NE1333: Biological Improvement of Chestnut through Technologies that Address Management of the Species, its Pathogens and Pests

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

Photo Album

15576_Group photo 2013-Berea, KY (lower pixels) 15576_Group photo 2013-Berea, KY (lower pixels)
15576_Sandra Anaganostakis and Anita Davelos Baines (lower pixels) 15576_Sandra Anaganostakis and Anita Davelos Baines (lower pixels)
15576_Lou Shain and Fred Hebard (lower pixels) 15576_Lou Shain and Fred Hebard (lower pixels)
15576_Pam Kazmierczak and Neal Van Alfen (lower pixels) 15576_Pam Kazmierczak and Neal Van Alfen (lower pixels)
15576_Angus Dawe and students (lower pixels) 15576_Angus Dawe and students (lower pixels)
2016 Group photo 2016 Group photo
SUNY-ESF group-2016 SUNY-ESF group-2016
Lynne Rieske-Kinney and Bradley Hillman-2016 Lynne Rieske-Kinney and Bradley Hillman-2016
Mississippi State group-2016 Mississippi State group-2016
Paul Sisco and Hill Craddock-2016 Paul Sisco and Hill Craddock-2016
Group at Hemphill Bald #2 Group at Hemphill Bald #2
Group photo 2017 outdoors Group photo 2017 outdoors
Group photo 2017 indoors Group photo 2017 indoors
Hill Craddock at greenhouse tour at Bent Creek Nursery (2) Hill Craddock at greenhouse tour at Bent Creek Nursery (2)
Rita Costa, Tatyana Zhebentyayeva and Paul Sisco at Bent Creek greenhouse Rita Costa, Tatyana Zhebentyayeva and Paul Sisco at Bent Creek greenhouse
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