NCERA_old197: Agricultural Safety and Health Research and Extension

(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports




Committee on Agricultural Safety and Health Research and Extension. 2016 Research and Extension Agenda for Agricultural Confined Spaces. USDA-NIFA. Washington D.C.







Duysen, E., Irvine K., Yoder, A., Topliff, C., Kelling, C., & Rajaram, S. 2017. Assessment of tribal bison worker hazards using trusted research facilitators. Journal of Agromedicine, 22(4): 337-346

Field, W., Cheng, Y., Tormoehlen, R., Aherin, R., Schwab, C., Neenan, D., & Robersts, M. 2018. Let's stop treating our youth like dummies. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, 24(2): 57-58.


Khorsandi, F., P. D. Ayers, and T. J. Truster. 2017. Developing and evaluating a finite element model for predicting the rollover protective structure nonlinear behavior under SAE J2194 static test. Journal of Biosystems Engineering 156: 96–107.

Ayers, P. D., F. Khorsandi, X. Wang, and G. Araujo. 2018. ROPS designs to protect operators during agricultural tractor rollovers. Journal of Terramechanics, 75: 49-55.

Khorsandi, F., P. D. Ayers, R. S. Freeland, and X. Wang. 2018. Modeling the effect of liquid movement on the center of gravity calculation of agricultural vehicles. Journal of Terramechanics, 75: 37-48. 7.

Khorsandi, F., P. D. Ayers. 2018. The Effect of Friction on Actuation Torques of the Foldable Roll-Over Protective Structure. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 24(4): 227-242.

Issa, S.F., Wassgren, C., Schwab, C.V., Stroshine, R., & Field, W.E. (2018). Estimating passive stress acting on a grain entrapment victim’s chest. J. Agric. Saf. Health. 24(3), 113-126.

Field, W.E., Cheng, Y.-h., Tormoehlen, R., Aherin, R., Schwab, C., Neenan, D., & Roberts, M. (2018). Let’s stop treating our youth like dummies. J. Agric. Saf. Health. 24(2), 57-58.

Schwab, C. V., Schwab, P. J., & Schwab, L. E. (2018). Prediction of extraction forces for entrapment victim in common grain storage conditions. ASABE Paper No. 1801410. St. Joseph, MI: ASABE.

Rood, K., & Pate, M. (2018). Assessment of Infection Control Practices and Zoonotic Disease Risks among Utah Clinical Veterinarians. Journal of Agromedicine. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 10.1080/1059924X.2018.1536574

Gorucu, S., Murphy, D. J., Yoder, A., & Pate, M. (2018). National Research and Extension Agenda for Agricultural Safety and Health Assessment. Journal of Agromedicine, 23(3). http://

 Fabian, E. F., Chen, L., Hile, M., & Pate, M. (September 25, 2018 - September 27, 2018). "Mitigating Hydrogen Sulfide Safety Risk and Odor for Dairy Farms Using Gypsum Bedding," 10th International Livestock Environment Symposium, ASABE, Omaha, NE

Pate, M., Lawver, R. G., Smalley, S. W., Perry, D. K., Stallones, L., & Shultz, A. (July 29, 2018 - August 1, 2018). "Agricultural Safety Education: Formative Assessment of a Curriculum Integration Strategy," ASABE Annual International Meeting 2018, ASABE, Detroit, MI.

Yoder, A., Gorucu, S., Murphy, D. J., & Pate, M. (July 30, 2018). "A review of the national research and extension agenda for agricultural safety and health," ASABE Annual International Meeting 2018, ASABE, Detroit, MI.


Shutske, J.M., Schaefer, D., Larson, R., Erb, K., Skjolaas, C., Leonard, S., Nelson, J., Binversie, E. and Rifleman, S. 2018. Investigation of a Worker Death while Agitating Manure in a Non-Enclosed Storage. Journal of Agromedicine, 23(1), 10-19.

Drewry, J. L., Luck, B. D., Shutske, J. M., & Trechter, D. D. 2018. Quantifying agricultural data generation on Wisconsin farms: A case study. In 2018 ASABE Annual International Meeting. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.

Shutske, J. M., Trechter, D., Luck, B. D., Drewry, J. L., DeWitte, M. J., Pitman, L., & Kluz, M. 2018. Assessment of Digital Capacity, Needs and Access Barriers Among Crop, Dairy and Livestock Producers. In 2018 ASABE Annual International Meeting. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.

Leite de Campos, J., Steinberger, A., Goldberg, T., Safdar, N., Shutske, J., Sethi, A., Suen, G. Ruegg, P. 2018. Frequency of Antimicrobial Usage on Treatment for Bacterial Diseases Occurring in Cows on Large Dairy Farms. Abstract and proceedings of American Dairy Science Association annual meeting, Knoxville, TN.

Shutske, J. 2018. Tackle Stress Head On. Hoards Dairyman. November 2018. Available at:

Shutske, J. 2018. Stress Impacts Everything. Hoards Dairyman. May 2018. Available at:

Shutske, J. 2018.  Dairy Farms Adopt Digital Tools, But Barriers Exist to Expand Tech Use. Progressive Dairyman Magazine. November 24, 2018. -

Holin, F. and Shutske, J. Chronic Stress & Farming - a Dangerous Combination. Midwest Forage
Association Newsletter. October 25, 2018 -

Shutske, J. 2018. Develop a Plan to Stay Safe on the Farm. Wisconsin Agriculturist. August 3, 2018.

Shutske, J. 2018. Throttle Back on Stress. Wisconsin Agriculturist. February 22, 2018.

Shutske, J. and Kirkpatrick, J. 2018. Helping Mitigate Financial Stress for Farm Operators and Family Members.  Proceedings of 2018 Extension Risk Management Education National Conference.

Shutske, J. and Stephenson, M. 2018. The On-Ramp to the Vicious Cycle of Chronic Farm Stress. Video educational recording with Center for Dairy Profitability and Program on Dairy Markets and Policy.

Shutske, J. and Stephenson, M. 2018. How Stress Affects our Decision Making, Health, and Relationships. Video educational recording with Center for Dairy Profitability and Program on Dairy Markets and Policy.

Shutske, J. and Stephenson, M. 2018. Video educational recording with Center for Dairy Profitability and Program on Dairy Markets and Policy. Throttling Back and Breaking the Chronic Stress Cycle: Some Practical Ideas and Tips.

Grooms, L. with Shutske, J (source). 2018. Being Strong Means Asking for Help. Agri-View.  August 6, 2018.

Presley, L. with Shutske, J (source) 2018. Stress on the Farm. Racine Journal Times. November 30, 2018.

Pates, M. with Shutske, J. (source). 2018. Range of pain: Ag Lenders Face 'Push-Pull' Effect. AgWeek.

Shutske, J. 2018. Recognizing and Managing Stress of Dairy Farmers. Video with Tri-State Dairy Consortium in cooperation with Iowa State University.

Khorsandi, F., P. Ayers and E. Fong. 2019. Evaluation of Crush Protection Devices for Agricultural All-Terrain Vehicles (ATV). In press for Biosystems Engineering Special Issue.

Ayers, P., F. Khorsandi, M. Poland and C. Hilliard. 2019. Foldable ROPS lift assist design. In press for Biosystems Engineering Special Issue.

Khorsandi, F. and P. Ayers. 2018.  The effect of friction on actuation forces of the foldable ROPS.  Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health 24(5) 227-242

Schwab, C. V., Schwab, L. E., & Schwab, P. J. (2019). Extraction force prediction for male entrapment victims with different body types submerged below the grain surface. J. Agric. Saf. Health. 25(2), 77-90. 10.13031/jash.13155

Schwab, C. V., Arbuckle, J. G., & Hanna, H. M. (2019). Barriers and motivators for tractor ROPS retrofitting in Iowa. J. Agric. Saf. Health. 25(1), 1-9.




Cheng, Y.H., Field, W.E., Tormoehlen, R. L. “2015 Indiana Farm Fatality Summary with Historical Overview and Assessment of Impact of Farm Injuries”. Accepted 2019.


Ehlers, S.G., Field, W.E. Accessing and Operating Agricultural Machinery: Advancements in Assistive Technology for Users with Impaired Mobility. Journal of Assistive Technology, Vol. 31(5). Arlington, VA, 2019.


Field, W. E., Tormoehlen, R., Ehlers, S. Cheng, C., Talbert, A., Deboy, G., Haberlin, D., & Schwab, C. V. (2019). ROPS are not homemade. J. Agric. Saf. Health. 25(3), 129-131.


Gorucu, S., Weichelt, B., & Pate, M. L. (2019). Fatal agricultural injuries in Pennsylvania, 2015-2017: A comparative analysis of two systems’ data collection methods and datasets. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, 25(2): 53-61. doi: 10.13031/jash.13165


Jepsen, S.D., Walls, K. (2020). Re-designing Tractor and Machinery Safety Curriculum for Women in Agriculture and Young Agricultural Workers. Journal of the National Association of County Agricultural Agents, Vol 13(1). Retrieved from:


Jepsen, S.D., Barret, E.E. (2019). Preparing Agritourism and Direct Marketing Operations for Emergencies. Journal of the National Association of County Agricultural Agents, Vol 12(1). Retrieved from:


Mann, A.J., Jepsen, S.D. (2019). Hazardous agricultural tasks completed by youth as part of their Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE): A Descriptive Study. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, 25(3),107-116.


McNamara, J., P. Giffin, J. Phelan, W.E. Field, and J. Kinsella. Farm Health and Safety Adoption through Engineering and Behavioral Change. Agronomy Research. 17(5), 1953-1959, 2019.


Pate, M. L., & Gorucu, S. (2020). Agricultural work-related fatalities to non-working youth: Implications for intervention development. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, 26(1): 31-43. doi: 10.13031/jash.13691


Pate, M. L., Lawver, R. G., Smalley, S. W., Perry, D. K., Stallones, L., & Shultz, A. (2019). Agricultural safety education: Formative assessment of a curriculum integration strategy. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, 25(2): 63-76. doi: 10.13031/jash.13113


Schwab, C. V., Schwab, L. E., & Schwab, P. J. (2019). Extraction force prediction for male entrapment victims with different body types submerged below the grain surface. J. Agric. Saf. Health. 25(2), 77-90.


Schwab, C. V., Arbuckle, J. G., & Hanna, H. M. (2019). Barriers and motivators for tractor ROPS retrofitting in Iowa. J. Agric. Saf. Health. 25(1), 1-9.


Schwab, C. V., Schwab, L. E., & Schwab, P. J. (2020). Estimates of human surface area for a partially entrapped grain victim and associated extraction force loads. ASABE Paper No. 2001410. St. Joseph, MI: ASABE.


Schwab, C. V. (July, 2019). Safety sharing the road with farm vehicles. (Iowa State University Extension publication No. AE3540). Ames, IA: Iowa State University, Extension and Outreach.

Swoboda, R. (2019, September 19). Save a Life – Use a Tractor with a Rollover Protection Structure. Wallaces Farmer.

Tormoehlen, S.A. and W.E. Field. Summary of Farm Fatalities Involving Individuals 55 Years and Older – 1988-2017. Journal of Safety, 2019, 5(2).

Tormoehlen, S.A, Field, W.E., Ehlers, S.G., and Ferraro, K.F. Indiana Farm Occasional Wood Cutter Fatalities Involving Individuals 55 Years and Older. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. Accepted 2019.

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