.  Influence of grafting and pruning on Solanum lycopersicum ‘Anahu’ and ‘Rutgers’ biomass partitioning in the presence and absence of Meloidogyne incognita (Nematoda).  Proceedings of the Acta Horticulturae Second International Grafting Symposium, North Carolina.

Miller, M., Uppala, L., and Wick, R. 2020. A Survey of Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Cranberry Bogs in Massachusetts (Poster, NEDAPS)

Waller, R., Linderme, J and Wick, R. 2020. An Undescribed Meloidogyne sp. (root-knot nematode) from turfgrasses in two sites in New Hampshire (Poster, NEDAPS)

Westphal, A., R. DeBiase, P. Kosina, T. Martin. 2020. Soil sampling for nematodes in walnut and almond orchards. Video produced by UC Statewide Pest Management Program 


Peer-Reviewed Articles

Baniya, A., S. Joseph, L. Duncan, W. Crow, T. Mengistu. 2021. The role of Caenorhabditis elegans sex-determination homologs, Mi-sdc-1 and Mi-tra-1 in Meloidogyne incognita. European Journal of Plant Pathology 161:439-452.

Cole, E., Pu, J., Chung, H., and Quintanilla, M. 2020.  Impacts of manures and manure-based composts on root lesion nematodes and Verticillium dahliae in Michigan potatoes. Phytopathology 110:1226-1234. 

Darling, E., Pu, J., Cole, E., Christian, R., Warner, F. W., Zasada, I., Chung, H., & Quintanilla, M.  2020. First report of the Hop Cyst Nematode, Heterodera humuli, in two counties of the Yakima Valley region, WA, USA. Plant Disease, (ja).

Eshchanov, B. and Bird, G. (2021). Influence of grafting and pruning on 'Anahu' and 'Rutgers' tomato plant biomass partitioning in the presence and absence of Meloidogyne incognita. Acta Hortic. 1302, 185-192

Gangaiah, C., A. A. Ahmad, H. V. Nguyen, K.-H. Wang, and T.J.K. Radovich. 2017. Evaluating three invasive algal species as local organic sources of Potassium (K) for pak choi (Brassica rapa, Chinensis group) Growth. HortScience 52(3):436–440

Grabau, Zane J., C. Liu, L.A. Schumacher, I.M. Small, and D.L. Wright. 2021. In-furrow fluopyram nematicide efficacy for Rotylenchulus reniformis management in cotton production. Crop Protection: 140:105423

Kane, J., J. Kotcon, Z. Freedman, and E. Morrissey.  Fungivorous nematodes drive microbial diversity and carbon cycling in soil.  Ecology. (Submitted)

Kokalis-Burelle, N., R. McSorley, K.-H. Wang, S. Saha, R. McGovern. 2017. Rhizosphere microorganisms affected by soil solarization and cover cropping in Capsicum annuum and Phaseolus lunatus agroecosystems. Applied Soil Ecology 119: 64-71

Kuo, A. Baskota, S. Zimmerman, F. Hay, S. Pethybridge and A. Lal, "Gigahertz Ultrasonic Imaging of Nematodes in Liquids, Soil, and Air," 2021 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 2021, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/IUS52206.2021.9593762.

LaMondia, J. A. 2016. Evidence for suppression of Meloidogyne hapla by Pasteuria in Connecticut. Journal of Nematology 48:341.

LaMondia, J. A. 2021. Management of lesion and dagger nematodes with rotation crops. Nematropica 51:9-16.

LaMondia, J. A. and L. M. Dandurand. 2017. Effects of resistant or susceptible tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), eastern black nightshade (Solanum ptychanthum), and litchi tomato (Solanum sisymbriifolium) on reproduction of the tobacco cyst nematode Globodera tabacum.  Journal of Nematology 49:509-510.

Lau, J.-W., Marahatta, S. P., Ragone, D., Wang, K.-H., and Sipes, B. S.  2018. Plant-parasitic nematodes associated with breadfruit, Artocarpus altilis Parksinson (Fosberg), in Hawaii. Nematropica 48: 172-178.

Leslie, A., K.-H. Wang, S. Meyer, C. R.R. Hooks. 2017. Influence of cover crops on arthropods, free-living nematodes, and yield in a succeeding no-till soybean crop. Applied Soil Ecology 117-118: 21-31

Manandhar, R., K.-H. Wang, C. R.R. Hooks, and M. Wright. 2017. Effects of strip-tilled cover cropping on the population density of thrips and predatory insects in a cucurbit agroecosystem. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 192_R1

Mishra, S., K.-H. Wang, B. S. Sipes, and M. Tian. 2017. Suppression of root-knot nematode by vermicompost tea prepared from different curing ages of vermicompost. Plant Disease 101: 1-4

Mishra, S., K.-H. Wang, B. S. Sipes, M. Tian. 2018. Induction of host-plant resistance in cucumber by vermicompost tea against root-knot nematode. Nematropica 48: 164-171

Monteiro, T.S.A., J. A. Brito, S. J. S. Vau, W. Yuan, J. A. LaMondia, and D. W. Dickson 2016. First report of endotokia matricida in Meloidogyne hapla: a case study. Journal of Nematology 48:354.

Monteiro, T. S. A, J. A. Brito, S. J. S. Vau, W. Yuan J. A. LaMondia, L. G. Freitas, and D. W. Dickson. 2017. First report of matricidal hatching in Meloidogyne hapla. Nematoda 4:e092017.

Neher, D.A. Biological indicators and compost for managing plant disease. Acta Horticulturae.1317: 33-46. DOI 10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1317.5

Olmedo Velarde, A., P. Waisen, Kong, A., K.-H. Wang, J. Hu, and M. Melzer. 2021.  Characterization of taro reovirus and its status in taro (Colocasia esculenta) germplasm from the Pacific. Archives of Virology (accepted, 3/30/21).

Paudel, R., P. Waisen, and K.-H. Wang. Exploiting the innate potential of sorghum/sorghum–sudangrass cover crops to improve soil microbial profile that can lead to suppression of plant-parasitic nematodes. MDPI-Microorganisms Journal (accepted 8/28/21).

Rahman, M., Islam, T., Jett, L. and Kotcon, J.  2021.  Biocontrol agent, biofumigation, and grafting with resistant rootstock suppress soil-borne disease and improve yield of tomato in West Virginia.  Crop Protection 145 (2021) 105630.

Schumacher, Lesley, Z.J. Grabau, D.L. Wright, I.M. Small, and H.L. Liao. 2020. Nematicide Influence on Cotton Yield and Plant-parasitic Nematodes in Conventional and Sod-based Crop Rotation. Journal of Nematology 52:e2020-34.

Silvasy, T., A.A. Ahmad, K.-H. Wang, T.J.K. Radovich. 2021. Rate and timing of meat and bone meal applications influence growth, yield and soil water nitrate concentrations in sweet corn production. Agronomy (accepted September 2021; ISSN 2073-4395).

Subbotin, S. A., C. J. Oliveira, S. Alvarez-Ortega, J. A. Desaeger, W. Crow, C. Overstreet, R. Leahy, S. Vau, R. N. Inserra. 2021. The taxonomic status of Aphelenchoides besseyi Christie, 1942 (Nematoda: Aphelenchoididae) populations from the southeastern USA, and description of Aphelenchoides pseudobesseyi sp. n. Nematology 23:381-413.

Thapa, S., Cole, E., Howland, A.D., Levene, B., and Quintanilla, M. 2021. Soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines) resistant variety rotation system impacts nematode population density, virulence, and yield. Crop Protection.  DOI: 10.1016/j.cropro.2021.105864

Waldo, B., F. Soto-Adams, W. Crow. 2021. Nematicide effects on arthropods in bermudagrass. Florida Entomologist 103:458-464.

Waisen*, P., Z. Cheng, B. S. Sipes, and K.-H. Wang.  2021. Biofumigation effects of brassicaceus cover crops on soil health in cucurbit agroecosystems. Pedosphere (accepted 6/5/2021; Manuscript ID pedos202010638

Waisen, P., B.S. Sipes, and K.-H. Wang. 2019. Examine potential of biofumigant cover crops as open-end trap crops against plant-parasitic nematodes. Nematropica 49: 254-264

Waisen*, P., K.-H. Wang, J. Uyeda, and R.Y. Myers. 2021. Effects of fluopyram and azadirachtin on plant-parasitic and free-living nematodes on zucchini, tomato and sweet potato. Journal of Nematology 53:1-15

You, X., M. Tojo, S. Ching, and K.-H. Wang. 2018. Effects of vermicompost water extract prepared from bamboo and kudzu against Meloidogyne incognita and Rotylenchulus reniformis. Journal of Nematology 50: ISSN (Online), DOI: 10.21307



Chakraborty, T. and G. Bird. 2020. Ecosystem-Based Agriculture: The Pillar of Global Food Security. Elegantus Press. Lansing. 182 pp. 

Bird, G. 2019. Pioneering in the 19th, 20th and 21st Centuries: From a Covered Wagon to an Anthropocene?. Elegantus Press. Lansing. 66 pp.


Book Chapters

Bird, G. and F. Warner. 2018. Nematodes and Nematologists of Michigan. pp. 57-85 (in) Plant 

Parasitic Nematodes in Sustainable Agriculture of North America, Vol. 2, S. Subbotin and J. 

Chitambar (eds) Subbotin and J. Chitambar (eds) Springer Nature, New York.  457 pp.

Bird, G. G. Abawi and J. LaMondia. 2018. Plant Parasitic Nematodes of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Pp. 27-56 (in) Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Sustainable Agriculture of North America, Vol. 2, S. Subbotin and J. Chitambar (eds) Subbotin and J. Chitambar (eds) Springer Nature, New York. 457 pp.

Bird, G., G. Tylka and I. Zasada. 2018. Role of Population Dynamics and Damage Thresholds in 

Cyst Nematode Management. pp. 101-127 (in) Cyst Nematodes, R. Perry, M. Moens and J. Jones  (eds), CABI, New York.

Bird, G. 2017. The Organic Movement at MSU, pp. 70-80 (in) The Organic Movement in Michigan, Maynard Kaufman (ed.). 209 pp.

Neher, D.A. and Powers, T.O. 2021. Nematodes. In: Blagodatskaya, J., and Unc, A. (section editors) Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment, Second Edition, Elsevier, New York.

Neher, D.A. 2021. Moving up within the food web: Protists and nematodes. Chapter 13 in Uphoff, N. and Thies, J. Biological Approaches to Regenerative and Resilient Soil Systems, Second Edition. CRC.

Neher, D.A. and Hoitink, H.A. 2021. Compost use for plant disease suppression. Chapter 16 in: Rynk, R. (editor) The Composting Handbook, Second Edition, Elsevier.

Quintanilla, M.  2017.  Soil Acoustics. Pp. 225-231. In: A. Farina and S.H. Gage (Eds.).  Ecoacoustics: The ecological role of sounds.  Wiley Press





Paudel, R., S. Budhathoki and K.-H. Wang. 2021. Revitalized degraded soil in the tropic with energy sorghum (

Catherman, H., K.-H. Wang, R. Paudel, S. Budhathoki, and C. Mogren. 2021. Pigeon pea: a multipurpose N-fixing border crop.

Autufuga, D., W. Honda, R. Paudel, S. Pennington, J. Sugano and K.-H. Wang. 2020. Soil health demo video for International Year of Plant Health.

Meada, M., S. Budhathoki, and K.-H. Wang. 2020. Diamondback moth video for International Year of Plant Health.

Waisen, P., K.-H., Wang, L. Okumura, D. Meyer, and J. Sugano. 2019. Ecosystem Enhanced Screenhouse for cucumber production in Hawaii.

Wang, K.-H., J. Sugano, C. and Kadaoka. 2019. Tackling Fusarium on banana.

Podcast Episode, A Soil Symphony, where Dr. Deborah Neher tells the story of compost as biologically rich soil,


Non-peer-reviewed or Peer-reviewed Extension Publications:

Bird, G. 2017. Potato cyst nematode and soil health biology. Proceedings of the Central Asia IPM Conference, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.         

Bird, G. 2018. The SCN IPM Tool Box. Proceedings of the International Congress of IPM.

Bird, G., Basso, B. and R. Price. 2018.  Relationship between soil health indicators and potato early-die in Michigan. Proceedings of the International Congress of Phytoathology. 

Bird, G., B. Basso, R. Price and M. Otto. 2021. The relationship between potato tuber yield and thermal stability. Spudman 59:32-35.

Bird, G.,  B. Basso, R Price and M Otto. 2021. Thermal stability, soil health, potato yield and nematodes. Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists.

Bird, G., S. Markell, K. Bissonnette, C. Bradley, J. Johnston, M. Mitchum, A. Tenuta, G. Tylka and M. Wenck. 2021. The SCN Coalition: A Public/Private Sector Partnership. Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists.

Bird, G., N. Rothwell, K. Powers and W. Kline. 2019. Impact of compost and mulch on the establishment of sweet cherry trees. 2019 Great Lakes Fruit and Vegetable Exposition.

Blake, N.E. and Kotcon, J. B.  2020.  Allelopathy in birdsfoot trefoil pasture establishment. Abstract # 88003. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting.  Held on-line. Aug. 3-6, 2020.

Blake, N. and J. Kotcon.  2021.  Forage grass allelopathy in birdsfoot trefoil pasture establishment.  Ecological Society of America Virtual Annual Meeting.

Budhathoki, S., K.-H. Wang, P. Waisen, M. Meada, R. Paudel, J. Silva, R. Manandhar, J. Uyeda and B. Sipes. 2020. Using trap crops and entomopathogenic nematodes to manage caterpillar pests on head cabbage. HānaiʻAi Newsletter June-Aug 2020.

Catherman, H., K.-H. Wang, R. Paudel, S. Budhathoki, and C. Mogren. 2021. Pigeon pea: A multipurpose N-fixing border crop.

Ching, S., K.-H. Wang, and J. Uyeda. 2017. Drop Spreader Calibration using the 10/160th Method. HānaiʻAi Newsletter March-April-May 2017.

Cho, A., Quintanilla, M., McDonald, T., Kawabata, A., and Nakamoto, S.  2017. ‘Sharwil’ avocado identification. University of Hawaii CTAHR Extension Publication F_N-50.

Cole, E., Howland, A., Quintanilla, M.  2020.  Combating root-knot nematodes in daylilies: Experimental results – Part 2.  MSUE News.

Cole, E., Parrado, L., and Quintanilla, M.  2019 July/August.  Selecting soil amendments and nematicides to best prevent potato early dying complex.  Potato Country Magazine, 36(5), pp12-13 

Darling, E., Thapa, S., Cole, E., and Quintanilla, M.  2020.  Surveying Michigan carrot growers on plant-parasitic nematode control habits.  MSUE News.

Darling, E., Cole, E. and Quintanilla, M.  2020.  Tips for nematode management in carrots, parsnips. Vegetable Grower News (April). Web.

Darling, E., Thapa, S., and Quintanilla, M.  2020.  Exploring alternative strategies for nematode management for the processing carrot.  Carrot Country Magazine.

Eshchanov, Bahodir and George Bird, 2019. Influence of physical and biological disturbanes on Meloidogyne incognita resistance in greenhouse tomato production. Proceedings of the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists.

Eshchanov, Bahodir and George Bird. 2019.  Influence of grafting and pruning on Solanum lycopersicum ‘Anahu’ and ‘Rutgers’ biomass partitioning in the presence and absence of Meloidogyne incognita (Nematoda).  Proceedings of the Acta Horticulturae Second International Grafting Symposium, North Carolina.

Eshchanov, B., G. Bird and F. Zalom. 2017. Influence of grafting and pruning on Meloidogyne incognita associated with resistant and susceptible Solanum lycopersicum cultivars. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists. Williamsburg, VA.            

Eshchanov, B., G.  Bird and F. Zalom. 2017. Impact of Solanum lycopersicum L. grafting on the life cycle of  Trialeurodes vaporariorum  (Insecta) in the presence and absence of Meloidogyne incognita (Nematoda): With Special Reference to the Mi Gene and Type-D Trichomes. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists. Williamsburg, VA.    

Garcia-Salazar, C., Cole, E., Quintanilla, M.  2020.  Time for replanting old, disease and blueberry stem gall wasp infested blueberry fields.  Fruit Growers News:

Garcia-Salazar, C., Cole, E., Quintanilla, M.  2020.  Time for replanting old, disease and blueberry stem gall wasp infested blueberry fields.  MSUE News. 

Garcia-Salazar, C., Cole, E., Quintanilla, M.  2020.  Time for replanting old, disease and blueberry stem gall wasp infested blueberry fields.   Fruit Growers News.

Levene, B., Thapa, S., Cole, E., Quintanilla, M.  2020. Evaluation of rotation, compost, chemicals, and cover crops to manage soybean cyst nematode populations MSUE News.

Levene, B., and Quintanilla, M. 2020.  Muddy fields and rush to finish field work may move soybean cyst nematodes.  MSUE News

Levene, B., Groulx, B., Stewart, J., and Quintanilla, M.  2019.  Evaluation of oilseed radish cover crop, pre-plant application timing/rate and in-furrow pesticide applications for nematode management.  Michigan Sugar beet REACh journal, 2019 Variety trial results.

Levene, B., Groulx, B., Stewart, J., and Quintanilla, M.  2019.  Evaluation in-furrow and/or foliar pesticide applications for nematode management.  Michigan Sugar beet REACh journal, 2019 Variety trial results.

Levene, B., Groulx, B., Stewart, J., and Quintanilla, M.  2019.  Evaluation in-furrow Abamectin treatments at planting for nematode management.  Michigan Sugar beet REACh journal, 2019 Variety trial results.

Lindberg, H., Quintanilla, M., and Poley, K.  2018.  Nematodes in ornamental plant production: good or bad?  MSU Extension.

Lindberg, H., Quintanilla, M., Horling, K., and Poley, K.  2018.  Combating root-knot nematodes in daylilies: experimental results.  MSUE News.

Midwest Vegetable Production Guide (contributed to it, E0312). 2018.

Michigan Potato Research Report 2017:

Miller, M., L. S. Uppala, R. L. Wick.  2020. Survey of plant parasitic nematodes in Massachusetts cranberry bogs. 2020 Northeastern Division American Phytopathological Society Meeting. Phytopathology (Abstr.).

Neilsen, L., Edgar, B., and J. Kotcon.  2021.  Evaluation of urea amendments in media for quantification of nematode trapping fungi. J. Nematology 53:24. DOI:

Paudel, R., S. Budhathoki, and K.-H. Wang. Revitalized degraded soil in the tropic with energy sorghum.

Parrado, L., Cole, E., Quintanilla, M. 2020. Integrated management of potato early die: disease complex dynamic and treatment effectiveness. Video. Michigan Potato Commission

Quintanilla, M.  2018.  The new soybean cyst nematode coalition.  Michigan Soybean News.  Fall Issue, p. 21.

Quintanilla, M., Cole, E., Poley, K., and Wilson, J.  2019.  Fruit replant problem with a special emphasis on nematodes.  New York State Horticultural Society Fruit Quarterly 27: 19-21

Quintanilla, M., Poley, K., Shoemaker, J., and Warner, F.  2018.  SCN easier to manage if detected early. Michigan Farmer News.  January 11.

Quintanilla, M., Poley, K., Shoemaker, J., Warner, F.  2017.  Soybean cyst nematode, management for a destructive soybean pathogen. Michigan Farmer Magazine, December

Quintanilla, M., Shoemaker, J., Bird, G., Tenney, A., Warner, F., and Poley, K.  2018.  Soybean cyst nematode resistance management.  MSUE News.

Quintanilla, M., Shoemaker, J., Bird, G., Tenney, A., Warner, F., and Poley, K.  2018.  Soybean cyst nematode resistance management workshop held June 20, 2018.  MSU Extension.

Quintanilla, M., Warner, F., 2018. Nematode management. In: J.C. Wise, L.J. Gut, J. Wilson, M. Grieshop, M. Whalon, D. Mota-Sanchez, M. Quintanilla, R. lsaacs, A.M.C. Schilder, G.W. Sundin, B. Zandstra, R. Beaudry, G. Lang, L. Jess, D. Elsner, W. Shane, M. Longstroth, C. Garcia-Salazar, and D. Brown-Rytlewski.  Fruit Management Guide.  Michigan State University Extension Bulletin E-154, pp. 311-314

Shoemaker, J. and G. Bird. 2017. Evaluation of potential trap crops for management of Heterodera glycines in Michigan soybean production.  Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists.  Williamsburg, VA.     

Shoemaker, J. and G. Bird. 2018. Evaluation of potential cover and trap crops for Management of Heterodera glycines in Michigan.  Procee3ding of the Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists.

Snapp, S., L. Tiemann, N. Rosenzweig, D. Brainard and G. Bird. 2016.  Managing Soil Health for Root and Tuber Crops. Michigan State University Extension Bull. E-3343. East Lansing, 10 pp.   

Spinelli, G., N. Kerr, and K.-H. Wang. 2019. Innovative sustainable technique to manage Fusarium wilt disease on banana. Oahu Cooperative Extension Monthly Newsletter. Jan 24, 2019.

Staton, M., and Quintanilla, M. 2021.  Interested in reducing yield losses caused by soybean cyst nematodes? MSUE News.

Sugano, J., G. Spinelli, K. Wong, E. Perez, J. Silva, J. Uyeda, K.-H Wang, P. Shingaki. 2019. Evaluation of organic insecticides for aphid control on Chinese cabbage. HānaiʻAi Newsletter, November – January, 2019.

Sugano, J., Ted Radovich, and Wang, K.-H. 2018. Advancing Hawaii’s farming communities through applied research, education and collaborative partnerships, HānaiʻAi Newsletter, September – November, 2018.

Sugano, J., K.-H Wang, J. Uyeda, J. Silva, K. Wong, D. Meyer, R. Shimabuku, T. Radovich, P. Shingaki, R. Corrales, S. Migita, L. Nakamura-Tengan and S. Fukuda. 2018. Screenhouse systems. HānaiʻAi Newsletter Dec, Jan, Feb 2018 /getmedia.ashx?Moid =29445&dt=3&g=12

Thapa, S., Cole, E., Quintanilla, M., and Bird, G. 2020. Use cover crops for the management of Plant- Parasitic nematode. DIGITAL.VEGETABLES GROWERS NEWS.COM.

Waisen, P., R. Paudel, and K.-H. Wang. 2020. An Update on Biofumigation Research in Hawaii: The equipment matters! HānaiʻAi Newsletter March-May, 2020.

Waisen, P., R. Paudel, and K.-H. Wang. 2020. Soil health management and asparagus Fusarium crown and root rot. HānaiʻAi Newsletter June-August, 2020.

Waisen, P. and Wang, K.-H. 2018. Trap cropping and biofumigation for plant-parasitic nematode management. HānaiʻAi Newsletter March, April, May 2018.

Waisen, P. and Wang, K.-H. 2019. What plastic mulch can help biofumigation to better manage nematodes? HānaiʻAi Newsletter September-December, 2019.

Waller, R., Linderme, J and Wick, R. 2020. An Undescribed Meloidogyne sp. (root-knot nematode) from turfgrasses in two sites in New Hampshire (Poster, NEDAPS)

Wang, K.-H. 2018. Insectary plants for Hawaii. HānaiʻAi Newsletter, June – Aug, 2018.

Wang, K.-H. 2018. Screenhouse Field Day. HānaiʻAi Newsletter March, April, May 2018.

Wang, K.-H. Happy 50TH Earth Day! CTAHRNotes April 22, 2020.

Wang, K.-H., S. Budhathoki, M. Pugh, I. Shikano, J. Silva, J. Uyeda and R. Manandhar. 2021. Insecticide resistance management for diamondback moth in organic farms: Integration of trap cropping, intermittent sprinkler irrigation and biological control. HānaiʻAi Newsletter Jan-Mar, 2021.

Wang,K.-H., Ching, S. and J. Uyeda. 2018. Nematode suppressive effects of fluopyram on zucchini and cherry tomato in comparison to sunn hemp cover cropping and azardiactin through chemigation. HānaiʻAi Newsletter Dec, Jan, Feb 2018.

Wang, K.-H. and J.B. Friday. The Opportunity Is Now. CTAHRNotes (Guest Writer). April 3, 2020.

Wang, K.-H., J. Sugano. 2020. eXtension - Farm Journal Monthly Story Lead contest for May 2020 (Jeff Goodwin submitted the impact story about DIY screenhouse project).

Wang, K.-H., J. Sugano, S. Fukuda, S. Ching, J. Kam, J. Uyeda, and D. Meyer. 2017. DIY Screenhouse for insect management in the Tropics: Part II Hoop Houses. HānaiʻAi Newsletter 28: Dec, Jan, Feb 2017.

Wang, K.-H., J. Sugano, S. Fukuda, J. Uyeda, D. Meyer, and S. Ching. 2017. DIY Screenhouse for insect management in the Tropics: Part I. HānaiʻAi Newsletter 28: Dec, Jan, Feb 2017.

Wang, K.-H. and P. Waisen, 2020. Summer home school: Sustainable Ag Version. HānaiʻAi Newsletter June-Aug 2020. 67099&dt=3&g=12

Wang, K.-H., P. Waisen, N. Kerr and J. Sugano. 2019. Exploring biological management methods against Fusarium wilt of banana in Hawai’i. HānaiʻAi Newsletter September-December, 2019.

Wang, K.-H., P. Waisen, and J. Sugano. 2019. Ecosystem enhanced screenhouse cucumber production. HānaiʻAi Newsletter December-February, 2019.

Wilson, J., Quintanilla, M., Shade, A., Einhorn, T., Sundin, G., and A. Irish-Brown.  2019. The apple replant field trial at the Clarksville research center. New York State Horticultural Society, Fruit Quarterly, Vol 27(4).

Wong, K., J. Silva, R. Shimabuku, S. Fukuda, J. Sugano, K.-H. Wang, J. Uyeda, F. Reppun, S. Ching, J. Kam, and R. Mau. Comparing physical barriers and organic pesticides for controlling cabbage webworm on daikon. HānaiʻAi Newsletter 28: Dec, Jan, Feb 2017.


Invited Presentations.

Bird G. 2020.  Soil Health Idea Café. 2020 Annual Meeting of the American Phytopathological Society.    

Bird, G. 2019. The Living Soil. August 21, 2019. Meeting of the Michigan Plant It Wild Association. Frankfort, Michigan.

Presentation on management of nematodes in golf greens to the New England Regional Turfgrass Conference, about 250 in attendance, 2017

Zoom presentation to the New England Regional Turfgrass Conference, 2021: Description of a new species of root-knot nematode in turfgrasses

Neher, D.A. Biological indicators and compost for managing plant disease. Invited keynote speaker, International Society for Horticultural Science, Ghent, Belgium, 22-27 August 2021.

Neher, D.A. Stop treating our soil like dirt! School of Forestry, University of Northern Arizona, 20 January 2021.

Neher, D.A. Detrital food webs and disease suppression. Department of Entomology and Nematology, University of Florida, Gainesville, 11 December 2020.

Wang, K.-H. 2021. Regenerative Agriculture and Carbon Capture: Cover Cropping and Conservation Tillage. Environmental Legislative Caucus Meeting. Aug 30, 2021 (organized by Representative Lisa Marten; 30 participants).

Wang, K.-H. 2021. Pest management resources in Hawaii. PIA Pest Management Considerations in Conservation Planning JAA Training (through Webex), July 27, 2021 (35 participants) organized by Jason Hanson and Giulio Ferruzzi.

Wang, K.-H. 2021. Pest management for orchid gardeners. The Central Ohio Orchid Society (COOS) monthly meeting (through zoom), June 17, 2021 (28 participants), organized by Tracy Strombotne.

Wang, K.-H. 2021. Ecological & Sustainable Nematode Management. NRCS Conversations on Soil Health: Nematode Management and Cover Crops (Adobe Acrobat on-line event), June 17, 2021 (75 participants-NRCS Staff), Organized by Rachel Seman-Varner, Ph.D.

Wang, K.-H. 2021. Managing plant-parasitic nematodes in agroecosystems through cover cropping or biological derived products. University of California at Davis, Department of Plant Pathology Seminar. Zoom. Jan 25, 2021 (Coordinator: Dr. Ioannis Stergiopoulos, Attendance: ~60).

Wang, K.-H. 2021. Cover crop on-line training for ‘Together We Farm’. Tovuti online platform. Oahu Agriculture and Conservation Association (Organizer: Michelle Gorham).

Wick and Linderme 2020, University of Massachusetts: Workshop on extraction and identification of endoparasitic nematodes for the Northeast Plant Disease Diagnostic Network, 13 diagnosticians in attendance.

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