WERA97: Diseases of Cereals

(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports


Smiley, R.W. and Marshall, J.M. 2015. Resistance and tolerance of spring wheat and barley to Heterodera avenae in the USA. In. A.A. Dababat and R.W. Smiley (eds.). Nematodes of Small Grain Cereals: Current Status and Research. FAO, Rome, Italy. ISBN:978-92-5-108878-4. copyright FAO, 2015.

Smiley, R., and Marshall, J.M. 2016. Detection of dual Heterodera avenae resistance plus tolerance traits in spring wheat. Plant Dis. 100:1677-1685.  http://apsjournals.apsnet.org/doi/pdfplus/10.1094/PDIS-09-15-1055-RE 

Marshall, J.M. and Smiley, R.W. 2016. Spring barley resistance and tolerance to the cereal cyst nematode Heterodera avenae. Plant Disease.100:2(396-407). http://apsjournals.apsnet.org/doi/pdf/10.1094/PDIS-05-15-0498-RE 

Marshall, J.M., Jackson, C.A., Shelman, T., Jones, L., and O’Brien, K. 2016. 2015 Small Grains Report, Southcentral and Southeast Idaho Cereals Research and Extension Program. Idaho Agricultural Experiment Station. UI Research Bulletin 188. 133 pp. http://www.cals.uidaho.edu/edComm/pdf/RES/RES188.pdf

Smiley, R.W.; Marshall, J.M. 2014.
"Spring wheat resistance and tolerance to cereal cyst nematode, 2013." March/2014. Plant Disease Management Report. 8:N007.

Smiley, R.W.; Marshall, J.M.
 2014."Spring wheat resistance and tolerance to cereal cyst nematode, 2013". March/2014. Plant Disease Management Report No. 8:N008

Lutcher, L.K., Sullivan, C.S., Flowers, M.D., Mundt, C.C., Wysocki, D.J., Rhinhart, K.E.L., Marshall, J.M. 2016. Performance of Hard Red Winter Wheat in Late-planted Fallow. PNW 635. Oregon State University. https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/sites/catalog/files/project/pdf/pnw635_3.pdf

Rashed, A., F. Etzler, C. Rogers, and J.M. Marshall. 2015. Wireworms in Idaho Cereals: A Guide to Monitor Numbers and Identify Predominant Species in the Intermountain Region. University of Idaho, 

Idaho Agricultural Experiment Station Current Information Series. CIS BUL 898. http://www.cals.uidaho.edu/edcomm/pdf/BUL/BUL0898.pdf.

Rogers, C.W., J.M. Marshall, A. Rashed, D.W. Morishita. 2015. Barley Quick Facts. University of Idaho, Idaho Agricultural Experiment Station Current Information Series. CIS 1217. http://www.cals.uidaho.edu/edcomm/pdf/CIS/CIS1217.pdf


Dangi, S., Woodhall, J., Fairchild, K.L., Marshall, J.M., and Wharton, P.S. 2016. Detection of mefenoxam resistance in Pythium ultimum on barley in Southern Idaho.  Poster and Proceedings of the 9th Australasian Soilborne Diseases Symposium. Lincoln University, Christchurch, New Zealand. Nov 14-17, 2016.

Liang, X., Marshall, J.M., Rashed, A., Rogers, C.W. 2016. Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus Effects on Wheat Water and Nitrogen Use Efficiency. ASA Meeting. Phoenix, AZ. Nov 2016. 

Kurtis L. Schroeder, K.L. and Marshall, J.M. 2016. Tailoring nitrogen recommendations: varietal response in hard red winter wheat to nitrogen fertilizer application timing. ASA Meeting. Phoenix, AZ. Nov 2016.

Rashidi, M., Marshall, J. M., Bosque-Pérez, N. A., Rashed, A. 2016. Barley yellow dwarf incidence and bird cherry-oat aphid preference in four wheat varieties in Idaho. (Abstr.) Phytopathology 102 (Suppl. 7):SX.X. APS Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL. August 1 – 4, 2016. http://www.apsnet.org/meetings/annual/abstracts/pages/abstractdetail.aspx?MID=577

Arash Rashed, A., Mahnaz Rashidi, Christopher Rogers and Juliet Marshall. 2016. Wireworms in Idaho cereals: comparison of wireworm damage to wheat and barley with respect to seeding depth and soil media. ESA Presentation #116102 - 2016 Pacific Branch Meeting https://esa.confex.com/esa/2016pb/tmp/papers/index.cgi?username=116102&password=936709.

Rashed, A., Rashidi, M., Rogers, C., Marshall, J.M. 2016. Wireworm damage to wheat and barley in rela-tion to soil media and seeding depth. Pacific Branch Entomological Society of America, Honolulu, HI, April, 2016.

Rashidi, M., Marshall, J.M., Bosque-Perez, N., Rashed, A. 2016. Barley yellow dwarf incidence and the bird cherry-oat aphid preference in four USA wheat varieties. Poster. International Plant Virus Epidemiology Symposium. Avignon, France June 2016.

Hu, G., Satterfield, K., Evans, C., Brueggeman, R., Schwarz, P., and Marshall, J.M. 2015. Fusarium Head Blight Resistance of USDA-ARS Breeding Materials in Idaho. Contributed presentation (poster) for the USWBSI meeting, St. Louis, MO. Dec 6, 2015.

Arcibal, S.M., Baldwin, T.T., Jackson, C.A., Shelman, T., and Marshall, J.M. 2015. Screening for FHB Susceptibility in Barley Cultivars in the Western U.S. Contributed presentation (poster) for the USWBSI meeting, St. Louis, MO. Dec 6, 2015.

Arcibal, S.M., Baldwin, T.T., Jackson, C.A., Shelman, T., and Marshall, J.M. 2015. Screening for FHB Susceptibility in Wheat Cultivars in the Western U.S. Contributed presentation (poster) for the USWBSI meeting, St. Louis, MO. Dec 6, 2015.


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