NE1640: Plant-Parasitic Nematode Management as a Component of Sustainable Soil Health Programs in Horticultural and Field Crop Production Systems

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports

Annual/Termination Reports:

[09/20/2017] [01/26/2018] [11/14/2018] [11/11/2019] [12/20/2020] [12/20/2020] [09/17/2021]

Date of Annual Report: 09/20/2017

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 10/06/2016 - 10/07/2016
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2016 - 10/07/2016


Brief Summary of Minutes

The minutes that are attached to this meeting reflect accomplishments of NE1040 in its final year.  The first meeting of this multistate project occurred six days into the project's first year.


<p><strong>Objective 1: </strong>Develop effective and economically-viable cultural management tactics for plant-parasitic nematodes based on host resistance, nematode antagonistic rotation or cover crops, soil amendments and biological agents.</p><br /> <p>Cover crops such as Brassicacae (oil seed radish and mustard), oats and legumes are often used for reducing soil erosion, retaining soil nutrients, building organic matter, and/or managing plant-parasitic nematodes in Michigan agriculture.&nbsp; Our studies on cover crop use in field cropping systems showed little effect on root-lesion (<em>Pratylenchus </em>spp.), most wide spread nematode in Michigan agriculture.&nbsp; A similar study was conducted in carrot production systems at two locations where oats, &lsquo;Defender&rsquo; radish, &lsquo;Dwarf Essex&rsquo; rape, a mixture of oats and Defender radish were grown in fall 2014 preceding summer 2015 carrot production.&nbsp; A fallow served as a control.&nbsp; Nematode soil population densities were assessed during cover crop growth, before planting carrots, during carrot production, and at carrot harvest.&nbsp; At site 1, root-lesion and stunt (<em>Tylenchorhynchus </em>spp.) nematodes were present at low population densities (less than 25 nematodes/100 cm<sup>3 </sup>soil), but were not affected (ANOVA, <em>P </em>&gt; 0.05) by cover crops.&nbsp; At site 2, root-lesion nematode population densities were increased (ANOVA, <em>P </em>&lt; 0.05) by Defender radish compared to other cover crops during cover crop growth and carrot production.&nbsp; The low population densities of plant-parasitic nematode were not related to marketable carrot yield at either site.&nbsp; It is also possible that yield losses observed at sites may be due to other pathogens and/or physicochemical soil factors.&nbsp; However, the results show growing plant-parasitic nematode-susceptible cover crops can be detrimental for nematode management in the cropping systems.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>In Michigan a 2016 carrot/root-lesion field trial was conducted to identify biological and chemical controls as a replacement for Vydate.&nbsp; Compared to the non-treated control, Nimitz, Melocon and Majestine increased the number of marketable carrots 38%, 37% and 38% respectively; whereas, Vydate resulted in a 47% increase in marketable carrots. An analysis of 60 Michigan soybean cyst nematode populations in regards to sources of SCN resistance indicated that 95% of the populations were aggressive, with 2%, 32%, and 6% identified as Type 1, Type 2 and Type 1.2, respectively. An econometric analysis showed that comparative projected sugar beet net profits per hectare were $420, -$568, $1,141 and $1,318 when the population density of beet cyst nematode (BCN) was below the action threshold with a BCN susceptible cultivar, above the action threshold with a BCN susceptible cultivar, above the action threshold with a BCN tolerant cultivar and above the action threshold with a tolerant cultivar and a seed treatment, respectively. Following fall soil fumigation, tart cherry trees planted the next spring in planting holes treated with starter compost had greater trunk cross section areas (TCSA), compared to trees planted with or without surface applied compost or straw mulch, or no treatment.&nbsp; The TCSA measurements were made at the end of the second growing season after planting.&nbsp; After two years of tree growth, Tart cherry trees planted in fumigated soil following two years of pearl millet/Essex rape or oats/peas/mustard had significamtly greater TCSA than those planted following red clover or fallow soil.</p><br /> <p>In 2016, a total of 90 private and public soybean cultivars were assayed for their resistance to SCN HG Type 7 (race 3) in the greenhouse (MN). A number of germplasm lines, most of which were in MG 000-II, were tested or retested for their resistance to multiple SCN populations, and a few lines were identified to be resistant to SCN race 1 (HG Type 2-) and/or race 14 (HG Type 1-).&nbsp; The germplasm line PI567516C was selected for breeding SCN-resistant soybean cultivars. Advanced breeding lines from this source of resistance were evaluated for their resistance to SCN populations in the greenhouse, and a few of them are in regional yield trials.&nbsp; Greenhouse and field experiments were initiated in 2015 and 2016 in MN to study the impact of pennycress and camelina as winter oil seed cover crops on the SCN in the corn-soybean production systems.&nbsp; The primary data from greenhouse study showed that SCN reproduced well on pennycress, while camelina is non-host of SCN.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>In Connecticut we have previously had success in managing plant parasitic nematodes using rotation crops but in many cases multiple years or cycles of rotation may be required.&nbsp; Experiments are under way to utilize a series of lesion nematode-suppressive rotation crops in tilled or no-till systems to try to achieve multiple cycles of suppression within a single year.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Rotation 1<sup>st</sup> crop</span></strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Rotation 2<sup>nd</sup> crop</span></strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Rotation 3<sup>rd</sup> crop</span></strong>.</p><br /> <p>Oats and clover no till&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Soybeans no till&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Rye and vetch no till</p><br /> <p>Barley&nbsp; no till&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;Buckwheat no till&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Winter wheat no till</p><br /> <p>Pacific Gold brassica tilled&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Sudangrass tilled&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Millet forage radish tilled</p><br /> <p>Black oats no till&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Millet and Rudbeckia no till&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Dwarf Essex brassica tilled</p><br /> <p>Field plots (6ft by 25 ft with 12 ft borders) and 3-ft diameter microplots were planted with each of the above rotation schemes (6 reps and 15 reps for each experiment).&nbsp; Soils were sampled for pre-plant <em>Pratylenchus</em> nematode densities.&nbsp; The first crop was planted March 30, 2016 and subsequently mowed on 24 June at which time Pacific Gold residues were tilled in.&nbsp; Soils were sampled for nematodes on 1 July and plots seeded with the second crop.&nbsp; The sudangrass was tilled in on 13 September and cover crops drilled in the same day.&nbsp; Nematode densities followed similar trends in both experiments after the first set of spring rotation crops.&nbsp; Lesion nematode numbers were lowest after Pacific Gold and black oat crops and higher after oats and clover or barley.&nbsp; Our sampling results demonstrated that using the Abawi soybean assay was more effective for recovering lesion nematodes than nematode extraction from soil.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Effect of rotation crop on lesion nematode populations, 2016 &ndash; ========================================================</p><br /> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Rotation 1<sup>st</sup> crop</span></strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Pf/Pi Field plot</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Pf/Pi Microplots</span></strong></p><br /> <p>Oats and clover no till&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 0.77&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 10.3&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; BC</p><br /> <p>Barley&nbsp; no till&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 0.92&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 19.9&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; C</p><br /> <p>Pacific Gold brassica tilled&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 0.66&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; 2.9 AB</p><br /> <p>Black oats no till&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 0.72&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; 2.7 A</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; P =&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 0.14&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 0.01</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;______________________________________________________________</p><br /> <p>Trap crops are being developed for nonchemical control of cyst nematodes.&nbsp; A solanaceous weed, <em>Solanum</em> <em>sisymbriifolium</em> (sticky nightshade or Litchi tomato) is being evaluated to control potato cyst nematodes <em>Globodera pallida</em>.&nbsp; Because of the difficulties in working with this regulated pathogen, we conducted experiments with the closely related tobacco cyst nematode <em>G. tabacum</em> as a model system.&nbsp; Experiments were conducted to evaluate <em>S.</em> <em>sisymbriifolium</em> for ability to stimulate hatch of <em>G. tabacum</em> in comparison to a susceptible or resistant host plant, for ability of the nematode to reproduce and increase, and for efficacy against the nematode as a trap crop under field conditions in comparison to plant resistance<em>. </em></p><br /> <p>Also in CT, twenty cysts per cell were exposed to full strength or 1 to 10 dilutions of root diffusates of tobacco, sticky nightshade or distilled water and hatch counted weekly for 8 weeks.&nbsp; Cysts were crushed after 8 weeks to determine the unhatched J2 in eggs remaining and the percent of juveniles that hatched.&nbsp; Hatch of nematodes was significantly higher for <em>S.</em> <em>sisymbriifolium</em> than from tobacco or water (Table 2).&nbsp; We inoculated tobacco or <em>S.</em> <em>sisymbriifolium</em> with <em>G. tabacum</em> and stained roots over time.&nbsp; Juveniles infected both plants but development to adult females with eggs only occurred in tobacco.&nbsp; Juveniles developed to males in Litchi tomato but no adult females were observed.&nbsp; We are currently evaluating the effects of <em>S.</em> <em>sisymbriifolium </em>as a trap crop in field microplots compared to resistant or susceptible tobacco crops.&nbsp; Tobacco cyst nematode- resistant tobacco lines are also being evaluated for host status and hatch stimulation of <em>G. pallida</em> in Idaho.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;Table 2. Hatch of <em>Globodera tabacum</em> after 8 weeks exposure to root diffusates of <em>S.</em> <em>sisymbriifolium</em> or <em>N. tabacum</em> in comparison to water.</p><br /> <p>===========================================================</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Diffusate source</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Dilution</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Hatched juveniles</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <span style="text-decoration: underline;">% Hatch</span></p><br /> <ol start="35"><br /> <li><em>sisymbriifolium </em>1:1 779&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; c&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 35.8&nbsp;&nbsp; b</li><br /> <li><em>sisymbriifolium </em>1:10 308&nbsp; bc&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 16.7&nbsp;&nbsp; b</li><br /> <li><em> tabacum </em> 1:1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 171 ab&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; 5.0 a</li><br /> <li><em> tabacum </em>1:10 121 a&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; 5.5 a</li><br /> </ol><br /> <p>Distilled water control<em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </em>114 a&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; 5.1 a</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;_________________________________________________________________</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>The influence of broadleaf cigar wrapper tobacco (<em>Nicotiana tabacum</em>), eastern black nightshade (<em>Solanum ptychanthum</em>), and Litchi tomato (<em>Solanum sisymbriifolium</em>) on egg hatch and subsequent development of the tobacco cyst nematode, <em>Globodera tabacum</em>, was investigated in CT.&nbsp; Our previous research indicated that eastern black nightshade was a more efficient host of <em>G. tabacum</em> than <em>N. tabacum, </em>as <em>S. ptychanthum</em> stimulated more hatch and resulted in greater <em>G. tabacum</em> reproduction than did <em>N. tabacum.</em>&nbsp; Root diffusates were prepared from 2 g of root of four-week-old plants soaked in 100 ml of distilled water for 2.5 hours, filtered and frozen.&nbsp; <em>S. ptychanthum</em> root diffusates stimulated juvenile hatching from eggs in cysts over 4 weeks more than root diffusates of <em>S. sisymbriifolium</em> or <em>N. tabacum </em>(Table 3).&nbsp; Tobacco increased hatch by four times compared to water alone.&nbsp; <em>S. sisymbriifolium</em> stimulated twice and <em>S. ptychanthum</em> three times the hatch of that for <em>N.</em> <em>tabacum</em>.&nbsp; <em>G. tabacum</em> juveniles were observed in stained roots of both <em>N.</em> <em>tabacum</em> and <em>S. sisymbriifolium</em> and development to adult females occurred within four weeks in tobacco but not <em>S. sisymbriifolium</em>.&nbsp; Cysts were extracted from roots and soil in pots that had been planted to <em>N.</em> <em>tabacum</em> or <em>S. sisymbriifolium</em> for 12 weeks and cysts crushed to count encysted juveniles.&nbsp; Final population densities were 324 <em>G. tabacum</em> J2 per 100 cm<sup>3</sup> soil after <em>N. tabacum</em> and 4.5 <em>G. tabacum</em> J2 per 100 cm<sup>3</sup> soil for <em>S. sisymbriifolium</em>.&nbsp; Litchi tomato, <em>Solanum sisymbriifolium</em>, stimulates cyst nematode hatch better than <em>N. tabacum</em> but unlike eastern black nightshade, does not allow significant reproduction in roots, indicating that it may be an effective trap crop for management of <em>G. tabacum</em> and possibly other cyst nematodes.&nbsp; Our results suggest that <em>G. tabacum</em> may be useful as a substitute model for the quarantined pathogen <em>Globodera pallida</em> for trap cropping with <em>S. sisymbriifolium</em> under field conditions.</p><br /> <p>Table 3. Hatch of <em>Globodera tabacum</em> after 4 weeks exposure to root diffusates of <em>S.</em> <em>sisymbriifolium, S. ptychanthum</em> or <em>N. tabacum</em> in comparison to water.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>========================================================</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Diffusate source</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Dilution</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Hatched J2/cyst</span></p><br /> <ol><br /> <li><em> ptychanthum </em>1:1 158&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</li><br /> <li><em> ptychanthum </em>1:10 &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;62&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</li><br /> <li><em> ptychanthum </em>1:100 &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;15&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</li><br /> </ol><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <ol><br /> <li><em>sisymbriifolium </em>1:1 &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;87&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</li><br /> <li><em>sisymbriifolium </em>1:10 &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;68&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</li><br /> <li><em>sisymbriifolium </em>1:100 &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;22&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</li><br /> </ol><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <ol><br /> <li><em> tabacum </em>1:1 &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;50&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</li><br /> <li><em> tabacum </em>1:10 &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;21&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</li><br /> <li><em> tabacum </em>1:100 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;9&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</li><br /> </ol><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Distilled water control<em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</em>6&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>_______________________________________________________________</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>We evaluated the effects of growing <em>Globodera tabacum</em> resistant trap crops on nematode populations under field conditions in microplots.&nbsp; Sixty-five 1-m diameter plots infested with a range of <em>G. tabacum</em> populations were planted to susceptible 8212 shade tobacco, resistant B2 broadleaf tobacco, or <em>Solanum sisymbriifolium</em>. Nematode densities in soil were determined before planting and at the end of the season each year. Our microplot results from 2014 showed a final to initial population (Pf/Pi) ratio of 1.88 for cyst-nematode susceptible tobacco, 0.99 for B2 nematode-resistant tobacco, and 0.30 for Litchi tomato (P=-.000001).&nbsp;Typically, resistant tobacco results in a 0.6 ratio. We may be selecting for resistance-breaking<em> G. tabacum</em> nematodes as some microplots had the expected Pf/Pi ratios of 0.34 and others were over 2.0 with resistant plants.</p><br /> <p>Field microplot results for <em>S. sisymbriifolium</em> trap cropping in 2015 were even more effective; Pf/Pi ratios were 2.89 for cyst-nematode susceptible tobacco (almost a 3&ndash;fold increase), 0.38 for cyst nematode-resistant tobacco (typical of results seen over 10 years), and 0.14 for Litchi tomato (over 85% control, similar to fumigation) (P=-.000001).&nbsp; Over two years, our results demonstrate that Litchi tomato reduced cyst populations by 70 to 85% and were more effective than specific single-gene host plant resistance and comparable to what we might expect for soil fumigation.&nbsp; These field data correlate well with our previous laboratory and greenhouse work demonstrating that cyst nematode hatch is greater for <em>S. sisymbriifolium</em> than for resistant or susceptible host plants and that no reproduction occurs.&nbsp; Data from 2016 microplot experiments combining fungal biological controls with the different trap crop plants are currently being collected and analyzed.</p><br /> <p>Biological control fungi were evaluated for influence on tobacco cyst nematode hatch.&nbsp; <em>Plectosphaerella cucurerina</em>, <em>Trichoderma harzianum</em>, <em>Purpurieocillium lilacinum</em> and an <em>Arthrobotrys</em> sp. were directly exposed to cysts on water agar plates for 2 weeks and removed.&nbsp; There were no differences in the ratios of viable or nonviable eggs or total number of eggs in individually crushed cysts.&nbsp; Other cysts were exposed to hatching factors in root diffusates.&nbsp; All cysts exposed to fungi hatched more juveniles more quickly than the untreated cysts (Table 4).&nbsp; Batches of 25 cysts per pot were exposed to biocontrol fungi grown on oat seed and placed in soil subsequently planted to tobacco.&nbsp; After 8 weeks, cysts were removed and the numbers of viable or nonviable eggs in cysts were counted.&nbsp; Only <em>Purpurieocillium lilacinum</em> was different than the untreated control, and resulted significantly fewer (P=0.002) viable (21 vs. 100) and greater numbers of non-viable eggs per cyst (223 vs 69) (P=0.001).&nbsp; Our results demonstrating increased hatch in the presence of these fungi led to further experiments combining biocontrol with a <em>S. sisymbriifolium</em> trap crop as a possible means of increasing efficacy.</p><br /> <p>Table 4. Effect of biocontrol fungi exposure on <em>Globodera tabacum</em> hatch in root diffusates of <em>S. ptychanthum </em>and viablilty of eggs remaining in cysts.</p><br /> <p>========================================================</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Treatment</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Hatch wk 1</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Hatch wk 3</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Remaining viable</span></p><br /> <p><em>Arthrobotrys</em> sp.<em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </em>756&nbsp;&nbsp; b&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 894&nbsp;&nbsp; b&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 102</p><br /> <p><em>Plectosphaerella cucurerina&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </em>482&nbsp; ab&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 683 ab&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; 81</p><br /> <p><em>Purpurieocillium lilacinum</em> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;689&nbsp; &nbsp; b&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 868&nbsp;&nbsp; b&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; 69</p><br /> <p><em>Trichoderma harzianum&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </em>622&nbsp; &nbsp; b&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 761 ab&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; 75</p><br /> <p>Control<em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 181&nbsp; a&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 541 a&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 108</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; P=&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 0.001&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 0.05&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; ns</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;_______________________________________________________________</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>A field trial was conducted at the University of Hawaii Poamoho Experiment Station. Three pre-plant soil treatments 1) cover cropping with black oat (<em>Avena strigosa</em>) followed by no-till (NT) practice; 2) soil solarization (Sol), and 3) conventional till followed by bare ground (BG) fallow were installed for 3 months. &lsquo;Hawaii Supersweet #10&rsquo; corn (<em>Zea mays</em>) was then planted. The trial will be periodically monitored for: 1) abundance of free-living nematodes as soil health indicators; 2) soil water properties (gravimetric soil moisture, water potential, and water infiltration rate); 3) relative abundance of entomopathogenic nematodes and fungi (using White trap larva baiting method and field cage method); 4) corn growth (corn height, chlorophyll content, and yields).</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Azadirachtin in a 1.2% EC formulation was tested again this year but at 5x the labeled rate for turfgrass insects in MA. Azadirachtin was not phytotoxic at this rate, and there was no difference in nematode populations or turf quality between the treated and untreated plots. Seven golf greens from three different golf courses were chosen to evaluate the extent that<em> Hoplolaimus</em> and <em>Tylenchorhynchus</em> nematodes were infected by the bacterium <em>Pasteuria</em>. Several of these greens were evaluated similarly about 12 years ago. Comparisons and evaluations are still in progress. Several commercial nematicides, relatively new to the market, will be trialed in 2017, and evaluation of the effect of <em>Pasteuria</em> on turfgrass nematodes will continue.</p><br /> <p><strong>Objective 2: </strong>Evaluate cultural management procedures for plant-parasitic nematodes in relation to their impacts on the sustainability of soil health: with special research to the utility of nematode community structure as an indicator of overall soil quality and their roles in plant nutrient cycling.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Michigan cover crop use in field cropping systems showed soil type-specific soil health outcomes. In the carrot production soils described above, nematode community analysis was done to gage the effects of cover crops on soil health conditions. At both sites, there were few short-term impacts of cover cropping on soil ecology based on the nematode community.&nbsp; At site 1, enrichment and structure indices were affected (ANOVA, <em>P </em>&lt; 0.05) by cover crop treatments, but only at carrot harvest.&nbsp; Enrichment index was greater after oats-radish mixture or Dwarf Essex rape than oats alone or fallow control.&nbsp; Structure index was greater after radish alone or Dwarf Essex rape than oats alone.&nbsp; At site 2, bacterivore densities were increased by oats or radish cover crops compared to control, but only during carrot production.&nbsp; Overall, the variable effects of cover crops and other agronomic practices such as tillage and soil nutrient amendment use on soil health strongly point to location-specific application than a one-size-fits-all approach to get the best outcome.</p><br /> <p><br /> In Tennessee a meta-analysis project was developed to assess the influence of agricultural intensification and urbanization on nematode genus and trophic diversity compared to forest and prairie ecosystems through analysis of published literature. Meta-analysis was conducted to compare the diversity and abundance of nematode communities according to trophic and colonizer-persister (CP) groups among urban, agricultural, and forest ecosystems. A total of 539 relevant articles were found by using a sequence of different search terms. Our results indicate that nematode genus diversity in omnivores, predators, plant feeders, fungivores, and bacterivores per 100g of soil is higher in forest ecosystems compared to agricultural and urban ecosystems. Similarly, nematode genus diversity in CP 2, CP 3, CP 4, and CP 5 categories is higher in forest ecosystems compared to agricultural and urban ecosystems. In contrast, total nematode abundance was significantly higher in agricultural ecosystems than in forest and urban ecosystems because of higher abundance of lower trophic and CP groups, indicating disturbance of the soil food web. Agricultural intensification and urbanization apparently negatively impact nematode community diversity that is critical for the maintenance of soil ecosystem services and resilience.</p><br /> <p>Four Michigan tart cherry enterprises each identified a highly productive and one with a history of poor productively for a soil health analysis.&nbsp; Soil samples were taken from each of the eight orchards an analyzed for fourteen soil health indicators.&nbsp; Three of them, water-stable aggregates, nitrogen mineralization and active carbon were positively correlated with tart cherry productivity.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Field plots of long-term corn-soybean crop sequences were established in 1982 in Minnesota, USA: (i) five-year rotation of each crop such that both crops are in years 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of monoculture every year; (ii) annual rotation of each crop with both crops planted each year; (iii) continuous monoculture of each crop. Samples of bulk soil, rhizosphere soil, rhizoplane soil, crop roots, and SCN cysts were collected in 2014-2016 to study crop sequences effect on fungal and bacterial communities associated with SCN with cultural methods as well as metagenomic analysis. Preliminary analysis of the data showed that crop, sequence of crops, and samples (soil, roots, and cysts) affected fungal community.</p><br /> <p>Persistence of enteric pathogens in manure-amended soils in northeast U.S. produce-growing environments was investigated in year 2 of a 3-year study. All plots were planted to spinach in late September to mimic Vermont farmer practice. Soil samples were collected 0, 1, 3, 7, 14, 28, 56, 128, 256 days after inoculation. There was negligible <em>E. coli</em> survival by 80 days. Decline of <em>E coli</em> was faster at surfaces of untilled plots than at 10 cm depth in tilled soils. Survival was not affected by soil type differences in the two field sites. Poultry manure compost was added to the worst-case scenario treatment #3 (manure + <em>E. coli</em>) to see if it was possible to revive <em>E. coli</em> applied the previous fall. No appreciable rebound of <em>E. coli</em> occurred, indicating that over-wintering in Vermont was sufficient to insure no carryover of <em>E. coli</em> applications the prior fall. These data will be used to inform the Food Safety and Modernization Act. In 2015, we observed that wet field soils and those amended with poultry-manure based compost were conducive to <em>E. coli</em> survival in soil. Unsaturated soils and dairy-manure based compost favored indigenous soil microbes and suppressed <em>E. coli</em> survival. Soil microbe dynamics were measured using functional ecoenzyme assays of basic polymers in soil before and after irrigation/rain events. Two experiments were performed, one in a hoophouse and one in a field experiment. Treatments included poultry and dairy manure-based compost to manipulate soil microbial community composition. All compost amendment rates were adjusted to deliver 100 lb N/acre, calculated for growing spinach. Overall, both sites exhibited an increased &beta;-glucosidase activity under dry conditions that declined upon wetting. This expression was independent of poultry or dairy treatment. The expression of other ecoenzymes varied by experiment sites that differed in land use history. The high tunnel would not experience seasonal rainfall and was relatively free of weeds while the field site was converted pasture with heavy weed pressure. The primary difference between experiments was the expression of amino peptidases, represented by leucine amino peptidase. The field site express greater amounts under dry conditions while the hoophouse was opposite. This difference may be explained by nitrogen mineralization that could result from field versus hoophouse conditions. Although unanticipated, we measured a strong urease activity response to changes in soil moisture.</p><br /> <p><br /> </p><br /> <p><strong>Objective 3: </strong>Provide educational materials and programs on cultural management of plant-parasitic nematodes based on host resistance, nematode antagonistic rotation or cover crops, soil amendments and biological agents.</p><br /> <p>We continue to engage stakeholders and grower communities about nematodes using popular outlets (<a href=""></a>).&nbsp; Despite a substantial body of knowledge pointing to the need for location-specific than a one-size-fits-all approach to get the best soil health outcome using agronomic practices, significant hurdles remain.</p>


<p><strong>Publications since last report:</strong></p><br /> <p>Bird, George, Fred Warner and Ben Werling, 2016. Managing Michigan&rsquo;s Six Species of Carrot Nematodes. Carrot Country. Vol. 242:12-15.</p><br /> <p>Bird, George, Fred Warner and Angie Tenney. 2016. Beet Cyst Nematode Management. News Beet, Vol. 30:11.</p><br /> <p>Dandurand, L.-M., G. R. Knudsen, R. Kooliyottil, and J. A. LaMondia. 2015. Alternative eradication strategies for the pale cyst nematode, Globodera pallida, using the trap crop Solanum sisymbriifolium and two biological control fungi. Methyl Bromide Alternatives Outreach Proceedings. <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>Grabau, Z. J., and Chen, S. 2016.&nbsp; Influence of long-term corn-soybean crop sequences on soil ecology as indicated by the nematode community.&nbsp; Applied Soil Ecology 100:172-185.</p><br /> <p>Grabau, Z. J., and Chen, S. Y. 2016.&nbsp; Determining the role of plant-parasitic nematodes in the corn-soybean crop rotation yield effect using nematicide application: I. corn.&nbsp; Agronomy Journal 108:782-793.</p><br /> <p>Grabau, Z. J., and Chen, S. Y. 2016.&nbsp; Determining the role of plant-parasitic nematodes in the corn-soybean crop rotation yield effect using nematicide application: II. soybean.&nbsp; Agronomy Journal 108:1168-1179.</p><br /> <p>Grabau, Z.J., B.P. Werling, R. Goldy, B. Phillips, and H. Melakeberhan. 2016. Plant parasitic nematode distribution in Michigan vegetable soils. <a href=""></a> Posted on April 25, 2106.</p><br /> <p>LaMondia, J. A. and P. Timper. 2016.&nbsp; Interactions of Microfungi and Plant Parasitic Nematodes. Chapter 23, Pp. 573-614.&nbsp; De-Wei Li (ed), Biology of Microfungi. Springer, Switzerland, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-29137-6_23.</p><br /> <p>LaMondia, J. A. 2016. Evidence for suppression of <em>Meloidogyne hapla</em> by <em>Pasteuria</em> in Connecticut. Journal of Nematology&nbsp; in press.</p><br /> <p>Powers, T.O., Bernard, E.C., Harris, T., Higgins, R., Olson, M., Olson, S., Lodema, M., Matczyszyn, J., Mullin, P., Sutton, L. &amp; Powers, K.S. 2016. Species discovery and diversity in <em>Lobocriconema</em> (Criconematidae: Nematoda) and related plant-parasitic nematodes from North American ecoregions. Zootaxa 4085:301‒344.</p><br /> <p>Snapp, Sieglinde, Lisa Tiemann, Noah Rosenzweig, Dan Brainard and George Bird. 2016. Managing Soil Health for Root and Tuber Crops. Michigan State University Extension Bulletin E-3343. pp. 1-10.</p><br /> <p>Warner, Fred, Angela Tenny and George Bird. 2016. Current Status of Michigan Heterodera glycines Types.&nbsp; Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists. p.192.</p>

Impact Statements

  1. Several of the studies reported here will increase our knowledge of long-term agricultural practices on soil biological activities and crop productivities, which will help develop long-term effective strategies for management of plant-parasitic nematodes in the soybean-corn production system in the Midwest. Identification and development of new SCN resistance is critical for successful management of SCN in long-term.
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Date of Annual Report: 01/26/2018

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 10/19/2017 - 10/20/2017
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2016 - 09/30/2017


Robert Wick (Univ. of Massachusetts), Nathaniel Mitkowski (Univ. of Rhode Island), Billy Crow (Univ. of Florida), Haddish Melakeberhan (Michigan State Univ.), Michael LeDuc (Univ. of Vermont), Taylor Readyhough (Univ. of Vermont), Koon-Hui Wang (Univ. of Hawaii), Jim LaMondia (CTAES), Carmen Ugarte (Univ. of Illinois), Marisol Quintanilla (Michigan State Univ.), George Bird (Michigan State Univ.), Donald Dickson (Univ. of Florida), Deborah Neher (Univ. of Vermont).

Brief Summary of Minutes


<p><strong>Short-term Outcomes:</strong><br /> 1. <em>Globodera tabacum</em> may be useful as a substitute model for the quarantined pathogen <em>Globodera pallida</em> for trap cropping with <em>S. sisymbriifolium</em> under field conditions, which may help researchers develop new management strategies for nematodes on potato.<br /> 2. Observed differences in reaction to <em>Pasteuria </em>isolates and resistance genes in pepper may be used to differentiate races of <em>Meloidogyne hapla</em>, which will allow growers to plant inherently resistance crop species and varieites to preserve crop yield and grower profitability.<br /> 3. Chemical nematicides were tested for efficiacy in turfgrasses, resulting in new disease management strategies for growers. These strategies resulted in increased turf quality and reducing the number of total pesticide applications required to maintain high quality.<br /> 4. Although the Mi-1 gene is commonly used to combat root-knot nematodes, researchers determined that these varieites yielded substantially lower than susceptible varieities under Florida conditions.&nbsp; As such, growers are now aware that they cannot rely on available host resistance as a substitute for nematicide treatments and can continue to take measures to ensure high yeilds.<br /> 5. Experiments utilizing poultry based compost enhanced the survival of enteric pathogens in soil more than dairy-based compost. This information can be used for dairy farms to shift away from poultry compost to increase bovine health and allow for easier compliance in organic agriculture.<br /> 6. A cover crop calculator that was developed helped farmers reduce fertilizer inputs and increase profits.<br /> 7. Soybean cyst nematode research is providing knowledge of long-term agricultural practices on soil biological activities and crop productivities, which will help develop long-term effective strategies for management of plant-parasitic nematodes in the soybean-corn production system in the Midwest. Identification and development of new SCN resistance is critical for long-term successful management of SCN.<br /> 8. Current research underway will allow more accurate damage thresholds for <em>Meloidogyne hapla</em> and <em>Pratylenchus penetrans</em> in potato and more efficient means of nematode quantification which will allow growers to determine whether control methods are required to maintain high crop yields.</p><br /> <p><strong>Outputs:</strong><br /> During the 2017 reporting period, 37 publications were produced (referred articles, chapters, abstracts and books).&nbsp; In addition, participants delivered numerous presentations to growers, the public and other stakeholders.&nbsp; The most intensively entension-based participant (Crow, FL) delivered 17 seminars, 3 field days, and 5 workshops to a combined audience of 1,900 in Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Texas, and Arkansas.&nbsp; Mitkowski (RI) gave 5 seminars and 2 webinars to a total audience of 500.&nbsp; Wang (HI) gave four workshops /field days were conducted to demonstrate how to use Cover Crop Calculator to farmers and educators throughout Hawaii. Wick (MA) gave a presentation on the &ldquo;effectiveness of alternatives to fenamiphos&rdquo;&nbsp; at the New England Regional Turfgrass Conference in Providence R.I. to about 250 golf course superintendents and the UMass Extension Nematology Lab processed about 215 samples, the majority of which came from golf courses. Each sample can be counted as a teaching moment as the superintendent receives results, a fact sheet about nematodes in turfgrasses and written recommendations.&nbsp; Although not captured or reported here, most of the participants in NE1640 are heavily invested in extension activies and consistently engage with the public throughout the year.&nbsp; Additional activities include phone conversations with growers, posters, articles in trade magazines, interviews in the popular press and hundreds of contacts with the public.</p><br /> <p><strong>Activities:&nbsp;</strong><br /> <strong>CT: </strong>(Obj. 1) Field plots (6ft by 25 ft with 12 ft borders) and 3-ft diameter microplots were planted with multiple rotation schemes (6 replications and 15 replications for field and microplot experiments, respectively). Soils were sampled for pre-plant <em>Pratylenchus</em> nematode densities, which were not significantly different.&nbsp; In field plots, lesion nematode densities after one year of rotation crop sequences was lowest after the rotation sequence consisting of black oats followed by Rudbeckia and millet followed by Dwarf Essex brassica and the rotation sequence of barley, followed by buckwheat followed by winter wheat.&nbsp; Results were different in microplots. The rotation sequence consisting of black oats followed by Rudbeckia and millet followed by Dwarf Essex brassica and the rotation sequence of Pacific Gold brassica followed by sudangrass followed by millet and forage radish had significantly lower lesion nematode populations than the other rotation sequences. Trap crops are being developed for nonchemical control of cyst nematodes. A solanaceous weed, <em>Solanum</em> <em>sisymbriifolium</em> (sticky nightshade or Litchi tomato) is being evaluated to control potato cyst nematodes <em>Globodera pallida</em>. Because of the difficulties in working with this regulated pathogen, we conducted experiments with the closely related tobacco cyst nematode <em>G. tabacum</em> as a model system. Experiments were conducted to evaluate <em>S.</em> <em>sisymbriifolium</em> for ability to stimulate hatch of <em>G. tabacum</em> in comparison to a susceptible or resistant host plant, for ability of the nematode to reproduce and increase, and for efficacy against the nematode as a trap crop under field conditions in comparison to plant resistance<em>.&nbsp;&nbsp;</em> Nematode reproduction as determined by the ratio of the final (Pf) to initial (Pi) populations varied between treatments (<em>P</em> = 0.003) (Table 3). In 2015, Pf/Pi ratios were 2.89, 0.38 and 0.14 for susceptible tobacco, resistant tobacco and Litchi tomato, respectively. All three plants were significantly different from each other (<em>P</em> = 0.05). In 2016, Pf/Pi ratios were highest for eastern black nightshade (6.64) and susceptible tobacco (2.84), which were different from fallow (0.56), resistant B2 tobacco (0.32) and Litchi tomato (0.20). These results are consistent with previous research that Litchi tomato, <em>S. sisymbriifolium</em>, stimulates tobacco cyst nematode hatch better than resistant or susceptible tobacco but unlike eastern black nightshade, does not allow significant nematode reproduction in roots, indicating that it may be an effective trap crop for management of <em>G. tabacum </em>and<em> G. pallida</em>. In addition, <em>G. tabacum</em> may be useful as a substitute model for the quarantined pathogen <em>Globodera pallida</em> for conducting trap crop experiments with <em>S. sisymbriifolium</em> under field conditions.</p><br /> <p><strong>HI:&nbsp;</strong>(Obj. 2)&nbsp; A Cover Crop Calculator to estimate plant-available nitrogen (PAN) that can be made available from growing cover crops is generated for different climate zones with distinct soil types in Hawaii (<a href=""></a>). A strong correlation between PAN mineralization rates (PAN%) and nematode soil health bioindicators were found especially when separating soils with from without predatory and omnivorous nematodes.&nbsp; A second project was to determine if no-till cover cropping with black oat can enhance soil health and foster indigenous entomopathogenic nematode (EPN) infectivity in a corn agroecosystem. Results showed that conservation agriculture preserved a healthier soil food web, improved soil physical properties (field capacity, soil organic matter, cooler soil temperature) that led to higher EPN infectivity.<br /> (Obj. 3) A Cover Crop Calculator Week (March 13-18, 2017) where four workshops / field days were conducted to demonstrate how to use Cover Crop Calculator to farmers and educators throughout Hawaii. A second outreach activity on &ldquo;Benefits of conservation agriculture on soil water properties and entomopathogenic nematodes&rdquo; was conducted on Feb 4, 2017 to show case the various benefits of soil health management (These two events reached out to &gt; 105 farmers to promote benefits of cover cropping).</p><br /> <p><strong>FL: </strong>(Obj 1) (A.) In five field trials testing <em>Meloidogyne</em> resistant tomato cultivars, where daily soil temperatures averaged 20 to 35 &ordm;C, there was no loss of functioning of the <em>Mi-1</em> gene. Galling on resistant cultivars was mostly &le;10% (100 scale). The resistant cultivars, however consistently yielded 10 to 12% less than susceptible cultivars. &nbsp;When treated with fumigants both resistant and susceptible cultivars yielded similarly.&nbsp; (B.) We conducted 25 field trials, 4 greenhouse trials, and 2 microplot trials evaluating 10 currently labeled pesticides and 13 numbered active ingredients or experimental formulations, 4 existing and 2 experimental biological products, and 5 induced resistance materials for nematode management on turfgrasses and ornamentals. We evaluated 33 bermudagrass genotypes for nematode tolerance as year 4 of a 5-year field trial. We evaluated nematode tolerance of 6 bermudagrass cultivars as year 2 of a 2-year microplot trial. We conducted 2 microplot trials and 3 field trials evaluating the impacts of different organic amendments on plant-parasitic nematodes and nematode tolerance of bermudagrass. We completed the second year of a 2-year field trial evaluating the effects of turfgrass nematicides on non-target nematodes and other soil invertebrates.<br />(Obj. 3) Nematode management training was presented to turfgrass stakeholder groups at 17 seminars, 3 field days, and 5 workshops to a combined audience of 1,900 in Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Texas, and Arkansas. Turfgrass nematode management articles were written in the two most widely read and highest quality turfgrass trade magazines, the Green Section Record and Golf Course Management. Three University of Florida Cooperative Extension documents were updated and revised: Nematode Management for Lawns in Florida, Nematode Management for Golf Courses in Florida, and Nematode Management for Athletic Fields in Florida. Diagnosis was provided for &gt;5000 turfgrass and ornamental samples submitted to the University of Florida Nematode Assay Lab from around the US.</p><br /> <p><strong>MA:</strong> (Obj. 1) Four golf greens were sampled by collecting 30 9 x 2.5-cm cores from each green and the total number of <em>Hoplolaimus</em> nematodes and the total number of <em>Pasteuria</em>-infected nematodes were determined for each core. There was no correlation between the total number of <em>Hoplolaimus</em> nematodes and the % <em>Pasteuria-</em>infected nematodes. The percent <em>Pasteuria-</em>infected nematodes for the 4 greens was 3, 15, 33 and 77. Three golf greens from another site were similarly analyzed for <em>Pasteuria-</em>infected <em>Tylenchorhynchus</em> and there was no correlation. The percent infected nematodes for the 3 greens with <em>Tylenchorhynchus </em>was 41, 50 and 54. Two of these greens were examined 12 years ago (2004) and the percent of <em>Pasteuria-</em>infected nematodes was approximately half of the present level. Fluensulfone, 4 applications at 2-week intervals showed no phytotoxicity and no control of <em>Hoplolaimus</em> nematodes at one test site. At two other sites, phytotoxicity was evident after 2 applications and the research had to end before nematicidal efficacy could be determined. Heat killed <em>Burkholderia </em>sp. strain A396 did not control <em>Hoplolaimus </em>after 4 applications at the label rate.</p><br /> <p><strong>MI: </strong>(Obj. 1) (A.) Research on plant parasitic nematode control using compost, cover crops, solarization, biological control agents, and new nematicides is ongoing. Trials this summer included crops such as potatoes, carrots, soybeans, sugar beets, and daylilies.&nbsp; For Daylilies, the standard hot water dip and Velum dip significantly increased plant yield when plants were affected by root knot nematodes. In potatoes, composts and some nematicides increased yield and reduced nematodes. In Carrots, Vydate resulted in the highest yield and lowest carrot damage by Nematodes. Data is still being analyzed for several trials.&nbsp; (B.)&nbsp; Experiments related to development of a trap crop for <em>Heterodera glycines</em> were conducted under greenhouse and field conditions. Eleven cultivars from two genera (<em>Raphanus</em> spp. and <em>Sinapis</em> spp. of the Brassicaeae (Cruciferae) were evaluated in greenhouse experiments, including one multi-cultivar blend. Six were selected for the field experiments. After 45 days under greenhouse conditions, all eleven cultivars in the greenhouse experiments had significantly lower egg and cyst population densities than the susceptible control. The field research results varied among locations. In two counties, all cover crop cultivars resulted in fewer eggs, cysts, and eggs/cyst, compared to the susceptible control. In the other country, however, there were significant differences between the cover crop cultivars and the susceptible control for all three SCN life stage indicator categories. (C.)&nbsp; Over cropping is one of the common practices in Midwest agriculture for improving soil quality and/or suppressing harmful organisms such as plant-parasitic nematodes (PPN). Oats and a variety brassicas were tested in mineral soils suitable for vegetable and field cropping systems. The outcomes on PPN were variable and cover crops did not affect the nematode community until nearly a year after cover crop growth. This suggesting that changes in the soil community following cover cropping may be gradual.<br />(Obj. 2) (A.) Plant parasitic nematode management practices are evaluated for the effect on beneficial nematode communities, and other soil health characteristics.&nbsp; (B.)&nbsp; <em>Solanium lycopersicum</em> cv Anahu was selected for this plant grafting and cross resistance research with southern root-knot nematode (<em>Meloidogyne incognita</em>) and white fly (<em>Trialeurodes vaporariorum</em>) because it contains the MI gene and is one of parents of all modern cultivars possessing this gene. After 120 days, the final population density of <em>M. incognita</em> was 11-fold greater on Rutgers, compared to Anahu. Homo-grafting yielded similar results, with a 19-fold greater final population density associated with Rutgers/Rutgers compared to Anahu/Anahu. With hetero-grafting, however, the final population densities associated with Rutgers/Anahu and Anahu/Rutgers were not significantly different from each other and Anahu/Rutgers had a significantly greater population density of <em>M. incognita</em> than Anahu or homo-grafted Anahu. Pruning had a significant negative impact on the functioning of the Mi gene, resulting in greater final population densities of <em>M. incognita</em>, compared to that of non-pruned plants. The presence of <em>M. incognita</em>, may have triggered resistant to <em>T. vaporariorum</em> on non-grafted Anahu and homo-grafted Anahu. (C.)&nbsp; Understanding the role of cropping systems and related agronomic practices on the soil food web (SFW), nutrient cycling, and soil health, and integrated efficiency of the outcomes are major emphasis in our program. We continue to integrate the SFW and fertilizer use efficiency (FUE) models to understand soil health outcomes and sustainability of the outcomes. Both models use a quadrant system to separate outcomes from best-to-worst case scenarios.<br />(Obj. 3) (A.) Articles in grower&rsquo;s news, such as Michigan Farmer and Vegetable news have been published. Additionally, several grower talks and posters have been presented. Additionally, a nematology seminar class was taught this year, and entomology and plant pathology graduate students have been exposed to plant parasitic nematodes and management practices, nematode-vectored plant viruses, free living nematodes, and entomopathogenic nematodes. See list of publications below.&nbsp; (B.) A soybean cyst nematode resistance management education program will be launched at the Commodity Classic on February 17 in Anaheim, CA. Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York and Michigan are part of this coalition. A soil health publication entitled, <em>Managing Soil Health for Root and Tuber Crops</em> was published as MSU Extension Bulletin E-3343 in 2016. National webinars on SCN resistance management and corky ringspot of potato were published through the APS Plant Management Network. The possibility of using APS/PMN as a vehicle for implementing Objective 3. of NE-1640 will be discussed at the NE-1640 annual meetings.</p><br /> <p><strong>MN: </strong>(Obj. 1) In 2017, a total of 93 private and public soybean cultivars were assayed for their resistance to SCN HG Type 7 (race 3) in the greenhouse. A number of soybean germplasm lines, most of which were in MG 000-II, were retested for their resistance to SCN race 1 (HG Type 2-) and/or race 14 (HG Type 1-). Advanced soybean breeding lines were evaluated for their resistance to SCN populations in the greenhouse, and a few of them were tested for yield in fields. A total of 119 pennycress germplasm lines in the UMN breeding program were evaluated for their resistance to SCN. None of the pennycress lines are highly resistant to SCN.<br />(Obj. 2) Long-term corn-soybean rotation effect on microbial communities associated with the soybean cyst nematode: Field plots of long-term corn-soybean crop sequences were established in 1982 in Minnesota, USA: (i) five-year rotation of each crop such that both crops are in years 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of monoculture every year; (ii) annual rotation of each crop with both crops planted each year; (iii) continuous monoculture of each crop. Samples of bulk soil, rhizosphere soil, rhizoplane soil, crop roots, and SCN cysts were collected in 2014-2016 to study crop sequences effect on fungal and bacterial communities associated with SCN with cultural methods as well as metabarcoding DNA sequence analysis. The metabarcoding data showed that the plant host has a strong influence on the microbiomes of the root, rhizosphere, and bulk soil microbiomes with communities from soybean being highly differentiated from those of corn. While nematode parasitic fungi were found in all compartments of the agroecosystem (e.g. cyst, root, rhizosphere, and bulk soil), different functional guilds of these fungi showed different patterns of distribution with increasing years of soybean monoculture and SCN egg density.</p><br /> <p><strong>NY: </strong>(Obj. 1) Cornell NYSAES continues to investigate damage threshold levels for root knot nematode (<em>Meloidogyne hapla</em>) and lesion nematode (<em>Pratylenchus penetrans</em>) on potato in NY, and to develop DNA-based methods to quantify nematode populations in soil. In 2017, three commercial fields of potato were intensively sampled prior to planting and immediately prior to harvest. At each time, soil samples were obtained from 100 locations in each field and nematodes extracted and counted. Yield and quality of tubers at each location was also assessed. Data will be analyzed to derive relationships between pre-plant numbers of nematodes and (i) pre-harvest nematode numbers, (ii) yield, and (iii) quality of tubers. A method of extracting nematode DNA from 100 g soil samples has been developed for mineral soils (submitted to journal). This method will be used to extract DNA from soil samples collected in 2017, and investigate the relationship between manual techniques of enumerating nematodes and quantification by real time PCR.&nbsp; <em>Ditylenchus dispaci</em> (bloat nematode) continues to be an issue for NY garlic growers and the Cornell NYSAES provides a service in testing for <em>Ditylenchus dipsaci</em> (bloat nematode). <em>Ditylenchus dipsaci</em> was detected in garlic bulbs from several farms in 2017, including bulbs intended for seed.</p><br /> <p><strong>RI: </strong>(Obj. 1) Newly introduced commercial nematicides were tested for efficacy against <em>Hoplolaimus,&nbsp;Tylenchorhynchus </em>and <em>Helicotylenchus </em>species of turf-parasitic nematodes.&nbsp; Of the materials tested, fluopyram was highly effective against <em>Tylenchorhynchus</em> but had no impact on populations of othr nematodes.&nbsp; Fluopyram was actively quickly, with nematode population declines observed within 10 days following treatment.&nbsp; In addition, fluopyram continued to be effective at least 60 days following treatment. <br /> (Obj. 3) Nematode management training was provided for superintendents in Maine, Massachusetts and Rhode Island.&nbsp; Approximately 500 growers/superintendents were present for these seminars.&nbsp; In addition, the URI Turfgrass Diagnostic lab received hundreds of samples from nematode diagnosis, for which recommendations and management practices were provided.&nbsp; Finally, the Turfgrass Nematode seminar was planned for January 2018 in East Landsing, Michigan.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>TN: </strong>(Obj. 1) As part of an interdepartmental cooperative forensic study, nematode communities were evaluated under beaver carcasses (cage plots) and in nearby control plots (six replicates), in a maturing forest with little or no groundcover. Two kinds of samples were examined: 1) soil cores were taken to a 20-cm depth at the edge of the carcass (cage samples, not considered further) or in the control plots; 2) interface samples were taken by scraping the top 0.5 cm of substrate from under each carcass, or by scraping the top 0.5 cm of substrate from each control plot, to yield about 200 cm<sup>3</sup> soil. As expected, bacterivores were far more abundant (up to 35,000/100 cm<sup>3</sup>) in the carcass interface than in the control interface (maximum 1,300/100 cm<sup>3</sup>) due to decay-induced microaerobic conditions that favored the rhabditids<em> Pelodera</em> and <em>Rhabditella</em>. Genus-level taxon richness was much lower in cage plots, averaging fewer than 8 taxa over the first four months of the study; control plots averaged more than 20 taxa during the same span. Taxon abundance and richness in interface controls and soil core controls were compared. Interface control nematode abundance was 2‒6&times; greater in the interface samples than in the soil cores, and genus-level richness in the interface was higher, with 19‒23 taxa per sample compared to 16‒20 taxa in the soil cores. All plant-parasitic nematode genera found in the soil cores were also found in the interface (<em>Criconema</em>, <em>Gracilacus</em>, <em>Helicotylenchus</em>, <em>Hemicycliophora</em>, <em>Xenocriconemella</em>). These results suggest that in some cases nematode extraction from the surface layer of substrate will give the same results as the more laborious process of collecting soil cores. Comparison of interface vs. soil core nematode community parameters will be investigated in a range of landscapes and environmental conditions to determine the predictive value of interface-type samples.<br />(Obj. 3) We have developed a learning module on the use of millipede-parasitic nematodes for teaching basic aspects of nematode anatomy and their multiple roles in the environment. These nematodes are easy to obtain and are large enough that their anatomy can be seen clearly at low to medium magnification. Although the module is not focused on plant-parasitic nematodes, it provides a short section on nematodes in general. This learning activity, aimed at high school biology students, has two award-winning AP-Biology teachers as co-authors. Gary Phillips is the lead author. The manuscript will be sent to <em>American Biology Teacher </em>before the end of the year.</p><br /> <p><strong>VT: </strong>(Obj. 2) We completed a third year of a field study on the persistence of enteric pathogens in manure-amended soils in northeast U.S. produce-growing environments. There was negligible <em>Escherichia coli</em> survival by 80 days. Decline of <em>E. coli</em> was faster at surfaces of untilled plots than at 10 cm depth in tilled soils. Over-wintering in Vermont was sufficient to insure no carryover of <em>E. coli</em> applications from applications in the prior fall to spring. These data will be used to inform the Food Safety and Modernization Act.&nbsp; We completed a second year of a field experiment on the ecological dynamics in compost-amended soils and the resulting effects on <em>E. coli</em> survival. Poultry litter-compost support greater numbers and longer periods of persistence in field soils of <em>E. coli </em>than dairy-based composts. We are analyzing ancillary data related to community composition of indigenous bacterial and fungal communities, and ecoenzymes to quantify the function of nutrient acquisition. Bedded pack management for fly control reduces mastitis risk for organic cow dairies. Bedded pack supported greater relative abundance of bacterial taxa associated with healthy-milk compared to mastitis associated. <em>Pseudomonas</em> spp. were associated with the healthy microbiome while <em>P. viridiflava</em> was associated with the mastitic microbiome. Mesostigmata (Acari) mites were dominant within the microarthropod communities extracted from bedded pack. In laboratory mesocosms, we confirmed that Mesostigmatid mites, extracted from the pack live, will feed on yeast fungi in the Saccharomycetales and Diptera fly larvae. Given their biological niche, their presence in the bedded pack material, and their apparent proximity to the fly larvae, they may have potential as a biological control agent. <em>Rhizoctonia solani</em> accounts for losses of 30-50% in field-grown lettuce by organic vegetable farmers in Vermont annually, without prospect of control. We collected five virulent isolates from local fields and developed methods for greenhouse plant bioassays to evaluate vermicompost and poultry pellets effect on root growth and disease severity with and without <em>R. solani</em>. We plan to use metagenomics to compare communities of bacteria/archaea and fungi in roots, rhizosphere, and bulk soil within these mesocosms conducted in the coming year.</p><br /> <p><strong>Accomplished Milestones (2017):</strong><br /> 1. The effects of identified non-host or antagonistic rotation crops were tested against multiple nematodes (<em>Heterodera glycines , Meloidogyne incognita, Meloidogyne hapla, Pratylenchus spp.)</em> nematodes in multiple states (CT, MI, MN, VT) under field conditions.<br /> 2. Soil scientists were asked to join the project from collaborating institutions and engaged in participating in lines of research focusing on microbial communities in soil (New members now included from CA, NY, MI, HI, FL and IL).<br /> 3. Multiple grower education seminars and workshops were conducted throughout many of the participating states (NY, MI, MA, RI, CT, VT, MN, FL and others). The Turfgrass Nematode Workshop was moved from 2017 to January 4, 2018 at Michigan State and will be undertaken a second time in March at the New England Regional Turfgrass Conference held in Providence, RI. National webinars on SCN resistance management and corky ringspot of potato were published through the APS Plant Management Network.<br /> 4. Relationships between the microbial community, plant-parasitic nematodes, soil health, and crop productivity were investigated (HI, VT, MI, MA).<br /> 5. Examination of <em>Pasteuria spp</em>. toward plant parasitic nematode hosts in suppressive soils was undertaken on ectoparastitic nematodes (MA).<br /> 6. The efficacy or multiple new nemticidal products was investigated (FL, MA, RI).</p>


<p>Asiedu, O., C. K. Kwoseh, H. Melakeberhan, and T. Adjeigyapong. 2017. Nematode distribution in cultivated and undisturbed soils of Guinea Savannah and Semi-deciduous Forest zones of Ghana. Geoscience Frontiers. <a href=";d=DwMF-g&amp;c=nE__W8dFE-shTxStwXtp0A&amp;r=F87v_WD2MTUolqz9ZmgwMg&amp;m=G-WaWb_wTkKT8rbMscth5Q1UgoEjepe1sX6OC4Uudc8&amp;s=5cfP0JvjcQFCUAJP1JAngWrhsDS8evwmmO34adfrM4k&amp;e="></a>.</p><br /> <p>Baidoo, R., T. M. Mengistu, J. A. Brito, R. McSorley, R. H. Stamps, and W. T. Crow. 2017. Vertical distribution of <em>Pasteuria penetrans</em> parasitizing <em>Meloidogyne incognita</em> on <em>Pittosporum tobira</em> in Florida. Journal of Nematology 49:311-315.</p><br /> <p>Baidoo, R., T. M. Mengistu, R. McSorley, R. H. Stamps, J. A. Brito, and W. T. Crow. 2017. Management of root-knot nematode (<em>Meloidogyne incognita</em>) on <em>Pittosporum tobira</em> under greenhouse, field, and on-farm conditions in Florida. Journal of Nematology 49:133-139.</p><br /> <p>Baidoo, R., S. Joseph, T. M. Mengistu, J. A. Brito, R. McSorley, R. H. Stamps, and W. T. Crow. 2016. Mitochondrial haplotype-based identification of root-knot nematodes (<em>Meloidogyne</em> spp.) on cut foliage crops in Florida. Journal of Nematology 48:193-202.</p><br /> <p>Bajaj, R., Chen, S., Hu, W., Huang, Y., Prasad, R., Kumar, V., Tuteja, N., Varma, A., and Bushley, K. E. 2017. Protocol for biocontrol of soybean cyst nematode with root endophytic fungi. Pp. 401-412 in A. Varma and A. K. Sharma, eds. Modern Tools and Techniques to Understand Microbes. Cham, Switzerland: Springer</p><br /> <p>Bakelaar, J.E., Neher, D.A., and Gilker, R. 2016. Minimal soil impact by cold season pasture management in Vermont. Canadian Journal of Soil Science DOI 10.1139/CJSS-2014-0005.</p><br /> <p>Bird, G. 2017. Potato cyst nematode and soil health biology. Proceedings of the Eurasian Agriculture and Natural Sciences Congress. Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.</p><br /> <p>Bird, G. 2017. The Organic Movement at MSU, pp. 70-80 (in) The Organic Movement in Michigan, Maynard Kaufman (ed.)</p><br /> <p>Bird, G., I. Zasada and G. Tylka, 2018. Role of Population dynamics and Damage Thresholds in Cyst Nematode Management (in) Cyst Nematodes, Perry, Moens and Jones (eds). CABI, Wallingford, UK. In Press.</p><br /> <p>Bird, G. and F. Warner. 2018. Nematodes and Nematologists of Michigan (in) Plant Parasitic Nematodes of North America, S. Subbbotin (ed.). Submitted for Publication.</p><br /> <p>Bird, G., G. Abawi and J. LaMondia. 2018. Nematodes of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania (in) Plant parasitic Nematodes of North America, S. Subbotin (ed.). Submitted for publication.</p><br /> <p>Carta, L. and Wick, R. L. <em>Bursaphelenchus antoniae</em> from <em>Pinus strobus</em> in the U.S. 2017The Journal of Nematology (in review).</p><br /> <p>Crow, W. T. 2017. Nematodes - How do I know if I have a problem? USGA Green Section Record 55:1-6.</p><br /> <p>Crow, W. T., J. P. Becker, and J. H. Baird. 2017. New golf course nematicides. Golf Course Management 85:66-71.</p><br /> <p>Eshchanov, B., G. Bird and F. Zalom. 2017. Influence of grafting and pruning on <em>Meloidogyne incognita</em> associated with resistant and susceptible <em>Solanum lycopersicum</em> Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists. Williamsburg, VA. <strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </strong></p><br /> <p>Eshchanov, B., G. Bird and F. Zalom. 2017. Impact of <em>Solanum lycopersicum</em> grafting on the life cycle of <em>Trialeurodes vaporariorum</em> (Insecta) in the presence and absence of <em>Meloidogyne incognita</em> (Nematoda): With Special Reference to the Mi Gene and Type-D Trichomes. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists. Williamsburg, VA.</p><br /> <p>Filgueiras, Camila Cramer, Denis S. Willett, Alcides Moino Junior, Martin Pareja, Fahiem El Borai, Donald W. Dickson, Lukasz L. Stelinski, and Larry W. Duncan. 2016. Stimulation of the salicylic acid pathway aboveground recruits entomopathogenic nematodes belowground. Plos One: 11:1-9.</p><br /> <p>Grabau, Z., Vetsch, J., and Chen, S. 2017. Effects of fertilizer, nematicide, and tillage on plant-parasitic nematodes and yield in corn and soybean. Agronomy Journal 109:1651-1662. doi:10.2134/agronj2016.09.0548.</p><br /> <p>Grabau, Z.J., Z.T.Z. Maung, C. Noyes, D. Baas, B.P. Werling, D.C. Brainard, and H. Melakeberhan. 2017. Effects of cover crops on <em>Pratylenchus penetrans </em>and the nematode community in carrot production. Journal of Nematology. Journal of Nematology 49, 114-123.</p><br /> <p>Hu, W., Samac, D. A., Liu, X., and Chen, S. 2017. Microbial communities in the cysts of soybean cyst nematode affected by tillage and biocide in a suppressive soil. Applied Soil Ecology 119:396-406.<strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </strong></p><br /> <p>Kelly A. Morris, David B. Langston, Richard F. Davis, James P. Noe, Donald W. Dickson and Patricia Timper. 2016. Efficacy of various application methods of fluensulfone for managing root-knot nematodes in vegetables. Journal of Nematology 48:65-71.</p><br /> <p>Kelly A. Morris, David B. Langston, Bhabesh Dutta, Richard F. Davis, Patricia Timper, James P. Noe, and Donald W. Dickson. 2016. Evidence for a disease complex between <em>Pythium aphanidermatum</em> and root-knot nematodes in cucumber. Plant Health Progress 17:200-201.</p><br /> <p>Kokalis-Burelle, N., R. McSorley, K-H. Wang, S. Saha, R. McGovern. 2017. Rhizosphere microorganisms affected by soil solarization and cover cropping in <em>Capsicum annuum</em> and <em>Phaseolus lunatus agroecosystems</em>. Applied Soil Ecology 119: 64-71.</p><br /> <p>LaMondia, J. A. and L. M. Dandurand. 2017. Effects of resistant or susceptible tobacco (<em>Nicotiana tabacum</em>), eastern black nightshade (<em>Solanum ptychanthum</em>), and litchi tomato (<em>Solanum sisymbriifolium</em>) on reproduction of the tobacco cyst nematode <em>Globodera tabacum</em>. Journal of Nematology in press.</p><br /> <p>LaMondia, J. A. 2016. Evidence for suppression of <em>Meloidogyne hapla</em> by <em>Pasteuria</em> in Connecticut. Journal of Nematology 48:341.</p><br /> <p>LaMondia, J. A., R. L. Wick and N. A. Mitkowski. 2017. Plant Parasitic Nematodes of New England &ndash; Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Chapter 3. In: Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Sustainable Agriculture in North America edited by S. A. Subbotin and J. J. Chitambar, Springer (in review).</p><br /> <p>LaPorte, Patricia, B. Sipes, H. Melakeberhan, C. Chan, A. Sanchez-Perez, and A. Sacbaja 2017. An interdisciplinary assessment of integrated nematode-soil health management for smallholder potato farming systems in western highlands of Guatemala. Society of Nematologists Annual Meeting proceedings, 83-84.</p><br /> <p>Leslie, A., K-H. Wang, S. Meyer, C. R.R. 2017. Hooks. Influence of cover crops on arthropods, free-living nematodes, and yield in a succeeding no-till soybean crop. Applied Soil Ecology 117-118: 21-31.</p><br /> <p>Manandhar, R., K-H. Wang, C. R.R. Hooks, and M. Wright. 2017. Effects of strip-tilled cover cropping on the population density of thrips and predatory insects in a cucurbit agroecosystem. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 192_R1.</p><br /> <p>Monteiro, T.S.A., J. A. Brito, S. J. S. Vau, W. Yuan, J. A. LaMondia, and D. W. Dickson 2016. First report of endotokia matricida in <em>Meloidogyne hapla</em>: a case study. Journal of Nematology 48:354.</p><br /> <p>Neher, D. A., Fang, L., and Weicht, T. R. 2017. Ecoenzymes as indicators of compost to suppress <em>Rhizoctonia solani</em>. Compost Science and Utilization DOI 10.1080/1065657X.2017.1300548</p><br /> <p>Noyes, D.C., Z. Hayden, D. Baas, H. Melakeberhan, B. Werling and D.C. Brainard.&nbsp; 2017.&nbsp; Cover crop effects on nitrogen and weeds in MI processing carrots.&nbsp; 38<sup>th</sup> International Carrot Conference, CP-102, Bakersfield, CA, March (Oral).</p><br /> <p>Poley, K. and M. Quintanilla. 2017. Control of Root Knot Nematode in Daylily Bare Root Production. Poster. Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable, and Farm Market Expo.</p><br /> <p>Poley, K. and M. Quintanilla. 2017. Nematicidal Control of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes in Carrots. Poster. Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable, and Farm Market Expo.</p><br /> <p>Quintanilla-Tornel, M. A., 2017. Soil Acoustics. In: A. Farina and S.H. Gage (Eds.). Ecoacoustics: The ecological role of sounds. Wiley Press.</p><br /> <p>Quintanilla, M., J. Shoemaker, K. Poley, and F. Warner. 2017. Soybean Cyst Nematode, Management for a destructive soybean pathogen. Michigan Farmer Magazine, December issue.</p><br /> <p>Quintanilla, M., Warner, F., 2018. Nematode Management. In: J.C. Wise, L.J. Gut, J. Wilson, M. Greishop, M. Whalon, D. Mota-Sanchez, M. Quintanilla, R. lsaacs, A.M.C. Schilder, G.W. Sundin, B. Zandstra, R. Beaudry, G. Lang, L. Jess, D. Elsner, W. Shane, M. Longstroth, C. Garcia-Salazar, and D. Brown-Rytlewski. Fruit Management Guide. Michigan State University Extension Bulletin E-154, pp. 311-314.</p><br /> <p>Quintanilla-Tornel, M. A., Wang, K. H., Tavares, J., &amp; Hooks, C. R. 2016.<br /> Effects of mulching on above and below ground pests and beneficials in a green onion agroecosystem. Agriculture, Ecosystems &amp; Environment 224: 75-85. Journal impact factor: 3.564.</p><br /> <p>Shoemaker, J. and G. Bird. 2017. Evaluation of potential trap crops for management of <em>Heterodera glycines</em> in Michigan soybean production. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists. Williamsburg, VA. <strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </strong></p><br /> <p>Snapp, S., L. Tiemann, N. Rosenzweig, D. Brainard and G. Bird. 2016. Managing Soil Health for Root and Tuber Crops. Michigan State University Extension Bull. E-3343. East Lansing, 10 pp.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p>

Impact Statements

  1. Improving grower knowledge and direct/immediate use of research through a diverse and robust extension and education programming throughout the Northeast Region and the country.
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Date of Annual Report: 11/14/2018

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 10/25/2018 - 10/26/2018
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2017 - 09/30/2018


George Bird (University of Michigan)
Billy Crow (University of Florida)
Jim Kotcon (West Virginia University)
Jim LaMondia (Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station)
Nathaniel Mitkowski (University of Rhode Island)
Deborah Neher (University of Vermont)
Marisol Quintanilla (University of Michigan)
Koon-Hui Wang (University of Hawaii)
Andreas Westphal (University of California)
Robert Wick (University of Massachusetts)

Brief Summary of Minutes


<p><strong>SHORT-TERM OUTCOMES:</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>CA: </strong>Anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD) was highly effective against plant-parasitic nematodes if done in a defined protocol at the proper time of year.</p><br /> <p><strong>CT:</strong> Determined that multiple nematode antagonistic crops could be grown in a single season to reduce populations of lesion and root-knot nematodes. Determined that Litchi tomato, <em>Solanum sisymbriifolium</em>, is an effective trap crop that has similar results to soil fumigation.</p><br /> <p><strong>FL: </strong>Data from our field and microplot trials were used to revise University of Florida nematode management recommendations. Stakeholders were educated in proper nematode sampling techniques. They were educated on how to interpret nematode diagnostic reports and to select the best management programs available based on their budget and nematode species complex.</p><br /> <p><strong>HI: </strong>Field experiments verified that a proper biofumigation protocol that involved growing brown mustard cover crops for 5 weeks, followed by flail mowing, soil incorporation and soil tarping of the brown mustard residues with black plastic mulch can suppress population densities of <em>Meloidogyne</em> spp. (<em>M. incognit</em>a and <em>M. javanica</em>) and <em>Rotylenchulus reniformis</em> consistently in Hawaii.</p><br /> <p>Positive relationship between corn yield and soil health (using nematode structure index as an indicator) was observed in a 9-consequtive years of no-till vs tilled field plots, providing more evidence that improving soil health improves crop productivity.</p><br /> <p><strong>IL: </strong>Involvement in efforts sponsored by the Soil Health Institute will contribute to support the development of interpretation frameworks for soil health assessment and using indicators of nematode community structure.</p><br /> <p><strong>MI: </strong>Differences of nematode control was evaluated for new and existing nematicides. Designer made compost and manures were evaluated for nematode control and we found some that are very effective. Evaluation of impact on soils health of these strategies were also evaluated. The crops in which there were trials were corn, soy, sugar beets, potatoes, vegetables (carrots), fruits, ornamentals (daylilies). The information was extended through grower talks (55), videos, webinars, in-service trainings, websites, and extension publications.</p><br /> <p><strong>MN: </strong>Evaluated 43 soybean varieties for SCN resistance and the data have been provided for farmers&rsquo; use. Observed long-term crop sequence effect on soil microbial community, plant-parasitic nematode population density, and nematode community; determined the relationship between the soil microbial and nematode communities with crop productivity in the US Midwest cropping production system. The information is useful for developing strategies to enhance soybean and corn productivity.</p><br /> <p><strong>MS:</strong> Chemical nematicides were tested for efficacy and crop tolerance in sweetpotato in Mississippi. No phytotoxicity was observed from any treatment. However, there were also very few meaningful differences in soil sampled nematode counts and sweetpotato yield of any grade. Although research results from the 2017 cropping season were inconclusive, outreach efforts intended to inform producers of the risks associated with a new nematode pest, <em>Meloidogyne enterlobii</em>, resulted in a grower supported quarantine of sweetpotatoes and other restricted articles from states known to have this pests (Florida, North Carolina, and South Carolina) in an effort to protect the $123 million industry.</p><br /> <p><strong>VT: </strong>Field and laboratory experiments reveal mechanisms of poultry-based composts to enhance the survival of enteric pathogens is more than simply supplying large doses of ammonia, increased water holding capacity to the point of anoxia, and contained more bacteria of the phyla WS3, Actinobacteria, Fibrobacteres and Plantocycetes than dairy composts or the control without compost. This affects organic vegetable farmers in Vermont that commonly use these poultry products for economic reasons. Poultry based compost enhanced survival of enteric pathogens in soil more than dairy-based compost. This may shift the choice away from poultry products that are currently used by vegetable farmers for economic reasons, and may affect their acceptance by organic certification programs.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>OUTPUTS:</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>CA: </strong>10 extension presentations and one departmental seminar in 2018.</p><br /> <p><strong>CT: </strong>Two referred articles, 2 chapters, and 1 abstract.</p><br /> <p><strong>FL: </strong>We developed and implemented the NClinic database for nematode diagnostic labs for facilitation of nematode diagnosis and information sharing.</p><br /> <p><strong>HI: </strong>Two short courses related to nematode and soil health management were provided to farmer training programs in Hawaii and course materials are posted online:Four abstracts and presentations related to nematode and soil health management were delivered through Society of Nematologists annual meeting and University of Hawaii, College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) student research symposium: Two extramural grants funded related to NE1640 totaling approximately $100,000 from NRCS and WSARE.</p><br /> <p><strong>MI: </strong>Four oral presentations, five posters, ten extension publications, three workshops, two webinars, two websites, thirteen media or news articles, fifty-five extension/out reach presentations and twenty-five grants obtained.</p><br /> <p><strong>MN: </strong>Two journal articles have been published, two manuscripts have been submitted to journals for review, and drafts of three others have been written.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>NY</strong>: Presentation to about 100 growers about root knot and lesion nematodes on potatoes and approximately 40 diagnostic nematode samples processed in 2018.</p><br /> <p><strong>TN</strong>: Three abstracts were given at the Annual SON meeting and three web-based presentations and videos were developed, aimed at educating the general public.</p><br /> <p><strong>VT: </strong>Eight different presentations were given to various grower groups and scientific audiences.</p><br /> <p><strong>ACTIVITIES<em> <br /></em></strong></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Objective 1. Develop and integrate management tactics for control of plant-parasitic nematodes including biological, cultural (such as rotation or cover crops and plant resistance), and chemical. </em></strong></p><br /> <p><strong>CA:</strong> greenhouse experiments are conducted to determine the host status of legumes and brassicaceae plant lines towards plant-parasitic nematodes of major damaging potential in nut tree crops, <em>Pratylenchus vulnus</em> and <em>Mesocriconema xenoplax</em>. Field experiments for a winter cover crop period are established.</p><br /> <p><strong>CT: </strong>Experiments were conducted to utilize a series of lesion nematode-suppressive rotation crops in tilled or no-till systems to try to achieve multiple cycles of suppression within a single year. Under good conditions for crop establishment and biofumigation the rotation sequence was successful, but poor conditions for biofumigation resulted in poor nematode management.</p><br /> <p>We conducted field microplot experiments to evaluate the effects of nematode-susceptible or nematode-resistant plants, Litchi tomato, eastern black nightshade, and a cultivated bare fallow on <em>Globodera tabacum</em> cyst nematode population density changes. Litchi tomato was the most effective at reducing populations and <em>G. tabacum</em> may be useful as a substitute model for the quarantined pathogen <em>Globodera pallida</em> for conducting trap crop experiments with <em>S. sisymbriifolium</em> under field conditions.</p><br /> <p><strong>FL:</strong> We conducted 18 field trials, 5 greenhouse trials, and 2 microplot trials evaluating 15 currently labeled pesticides and 11 numbered active ingredients or experimental formulations on turfgrasses and ornamentals. We completed a 2-year field trial evaluating the effects of turfgrass nematicides on non-target nematodes and other soil invertebrates. We concluded a series of field and microplot experiments evaluating effects of different organic amendments incorporated at planting turf or top-dressed to established turf on nematode population dynamics and turf health.</p><br /> <p><strong>HI: </strong>Three field trials were conducted in Hawaii to determine the best termination method of brassicacea cover crops for soil biofumigation against plant-parasitic nematodes. Results showed that this biofumigation protocol suppressed population densities of both <em>Meloidogyne</em> spp. and <em>Rotylenchulus reniformis</em> consistently.</p><br /> <p><strong>MA:</strong> The following products were trialed for their efficacy against plant parasitic nematodes: Diatomaceous earth, Monterey Nematode Control (saponins from <em>Quillaja saponaria</em>) , Majestene (<em>Burkholderia</em> spp. strain A396), Todal (Abamectin) and Nimitz Pro (Fluensulfone). None of these products reduced the nematode population significantly but the Nimitz Pro treatments had lower populations of nematodes than the untreated control.</p><br /> <p><strong>MI: </strong>Our trials have evaluated tactics for control of plant parasitic nematodes. We have evaluated new and established nematicides, bio-nematicides (biological), compost and manures, crop rotations, plant resistance and cover crops. In carrots and potatoes our trials have included mainly nematicides and compost. One particular compost is effective in lab trials and in some of the field trials. In soybeans we are evaluating rotation with resistant varieties to prevent building of (Soybean Cyst Nematode) SCN resistance, manures, and seed treatments. From greater to less effectiveness in SCN our and others trials: Resistant varieties and rotation of resistant varieties, rotating with non-host, chicken manure, and seed treatments. In sugar beets, we have evaluated nematicides, seed treatments, and trap crops. In corn, we have completed a survey of nematodes in corn field in the state of Michigan. In fruits, we are testing different strategies for prevention of replant problem (apples (cover crops, rootstock, killing old trees with herbicide among others) and cherries (mulch with Dr. Bird)), and in ornamentals we are evaluating nematicides, fumigants, and cultural strategies to control Northern Root Knot nematodes in daylilies. We have gotten excellent results in many of our trials.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;As indicated in previous reports, we continue to integrate the soil food web (SFW) and the fertilizer use efficiency (FUE) models. The SFW model identifies outcomes of soil amendment treatments, and the FUE model identifies the sustainability of the outcomes. Both models are excellent diagnostic tools for translating complex biological and process-based outcomes into practical applications.</p><br /> <p><strong>MN: </strong>In 2018, a total of 43 private and public soybean cultivars were assayed for their resistance to SCN HG Type 7 (race 3) in the greenhouse. Advanced soybean breeding lines were evaluated for their resistance to SCN populations in the greenhouse, and a few of them were tested for yield in fields. Experiment was established at four field locations in Minnesota in 2016 to study the effect of oilseed cover crops pennycress and camelina on the soybean cyst nematode population. The fields were planted with SCN- susceptible and resistant soybeans in 2016 for each site. The cover crops were planted after harvesting soybean in 2016, and harvested before planting corn in 2017. In 2018, SCN population densities were determined at four sampling points.</p><br /> <p><strong>MS: </strong>Trials were conducted in Pontotoc and Starkville, MS to determine the influence of Nimitz (ai. fluensulfone) and Velum Prime (fluopyram) on reniform nematode control and sweetpotato crop tolerance.</p><br /> <p><strong>NY:&nbsp;</strong> Cornell AgriTech continued to investigate damage threshold levels for root knot nematode (<em>Meloidogyne hapla</em>) and lesion nematode (<em>Pratylenchus penetrans</em>) on potato in NY, and to develop DNA-based methods to quantify nematode populations in soil. In 2018, a commercial field of potato was intensively sampled prior to planting and immediately prior to harvest. At each time, soil samples were obtained from 3 grids, each comprising 100 sample points, and nematodes extracted and counted. Yield and quality of tubers at each location was also assessed. Data will be analyzed to derive relationships between pre-plant numbers of nematodes and (i) pre-harvest nematode numbers, (ii) yield, and (iii) quality of tubers. A method of extracting nematode DNA from 100 g soil samples was successfully developed for mineral soils, and published. A qPCR method has been developed for the selective quantification of <em>Meloidogyne hapla</em> based on the effector gene 16D10. This work has been submitted to a journal.&nbsp;&nbsp; The extraction method and qPCR is currently being used to extract and quantify DNA from a total of over 500 soil samples collected in 2016, 2017, and 2018 to investigate the relationship between manual techniques of enumerating nematodes and quantification by qPCR.&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>Ditylenchus dispaci</em>&nbsp;(bloat nematode) continues to be an issue for NY garlic growers and Cornell AgriTech provides a service in testing for&nbsp;<em>Ditylenchus dipsaci</em>&nbsp;(bloat nematode).&nbsp;<em>Ditylenchus dipsaci</em>&nbsp;was detected in garlic bulbs from some farms in 2018, including bulbs intended for seed.</p><br /> <p><strong>TN:</strong> In cooperation with biosystems engineers at the University of Tennessee we (Kimberly Gwinn-UT, Wenqing Zhou-Boragen collaborating) we have developed an automated detector of <em>C. elegans</em> and <em>M. incognita</em> J2 movement in 96-well plates, with data uploaded to a computer. Using this apparatus we are investigating extracts of Chenopodiaceae and proprietary compounds from Boragen, Inc., for their ability to paralyze or kill <em>M. incognit</em>a.</p><br /> <p><strong><em>Objective 2. Determine the ecological interactions between nematode populations, nematode communities, ecosystems and soil health.</em></strong></p><br /> <p><strong>CA: </strong> multiple field experiments testing the concept of so-called orchard recycling were collected. In this strategy ground dried tree residues after removal of an old almond orchard are incorporated before replanting to almond. In greenhouse test, these soils are examined for the effects of the wood amendments on plant-parasitic nematodes damaging on almond.</p><br /> <p>In a second project, anaerobic soil disinfestation is tested for reducing soil infestations with plant-parasitic nematodes to a depth of 5 ft.</p><br /> <p><strong>HI: </strong>Canonical Correspondence Analysis depicted that abundance of bacterivorous nematodes or enrichment index were positively related to efficacy of biofumigation. Field trials in Hawaii using &lsquo;Sod Buster&rsquo; oil radish as a cover crop in a 9-year no-till field followed by a corn planting improved soil physical properties (field capacity, soil organic matter, cooler soil temperature) and led to higher abundance of bacterivorous nematode abundance, and indigenous entomopathogenic nematode (<em>Heterorhabditis </em>spp. H1) compared to a conventional tilled bare ground system.</p><br /> <p><strong>MA: </strong>In 1999, Rochester NY golf greens were sampled to see if there was a relationship between fumigation of the greens (5 years previous to the sampling), and the number of <em>Meloidogyne naasi </em>juveniles, and the number of juveniles infected by <em>Pasteuria.</em> Three fumigated greens were compared to 3 non-fumigated greens. The fumigated greens had 7.5 times more juveniles than the non-fumigated greens. Thirty six percent of the juveniles in the fumigated greens were encumbered by <em>Pasteuria</em>. In the non-fumigated greens, 63% were incumbered with <em>Pasteuria</em>. We came to the conclusion that fumigation killed off natural enemies and the root-knot population soared. The population in the non-fumigated greens appeared to be held back by <em>Pasteuria.</em> The same six greens were extensively sampled in 2018, Nineteen years after the first study. The non-fumigated greens had 2.5% more juveniles and only 12% were infected by <em>Pasteuria</em>; a complete turn-around.</p><br /> <p><strong>MI: </strong>In many of our trials we also identify free living nematodes (nematode communities) and other aspects of soil health. We have also tied the nematode populations with other organisms such as bacteria and fungi in our apple replant trial (collaborative effort). Sunnhemp cover crop has resulted in greater amount of beneficial organisms. Several other strategies are showing effective results in soil health.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>MN: </strong><em>Long-term corn-soybean rotation effect on microbial communities associated with the soybean cyst nematode: </em> Field plots of long-term corn-soybean crop sequences were established in 1982 in Minnesota, USA: (i) five-year rotation of each crop such that both crops are in years 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of monoculture every year; (ii) annual rotation of each crop with both crops planted each year; (iii) continuous monoculture of each crop. Samples of bulk soil, rhizosphere soil, rhizoplane soil, crop roots, and SCN cysts were collected in 2014-2016 to study crop sequences effect on fungal and bacterial communities associated with SCN with cultural methods as well as metabarcoding DNA sequence analysis. Work accomplished in 2018 include: (1) fungi isolated from cysts were identified with ITS sequence, and the effects of crop sequence, year, season, and replicate on the fungal abundances and diversity were analyzed; (2) fungal DNA extracted from SCN cysts, bulk soil, and rhizosphere soil were sequenced for ITS1 region, and the fungi were identified. The effects of crop sequence, sampling time on the fungal communities were analyzed.</p><br /> <p><strong>TN:</strong> Previous research in a beaver decomposition experiment showed that the top 2 cm of substrate, whether under an animal or from control plots, contained 2-5&times; the number of nematodes as a comparably sized sample from composited 20-cm cores. Nematode composition in 0-2-cm control samples, including plant parasites, were similar to standard soil cores. The same results are being obtained in an experiment with human donors at the UT Anthropological Research Facility (the &ldquo;Body Farm&rdquo;). Both experiments were conducted in forest. If similar results are obtained from agricultural sites, nematode sampling will be simplified without loss of accuracy.</p><br /> <p>Experiments were conducted to determine the response of nematode food webs to increasing levels of physical disturbance in a forest ecosystem, and another to determine the effects of soil warming on nematode communities. Nematodes belong to higher trophic groups and higher CP classes were more impacted by increasing levels of physical disturbance than lower groups. Soil warming gradually decreased the richness and the abundance of higher trophic group and higher CP class nematodes, but led to increasing abundance of lower trophic group and lower CP class nematodes.Soil warming may enhance microbial activity, resulting in increased abundance of lower trophic groups.</p><br /> <p><strong><em>Objective 3. Outreach and communication - Compile and present/publish guidance on nematode management and management effects on soil health for different crops under different conditions.</em></strong></p><br /> <p><strong>CA: </strong>The PI gave 10 extension presentations and one invited seminar on the management of plant-parasitic nematodes including chemical and biorational methods. He also taught classes to K-12 students.</p><br /> <p><strong>CT: </strong>Chaired a contributed paper session on nematode management at the SON meeting in New Mexico and presented &lsquo;Rotation crops for management of <em>Pratylenchus penetrans</em> in Connecticut&rsquo; (July 24, 100 attendees); spoke to growers about &lsquo;Identifying, understanding and managing nematode diseases in vegetables&rsquo; at the CPS Vegetable Growers meeting held in Glastonbury CT (March 7, 65 persons); spoke about &lsquo;Identifying, understanding and managing nematode diseases in potatoes&rsquo; (January 10, 50 people) and &lsquo;Identifying, understanding and managing nematode diseases in vegetables&rsquo; (January 11, 75 people) at the Long Island Agricultural Forum held in Riverhead NY; and presented research results during the potato cyst nematode multi-agency research call (November 14, 20 participants). Dr. LaMondia conducted 125 nematode diagnostic samples and conducted testing as an APHIS certified pinewood nematode export testing facility.</p><br /> <p><strong>FL:</strong> Nematode management training was presented to turfgrass stakeholder groups at 23 seminars, 3 field days, and 2 workshops to a combined audience of 1,842 in Florida, Michigan, and Rhode Island. Turfgrass nematode management articles were written in the two most widely read and highest quality turfgrass trade magazines, the Green Section Record and Golf Course Management. Three University of Florida Cooperative Extension documents were updated and revised. Diagnosis was provided for 6205 samples submitted to the University of Florida Nematode Assay Lab from around the US.</p><br /> <p><strong>HI: </strong>Six workshops/field days were presented statewide in Hawaii to educate vegetable crop farmers, new farmers, legislators and other agriculture professionals about nematode and soil health management on food crop production systems.</p><br /> <p><strong>IL: </strong>The Soil Health Institute has been working to establish measurements and standards for the assessment of soil health across the country. Ugarte attended the Soil Health Institute conference held in Albuquerque, New Mexico from August 1 to August 3, 2018 and presented a poster that outlined best practices to build metadata standards that could facilitate the use and interpretation of soil health indicators.</p><br /> <p><strong>MA and RI:</strong> A presentation, January 4th on &ldquo;Introduction to Nematodes&rdquo; was given at the Michigan State Turfgrass Conference to about 250 golf course superintendents. January 24<sup>th</sup> a presentation on &ldquo;Management of Nematodes in Turfgrasses&rdquo;, sponsored by Advanced Turf Solutions, about 75 in attendance. March 6<sup>th</sup>, &ldquo;The Biology of Nematodes&rdquo; and the New England Regional Turfgrass Conference. The UMass Extension Nematology Lab processed about 200 soil samples, the majority of which came from golf courses.&nbsp; The URI Turfgrass Diagnostic Laboratory processed approximately 150 soil samples for nematode analysis.&nbsp; Each sample offered a teaching moment for the superintendent who received results, a fact sheet about nematodes in turfgrasses and written recommendations.</p><br /> <p><strong>MI: </strong>Our outreach and communications efforts have been extensive. For crops that were in our trials (corn, soy, sugar beets, potatoes, vegetables (carrots), fruits, ornamentals (daylilies)). The information has been extended through grower talks (55), videos, webinars, in-service trainings, websites, and extension publications. Our website includes videos and extension efforts and images of most nematodes identified. Growers have had information and reports given to them personally and in grower talks. Relationship with extension agents and commodity groups has been essential in these efforts. These outreach efforts have included information on plant parasitic nematode control and also increase of soil health.</p><br /> <p><strong>MS: </strong>A presentation entitled &ldquo;Guava Root-Knot Nematode Updates&rdquo; was given at the annual Mississippi State University Sweetpotato Field Day August 30, 2018 at the Pontotoc Ridge-Flatwoods Branch Experiment Station, Pontotoc, MS to more than 80 attendees. An outdated list of recommended nematode tolerant sweetpotato varieties was updated at the Mississippi State University Plant Diagnostic Lab to ensure recommendations made include contemporary cultivars currently used in commercial production environments in Mississippi.</p><br /> <p><strong>TN: </strong>A paper by G. Phillips et al., now in press with <em>American Biology Teacher</em>, described the diversity of nematodes in the intestine of North American millipedes and describes the techniques for collecting them from the millipede. These nematodes are an ideal approach for students to study the anatomy of nematodes similar to typical rhabditids. The advantages are that these nematodes are usually much larger, the organs are more easily seen, and they can be obtained in a few minutes by dissecting a suitable millipede. Related videos were made and posted to YouTube.</p><br /> <p><strong>ACOMPLISHED MILESTONES (2018): </strong></p><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;CA: </strong>Continue cover crop experiments. Currently one in open field planting, and three in orchard experiments are ongoing.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;<strong>CT: </strong>Tested putative <em>M. hapla</em>-resistant pepper against CT isolates of the nematode.Continued and adjusted cover- and rotation-crop experimental designs based on previous results</p><br /> <p><strong>HI: </strong>Evaluate new nematicidal products for efficacy &ndash; PI in Hawaii evaluate fluopyram against plant-parasitic nematodes on vegetable cropping systems in Hawaii</p><br /> <p>Investigate the relationship between the microbial community, plant-parasitic nematodes, soil health, and crop productivity &ndash; We present Canonical Multivariate analysis in the biofumigation trials and long-term no-till cover cropping trials to examine relationships between soil health and crop productivity.</p><br /> <p>Conduct grower education, annual short course and webinar (6 client presentations, 2 short courses related to nematode and soil health management were presented to farmers in Hawaii).</p><br /> <p><strong>MN: </strong>Continue cover- and rotation-crop experiments. Investigate the relationship between the microbial community, plant-parasitic nematodes, soil health, and crop productivity</p><br /> <p><strong>Multiple states:</strong> New nematicidal products were tested for efficacy and two collaborative, gay-long turfgrass nematology seminars were given (Michigan and Providence, RI) </p><br /> <p><br />&nbsp;</p>


<p>Bird, G., G. S. Abawi and J. A. LaMondia. 2018. Plant Parasitic Nematodes of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Chapter 3, Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Sustainable Agriculture in North America&rdquo; edited by S. A. Subbotin and J. J. Chitambar, Springer. November 2018</p><br /> <p>Carta, L. and Wick, R. L. <em>Bursaphelenchus antoniae</em> from <em>Pinus strobus</em> in the U.S. 2017. The Journal of Nematology (in review).</p><br /> <p>Cheng, Z., H. Melakeberhan, S. Mennan, and P.S. Grewal (2018). Relationship between soybean cyst nematode <em>Heterodera glycines</em> and soil nematode community under long-term tillage and crop rotation. <em>Nematropica</em> 48, 101-115.</p><br /> <p>Cho, A., Quintanilla, M., McDonald, T., Kawabata, A., and Nakamoto, S. 2017. &lsquo;Sharwil&rsquo; Avocado Identification. University of Hawaii CTAHR Extension Publication F_N-50. <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>Crow, W. T. 2017. The Killer: <em>Belonolaimus longicaudatus</em>. On the Turf Winter:23-26.</p><br /> <p>Crow, W. T. 2018. Nematode management on athletic fields. Florida Turf Digest 35:8-16.</p><br /> <p>Dandurand L. M., I. A. Zasada, and J. A. LaMondia 2018. Effect of the trap crop, <em>Solanum sisymbriifolium,</em> on <em>Globodera pallida</em>, <em>Globodera tabacum</em>, and <em>Globodera ellingtonae </em>Journal of Nematology in press.</p><br /> <p>Gorny, A., Hay, F.S., Wang, X., &amp; Pethybridge, S.J. 2018. Isolation of nematode DNA from 100 g of soil using Fe<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub> super paramagnetic nanoparticles. <em>Nematology</em> 20, 271-283.</p><br /> <p>Grabau, Z. J., Vetsch, J. A., and Chen, S. Y. 2018. Swine Manure, Nematicides, and Long-Term Tillage Change Soil Ecology in Corn and Soybean Production. Agronomy Journal 110:2288-2301.</p><br /> <p>Gu, M., and W. T. Crow. 2018. Abamectin, thiophanate-methyl, and iprodione for management of sting nematode on golf turf. Nematropica 48:38-44.</p><br /> <p>Habteweld, A. W., Brainard, D. C., Kravchenko, A. N., Grewal, P. S. &amp; Melakeberhan, H. (2018). Effects of plant and animal waste-based compost amendments on soil food web, soil properties, and yield and quality of fresh market and processing carrot cultivars. <em>Nematology</em> 20, 147-168. DOI: <a href="">10.1163/15685411-00003130</a></p><br /> <p>Hu, W. M., Strom, N., Haarith, D., Chen, S. Y., and Bushley, K. E. 2018. Mycobiome of cysts of the soybean cyst nematode under long term crop rotation. Frontiers in Microbiology 9:DOI: <span style="text-decoration: underline;">10.3389/fmicb.2018.00386</span>.</p><br /> <p>Huang, D., G. Yan, N. Gudmestad, J ,Whitworth, K. Frost, C. Brown, W. Ye, P. Agudelo, W. Crow. 2017. Molecular characterization and identification of stubby root nematode species from multiple states in the United States. Plant Disease 102:2101-2111.</p><br /> <p>Heve, W. K., F. E. El-Borai, E. G. Johnson, D. Carrillo, W. T. Crow, and L. W. Duncan. 2018. Responses of Anastrepha suspense, Diachasmimorpha longicaudata, and sensitivity of guava production to Heterorhabditis bacteriophora in fruit fly integrated pest management. Journal of Nematology 50:261-272.</p><br /> <p>Jones, W. B., and W. T. Crow. 2018. Nematodes, turfgrass, and organic amendments. Clippings Winter:6.</p><br /> <p>LaMondia, J. A., R. L. Wick and N. A. Mitkowski. 2018. Plant Parasitic Nematodes of New England &ndash; Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Chapter 1, Pp.. Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Sustainable Agriculture in North America&rdquo; edited by S. A. Subbotin and J. J. Chitambar, Springer. November 2018</p><br /> <p>LaMondia, J. A. and L. M. Dandurand. 2017. Effects of resistant or susceptible tobacco (<em>Nicotiana tabacum</em>), eastern black nightshade (<em>Solanum ptychanthum</em>), and litchi tomato (<em>Solanum sisymbriifolium</em>) on reproduction of the tobacco cyst nematode <em>Globodera tabacum</em>. Journal of Nematology 49:509-510.</p><br /> <p>Lindberg, H., Quintanilla, M., and Poley, K. 2018. Nematodes in ornamental plant production: Good or bad? MSU Extension. <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>Lindberg, H., Quintanilla, M., Horling, K., and Poley, K. 2018. Combating root-knot nematodes in daylilies: Experimental results. MSU Extension. <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>Melakeberhan, H., Maung, Z.T.Z., Lee, C-L., Poindexter, S., Stewart, J. (2018). Soil type-driven variable effects on cover- and rotation-crops, nematodes and soil food web in sugar beet fields reveal a roadmap for developing healthy soils. <em>European Journal of Soil Biology</em> 85, 53-63.</p><br /> <p>Mishra, S., K.-H. Wang, B. S. Sipes, M. Tian. 2018. Induction of host-plant resistance in cucumber by vermicompost tea against root-knot nematode. Nematropica 48: (in press).</p><br /> <p>Monteiro, T. S. A, J. A. Brito, S. J. S. Vau, W. Yuan J. A. LaMondia, L. G. Freitas, and D. W. Dickson<sup>. </sup>2017. First report of matricidal hatching in <em>Meloidogyne hapla</em>. Nematoda 4:e092017. <a href=""></a>.</p><br /> <p>Neher, D.A., Weicht, T.R. 2018. A plate competition assay as a quick preliminary assessment of disease suppression. <em>Journal of Visualized Experiments</em> e58767, doi: 10.3791/58767. <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>Quintanilla, M. 2017. Soil Acoustics. In: A. Farina and S.H. Gage (Eds.). Ecoacoustics: The ecological role of sounds. Wiley Press.</p><br /> <p>Quintanilla, M. 2018. The New Soybean Cyst Nematode Coalition. Michigan Soybean News. Fall Issue, p. 21.&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>Quintanilla, M., Shoemaker, J., Bird, G., Tenney, A., Warner, F., and Poley, K. 2018. Soybean Cyst Nematode Resistance Management. MSU Extension. <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>Quintanilla, M., Shoemaker, J., Bird, G., Tenney, A., Warner, F., and Poley, K. 2018. Soybean Cyst Nematode Resistance Management Workshop held June 20, 2018. MSU Extension. <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>Quintanilla, M., Warner, F., 2018. Nematode Management. In: J.C. Wise, L.J. Gut, J. Wilson, M. Grieshop, M. Whalon, D. Mota-Sanchez, M. Quintanilla, R. lsaacs, A.M.C. Schilder, G.W. Sundin, B. Zandstra, R. Beaudry, G. Lang, L. Jess, D. Elsner, W. Shane, M. Longstroth, C. Garcia-Salazar, and D. Brown-Rytlewski. Fruit Management Guide. Michigan State University Extension Bulletin E-154, pp. 311-314. Michigan Potato Research Report 2017: <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>Steel, H., Moens, T., Vandecasteele, B., Hendrickx, F., De Neve, S., Neher, D. A., and Bert, W. 2018. Factors influencing the nematode community during composting and nematode-based criteria for compost maturity. <em>Ecological Indicators </em>85: 409-421. doi 10.1016/j.ecolind.2017.10.039.</p><br /> <p>Waisen, P. and Wang, K.-H. 2018. Trap cropping and biofumigation for plant-parasitic nematode management. HānaiʻAi Newsletter March, April, May 2018. <a href=";dt=3&amp;g=12">;dt=3&amp;g=12</a> (extension publication)</p><br /> <p>Waldo, B. D., and W. T. Crow. 2018. Nematicides and soil health. Clippings Winter:6-7.</p><br /> <p>You, X., K.-H. Wang, S. Ching, and M. Tojo. 2018. Effects of vermicompost water extract prepared from bamboo and kudzu against <em>Meloidogyne incognita</em> and <em>Rotylenchulus reniformis</em>. Journal of Nematology 50: (in press).</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p>

Impact Statements

  1. Improving grower knowledge and direct/immediate use of research through a diverse and robust extension and education programming throughout the Northeast Region and the country.
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Date of Annual Report: 11/11/2019

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 10/17/2019 - 10/20/2019
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2018 - 09/30/2019


George Bird (Michigan State University), Billy Crow (University of Florida), Jim Kotcon (West Virginia University), Jim LaMondia (Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station), Nathaniel Mitkowski (University of Rhode Island), Deborah Neher (University of Vermont), Marisol Quintanilla (Michigan State University), Koon-Hui Wang (University of Hawaii), Andreas Westphal (University of California Riverside), Brent Sipes (University of Hawaii), and Ernie Bernard (University of Tennessee)

Brief Summary of Minutes


<p><strong>SHORT-TERM OUTCOMES:</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>CA:&nbsp;</strong>2017 Example #1:&nbsp; Observed differences in reaction to Pasteuria isolates and resistance genes in pepper may be used to differentiate races of Meloidogyne hapla, which will allow growers to plant inherently resistance crop species and varieties to preserve crop yield and grower profitability.</p><br /> <p>2018 Example #1:&nbsp; Experiments utilizing poultry-based compost enhanced the survival of enteric pathogens in soil more than dairy-based compost. This information can be used for dairy farms to shift away from poultry compost to increase bovine health and allow for easier compliance in organic agriculture.</p><br /> <p>In 2019 CA, Anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD) was highly effective against plant-parasitic nematodes if done in a defined protocol at the proper time of year. Limitations of time of the year application, and nematode species and orchard or vineyard age at the time of treatment were explored.</p><br /> <p><strong>CT:</strong>&nbsp;2017-19:&nbsp; Determined that while multiple nematode antagonistic crops could be grown in a single season to reduce populations of lesion and root-knot nematodes, difficulties establishing crops at certain times of year can allow weeds, therefore a single well established antagonistic crop may do just as well or better.</p><br /> <p>2018-19:&nbsp; Determined that Litchi tomato, <em>Solanum sisymbriifolium</em>, is an effective trap crop that has similar results to soil fumigation and can affect nematodes up to 45 cm from plants.</p><br /> <p><strong>FL:&nbsp;</strong>Demonstrated that the most common nematicides used on golf course turf (fluopyram and abamectin) are largely ineffective for managing lance nematode.&nbsp; This assists turfgrass managers from applying needless nematicides treatments.</p><br /> <p><strong>HI:&nbsp;</strong>Field trials funded by WSARE and NRCS PIA verified the versatility of brown mustard as biofumigant cover crop to suppress plant-parasitic nematodes while improving soil nutrient enrichment; Whereas drenching soil with crustacean meal provided more efficient control against banana Panama wilt caused by <em>Fusarium oxysporum</em> f. sp. <em>cubense</em> and improved bacterial decomposition in the soil.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>IL:&nbsp;</strong>Preliminary work of survey nematode communities from organic grain cropping systems.</p><br /> <p><strong>MI:&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p>Quintanilla: Nematode control strategies such as nematicides, composts, and cover crops have been evaluated for crops such as corn, soy, sugar beets, potatoes, vegetables (carrots), fruits, ornamentals (daylilies).&nbsp; The information was extended through publications, grower talks, and news.</p><br /> <p>Bird: In a comparison or six orchard preparation cover crop systems, two years of Essex rape and pearl millet resulted in the highest and red clover the lowest mechanically harvested sweet cherry yields.&nbsp; In a trial with compost and mulch, sweet cherry yields were highest when compost was applied to the bottom of the tree planting hole, in addition to surface applied mulch or compost.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>MN:&nbsp;</strong>Evaluated 53 soybean varieties for SCN resistance and the data have been provided for farmers&rsquo; use.</p><br /> <p>Observed long-term crop sequence effect on soil microbial community, plant-parasitic nematode population density, and nematode community; determined the relationship between the soil microbial and nematode communities with crop productivity in the US Midwest cropping production system.&nbsp; The information is useful for developing strategies to enhance soybean and corn productivity.</p><br /> <p><strong>NY</strong>: 2017 Example #1:&nbsp; Observed differences in reaction to <em>Pasteuria </em>isolates and resistance genes in pepper may be used to differentiate races of <em>Meloidogyne hapla</em>, which will allow growers to plant inherently resistance crop species and varieites to preserve crop yield and grower profitability.</p><br /> <p>2018 Example #1:&nbsp; Experiments utilizing poultry based compost enhanced the survival of enteric pathogens in soil more than dairy-based compost. This information can be used for dairy farms to shift away from poultry compost to increase bovine health and allow for easier compliance in organic agriculture.</p><br /> <p><strong>TN</strong>: A virus in soybean cyst nematode was successfully transferred to the root-knot nematode (RKN) <em>Meloidogyne incognita</em>, where it appears to be transovarial and thus maintained indefinitely on a tomato host, which becomes systemically infected as well.</p><br /> <p><strong>VT:&nbsp;</strong>Pilot test of anaerobic soil disinfestation in hoop house was effective at reducing inoculum load of <em>Rhizoctonia solani</em> for lettuce production. Field trials were recently funded by NE-SARE.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>OUTPUTS:</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>CA:&nbsp;</strong>10 extension presentations and one departmental seminar in 2019.</p><br /> <p><strong>CT:&nbsp;</strong>One referred articles, 2 chapters, and 1 abstract.&nbsp; Conducted a short course on plant parasitic nematodes at the Northeast Agribusiness and Crop Consultants Association Conference held in Syracuse NY (November 28 and 29, 35 participants), served on the Master&rsquo;s Degree thesis committee for a graduate student at Central Connecticut State University, who conducted research on hatch of cyst nematodes as a part of her thesis project.&nbsp; Dr. LaMondia conducted 159 nematode diagnostic samples and conducted testing as an APHIS certified pinewood nematode export testing facility.</p><br /> <p>As a part of diagnostic services, we confirmed the first report of beech leaf disease caused by the foliar nematode <em>Litylenchus crenatae</em> subsp<em>. mccannii</em> in southwestern Connecticut.&nbsp; Educational programs will be directed to arborists in the state.</p><br /> <p><strong>FL:&nbsp;</strong>3 Refereed journal publications, 1 Book chapter, 1 Paper presented at Society of Nematologists meeting, 7 posters presented at scientific meetings.</p><br /> <p><strong>HI:&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Conference/Symposium Presentations:</li><br /> </ul><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Waisen, P., K.-H. Wang, and Brent Sipes. 2019. Will enhancement of the biofumigation effect compromise the soil health benefits of brassica cover crops? Society of Nematologists 58th annual meeting, Raleigh, NC. July 7-10, 2019.</li><br /> <li>Wang, K.-H., P. Waisen, and J. Silva. 2019. The relationship between soil-borne disease pressure and soil health indicators as affected by biofumigation. Society of Nematologists 58th annual meeting, Raleigh, NC. July 7-10, 2019.</li><br /> <li>Kerr, N., G. Spinelli, and K.-H. Wang. 2019. Saving &lsquo;Pisang Awak&rsquo; banana from Panama wilt using anaerobic soil disinfestation. 31st Annual CTAHR Student Research Symposium, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI. April 15, 2019 (Abstract 19).</li><br /> <li>Samis, F., K.-H. Wang, B. Sipes, and C. Chan. 2019. Enhanced ecosystem screenhouses: a comprehensive approach to cucumber crop protection in Hawaii. 31st Annual CTAHR Student Research Symposium, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI. April 15, 2019 (Abstract 8).</li><br /> <li>Waisen, P., K.-H. Wang, Zhiqiang Cheng, and Brent Sipes. 2019. Below ground battle: Does biofumigation have non-target impacts on soil health promoting free-living nematodes? 31st Annual CTAHR Student Research Symposium, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI. April 15, 2019 (Abstract 32).</li><br /> </ul><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Extramural grant funded this year related to NE1640:</li><br /> </ul><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Wang, K.-H., J. Silva, and J. Hawkins. 2019-2021. Finding new friends for sunn hemp to revitalized degraded soil in the tropic. NRCS CIG PIA $75,000.</li><br /> </ul><br /> <p><strong>IL:&nbsp; </strong>A poster presentation was given at the American Pathological Society annual meeting. Poster entitled &ldquo;Occurrence of Soybean Cyst Nematode and Free Living Nematode Communities in Organic Certified Fields in Central Illinois&rdquo;. Authors include: Jaeyeong Ham, Carmen M. Ugarte, Nathan E. Schroeder, and Glen L. Hartman.</p><br /> <p><strong>MI:&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p>Quintanilla: Eight invited oral presentations, 12 posters, four extension publications, two websites, five media or news articles, thirty extension/outreach presentations and 18 grants obtained.</p><br /> <p>Bird: The George Bird 2018-19 output included three book chapters two abstracts and one poster as described below. In addition, he continued to serve on the SCN Coalition Work Group</p><br /> <p><strong>MN:&nbsp; </strong>Nine refereed journal articles and two abstracts were published.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>NY</strong>:</p><br /> <p>Conference proceedings (2)</p><br /> <p>Gorny, A., Hay, F. S., and Pethybridge, S. J. 2018. Reproductive fitness of <em>Meloidogyne hapla</em> on eleven potato cultivars. Proc. World Potato Congress, Lima, Peru. Pp. 131.</p><br /> <p>Gorny, A., Hay, F. S., and Pethybridge, S. J. 2018. Differential responses of potato cultivars grown in New York to <em>Meloidogyne hapla</em>. Proc. Int. Congr. Plant Pathol. Boston, MA. Phytopathology S1.26.</p><br /> <p>Extension presentations (1)</p><br /> <p>Gorny, A., Hay, F. S., and Pethybridge, S. J. 2018. Reproductive fitness of <em>Meloidogyne hapla</em> on eleven potato cultivars. Proc. New York State Agricultural Experiment Station Research Symposium, Geneva, NY.&nbsp; Pp. 7.</p><br /> <p>Extension Articles (1)</p><br /> <p>Gorny, A., Hay, F. S., and Pethybridge, S. J. 2018. Summary of research on the interaction of triticale and red clover crops with the northern root-knot and lesion nematodes. Information prepared for Hofmann Farm, Springville, New York (on request). Pp. 2.</p><br /> <p><strong>TN</strong>: Two book chapters, three refereed articles, three abstracts, five presentations, 35 diagnostic samples</p><br /> <p><strong>VT:&nbsp;</strong>Four different presentations were given to various grower groups and scientific audiences.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>ACTIVITIES</strong></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Objective 1. Develop and integrate management tactics for control of plant-parasitic nematodes including biological, cultural (such as rotation or cover crops and plant resistance), and chemical.</em></strong></p><br /> <p><strong>CA:</strong>&nbsp;In CA, greenhouse experiments are conducted to determine the host status of legumes and brassicaceae plant lines towards plant-parasitic nematodes of major damaging potential in nut tree crops, <em>Pratylenchus vulnus</em> and <em>Mesocriconema xenoplax. </em></p><br /> <p>Field experiments for a winter cover crop period are established. Two cover crop treatments (one including brassica, the second Merced Rye) show promise in either reducing nematode population densities or improving plant growth.</p><br /> <p><strong>CT:&nbsp;</strong>Experiments were conducted to utilize a series of lesion nematode-suppressive rotation crops in tilled or no-till systems to try to achieve multiple cycles of suppression within a single year.&nbsp; Under good conditions for crop establishment and biofumigation the rotation sequence was successful, but poor conditions for crop establishment or biofumigation resulted in poor nematode management.</p><br /> <p>We conducted field microplot experiments to evaluate the effects of nematode-susceptible or nematode-resistant plants, Litchi tomato, eastern black nightshade, and a cultivated bare fallow on <em>Globodera tabacum</em> cyst nematode population density changes.&nbsp; Litchi tomato was the most effective at reducing populations, effective at least 45 cm from plants.&nbsp; <em>G. tabacum</em> may be useful as a substitute model for the quarantined pathogen <em>Globodera pallida</em> for conducting trap crop experiments with <em>S. sisymbriifolium</em> under field conditions.</p><br /> <p><strong>FL:</strong>&nbsp;Evaluated experimental chemical and biological nematicides in 5 lab trials, 6 greenhouse trials, and 12 field trials.</p><br /> <p><strong>HI:&nbsp;</strong>Three field trials were conducted in Hawaii to determine the best termination method of brassicacea cover crops for soil biofumigation against plant-parasitic nematodes. Results showed that this biofumigation protocol suppressed population densities of both&nbsp;<em>Meloidogyne</em>&nbsp;spp. and&nbsp;<em>Rotylenchulus reniformis</em>&nbsp;consistently.</p><br /> <p><strong>MA:</strong>&nbsp;The following products were trialed for their efficacy against plant parasitic nematodes: Diatomaceous earth, Monterey Nematode Control (saponins from&nbsp;<em>Quillaja saponaria</em>) , Majestene (<em>Burkholderia</em>&nbsp;spp. strain A396), Todal (Abamectin) and Nimitz Pro (Fluensulfone). None of these products reduced the nematode population significantly but the Nimitz Pro treatments had lower populations of nematodes than the untreated control.</p><br /> <p><strong>MI: </strong></p><br /> <p>Quintanilla: Similar to 2018,&nbsp;our trials have evaluated tactics for control of plant parasitic nematodes. We have evaluated new and established nematicides, bio-nematicides (biological), compost and manures, crop rotations, plant resistance and cover crops. In carrots and potatoes our trials have included mainly nematicides and compost. One particular compost is effective in lab trials and in some of the field trials. In soybeans we are evaluating rotation with resistant varieties to prevent building of (Soybean Cyst Nematode) SCN resistance, manures, and seed treatments. From greater to less effectiveness in SCN our and others trials: Resistant varieties and rotation of resistant varieties, rotating with non-host, chicken manure, and seed treatments. In sugar beets, we have evaluated nematicides, seed treatments, and trap crops. In corn, we have completed a survey of nematodes in corn field in the state of Michigan. In fruits, we are testing different strategies for prevention of replant problem (apples (cover crops, rootstock, killing old trees with herbicide among others) and cherries (mulch with Dr. Bird)), and in ornamentals we are evaluating nematicides, fumigants, and cultural strategies to control Northern Root Knot nematodes in daylilies. We have gotten excellent results in many of our trials.&nbsp; In addition, several three graduate students are being trained to become nematologists in our program, which means that progress should continue and increase.</p><br /> <p>Bird: The Soybean Cyst Nematode Coalition involving 22 states, and 8 corporations.&nbsp; It was launched at the 2018 Commodity Classic and is designed to assist in the prevention of resistance to PI88788 derived varieties. Between March 1 and June 13, 2019, it facilitated 33 news articles resulting in 2,678,521 electronic impressions.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>MN:&nbsp; </strong><em>Effect of cover crops on the soybean cyst nematode:</em><strong>&nbsp; </strong>Experiment was established in Minnesota in 2019 to study the effect of oilseed cover crops pennycress planting dates on the soybean cyst nematode (SCN) population.</p><br /> <p><em>Effect of sequences of resistance sources and tillage on SCN virulenc</em>e: A field experiment was initiated in 2003 to study how tillage and 11 different sequences of four cultivars impact population dynamics and virulence.&nbsp; An SCN-susceptible and three resistant cultivars, R1, R2, and R3, derived from PI 88788, Peking, and PI 437654, respectively, were used. Compared with no-till, conventional tillage resulted in a faster increase of SCN virulence to Peking by R2, and the virulence to PI 88788 by R3. The SCN populations selected by R1 overcame the resistance in PI 88788 but not Peking and PI 437654.&nbsp; R2 selected SCN populations that overcame the resistance in Peking, but not PI 88788 and PI 437654.&nbsp; In contrast, R3 selected SCN populations that overcame both PI 88788 and Peking sources of resistance.&nbsp; R1 in rotation with R2 or R3 had negative effect on Female Index on Peking.&nbsp; Susceptible soybean reduced SCN virulence to Peking indicating that there was fitness cost of the Peking-virulent SCN type.</p><br /> <p><strong>NY</strong> A study to develop species-specific qPCR to detect and quantify <em>Meloidogyne hapla</em> in soil was completed successfully, and published.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Intensive sampling in fields of potato variety Lamoka (1 field), Eva (2 fields) and Envol (3 fields) in New York failed to derive a relationship between pre-plant population density of <em>M. hapla</em> and yield/quality of potato cultivars Envol, Eva and Lamoka, suggesting that these varieties were relatively tolerant of root-knot nematode feeding.&nbsp; Spatial patterns of root knot nematode in fields were analyzed by geostatistics and SADIE to provide a basis for the development of improved sampling protocols for pre-plant nematode population densities.</p><br /> <p>Work has begun this year on investigating OMRI listed products for the control of seedborne pests and pathogens of garlic, including bloat nematode (<em>Ditylenchus dipsaci</em>).&nbsp; A nematode nursery comprising five varieties of garlic has been planted in fall 2019, to provide infested material for trials in subsequent years.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>TN:</strong>&nbsp;Six fiber/seed hemp cultivars and eight high-CBD cultivars, along with &ldquo;Rutgers&rdquo; tomato as a check, were tested in greenhouse experiments for their suitability as hosts for <em>Meloidogyne incognita</em> (MI). All fiber/seed types were good hosts for MI, with final RFmax values of more than 10. Of the eight CBD cultivars, 5 were good hosts (RFmax 10-40), two were moderate hosts (RFmax &lt;10), and one was nearly immune (RF&lt;0.5). By comparison, RF for tomato was 40-90x the initial inoculum.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong><em>Objective 2. Determine the ecological interactions between nematode populations, nematode communities, ecosystems and soil health.</em></strong></p><br /> <p><strong>CA:&nbsp;</strong>In CA, soil samples from multiple field experiments testing the concept of so-called orchard recycling were collected. In this strategy ground dried tree residues after removal of an old almond orchard are incorporated before replanting to almond. In greenhouse tests, these soils are examined for the effects of the wood amendments on plant-parasitic nematodes damaging on almond. Most soils that had low field population densities expressed suppressiveness in the greenhouse experiments again root lesion nematode but possibly not against ring nematode.</p><br /> <p>In one project, anaerobic soil disinfestation is tested in various experimental contexts to determine the method&rsquo;s limitations. Sites infested with different nematode species and following different crops are used for this testing.</p><br /> <p><strong>FL: </strong>Demonstrated that the foliar nematode <em>Aphelenchoides besseyi</em> causes considerable damage to chrysanthemum.</p><br /> <p>Identified yellow and purple nutsedge as alternative hosts for sting nematode (<em>Belonolaimus longicaudatus</em>) and grass root-knot nematode (<em>Meloidogyne graminis</em>).</p><br /> <p>Identified Javanese root-knot nematode (<em>Meloidogyne javanica</em>) as a pathogen on Giant Bamboo.</p><br /> <p>Described a new species of <em>Hirschmanniella</em>, <em>H. dicksoni</em>, parasitizing forage grasses in Florida.</p><br /> <p>Demonstrated that the grass root-knot nematode exhibits different symptoms on different forage grass species.</p><br /> <p>Demonstrated that certain composts can improve turfgrass tolerance to sting nematode.</p><br /> <p>Demonstrated that turfgrass nematicides can lead to changes in nematode and arthropod community structures.</p><br /> <p><strong>HI:&nbsp;</strong>Canonical Correspondence Analysis depicted that abundance of bacterivorous nematodes or enrichment index were positively related to efficacy of biofumigation. Field trials in Hawaii using &lsquo;Sod Buster&rsquo; oil radish as a cover crop in a 9-year no-till field followed by a corn planting improved soil physical properties (field capacity, soil organic matter, cooler soil temperature) and led to higher abundance of bacterivorous nematode abundance, and indigenous entomopathogenic nematode (<em>Heterorhabditis&nbsp;</em>spp. H1) compared to a conventional tilled bare ground system.</p><br /> <p><strong>MA:&nbsp;</strong>In 1999, Rochester NY golf greens were sampled to see if there was a relationship between fumigation of the greens (5 years previous to the sampling), and the number of&nbsp;<em>Meloidogyne naasi&nbsp;</em>juveniles, and the number of juveniles infected by&nbsp;<em>Pasteuria.</em>&nbsp;Three fumigated greens were compared to 3 non-fumigated greens. The fumigated greens had 7.5 times more juveniles than the non-fumigated greens. Thirty six percent of the juveniles in the fumigated greens were encumbered by&nbsp;<em>Pasteuria</em>. In the non-fumigated greens, 63% were incumbered with&nbsp;<em>Pasteuria</em>. We came to the conclusion that fumigation killed off natural enemies and the root-knot population soared. The population in the non-fumigated greens appeared to be held back by&nbsp;<em>Pasteuria.</em>&nbsp;The same six greens were extensively sampled in 2018, Nineteen years after the first study. The non-fumigated greens had 2.5% more juveniles and only 12% were infected by&nbsp;<em>Pasteuria</em>; a complete turn-around.</p><br /> <p><strong>MI:</strong></p><br /> <p>Quintanilla: We identified free living nematodes (nematode communities) and other aspects of soil health in several of our trials. Our apple replant project that evaluated beneficial organisms including nematodes has been published.&nbsp; Our work on compost effect on controlling potato early die and increasing soil health has been accepted for publication in Phytopathology Journal. Sunnhemp cover crop has resulted in greater number of beneficial organisms, and this work is in the process of producing a publication.</p><br /> <p>Bird: In a soil health research project, under potato early-die conditions in Michigan, the highest tuber yields were associated with season-long cold and stable thermal conditions, compared to hot or variable thermal conditions.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>MN:&nbsp;</strong><em>Field plots of long-term corn-soybean crop sequences were established in 1982 in Minnesota, USA: (i) five-year rotation of each crop such that both crops are in years 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of monoculture every year; (ii) annual rotation of each crop with both crops planted each year; (iii) continuous monoculture of each crop.&nbsp; Samples of bulk soil, rhizosphere soil, rhizoplane soil, crop roots, and SCN cysts were collected in 2014-2016 to study crop sequences effect on fungal and bacterial communities associated with SCN using cultural methods as well as metabarcoding DNA sequence analysis.&nbsp; </em></p><br /> <p><em>Fungi communities in soil: Total fungal alpha diversity in soil was greater under corn, but patterns of diversity and relative abundance of specific functional fungal guilds differed by crop, with more pathotrophs and nematophagous fungi proliferating under soybean and more saprotrophs and symbiotrophs proliferating under corn.&nbsp; Soil density of the SCN was positively correlated with relative abundance and diversity of nematode-trapping fungi and with the relative abundance of many potential nematode egg parasites.&nbsp; Soil phosphorus (P) varied significantly by crop sequence, with lower levels of P corresponding with relative abundance of Glomerales, Paraglomerales, and Sebacinales and higher levels of P corresponding with relative abundance of Mortierellales.&nbsp; </em></p><br /> <p><em>Fungal communities in SCN cysts: A majority of fungi in cysts belonged to Ascomycota and Basidiomycota, but the presence of several early diverging fungal subphyla thought to be primarily plant and litter associated, including Mortierellomycotina and Glomeromycotina. Species richness of fungi in cysts varied by both crop rotation and season and was higher in early years of crop rotation and in fall at the end of the growing season. Ecological guilds of fungi containing an animal-pathogen lifestyle, as well as potential egg-parasitic taxa previously isolated from SCN eggs, increased at midseason. The animal pathogen guilds included known (e.g., Pochonia chlamydosporia) and new candidate biocontrol organisms. </em></p><br /> <p><em>Fungal communities in roots: The Root and rhizosphere fungal communities differed between corn and soybean. Natural antagonists of the SCN such as nematode-trapping fungi and nematode endoparasites increased in relative abundance in the rhizosphere and root endosphere, respectively, over continuous soybean monoculture. In contrast, arbuscular mycorrhizal and plant-pathogenic fungi, several of which were negatively correlated with corn yield, increased in relative abundance over continuous corn monoculture.</em></p><br /> <p><strong>TN:</strong>&nbsp;Nematode communities were quantified over a 3-year period in research pasture fields (switchgrass, orchard grass or big bluestem) that were treated with varying levels of N,P or K, and/or overseeded with annual ryegrass in the late fall. Nematode numbers were not affected by treatments. Distribution of nematodes in general and densities of plant-parasitic nematodes in particular were dependent upon species of pasture grass and soil texture rather than fertilizer or overseeding treatments.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong><em>Objective 3. Outreach and communication - Compile and present/publish guidance on nematode management and management effects on soil health for different crops under different conditions.</em></strong></p><br /> <p><strong>CA:&nbsp;</strong>The PI gave multiple extension presentations and one invited seminar on the management of plant-parasitic nematodes including chemical and biorational methods. He also taught graduate students.</p><br /> <p><strong>CT:&nbsp;</strong>One referred articles, 2 chapters, and 1 abstract.&nbsp; Conducted a short course on plant parasitic nematodes at the Northeast Agribusiness and Crop Consultants Association Conference held in Syracuse NY (November 28 and 29, 35 participants), served on the Master&rsquo;s Degree thesis committee for a graduate student at Central Connecticut State University, who conducted research on hatch of cyst nematodes as a part of her thesis project.&nbsp; Dr. LaMondia conducted 159 nematode diagnostic samples and conducted testing as an APHIS certified pinewood nematode export testing facility.</p><br /> <p>As a part of diagnostic services, we confirmed the first report of beech leaf disease caused by the foliar nematode <em>Litylenchus crenatae</em> subsp<em>. mccannii</em> in southwestern Connecticut.&nbsp; Educational programs will be directed to arborists in the state.</p><br /> <p><strong>FL:</strong>&nbsp;One new extension publication: Grass root-knot nematode, <em>Meloidogyne graminis</em>.</p><br /> <p>Provided education at 22 stakeholder events, in 5 states, to a combined audience of 1395.</p><br /> <p>Provided diagnosis on 5454 nematode samples submitted to the UF Nematode Assay Lab.</p><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>HI:&nbsp;</strong>Outreach and communication - Compile and present/publish guidance on nematode management and management effects on soil health for different crops under different conditions.&nbsp; The extension outreach consisted of two extension publications and seven farmer education or field days.</p><br /> <p><strong>IL:&nbsp;</strong>The Soil Health Institute has been working to establish measurements and standards for the assessment of soil health across the country. Ugarte attended the Soil Health Institute conference held in Albuquerque, New Mexico from August 1 to August 3, 2018 and presented a poster that outlined best practices to build metadata standards that could facilitate the use and interpretation of soil health indicators.</p><br /> <p><strong>MA and RI:</strong>&nbsp;A presentation, January 4th on &ldquo;Introduction to Nematodes&rdquo; was given at the Michigan State Turfgrass Conference to about 250 golf course superintendents. January 24<sup>th</sup>&nbsp;a presentation on &ldquo;Management of Nematodes in Turfgrasses&rdquo;, sponsored by Advanced Turf Solutions, about 75 in attendance. March 6<sup>th</sup>, &ldquo;The Biology of Nematodes&rdquo; and the New England Regional Turfgrass Conference. The UMass Extension Nematology Lab processed about 200 soil samples, the majority of which came from golf courses.&nbsp; The URI Turfgrass Diagnostic Laboratory processed approximately 150 soil samples for nematode analysis.&nbsp; Each sample offered a teaching moment for the superintendent who received results, a fact sheet about nematodes in turfgrasses and written recommendations.</p><br /> <p><strong>MI:&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p>Quintanilla: Extension is one of our greatest priorities and our work is very applied and seeks to meet the needs of growers.&nbsp;&nbsp; This is exemplified by eight invited oral presentations, 12 posters, four extension publications, two websites, five media or news articles, thirty extension/outreach presentations and 18 grants obtained.&nbsp; All with an applied and extension focus.&nbsp; For crops that were in our trials (corn, soy, sugar beets, potatoes, vegetables (carrots), fruits, ornamentals (daylilies)). Growers have had information and reports given to them personally and in grower talks. Relationship with extension agents and commodity groups has been essential in these efforts. These outreach efforts have included information on plant parasitic nematode control and also increase of soil health.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;Bird:</p><br /> <ol><br /> <li>The first NE-1640 sponsored nematode short course was held in Michigan on January 4, 2018.&nbsp; The course will focus on turf grass nematodes.&nbsp; Four of the five presenters (Wick, Mitkowski, Crow and Bird) are Members of the Technical Committee of NE-1640 (The Short Course was attended by <em>circa</em> 150 members of the national turf-grass industry).</li><br /> <li>The second NE-1640 Short Course was held in East Syracuse, New York on November 29, 2018, as part of the NE Crop Consultants Conference.&nbsp; It was be jointly sponsored by the SCN Coalition and include the following Program:</li><br /> <ol><br /> <li>Morning Session (Gary Bergstrom, Moderator)</li><br /> <li>Soybean Cyst Nematode: Risk, Management and the SCN Coalition, (Bird, Michigan State University).</li><br /> <li>Afternoon Session (Gary Bergstrom, Moderator)</li><br /> <li>Plant Parasitic Nematodes of NY, NJ, PA and New England (LaMondia, Chief Scientist, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station).</li><br /> <li>Cornell Plant Disease Diagnostic Clinic (Karen Snover-Clift, Cornell University).</li><br /> <li>Golden Nematode Eradication Success Story (Xiohong Wang, Cornell University).</li><br /> <li>Nematode Management Practices and Products (George Bird, Professor, Michigan State University).</li><br /> <li>The Short Course on agronomic crop nematodes was attended by <em>circa</em> 150 Members of the NE Crop Consultant Association.</li><br /> </ol><br /> </ol><br /> <p><strong>TN:&nbsp;</strong>A paper was published in American Biology Teacher on nematodes that live in millipede intestines. Although these nematodes are not plant parasites, they are excellent examples of Nematoda to study in biology-related classes, due to their size and the visibility of their internal organs, often with a stereo microscope.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;<strong>ACOMPLISHED MILESTONES (2018):</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;CA:&nbsp;</strong>Continue cover crop experiments. Currently one in open field planting, and three in orchard experiments are ongoing.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;<strong>CT:&nbsp;</strong>Continued and adjusted cover- and rotation-crop experimental designs based on previous results.</p><br /> <p>Conducted a short course on plant parasitic nematodes at the Northeast Agribusiness and Crop Consultants Association Conference held in Syracuse NY.</p><br /> <p><strong>HI:&nbsp;</strong>Evaluate new nematicidal products for efficacy &ndash; PI in Hawaii evaluate fluopyram against plant-parasitic nematodes on vegetable cropping systems in Hawaii</p><br /> <p>Investigate the relationship between the microbial community, plant-parasitic nematodes, soil health, and crop productivity &ndash; We present Canonical Multivariate analysis in the biofumigation trials and long-term no-till cover cropping trials to examine relationships between soil health and crop productivity.</p><br /> <p>Conduct grower education, annual short course and webinar (6 client presentations, 2 short courses related to nematode and soil health management were presented to farmers in Hawaii).</p><br /> <p><strong>MN:&nbsp; </strong>Continue cover- and rotation-crop experiments, determine the relationship between the microbial community, plant-parasitic nematodes, soil health, and crop productivity, and publish results</p><br /> <p><strong>MI:&nbsp; </strong>Trial results have been published and extended to growers.&nbsp; We plant to continue our work and answer questions that have been raised by our research and to meet the needs of Michigan growers.</p><br /> <p>Objective 3 milestones were accomplished for 2018 through the multi-state short courses described in Bird&rsquo;s Objective 3 section.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>Multiple states:</strong>&nbsp;New nematicidal products were tested for efficacy and two collaborative, turfgrass nematology seminars were given (Michigan and Providence, RI)</p>


<p><strong>PUBLICATIONS</strong></p><br /> <p>Bernard, E. C.&nbsp; 2018.&nbsp; Plant-parasitic nematodes in Alaska. Pp. 241-246 In: Subbotin, S.A. &amp; Chitambar, J.J. (Eds.). Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Sustainable Agriculture in North America, Vol. 1. Springer, Cham, Switzerland.</p><br /> <p>Bernard, E. C.&nbsp; 2018.&nbsp; Plant-parasitic nematodes of Tennessee and Kentucky. Pp. 305-325 In: Subbotin, S.A. &amp; Chitambar, J.J. (Eds.). Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Sustainable Agriculture in North America, Vol. 2. Springer, Cham, Switzerland.</p><br /> <p>Bernard, E.C., S.M. Schaeffer, L.S. Taylor, G. Phillips and J.M. Welker. 2019. High Arctic nematode communities of northwest Greenland. Journal of Nematology 51 (in press).</p><br /> <p>Bintarti, A.F., Wilson, J., Quintanilla-Tornel, M., and Shade, A.&nbsp;&nbsp; 2019. Biogeography and diversity of multi-trophic root zone microbiomes in Michigan apple orchards: analysis of rootstock, scion, and growing region.&nbsp; Phytobiomes Journal.&nbsp; Submitted</p><br /> <p>Bird, G. G. Abawi and J. LaMondia. 2018. Plant Parasitic Nematodes of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Pp. 27-56 m(in) Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Sustainable Agriculture of North America, Vol. 2, S. Subbotin and J. Chitambar (eds) Subbotin and J. Chitambar (eds) Springer Nature, New York. 457 pp.</p><br /> <p>Bird, G., G. Tylka and I. Zasada. 2018. Role of Population Dynamics and Damage Thresholds in Cyst Nematode Management. pp. 101-127 (in) Cyst Nematodes, R. Perry, M. Moens and J. Jones (eds), CABI, New York.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Bird, G. and F. Warner. 2018. Nematodes and Nematologists of Michigan. pp. 57-85 (in) Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Sustainable Agriculture of North America, Vol. 2, S. Subbotin and J. Chitambar (eds) Subbotin and J. Chitambar (eds) Springer Nature, New York.&nbsp; 457 pp.</p><br /> <p>Cole, E., Pu, J., Chung, H., and Quintanilla, M.&nbsp; 2020.&nbsp; Impacts of manures and manure-based composts on root lesion nematodes and Verticillium dahliae in Michigan potatoes. Phytopathology.&nbsp; Approved</p><br /> <p>Cole, E., Parrado, L., and Quintanilla, M.&nbsp; 2019.&nbsp; Selecting Soil Amendments and Nematicides to Best Prevent Potato Early Dying Complex.&nbsp; Potato Country Magazine.&nbsp; Submitted</p><br /> <p>Dandurand L. M., I. A. Zasada, and J. A. LaMondia 2019. Effect of the trap crop, Solanum sisymbriifolium, on Globodera pallida, Globodera tabacum, and Globodera ellingtonae. Journal of Nematology 51: ISSN (Online) 2640-396X, DOI: 10.21307/jofnem-2019-030, Mar 2019.</p><br /> <p>Darling, E., Thapa, S., and Quintanilla, M.&nbsp; 2020.&nbsp; Exploring Alternative Strategies for Nematode Management for the processing carrot (cv. Cupar).&nbsp; Carrot Country Magazine.&nbsp; Submitted</p><br /> <p>Dyrdahl-Young, R., Cole, E., Quintanilla Tornel, M., Weldon, R., &amp; DiGennaro, P.&nbsp;&nbsp; 2020. Economic assessment of nematode biological control agents in a potato production model. Nematology, 1(aop), 1-9</p><br /> <p>Eberlein, C., Zhang, R., Adelati, A., Westphal, A. 2019. Do liquid digestates, by-products of bioenergy production, have nematode-suppressive potential?&nbsp; Progressive Crop Consultant JCS Marketing Vol 4 (4):16-20.</p><br /> <p>Gorny, A. M., Wang, X., Hay, F. S., and Pethybridge, S. J. 2019. Development of a species-specific quantitative PCR for detection and quantification of Meloidogyne hapla using the 16D10 root-knot nematode effector gene. Plant Dis. 103:1902-1909. <a href=""></a>.</p><br /> <p>Grabau, Z. J., Bao, Y., Vetsch, J. A., and Chen, S. Y. 2019.&nbsp; Swine manure application enriches the soil food web in corn and soybean production.&nbsp; Journal of Nematology 51:DOI: 10.21307/jofnem-2019-014 .</p><br /> <p>Gu, M., and W. T. Crow.&nbsp; 2018.&nbsp; Abamectin, thiophanate-methyl, and iprodione for management of sting nematode on golf turf.&nbsp; Nematropica 48:38-44.</p><br /> <p>Haarith, D., Hu, W. M., Kim, D. G., Showalter, D. N., Chen, S. Y., and Bushley, K. E. 2019.&nbsp; Culturable mycobiome of soya bean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines) cysts from a long-term soya bean-corn rotation system is dominated by Fusarium.&nbsp; Fungal Ecology 42:</p><br /> <p>Hu, W., Kidane, E., Neher, D.A., and Chen, S. 2019. Field and greenhouse evaluations of soil suppressiveness to Heterodera glycines in the Midwest corn-soybean production systems. Journal of Nematology 51:e2019-32.</p><br /> <p>Hu, W. M., Strom, N., Haarith, D., Chen, S. Y., and Bushley, K. E. 2019.&nbsp; Mycobiome of cysts of the soybean cyst nematode under long term crop rotation.&nbsp; Frontiers in Microbiology 10:article 2671.</p><br /> <p>Huang, D., G. Yan, N. Gudmestad, J. Whitworth, K. Frost, C. Brown, W. Ye, P. Agudelo, W. Crow.&nbsp; 2018.&nbsp; Molecular characterization and identification of stubby-root nematode species from multiple states in the United States.&nbsp; Plant Disease 102:2101-2111.</p><br /> <p>LaMondia, J. A., R. L. Wick and N. A. Mitkowski. 2018.&nbsp; Plant Parasitic Nematodes of New England &ndash; Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island.&nbsp; Chapter 1, Pp. 1-25.&nbsp; Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Sustainable Agriculture in North America Volume 2&rdquo; edited by S. A. Subbotin and J. J. Chitambar, Springer</p><br /> <p>LaMondia, J. A. 2018. Rotation crops for management of Pratylenchus penetrans in Connecticut. Journal of Nematology 50:644.</p><br /> <p>Levene, B., and Quintanilla, M. 2020.&nbsp; Muddy fields and rush to finish field work may move soybean cyst nematodes.&nbsp; MSU Extension.&nbsp; <a href=""></a>.</p><br /> <p>Levene, B., Groulx, B., Stewart, J., and Quintanilla, M.&nbsp; 2019.&nbsp; Evaluation of oilseed radish cover crop, pre-plant application timing/rate and in-furrow pesticide applications for nematode management.&nbsp; Michigan Sugarbeet REACh journal, 2019 Variety trial results.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Levene, B., Groulx, B., Stewart, J., and Quintanilla, M.&nbsp; 2019.&nbsp; Evaluation in-furrow and/or foliar pesticide applications for nematode management.&nbsp; Michigan Sugarbeet REACh journal, 2019 Variety trial results.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Levene, B., Groulx, B., Stewart, J., and Quintanilla, M.&nbsp; 2019.&nbsp; Evaluation in-furrow Abamectin treatments at planting for nematode management.&nbsp; Michigan Sugarbeet REACh journal, 2019 Variety trial results.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Ma, X., R.T. Robbins, E.C. Bernard, C.M. Holguin and P. Agudelo. 2019. Morphological and molecular characterisation of Hoplolaimus smokyensis n. sp. (Nematoda: Hoplolaimidae), a lance nematode from Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA. Nematology 21(9): 923-935.</p><br /> <p>Neher, D.A., Nishanthan, T., Grabau, Z.J., and Chen, S.Y. 2019. Crop rotation and tillage affect nematode communities more than biocides in monoculture soybean. Applied Soil Ecology 140: 89-97.</p><br /> <p>Neher, D.A., Cutler, A.J., Weicht, T.R., Sharma, M., and Millner, P.D. 2019. Composts of poultry litter or dairy manure differentially affect survival of enteric bacteria in fields with spinach. Journal of Applied Microbiology 126:1910-1922.</p><br /> <p>Phillips, G., D. I. Yates, R. M. Shelley, P. Ortstadt, and E. C. Bernard. 2019. Laboratory inquiries utilizing millipedes to demonstrate commensal parasitism. American Biology Teacher 81: 278-283.</p><br /> <p>Phillips, G. and E.C. Bernard. 2019. Biodiversity of Thelastoma spp. in North American millipedes and continued efforts toward revision of the genus. Journal of Nematology 51 (in press).</p><br /> <p>Pothula, S. K., P. S. Grewal, R. M. Auge, A. M. Saxton, and E. C. Bernard. 2019. Meta-analysis of the influence of agricultural intensification and urbanization on nematode diversity. Journal of Nematology e2019-11/51: 1-17.</p><br /> <p>Quintanilla, M., Cole, E., Poley, K., and Wilson, J.&nbsp; 2019.&nbsp; Fruit replant problem with a special emphasis on nematodes.&nbsp; New York State Horticultural Society Fruit Quartely 27: 19-21</p><br /> <p>Ravelombola, W. S., Qin, J., Shi, A., Nice, L., Bao, Y., Lorenz, A., Orf, J. H., Young, N. D., and Chen, S. Y. 2019.&nbsp; Genome-wide association study and genomic selection for soybean chlorophyll content associated with soybean cyst nematode tolerance.&nbsp; BMC Genomics 20:Article 94. DOI: 10.1186/s12864-019-6275-z.</p><br /> <p>Strom, N., Hu, W. M., Harrith, D., Chen, S. Y., and Bushley, K. E. 2019.&nbsp; Continuous monoculture shapes root and rhizosphere fungal communities of corn and soybean in soybean cyst nematode-infested soil.&nbsp; Phytobiome Journal 3:300-314.</p><br /> <p>Strom, N., Hu, W. M., Harrith, D., Chen, S. Y., and Bushley, K. E. 2019.&nbsp; Interactions between soil properties, fungal communities, the soybean cyst nematode, and crop yield under continuous corn and soybean monoculture.&nbsp; Applied Soil Ecology</p><br /> <p>Strom, N., Hu, W. M., Harrith, D., Chen, S. Y., and Bushley, K. E. 2019.&nbsp; Corn and soybean host root endophytic fungi with toxicity towards the soybean cyst nematode.&nbsp; Phytopathology</p><br /> <p>Taylor, L.S., A.R. Mason, G. Phillips, E.C. Bernard and J.M. DeBruyn. 2019. Forensic ecology: A comparative analysis of nematode succession in soils impacted by animal and human decomposition. Journal of Nematology 51 (in press).</p><br /> <p>Waisen, P.*, K.-H. Wang and B. S. Sipes. 2019. Effect of spirotetramat (Movento&reg;) on hatch, penetration and reproduction of Rotylenchulus reniformis. Nematropica 49: (in press).</p><br /> <p>Waldo, B. D., Z. J. Grabau, T. M. Mengistu, W. T. Crow.&nbsp; 2019.&nbsp; Nematicide effects on non-target nematodes in bermudagrass. Journal of Nematology 51: DOI: 10.21307/jofnem-2019-009.</p><br /> <p>Wilson, J., Quintanilla, M., Shade, A., Einhorn, T., Sundin, G., and A. Irish-Brown.&nbsp; 2019. The apple replant field trial at the Clarksville Research Center. New York State Horticultural Society, Fruit Quarterly, Vol 27(4): in press</p>

Impact Statements

  1. MI Although 2019 was a very stressful year in Michigan agriculture, farmer, private consultant and industry interest in soil health, cover crops and nematode management was high. Work has been published in peer-reviewed journals, extended to growers, and impacted growers in Michigan as they are adopting the strategies recommended.
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Date of Annual Report: 12/20/2020

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 10/20/2020 - 10/23/2020
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2019 - 09/30/2020


Andreas Westphal (California), Jim LaMondia (CT), Billy Crow (UFL), Koon-Hui Wang (U-Hawaii), Marisol Quintanilla (MSU), George Bird (MSU), Amanda Howland (MSU), Sita Thapa (MSU), Luisa Parrado (MSU), Nathaniel Mitkowski (URI), Ernie Bernard (Tenn), Debra Neher (Vermont), Jim Kotcon (WVU), Brandon Edgar (WVU), Carmen Ugarte (IL), Lesley Schumaker (USDA-ARS-Tenn), Chris Taylor, (OH), Robb Wick (UMass), Mark Rieger (Administrative Advisor) .

Brief Summary of Minutes

NE-1640 Regional Nematology Research Committee meeting Minutes,

Via video conference, Oct. 21-22, 2020

Marisol Quintanilla, Chair. 

Administrative Advisor:  Mark Rieger

Attending: Andreas Westphal (California), Jim LaMondia (CT), Billy Crow (UFL), Koon-Hui Wang (U-Hawaii), Marisol Quintanilla (MSU), George Bird (MSU), Amanda Howland (MSU), Sita Thapa (MSU), Luisa Parrado (MSU), Nathaniel Mitkowski (URI), Ernie Bernard (Tenn), Debra Neher (Vermont), Jim Kotcon (WVU), Brandon Edgar (WVU), Carmen Ugarte (IL), Lesley Schumaker (USDA-ARS-Tenn), Chris Taylor, (OH), Robb Wick (UMass), Mark Rieger (Administrative Advisor) .

The 2020 NE-1640 meeting was held via video conference due to the COVID-19 pandemic on October 21st and 22nd  2020 from 1 to 5 pm on both days.

Administrative Advisor

Mark Rieger commended our great report.  He recommended that we write an application for a Multistate research award and said we are well positioned to obtain one. 

Regarding the topics to consider for objectives, he said that we were right on with nematode assessment and that we could almost see the future ahead of time five years ago.  He mentioned soil health as important and specifically mentioned the importance of SCN.  He will send email with deadlines and will give us contact of David Leibovitz


Ernest Bernard (Tennessee) reported results from trials evaluating varietal responses of CBD hemp cultivars to root know nematodes (Meloidogyne incognita).  Susceptible cultivars include ‘Charlottes Web’ and ‘Special Sauce’; ‘Siskiyou Gold was slightly susceptible; and ‘Carolina’ was resistant.  A statewide survey of solanaceous crops (137 soil samples) revealed that that M. incognita was present in 38 of 137 samples (28%), M. hapla was found in 3 samples and a mix of the two in 4 samples. The invasive species M. enterolobii was not collected from any sample. Surveys of vineyards found that 15 of 51 samples (29%) contained Xiphinema americanum-group dagger nematodes. DNA analysis for species identification is ongoing.  Commercial boxwood growers in Tennessee are seeing increasing infestations of Meloidogyne incognita. Greenhouse experiments have demonstrated the presence of resistance to the nematode in at least one boxwood cultivar.  Root galling in boxwood may lead to rejection of entire lots.

 William Crow (Florida) evaluated experimental nematode control treatments for turfgrasses and ornamental plants in eight greenhouse trials and 15 field trials.  Two field trials quantifying damage caused by lance nematode to bermudagrass golf greens were continued.  Nematicides were largely ineffective for controlling lance nematode (Hoplolaimus), but gave some benefit for other nematodes.  The foliar nematodes Aphelenchoides besseyi, A. oryzae and A. pseudobesseyi were recognized, and A. pseudobesseyi may be an emerging problem on soybeans as symptoms are easily confused with stink bug injury.  Incidence of the awl nematode (Dolichodorus) on turfgrass is increasing, this nematode reproduces well on the cover crop sunn hemp and the weed purple nutsedge.

Nathaniel Mitkowski (Rhode Island) demonstrated the efficacy of fluazaindolizine, but not fluopyram and abamectin, against Hoplolaimus galeatus on golf course putting greens where populations regularly reached 7,000 nematodes/100 cc soil.  While lower rates of fluazaindolizine produced a non-significant but possibly biologically detectable drop in nematode populations, higher rates of the material resulted in statistically significantly reductions in nematode population and statistically (and visually) improved turf quality.  While abamectin has been reported to have an effect on H. galeatus in other studies, it was unclear why it was ineffective in this trial.  Fluopyram has not been reported as effective against H. galeatus previously but it does work well on Tylenchorhynchus spp. and Meloidogyne in Northern states.

Chris Taylor (Ohio) surveyed root knot nematode populations in high tunnel tomato production and detected M. hapla in 45% of 71 high tunnels sampled.  Two biocontrol products (Actinovate and Bio-Activate) produced modest reductions in nematode numbers in greenhouse trials, but did not influence galling or yield .in microplots.  A large collection of Pseudomonads were screened for nematicidal activity in vitro, but these failed to reduce soybean cyst nematode numbers in microplots.

Marisol Quintanilla evaluated nematode control strategies such as nematicides, composts, and cover crops for crops such as corn, soy, sugar beets, potatoes, vegetables (carrots), fruits, ornamentals (daylilies).

Lesley Schumacher (USDA-ARS, Tennessee) described studies she is initiating on soybean cyst and lesion (Pratylenchus penetrans) nematodes in soybeans.

Rob Wick (Massachusetts) described a field trial of a proprietary compound for nematode control in turf grass.  He also is describing a new species of root knot nematodes from turf grasses, and reported a finding of Bursaphelenchus antoniae on white pine.

Carmen Ugarte (Illinois) described surveys for abundance and community structure of nematodes in organic grain production.  Soybean fields in farms with long rotations had lower population densities of soybean cyst nematode, and soils had greater suppressiveness than from farms using shorter rotations.

Debra Neher (Vermont) described work using anaerobic soil disinfestation for suppression of soil borne diseases.  Soils with complex food webs containing fungi and fungivorous nematodes were correlated with greater suppression.

Koon-Hui Wang (Hawaii) reported on biofumigation with Brassica and papaya for control of root knot nematode.  Additional studies included sorghum and sunn hemp biomass.

George Bird (Michigan) found increased potato yields, but no differences in nematode populations using black oats as a trap crop.  Using a PI437654-based soybean cultivar as a trap crop found no HG Type 1.2 SCN reproduction on this seed under chamber condition.  The Soybean Cyst Nematode Working Group found that 80 % of soybean growers do not sample for soybean cyst nematodes.

James Lamondia (Connecticut) evaluated P. penetrans reproduction on legumes used as cover crops and found that purple clover and partridge pea were suppressive.  A solanaceous weed, Solanum sisymbriifolium (sticky nightshade or Litchi tomato) was more suppressive than a resistant tobacco cultivar to tobacco cyst nematode (Globodera tabacum) which is being used as a model for potato cyst nematodes G. pallida.  A new Beech Leaf Disease associated with Litylenchus nematodes appears to be widespread in New England, with high nematode numbers defoliating trees.

Frank Hay (Cornell) and Sarah Pethybridge have developed primers specific to M. hapla DNA isolated directly from soils.  Heat treatment of bulbs at 48 C for 30 minutes controlled Ditylenchus dipsaci in garlic.

James Kotcon (West Virginia) is evaluating nematode trapping fungi for control of dagger nematodes (Xiphinema spp.) in peach orchards.  A new experiment will assess changes in soil microbial communities inoculated with bacteriovore, fungivore, and carnivore nematodes.  Whole microbial community DNA will be extracted from soils before and after incubation with nematodes, and then sequenced to estimate changes in both bacterial and fungal community composition, diversity and abundance.

Andreas Westpahl (California) observed differences in reaction to Pasteuria isolates and resistance genes in pepper to differentiate races of Meloidogyne hapla, which will allow growers to plant inherently resistance crop species and varieties to preserve crop yield and grower profitability.  Experiments utilizing poultry based compost enhanced the survival of enteric pathogens in soil more than dairy-based compost.


Business meeting

Jim Kotcon was elected Chair, and Ernie Bernard secretary for the coming year

Jim Kotcon moved to accept the invitation to meet in Florida’s southwest region in September 2021.  Southwest Florida regional airport (RSW) is the closest airport

The project is in its final year, and approval to re-write has been received.  There was a consensus to include new subject matter and a new title.  The project will involve soil health as a cross-cutting approach, particularly the biological side of soil health with special reference to nematodes.

Other topics discussed include nematode distribution and emergence of new pests, and how climate change and how is that affecting distribution, i.e.  Ditylenchus, Litylenchus, etc.

Proposed Title: Sustainable Management of Nematodes in Soil and Plant Health Systems

Objectives will include: 1. Nematode management, 2. Nematode ecology, 3.  Detection, distribution, and movement of invasive and emerging nematode pests, and 4.  Outreach to the agricultural community and general public

Committee:  One of them did the critical review, look at the regional projects, 3 or 4 in the nation.  We do not want mayor overlap with regional projects. 

Chairs for objectives: Andreas Westphal (management), Jim Kotcon (ecology and soil health objective), Billy Crow (invasive pest, movement and distribution), Marisol (extension outreach), Four people in the rewrite committee, one is responsible for the critical review to make sure there no major regional overlap. 

Proposed Writing Schedule:  November 1st, members respond with their paragraphs, the committee has first draft by Nov 10th, get a final draft by Nov 15th.  A Temporary number 2140 was assigned. 

The meeting adjourned at 4:12 PM.

Respectfully submitted by:

Jim Kotcon, West Virginia University


<p><strong>SHORT-TERM OUTCOMES:</strong></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>CA: </strong>In 2020 CA, elites of the walnut rootstock development program were forwarded into commercial-scale field trialing.</p><br /> <p><strong>HI: </strong> Over three field trials, we found fluopyram is effective against <em>Meloidogyne </em>spp. whereas azadirachtin is more effective against <em>Rotylenchulus reniformis.</em> Integrating fluopyram with sunn hemp cover cropping or even azadirachtin chemigation might be necessary to manage <em>Meloidogyne </em>spp. and <em>R. reniformis </em>concurrently. The integration of cover cropping with fluopyram or azadirachtin chemigation significantly reduced the negative impact of these nematicides on soil health.</p><br /> <p><strong>IL:</strong> Regional sampling for SCN across organic farming operations revealed that systems managed with long-term rotations (i.e., &gt; 3-yrs) may promote SCN suppression as oppose to short-term rotations (i.e., 3-yr rotation).</p><br /> <p><strong>FL: </strong>Evaluated experimental nematode control treatments for turfgrasses and ornamental plants in 8 greenhouse trials and 15 field trials. Conducted second year of two field trials quantifying damage caused by lance nematode to bermudagrass golf greens.</p><br /> <p><strong>MA:</strong> Because of COVID and severe restrictions of undergraduates working in labs or outdoors, it was not possible to carry out any meaningful field plot trials this past growing season. One field trial of a proprietary material to control nematodes in turfgrasses was completed but lack of rain throughout the growing season prevented the nematode population from developing a normally robust population so that differences in treatments and control were not apparent.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>MA:</strong> We continue to make progress in collecting morphometric data on a new species of root-knot nematode from a <em>Poa</em>/<em>Agrostis</em> stand from two different golf courses in northern New Hampshire.</p><br /> <p><strong>TN:</strong> Medicinal (CBD) hemp cultivars have a wide range of reactions to <em>Meloidogyne incognita</em>, from highly susceptible to highly resistant. Should this nematode become a significant field pest of hemp, resistant cultivars already exist for field planting or development of new lines.</p><br /> <p><strong>TN:</strong> Commercial boxwood growers in Tennessee are seeing increasing infestations of <em>Meloidogyne incognita</em>. Greenhouse experiments have demonstrated the presence of resistance to the nematode in at least one cultivar.</p><br /> <p><strong>TN:</strong> A statewide survey of solanaceous crops (137 soil samples) revealed that that <em>M. incognita</em> was present in 38 of 137 samples (28%), <em>M. hapla</em> was found in 3 samples and a mix of the two in 4 samples. The invasive species <em>M. enterolobii</em> was not collected from any sample.</p><br /> <p><strong>TN:</strong> In a statewide survey of vineyards for pests and pathogens, 15 of 51 samples (29%) contained <em>Xiphinema americanum</em>-group dagger nematodes. DNA analysis for species identification is ongoing.</p><br /> <p><strong>RI: </strong>Golf course superintendents will have a new, highly effective nematicide with less environmental impact, for use on golf courses with the registration of fluazaindolizine, currently in the EPA pipeline. The material is extremely efficacious at reducing populations of <em>Hoplolaimus galeatus, </em>one of the most aggressive nematodes on turf in the northern states. No other currently labeled turf nematicide has activity against <em>H. galeatus</em>. The material has also shown efficacy on <em>Tylenchorhynchus </em>spp. and <em>Helicotylenchus </em>spp.</p><br /> <p><strong>VT: </strong>Replicated on-farm trials of two approaches aimed toward reducing inoculum load of <em>Rhizoctonia solani</em> for lettuce production: anaerobic soil disinfestation and blending vermicompost in starter mix. These trials will be repeated in 2020 and 2021. These projects are funded by a combination of small grants from the Northeastern Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education, Organic Valley&rsquo;s Farmers Advocating for Organic, a Vermont Specialty Crop Block Grant. The project constitutes the thesis research of Master&rsquo;s student, Anna R. Brown.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>OUTPUTS:</strong></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>CT: </strong>Dr. LaMondia conducted 172 nematode diagnostic samples and conducted testing as an APHIS certified pinewood nematode export testing facility.</p><br /> <p><strong>FL:</strong> The Florida nematode assay lab provided diagnoses on 5,340 samples submitted to the lab. Thirteen presentations were given in-person or via webinar to grower groups.</p><br /> <p><strong>RI:</strong> Approximately 200 nematode samples were processed from golf course putting greens to determine if damaging levels of plant parasitic nematodes were present and whether control of these populations were warranted. Five presentations were given to golf course superintendents and other professionals regarding nematode management.</p><br /> <p>Many peer reviewed publications were produced by collaborators of the project, see additional list.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>ACTIVITIES: </strong></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Objective 1. Develop and integrate management tactics for control of plant-parasitic nematodes including biological, cultural (such as rotation or cover crops and plant resistance), and chemical. </em></strong></p><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p><br /> <p><strong>CA: </strong>Field experiments for a winter cover crop period are established. Two cover crop treatments (one including brassica, the second Merced Rye) show promise in either reducing nematode population densities or improving plant growth. Experiments were harvested for almond production in 2020.</p><br /> <p><strong>CT: </strong>We have previously had success in managing plant parasitic nematodes using rotation crops but continue to look for plants with value beyond impact on nematode populations. We conducted experiments to screen a range of leguminous plants used for pollinator forage for suppression of lesion nematodes in microplots. We planted Purple clover, White clover, Creamy milk vetch, Round bush clover, Slender bush clover, Senna, Pannicled tick trefoil, and Partridge pea in comparison with Oats and Black oats.</p><br /> <p><strong>CT:</strong> Trap crops are being developed for nonchemical control of cyst nematodes. A solanaceous weed, <em>Solanum</em> <em>sisymbriifolium</em> (sticky nightshade or Litchi tomato) is being evaluated to control potato cyst nematodes <em>Globodera pallida</em>. Because of the difficulties in working with this regulated pathogen, we used the closely related tobacco cyst nematode <em>G. tabacum</em> as a model system. Experiments were conducted to evaluate <em>S.</em> <em>sisymbriifolium</em> for ability to stimulate hatch of <em>G. tabacum</em> in comparison to a susceptible or resistant host plant, for ability of the nematode to reproduce and increase, and for efficacy against the nematode as a trap crop under field conditions in comparison to plant resistance<em>. </em></p><br /> <p><strong>HI:</strong> In a Sorghum/Sorghum-Sudangrass hybrids (SSgH) trial to screen for effective cover crop as soil builders and microbial enhancers, an energy sorghum (NX-D-61/5D61) was most promising as it produced the highest amount of cover crop biomass (higher than sunn hemp, a popular green manure crop in Hawaii), increased soil carbon content and conserved soil moisture at the end of 2.5 months of growth among 12 varieties tested. NX-D-61 used as soil amendment was also most suppressive to root-knot nematodes based on a mustard green host bioassay in a pot experiment. Rhizosphere soil from NX-D-61 along with another sorghum-sudangrass hybrid, Lattee, yielded higher microbial biomass compared to bare ground and most of the other varieties tested based on phospholipid lipid acid profile analysis. Through multivariate analysis using Canoco for Window 10 software, we found a positive relationship between microbial abundance with SSgH biomass, soil moisture, soil microbial respiration, soil C, but a negative relationship with abundance of plant parasitic nematodes.</p><br /> <p><strong>MI: </strong>Seed for a PI 437654-based SCN trap crop has been increased for two years under field conditions in cooperation with a local seed company. There was no HG Type 1.2 SCN reproduction on this seed under chamber conditions. SCN trap crop seed has been distributed to eight commercial soybean growers for late 2020 summer planting and evaluation of its impact on soybean yields in 2021.</p><br /> <p><strong>MI: </strong>In a three-year seed potato production system, two years of an eight-cultivar cover crop blend resulted in a 31.7% greater potato tuber yield compared to the current cover crop practice (P &lt;0.05).&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>OH: </strong>Examination of root-knot nematode in tomato production systems in Ohio. High tunnel production is an emerging production system for tomatoes in Ohio that allows earlier and later production of fresh market tomatoes (+2 months). Plant and soil samples were collected from 36 farms from across Ohio. Plant samples were examined visually for the presence of root-knot nematode and soil samples were planted with susceptible tomato (cv. Moneymaker) and later examined for the formation of knots. Out of the 71 high tunnel plants/soils examined the presence of <em>Meloidogyne hapla</em> was detected in 32 samples (45%) and of the 36 farms examined, 19 (52%) had <em>M. hapla</em> thus confirming the presence of <em>M. hapla</em> in 14 counties in Ohio. Using PCR diagnostics, 26 of the plant samples tested positive for <em>M. hapla</em> and 2 tested positive <em>for M. incognita</em>. DNA obtained from soil samples provided 6 additional positive <em>M. hapla</em> samples.</p><br /> <p><strong>OH: </strong>Two different <em>M. hapla</em> populations (one from lettuce collected previously from muck soils and one from a high-tunnel under tomato production) and one <em>M. incognita</em> population (also collected from a high-tunnel under tomato production) were examined for their ability to affect yield. Over 200 microplots were planted in a high tunnel and different inoculum levels were used. Microplots were treated with either 500, 5000, or 25000 eggs from each of the three populations and a non-inoculated control utilizing a randomized block design. There was no difference in yield or number of fruits per plant across all treatments.</p><br /> <p><strong>OH: </strong>Nine different commercial biocontrol products were examined for their ability to control root-knot nematode (<em>M. hapla</em> and <em>M. incognita</em>) under greenhouse and microplot (high-tunnel) conditions. Only two biocontrol products (Actinovate AG and Bio-Activate) showed a modest reduction in root-knot nematode numbers under greenhouse conditions. In microplots, none of these nine products tested significantly altered the gall index nor did it alter yield or total number of fruits per plant.</p><br /> <p><strong>RI:</strong> During the 2020 field season, nematicide trials were undertaken on golf courses in Rhode Island to compare the efficacy of fluazaindolizine, fluopyram and abamectin against <em>Hoplolaimus galeatus.&nbsp;&nbsp; </em>Neither fluopyram nor abamectin, singly or in combination, were effective at managing <em>H. galeatus </em>on golf course putting greens where populations regularly reached 7,000 nematodes/100 cc soil. While lower rates of fluazaindolizine produced a non-significant but possibly biologically detectable drop in nematode populations, higher rates of the material resulted in statistically significantly reductions in nematode population and statistically (and visually) improved turf quality. While abamectin has been reported to have an effect on <em>H. galeatus </em>in other studies, it was unclear why it was ineffective in this trial. Fluopyram has not been reported as effective against <em>H. galeatus </em>previously but it does work well on <em>Tylenchorhynchus </em>spp. and <em>Meloidogyne </em>in Northern states.</p><br /> <p><strong>TN:</strong> The cultivar &lsquo;Wife&rsquo; was confirmed to be nearly immune to <em>M. incognita</em> and &lsquo;Carolina&rsquo; was a poor host, whereas roots of &lsquo;Charlotte&rsquo;s Web&rsquo; were consistently heavily galled and supported high egg production. Other tested cultivars (&lsquo;Cherry&rsquo;, &lsquo;OG&rsquo;) were intermediate in suitability for nematode galling and reproduction. &lsquo;Special Sauce&rsquo; was a good host for <em>M. incognita</em>, &lsquo;Frosted Lime&rsquo; was intermediate and &lsquo;Siskiyou Gold&rsquo; was a poor host when measured in terms of egg production. In a small test with <em>M. hapla</em>, &lsquo;Wife&rsquo; was a moderately good host but &lsquo;Special Sauce&rsquo; was highly resistant. Regardless of host, galls were small, white and hard; hand-sectioning revealed strong production of columnar vascular parenchyma in galled root tissue. In the boxwood study, distinct differences occurred in galling between the various cultivars with one cultivar being nearly free of galling. Planting medium also had a strong effect on symptoms; galling was most severe on plants in sand, less severe in 1:1 sand:peat, and almost non-existent in peat and bark mulch.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><em><strong>Objective 2. Determine the ecological interactions between nematode populations, nematode communities, ecosystems and soil health.</strong></em></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>CA:</strong> Anaerobic soil disinfestation is tested in various experimental contexts to determine the method&rsquo;s limitations. Sites infested with different nematode species and following different crops were used for testing of substrate amount and irrigation regiment.</p><br /> <p><strong>IL: </strong>Participated in the design of a survey to estimate the abundance and community structure of plant parasitic and free-living nematodes in fields managed for commercial organic grain production in Illinois (Collaborating PIs: Jaeyeong Ham (PhD Candidate), Carmen M. Ugarte, Nathan E. Schroeder, and Glen L. Hartman)</p><br /> <p><strong>MI: </strong>In 2017-2019, thermo-stability information obtained from remote sensing and hand dug geo-positioned tuber yields show that tuber yields under cool and stable conditions were greater than those under hot and stable or sites with thermo-instability. Thermo-stability is being proposed as a new soil health indicator.</p><br /> <p><strong>OH: </strong>A large collection of pseudomonads was examined for their ability to affect root-knot and soybean cyst nematode. Under <em>in vitro</em> conditions, numerous <em>Pseudomonas</em> strains were identified that could affect nematode viability. Further <em>in planta </em>experiments in the greenhouse narrowed down the activity to nine different strains. However, three years of microplot experiments has shown that none of these were able to limit SCN numbers under the conditions tested. Further <em>in vitro</em> experiments showed that volatiles produced by certain strains of <em>Pseudomonas</em> could kill RKN and SCN. Subsequent analysis of volatiles has revealed that the production of hydrogen cyanide and organosulfur compounds can be lethal to these nematodes. Current work is focused on examining how to provide the necessary substrates that lead to the production of these nematode-lethal volatiles in soil to determine if better control can be achieved.</p><br /> <p><strong>TN:</strong> An extensive paper on decomposition of beaver carcasses was published (Taylor et al. 2020). Nematode succession and community composition were much different under human cadavers than under the beaver cadavers of the previous experiment. Nematodes are ubiquitous in soil and sensitive to sudden and large inputs of nutrients that support fungal and bacterial growth. Forensic nematology studies with both beaver and human cadavers strongly suggest that nematode communities under corpses can be useful in estimating post-mortem intervals, especially in cases where a body has been undisturbed for weeks or months.</p><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Objective 3. Outreach and communication - Compile and present/publish guidance on nematode management and management effects on soil health for different crops under different conditions.</em></strong></p><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p><br /> <p><strong>CT:</strong> As a part of diagnostic services, we confirmed the first report of beech leaf disease caused by the foliar nematode <em>Litylenchus crenatae</em> subsp<em>. mccannii</em> in southwestern Connecticut in 2019, in south eastern CT, Rhode Island and Plymouth MA in 2020. Educational programs will be directed to arborists in the state.</p><br /> <p><strong>HI: </strong> We presented nematode and soil health management projects through guest lectures to new farmers&rsquo; training program, displays at Ag Day at the Capital to state legislators, farmers and other ag-professionals, displays at College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources (CTAHR) Day to high school student visitors, or at the University of Hawaii Manoa student recruitment day. Two YouTubes videos were generated: one on Cover Crop for Soil Health Management, the other one on use of entomopathogenic nematodes and trap cropping for diamondback moth management. Four peer reviewed and 4 extension articles were published to share our results findings. A &ldquo;Virtual Soil Health and Sustainable IPM Mini Conference&rdquo; was presented to 30 participants.</p><br /> <p><strong>MI: </strong>In 2019, the SCN Coalition sponsored 239 winter meetings, 77 field days and 39 train the trainer events. It also had <em>circa</em> 10,000 direct grower contacts, 117 local media events and published 25 Extension documents. In addition, Dr. Bird received a major national public relations award.</p><br /> <p><strong>TN</strong>: A comprehensive summary of major hemp diseases and pests in Tennessee was published (Hansen et al. 2020).</p><br /> <p><strong>VT: </strong>Podcast Episode, A Soil Symphony, where Dr. Deborah Neher tells the story of compost as biologically rich soil, <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p><strong>VT: </strong>Curriculum Development Contractor for the Composting Association of Vermont. Soil builders &ndash; education for action: Using compost to prevent erosion and improve water quality in the Lake Champlain Basin, $40,000, May 2020 &ndash; May 2021.</p><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>ACOMPLISHED MILESTONES (2020): </strong></p><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>CT: </strong>Conclude and evaluate long-term impacts of cover - and rotation-crop experiments</p><br /> <p><strong>MA: </strong>A 3-hour workshop on the identification of endoparasitic plant parasitic nematodes was carried out on March 10, 2020 at the University of Massachusetts. There were 14 diagnosticians representing the Northeast Plant Disease Network in attendance.</p><br /> <p><strong>OH:</strong> Analyze and publish location-specific traits relative to M. hapla populations</p><br /> <p><strong>TN: </strong>Conclude and evaluate long-term impacts of cover- and rotation-crop experiments.</p><br /> <p><strong>Multiple States:</strong> Determine the relationship between the microbial community, plant-parasitic nematodes, soil health, and crop productivity</p><br /> <p><strong>Multiple states: </strong>Publish preliminary (and final) results</p><br /> <p><strong>Multiple states: </strong>Conduct grower education, annual short course and webinar</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p>


<p>Adams, A., J. LaMondia, R. Cowles, B. Nicholson and T. Mione. 2020. Stimulating hatch of tobacco cyst nematode <em>Globodera tabacum</em>, by hydroponically obtained weedy <em>Solanum</em> spp. root exudates. Nematropica in press.</p><br /> <p>Bintarti, A.F., Wilson, J., Quintanilla-Tornel, M., and Shade, A.&nbsp;&nbsp; 2020. Biogeography and diversity of multi-trophic root zone microbiomes in Michigan apple orchards: analysis of rootstock, scion, and growing region. Phytobiomes Journal.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Cole, E., Pu, J., Chung, H., and Quintanilla, M. 2020. Impacts of manures and manure-based composts on root lesion nematodes and <em>Verticillium dahliae</em> in Michigan potatoes. Phytopathology.</p><br /> <p>Crow, W. T., Habteweld, A., Bean T. 2020. Mist chamber extraction for improved diagnosis of <em>Meloidogyne</em> spp. from golf course bermudagrass. Journal of Nematology 52:e2020-96.</p><br /> <p>Demesyeux, L., Mendes M. L., Crow, W. T., Chambers, A. H. 2020. Plant-parasitic nematodes associated with eight banana cultivars in southern Florida. Nematropica 50:19-28.</p><br /> <p>Dyrdahl-Young, R., Cole, E., Quintanilla Tornel, M., Weldon, R., &amp; DiGennaro, P.&nbsp;&nbsp; 2020. Economic assessment of nematode biological control agents in a potato production model. Nematology, 1(aop), 1-9.</p><br /> <p>Eberlein, C., Heuer, H., and A. Westphal. 2020. Biological suppression of populations of <em>Heterodera schachtii </em>adapted to different host genotypes of sugar beet. Frontiers in Plant Science. Plant Pathogen Interactions. Online: <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a>?</p><br /> <p>Eberlein, C., Edalati, A., Zhang, R., and A. Westphal. 2020. A rapid bioassay for measuring nematode suppressive potential of anaerobic digestate. Nematology 22: 879-889.</p><br /> <p>Eshchanov, Bahodir and George Bird. 2020. Influence of grafting and pruning on&nbsp;<em>Solanum lycopersicum</em>&nbsp;&lsquo;Anahu&rsquo; and &lsquo;Rutgers&rsquo; biomass partitioning in the presence and absence of&nbsp;<em>Meloidogyne incognita</em>&nbsp;(Nematoda). Acta Horticulturae (in press).</p><br /> <p>Habteweld, A., Akyazi, F., Joseph, S., Crow, W. T., Abebe, E., Mekete, T. 2019. Description of <em>Hirschmanniella dicksoni</em> n. sp.(Nematode Pratylenchidae) from rhizosphere soil of limpograss from Florida U. S. A. Journal of Nematology 51:e2019-83.</p><br /> <p>Hansen, Z. R., E. C. Bernard, J. F. Grant, K. D. Gwinn, F. A. Hale, H. M. Kelly, and S. D. Stewart. 2020. Hemp Disease and Pest Management. University of Tennessee Extension Publication, W 916. 15 pp.</p><br /> <p>Jones, W. B., Kruse, J. K., Enloe, H. A., Crow, W. T. 2020. Effects of pre-planting incorporation or post-planting top-dressing of organic amendments on bermudagrass for tolerance to <em>Belonolaimus longicaudatus</em>. Nematropica 50:59-66.</p><br /> <p>Marra R. E. and J. A. LaMondia 2020. First Report of Beech Leaf Disease, caused by the foliar nematode, <em>Litylenchus crenatae</em>, on American Beech (<em>Fagus grandifolia</em>) in Connecticut. Plant Disease 104: <a href=""></a>.</p><br /> <p>Mendes, M. L., Dickson, D. W., Crow, W. T. 2020. Yellow and purple nutsedge and coffee senna as hosts of common plant nematodes in Florida. Journal of Nematology 52:e2020-94.</p><br /> <p>Miller, M., Uppala, L., and Wick, R. 2020. A Survey of Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Cranberry Bogs in Massachusetts (Poster, NEDAPS)</p><br /> <p>Myers, R., B. Bushe, C. Mello, J. Lichty, A. Hara, B. Sipes, and K.-H. Wang. 2020. Yield Increases in burrowing nematode infested anthurium with fluopyram and trifloxystrobin applications. HortTech 30: 603-607 (</p><br /> <p>Neher, D.A. and Barbercheck, M.E. 2019. Soil microarthropods and soil health: Intersection of decomposition and pest suppression. Special issue on &ldquo;Elucidating the Role of Soil Arthropods in Soil Health&rdquo;, <em>Insects </em>10(12):414. doi: 10.3390/insects10120414</p><br /> <p>Neher, D.A., Limoges, M.A., Weicht, T.R., Sharma, M., Miller, P.D. and Donnelly, C. 2020. Bacterial community dynamics distinguish poultry compost from dairy compost and unamended soils planted with spinach. <em>Microorganisms </em>8(10):1601. doi:10.3390/microorganisms8101601</p><br /> <p>Nuaima, R.H., H. Heuer, and A. Westphal. 2019. Effects of cover cropping on microbial communities associated with <em>Heterodera schachtii</em> and nematode virulence. Soil Systems 3(4) 67. Online: <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>O&rsquo;Brien, B.J., Neher, D.A., and Roy, E.D. 2019. Nutrient and pathogen suppression properties of anaerobic digestates from dairy manure and food waste feedstocks. <em>Waste and Biomass Valorization</em> doi: 10.1007/s12649-019-00906-4</p><br /> <p>Phillips, G., J. K. Moulton, and E. C. Bernard. 2020. <em>Heth pivari</em> n. sp. (Nematoda: Ransomnematoidea: Hethidae) from the indigenous North American millipede <em>Narceus gordanus</em> (Spirobolida: Spirobolidae), with keys for worldwide Heth spp. Zootaxa, 4861 (1): 486-514.</p><br /> <p>Porterfield, K.K., Joblin, R., Neher, D.A., Curtis, M., Dvorak, S., Rizzo, D.M., Faulkner, J.W. and Roy, E.D. 2020. Upcycling phosphorus recovered from anaerobically digested dairy manure to support production for vegetables and flowers. <em>Sustainability </em>12:1139. doi: 10.3390/su12031139</p><br /> <p>Sedaghatjoo, S., S&ouml;chting, H.P., and A. Westphal. 2017. Potential of <em>Crotalaria juncea</em> as a cover crop for cyst nematode suppression under Central Europe conditions. Nematoda: published online DOI: 10.4322/nematode.00417.</p><br /> <p>Taylor, Lois S., G. Phillips, E. C. Bernard, and J. M. DeBruyn. 2020. Soil nematode functional diversity, successional patterns, and indicator taxa associated with vertebrate decomposition hotspots. PLoS ONE, 15(11): e0241777.</p><br /> <p>Ugarte, C.M., and J.R. Taylor. 2020. Chemical and biological indicators of soil health in Chicago urban gardens and farms. Urban Agriculture and Regional Food Systems. doi10.1002/uar2.20004</p><br /> <p>Waisen, P., Z. Cheng, B.S. Sipes, J. DeFrank, S.P. Marahatta and K.-H. Wang. 2020. Effects of biofumigant crop termination methods on suppression of plant-parasitic nematodes. Applied Soil Ecology 154: 103595 (<a href=""></a>).</p><br /> <p>Waller, R., Linderme, J and Wick, R. 2020. An Undescribed <em>Meloidogyne </em>sp. (root-knot nematode) from turfgrasses in two sites in New Hampshire (Poster, NEDAPS)</p><br /> <p>Westphal, A., Maung, Z.T.Z., Doll, D.A., Yaghmour, M.A., Chitambar, J.J., and S.A. Subbotin. 2019. First Report of the Peach Root-Knot Nematode, <em>Meloidogyne floridensis</em> Infecting Almond on Root-Knot Nematode Resistant &ldquo;Hansen 536&rdquo; and &ldquo;Bright&rsquo;s Hybrid 5&rdquo; Rootstocks in California, USA. Journal of Nematology, 51, 1&ndash;3. <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Thesis: Rebecca Kimmelfield: (PhD Thesis; 2020, OSU, Plant Pathology): Establishing the use of Pseudomonas spp. as biocontrol agents of fungal and nematode pathogens.</p><br /> <p>Thesis: Marlia Bosques Martinez: (Masters of Science; 2020, OSU, Plant Pathology): Assessment of root-knot nematode presence in tomatoes in Ohio, yield loss, and biocontrol.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p>

Impact Statements

  1. Hemp is rapidly increasing in acreage in many states. As it can take five or more years for soil pathogens to increase to damaging levels. Because of the wide host range of root-knot nematodes, they cannot be economically eradicated from infested land, thus germplasm sources resistant to Meloidogyne spp. may provide management options.
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Date of Annual Report: 12/20/2020

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 10/20/2020 - 10/23/2020
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2019 - 09/30/2020


Andreas Westphal (California), Jim LaMondia (CT), Billy Crow (UFL), Koon-Hui Wang (U-Hawaii), Marisol Quintanilla (MSU), George Bird (MSU), Amanda Howland (MSU), Sita Thapa (MSU), Luisa Parrado (MSU), Nathaniel Mitkowski (URI), Ernie Bernard (Tenn), Debra Neher (Vermont), Jim Kotcon (WVU), Brandon Edgar (WVU), Carmen Ugarte (IL), Lesley Schumaker (USDA-ARS-Tenn), Chris Taylor, (OH), Robb Wick (UMass), Mark Rieger (Administrative Advisor)

Brief Summary of Minutes

NE-1640 Regional Nematology Research Committee meeting Minutes,

Via video conference, Oct. 21-22, 2020

Marisol Quintanilla, Chair. 

Administrative Advisor:  Mark Rieger

Attending: Andreas Westphal (California), Jim LaMondia (CT), Billy Crow (UFL), Koon-Hui Wang (U-Hawaii), Marisol Quintanilla (MSU), George Bird (MSU), Amanda Howland (MSU), Sita Thapa (MSU), Luisa Parrado (MSU), Nathaniel Mitkowski (URI), Ernie Bernard (Tenn), Debra Neher (Vermont), Jim Kotcon (WVU), Brandon Edgar (WVU), Carmen Ugarte (IL), Lesley Schumaker (USDA-ARS-Tenn), Chris Taylor, (OH), Robb Wick (UMass), Mark Rieger (Administrative Advisor) .

The 2020 NE-1640 meeting was held on October 21st and 22nd  2020 from 1 to 5 pm on both days, via video conference due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Administrative Advisor

Mark Rieger commended our great report.  He recommended that we write an application for a Multistate research award and said we are well positioned to obtain one. 

Regarding the topics to consider for objectives, he said that we were right on with nematode assessment and that we could almost see the future ahead of time five years ago.  He mentioned soil health as important and specifically mentioned the importance of SCN.  He will send email with deadlines and will give us contact of David Leibovitz


Ernest Bernard (Tennessee) reported results from trials evaluating varietal responses of CBD hemp cultivars to root know nematodes (Meloidogyne incognita).  Susceptible cultivars include ‘Charlottes Web’ and ‘Special Sauce’; ‘Siskiyou Gold was slightly susceptible; and ‘Carolina’ was resistant.  A statewide survey of solanaceous crops (137 soil samples) revealed that that M. incognita was present in 38 of 137 samples (28%), M. hapla was found in 3 samples and a mix of the two in 4 samples. The invasive species M. enterolobii was not collected from any sample. Surveys of vineyards found that 15 of 51 samples (29%) contained Xiphinema americanum-group dagger nematodes. DNA analysis for species identification is ongoing.  Commercial boxwood growers in Tennessee are seeing increasing infestations of Meloidogyne incognita. Greenhouse experiments have demonstrated the presence of resistance to the nematode in at least one boxwood cultivar.  Root galling in boxwood may lead to rejection of entire lots.

William Crow (Florida) evaluated experimental nematode control treatments for turfgrasses and ornamental plants in eight greenhouse trials and 15 field trials.  Two field trials quantifying damage caused by lance nematode to bermudagrass golf greens were continued.  Nematicides were largely ineffective for controlling lance nematode (Hoplolaimus), but gave some benefit for other nematodes.  The foliar nematodes Aphelenchoides besseyi, A. oryzae and A. pseudobesseyi were recognized, and A. pseudobesseyi may be an emerging problem on soybeans as symptoms are easily confused with stink bug injury.  Incidence of the awl nematode (Dolichodorus) on turfgrass is increasing, this nematode reproduces well on the cover crop sunn hemp and the weed purple nutsedge.

Nathaniel Mitkowski (Rhode Island) demonstrated the efficacy of fluazaindolizine, but not fluopyram and abamectin, against Hoplolaimus galeatus on golf course putting greens where populations regularly reached 7,000 nematodes/100 cc soil.  While lower rates of fluazaindolizine produced a non-significant but possibly biologically detectable drop in nematode populations, higher rates of the material resulted in statistically significantly reductions in nematode population and statistically (and visually) improved turf quality.  While abamectin has been reported to have an effect on H. galeatus in other studies, it was unclear why it was ineffective in this trial.  Fluopyram has not been reported as effective against H. galeatus previously but it does work well on Tylenchorhynchus spp. and Meloidogyne in Northern states.

Chris Taylor (Ohio) surveyed root knot nematode populations in high tunnel tomato production and detected M. hapla in 45% of 71 high tunnels sampled.  Two biocontrol products (Actinovate and Bio-Activate) produced modest reductions in nematode numbers in greenhouse trials, but did not influence galling or yield .in microplots.  A large collection of Pseudomonads were screened for nematicidal activity in vitro, but these failed to reduce soybean cyst nematode numbers in microplots.

Lesley Schumacher (USDA-ARS, Tennessee) described studies she is initiating on soybean cyst and lesion (Pratylenchus penetrans) nematodes in soybeans.

Rob Wick (Massachusetts) described a field trial of a proprietary compound for nematode control in turf grass.  He also is describing a new species of root knot nematodes from turf grasses, and reported a finding of Bursaphelenchus antoniae on white pine.

Carmen Ugarte (Illinois) described surveys for abundance and community structure of nematodes in organic grain production.  Soybean fields in farms with long rotations had lower population densities of soybean cyst nematode, and soils had greater suppressiveness than from farms using shorter rotations.

Debra Neher (Vermont) described work using anaerobic soil disinfestation for suppression of soil borne diseases.  Soils with complex food webs containing fungi and fungivorous nematodes were correlated with greater suppression.

Koon-Hui Wang (Hawaii) reported on biofumigation with Brassica and papaya for control of root knot nematode.  Additional studies included sorghum and sunn hemp biomass.

George Bird (Michigan) found increased potato yields, but no differences in nematode populations using black oats as a trap crop.  Using a PI437654-based soybean cultivar as a trap crop found no HG Type 1.2 SCN reproduction on this seed under chamber condition.  The Soybean Cyst Nematode Working Group found that 80 % of soybean growers do not sample for soybean cyst nematodes.

James Lamondia (Connecticut) evaluated P. penetrans reproduction on legumes used as cover crops and found that purple clover and partridge pea were suppressive.  A solanaceous weed, Solanum sisymbriifolium (sticky nightshade or Litchi tomato) was more suppressive than a resistant tobacco cultivar to tobacco cyst nematode (Globodera tabacum) which is being used as a model for potato cyst nematodes G. pallida.  A new Beech Leaf Disease associated with Litylenchus nematodes appears to be widespread in New England, with high nematode numbers defoliating trees.

Frank Hay (Cornell) and Sarah Pethybridge have developed primers specific to M. hapla DNA isolated directly from soils.  Heat treatment of bulbs at 48 C for 30 minutes controlled Ditylenchus dipsaci in garlic.

James Kotcon (West Virginia) is evaluating nematode trapping fungi for control of dagger nematodes (Xiphinema spp.) in peach orchards.  A new experiment will assess changes in soil microbial communities inoculated with bacteriovore, fungivore, and carnivore nematodes.  Whole microbial community DNA will be extracted from soils before and after incubation with nematodes, and then sequenced to estimate changes in both bacterial and fungal community composition, diversity and abundance.

Andreas Westpahl (California) observed differences in reaction to Pasteuria isolates and resistance genes in pepper to differentiate races of Meloidogyne hapla, which will allow growers to plant inherently resistance crop species and varieties to preserve crop yield and grower profitability.  Experiments utilizing poultry based compost enhanced the survival of enteric pathogens in soil more than dairy-based compost.


Business meeting

Jim Kotcon was elected Chair, and Ernie Bernard secretary for the coming year.

Jim Kotcon moved to accept the invitation to meet in Florida’s southwest region in September 2021.  Southwest Florida regional airport (RSW) is the closest airport.

The project is in its final year, and approval to re-write has been received.  There was a consensus to include new subject matter and a new title.  The project will involve soil health as a cross-cutting approach, particularly the biological side of soil health with special reference to nematodes.

Other topics discussed include nematode distribution and emergence of new pests, and how climate change and how is that affecting distribution, i.e.  Ditylenchus, Litylenchus, etc.

Proposed Title: Sustainable Management of Nematodes in Soil and Plant Health Systems

Objectives will include: 1. Nematode management, 2. Nematode ecology, 3.  Detection, distribution, and movement of invasive and emerging nematode pests, and 4.  Outreach to the agricultural community and general public

Committee:  One of them did the critical review, look at the regional projects, 3 or 4 in the nation.  We do not want mayor overlap with regional projects. 

Chairs for objectives: Andreas Westphal (management), Jim Kotcon (ecology and soil health objective), Billy Crow (invasive pest, movement and distribution), Marisol (extension outreach), Four people in the rewrite committee, one is responsible for the critical review to make sure there no major regional overlap. 

Proposed Writing Schedule:  November 1st, members respond with their paragraphs, the committee has first draft by Nov 10th, get a final draft by Nov 15th.  A Temporary number 2140 was assigned. 

The meeting adjourned at 4:12 PM.

 Respectfully submitted by:

 Jim Kotcon, West Virginia University


<p>&nbsp;<strong>Short-term Outcomes:</strong></p><br /> <p>In <strong>California</strong>, elite selections of the walnut rootstock development program were forwarded into commercial-scale field trialing.</p><br /> <p>In <strong>Connecticut</strong>, we have previously had success in managing plant parasitic nematodes using rotation crops but continue to look for plants with value beyond impact on nematode populations.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>In <strong>Florida</strong>, the foliar nematodes <em>Aphelenchoides besseyi, A. oryzae</em> and <em>A. pseudobesseyi</em> were recognized, and <em>A. pseudobesseyi</em> may be an emerging problem on soybeans as symptoms are easily confused with stink bug injury.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Incidence of the awl nematode (Dolichodorus) on turfgrass is increasing, this nematode reproduces well on the cover crop sunn hemp and the weed purple nutsedge.</p><br /> <p>In <strong>Hawaii</strong>, biofumigation with Brassica and papaya was evaluated for control of root knot nematode.&nbsp; Soils with high soil carbon and high microbial biomass were more suppressive to plant parasitic nemtodes.</p><br /> <p>In <strong>Illinois</strong>, sampling for Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN) across organic farming operations revealed that systems managed with long-term rotations (i.e., &gt; 3-yrs) had greated SCN suppression than short-term rotations (i.e., 3-yr rotation).&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;In <strong>Massachusetts</strong>, a field trial of a proprietary material to control nematodes in turfgrasses was completed but lack of rain throughout the growing season prevented the nematode population from developing a normally robust population so that differences in treatments and control were not apparent.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Morphometric data were collected on a new species of root-knot nematode from a <em>Poa</em>/<em>Agrostis</em> stand from two different golf courses in northern New Hampshire.</p><br /> <p>In <strong>Michigan</strong>, George Bird reported that&nbsp;there was no HG Type 1.2 SCN reproduction following two years of increasing seed for a soybean cyst nematode trap crop based on PI437654.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Cool and stable conditions were associated with high potato tuber yields in three commercial potato fields and thermo-stability is proposed as a new key soil health indicator.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>The SCN Coalition, involving multiple states and private enterprise, held field days and winter meetings, participated in trade shows, published Extension bulletins, provided leadership for nematode-oriented train-the-trainer events, maintained a website and won two national public relations awards.</p><br /> <p>Also in <strong>Michigan</strong>, Marisol Quintanilla evaluated nematode control strategies such as nematicides, composts, and cover crops for crops such as corn, soy, sugar beets, potatoes, vegetables (carrots), fruits, ornamentals (daylilies).</p><br /> <p>In <strong>Minnesota</strong>, 57 soybean varieties were evaluated for SCN resistance and the data have been provided for farmers&rsquo; use.</p><br /> <p>Observations on long-term crop sequence effects on soil microbial community, plant-parasitic nematode population density, and nematode community determined the relationship between the soil microbial and nematode communities with soybean and corn productivity.</p><br /> <p>In <strong>New York</strong> (Cornell) primers specific to <em>M. hapla</em> DNA isolated directly from soils were developed.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Heat treatment of bulbs at 48 C for 30 minutes controlled <em>Ditylenchus dipsaci</em> in garlic.</p><br /> <p>In <strong>Ohio</strong>, root knot nematode populations in high tunnel tomato production were surveyed.&nbsp; <em>M. hapla</em>&nbsp;was detected in 45% of 71 high tunnels sampled.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Two biocontrol products (Actinovate and Bio-Activate) produced modest reductions in nematode numbers in greenhouse trials, but did not influence galling or yield .in microplots.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>A large collection of Pseudomonads were screened for nematicidal activity <em>in vitro</em>, but these failed to reduce soybean cyst nematode numbers in microplots.</p><br /> <p>In <strong>Rhode Island</strong>, golf course superintendents will have a new, highly effective nematicide with less environmental impact, for use on golf courses with the registration of fluazaindolizine, currently in the EPA pipeline. The material is extremely efficacious at reducing populations of <em>Hoplolaimus galeatus, </em>one of the most aggressive nematodes on turf in the northern states.&nbsp; No other currently labeled turf nematicide has activity against <em>H. galeatus</em>.&nbsp; The material has also shown efficacy on <em>Tylenchorhynchus </em>spp. and <em>Helicotylenchus </em>spp.</p><br /> <p>In <strong>Tennessee</strong>, medicinal (CBD) hemp cultivars have a wide range of reactions to <em>Meloidogyne incognita</em>, from highly susceptible to highly resistant. Should this nematode become a significant field pest of hemp, resistant cultivars already exist for field planting or development of new lines.</p><br /> <p>Commercial boxwood growers in Tennessee are seeing increasing infestations of <em>Meloidogyne incognita</em>. Greenhouse experiments have demonstrated the presence of resistance to the nematode in at least one cultivar.</p><br /> <p>A statewide survey of solanaceous crops (137 soil samples) revealed that that <em>M. incognita</em> was present in 38 of 137 samples (28%), <em>M. hapla</em> was found in 3 samples and a mix of the two in 4 samples. The invasive species <em>M. enterolobii</em> was not collected from any sample.</p><br /> <p>In a statewide survey of vineyards for pests and pathogens, 15 of 51 samples (29%) contained <em>Xiphinema americanum</em>-group dagger nematodes. DNA analysis for species identification is ongoing.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;In <strong>Vermont</strong>,&nbsp;anaerobic soil disinfestation was evaluated for suppression of soil borne diseases.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Soils with complex food webs containing fungi and fungivorous nematodes were correlated with greater suppression.</p><br /> <p>In <strong>West Virginia</strong>, an experiment demonstrated that adding urea to water agar improved isolation of nematode trapping fungi, but no differences were found using corn meal agar.</p><br /> <p>A new experiment will assess changes in soil microbial communities inoculated with bacteriovore, fungivore, and carnivore nematodes.&nbsp; Whole microbial community DNA will be extracted from soils before and after incubation with nematodes, and then sequenced to estimate changes in both bacterial and fungal community composition, diversity and abundance.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>Outputs:</strong>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>The NE-1640 project generaed 19 peer-reviewed publications during ghe current period.&nbsp; Several grduate sudent theses and Ph.D dissertations were completed.&nbsp; In additoon, eight Extension bulletins and non-peer reviewed pulications were produced, as well as an on-line podcast, several educational videos, and numerous grower presentations and presentations at meetings.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;<strong>Activities</strong></p><br /> <p>CA: Field experiments for a winter cover crop period are established. Two cover crop treatments (one including brassica, the second Merced Rye) show promise in either reducing nematode population densities or improving plant growth. Experiments were harvested for almond production in 2020.</p><br /> <p>CA: Anaerobic soil disinfestation is tested in various experimental contexts to determine the method&rsquo;s limitations. Sites infested with different nematode species and following different crops were used for testing of substrate amount and irrigation regiment.</p><br /> <p>CA: The PI gave multiple extension presentations and one invited seminar on the management of plant-parasitic nematodes including chemical and biorational methods.</p><br /> <p>CT: Conducted experiments to screen a range of leguminous plants used for pollinator forage for suppression of lesion nematodes in microplots.&nbsp; In 2019-20, we&nbsp;evaluated Purple clover, White clover, Creamy milk vetch, Round bush clover, Slender bush clover, Senna, Pannicled tick trefoil, and Partridge pea in comparison with Oats and Black oats.&nbsp; Lesion nematode populations on Purple clover and Partridge pea were below detectable levels.</p><br /> <p>CT:&nbsp; Nanoparticle metals (CuO and ZnO) were evaluated for potential effects against lesion nematodes and root rots of strawberry.&nbsp;&nbsp;At planting, CuO and ZnO were applied at 50 ppm as root dips&nbsp;at planting in 2017 followed by a foliar treatment.&nbsp; Straw was removed from plants 4 April 2018 and additional nanoparticle CuO and ZnO at 50 ppm were applied to appropriate plots to runoff on 17 May (10% bloom) and 25 May (90% bloom).&nbsp;There were no significant differences between treatments versus untreated controls for&nbsp;fruit yield, leather rot, gray mold, root and shoot weight, percent healthy roots, or lesion nematode numbers per gram of root.</p><br /> <p>CT:&nbsp; A solanaceous weed, <em>Solanum</em> <em>sisymbriifolium</em> (sticky nightshade or Litchi tomato) was more suppressive than a resistant tobacco cultivar to tobacco cyst nematode (<em>Globodera tabacum)</em> which is being used as a model for potato cyst nematodes <em>G. pallida</em>.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>CT:&nbsp; A new Beech Leaf Disease associated with <em>Litylenchus</em>&nbsp;<em>crenatae, </em>ssp<em> mccannii</em> appears to be widespread in New England, with detections in southwestern Connecticut in 2019, in south eastern CT, Rhode Island and Plymouth MA in 2020.&nbsp; High nematode numbers were defoliating trees.&nbsp;Educational programs will be directed to arborists in the state.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>CT:&nbsp; As a part of diagnostic services, &nbsp;172 nematode diagnostic samples were assayed, and an APHIS certified pinewood nematode export testing facility was tested.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>FL:&nbsp; Experimental nematode control treatments for turfgrasses and ornamental plants were evaluated in 8 greenhouse trials and 15 field trials.&nbsp; The second year of two field trials quantified damage caused by lance nematode to bermudagrass golf greens.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>FL: The Florida nematode assay lab provided diagnoses on 5,340 samples submitted to the lab.</p><br /> <p>HI: Biofumigation with Brassica and papaya was evaluated for control of root knot nematode.&nbsp; Additional studies included sorghum and sunn hemp biomass.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>IL: Participated in the design of a survey to estimate the abundance and community structure of plant parasitic and free-living nematodes in fields managed for commercial organic grain production in Illinois (Collaborating PIs: Jaeyeong Ham (PhD Candidate), Carmen M. Ugarte, Nathan E. Schroeder, and Glen L. Hartman)</p><br /> <p>MA: A&nbsp;field trial of a proprietary material to control nematodes in turfgrasses was completed but lack of rain throughout the growing season prevented the nematode population from developing a normally robust population so that differences in treatments and control were not apparent.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>MA: A 3-hour workshop on the identification of endoparasitic plant parasitic nematodes was carried out on March 10, 2020 at the University of Massachusetts. There were 14 diagnosticians representing the Northeast Plant Disease Network in attendance.</p><br /> <p>MI:&nbsp; Seed of a trap crop for SCN&nbsp;was distributed to eight soybean growers for field evaluation.</p><br /> <p>MI: In a three-year seed potato production system, two years of an eight-cultivar cover crop blend resulted in a 31.7% greater potato tuber yield compared to the current cover crop practice (P &lt;0.05).&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</p><br /> <p>MI: In 2019, the SCN Coalition sponsored 239 winter meetings, 77 field days and 39 train the trainer events.&nbsp; It also had <em>circa</em> 10,000 direct grower contacts, 117 local media events and published 25 Extension documents.&nbsp; In addition, George Bird received a major national public relations award.</p><br /> <p>MI:&nbsp;Marisol Quintanilla evaluated nematode control strategies such as nematicides, composts, and cover crops for crops such as corn, soy, sugar beets, potatoes, vegetables (carrots), fruits, ornamentals (daylilies).</p><br /> <p>MN: Experiments were initiated at one site in 2019 and two sites in 2020 in Minnesota to study the effect of oilseed cover crops pennycress planting dates on the soybean cyst nematode (SCN) population in SCN-resistant and susceptible soybean.</p><br /> <p>MN: 2020 SCN variety test data were published in "2020 Soybean Field Crop Trials Results": <a href=""></a>.</p><br /> <p>NY:&nbsp;&nbsp;The safety of heat treatment of garlic cloves for the control of bloat nematode (<em>Ditylenchus dipsaci</em>) was assessed in a field trial.&nbsp; The trial involved five varieties of garlic by two size grades of cloves, by heat treatments (48, 49 and 50&deg;C, and no heat), with three replicate plots of 20 cloves for each treatment combination.&nbsp; Due to Covid-19 restrictions, data collection and agronomic inputs to the trial during the growing season was limited.&nbsp; However, the trial was successfully harvested.&nbsp; Final assessment of garlic quality is being conducted, and data analysis is pending.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>NY: A further two trials were planted in fall 2020, &nbsp;to assess OMRI-listed products as a soil drench (to be applied in spring 2021) for control of bloat nematode, and to assess the effectiveness of heat treatment of bloat nematode infested cloves in combination with dips in OMRI-listed nematicides prior to planting (planted in fall 2020).&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>OH:&nbsp; Examination of root-knot nematode in tomato production systems in Ohio. High tunnel production is an emerging production system for tomatoes in Ohio that allows earlier and later production of fresh market tomatoes (+2 months).&nbsp; Plant and soil samples were collected from 36 farms from across Ohio.&nbsp; Plant samples were examined visually for the presence of root-knot nematode and soil samples were planted with susceptible tomato (cv. Moneymaker) and later examined for the formation of knots.&nbsp; Out of the 71 high tunnel plants/soils examined the presence of <em>Meloidogyne hapla</em> was detected in 32 samples (45%) and of the 36 farms examined, 19 (52%) had <em> hapla</em> thus confirming the presence of <em>M. hapla</em> in 14 counties in Ohio.&nbsp; Using PCR diagnostics, 26 of the plant samples tested positive for <em>M. hapla</em> and 2 tested positive <em>for M. incognita</em>.&nbsp; DNA obtained from soil samples provided 6 additional positive <em>M. hapla</em> samples.</p><br /> <p>OH: Two different <em> hapla</em> populations (one from lettuce collected previously from muck soils and one from a high-tunnel under tomato production) and one <em>M. incognita</em> population (also collected from a high-tunnel under tomato production) were examined for their ability to affect yield. Over 200 microplots were planted in a high tunnel and different inoculum levels were used.&nbsp; Microplots were treated with either 500, 5000, or 25000 eggs from each of the three populations and a non-inoculated control utilizing a randomized block design.&nbsp; There was no difference in yield or number of fruits per plant across all treatments.</p><br /> <p>RI:&nbsp; During the 2020 field season, nematicide trials were undertaken on golf courses in Rhode Island to compare the efficacy of fluazaindolizine, fluopyram and abamectin against <em>Hoplolaimus galeatus.&nbsp; &nbsp;</em>Neither fluopyram nor abamectin, singly or in combination, were effective at managing&nbsp; <em>H. galeatus </em>on golf course putting greens where populations regularly reached 7,000 nematodes/100 cc soil.&nbsp; While lower rates of fluazaindolizine produced a non-significant but possibly biologically detectable drop in nematode populations, higher rates of the material resulted in statistically significantly reductions in nematode population and statistically (and visually) improved turf quality.&nbsp; While abamectin has been reported to have an effect on <em>H. galeatus </em>in other studies, it was unclear why it was ineffective in this trial.&nbsp; Fluopyram has not been reported as effective against <em>H. galeatus </em>previously but it does work well on <em>Tylenchorhynchus </em>spp. and <em>Meloidogyne </em>in Northern states.</p><br /> <p>TN: The CBD hemp cultivar &lsquo;Wife&rsquo; was confirmed to be nearly immune to <em>M. incognita</em> and &lsquo;Carolina&rsquo; was a poor host, whereas roots of &lsquo;Charlotte&rsquo;s Web&rsquo; were consistently heavily galled and supported high egg production. Other tested cultivars (&lsquo;Cherry&rsquo;, &lsquo;OG&rsquo;) were intermediate in suitability for nematode galling and reproduction. &lsquo;Special Sauce&rsquo; was a good host for <em>M. incognita</em>, &lsquo;Frosted Lime&rsquo; was intermediate and &lsquo;Siskiyou Gold&rsquo; was a poor host when measured in terms of egg production. In a small test with <em>M. hapla</em>, &lsquo;Wife&rsquo; was a moderately good host but &lsquo;Special Sauce&rsquo; was highly resistant. Regardless of host, galls were small, white and hard; hand-sectioning revealed strong production of columnar vascular parenchyma in galled root tissue. In the boxwood study, distinct differences occurred in galling between the various cultivars with one cultivar being nearly free of galling. Planting medium also had a strong effect on symptoms; galling was most severe on plants in sand, less severe in 1:1 sand:peat, and almost non-existent in peat and bark mulch.</p><br /> <p>TN: A comprehensive summary of major hemp diseases and pests in Tennessee was published (Hansen et al. 2020).</p><br /> <p>VT:&nbsp; A soil health podcastwas developed:&nbsp; Podcast Episode, A Soil Symphony, where Dr. Deborah Neher tells the story of compost as biologically rich soil, <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>VT: Curriculum Development Contractor for the Composting Association of Vermont. Soil builders &ndash; education for action: Using compost to prevent erosion and improve water quality in the Lake Champlain Basin.</p><br /> <p>WV:&nbsp; A large field crop-livestock farming systems trial, begun in 1999 to evaluate transition methods for conversion from conventional to organic farming practices, was continued through 2020.&nbsp; Common nematodes found include <em>Pratylenchus crenatus, Xiphinema rivesi, Helicotylenchus spp., Hoplolaimus spp. </em>and<em> Clarkus papillatus</em> (predator).&nbsp; Population densities remained low for all plant parasites throughout the 20 years of this experiment and few differences among compost treatments or crops were statistically significant.&nbsp; Differences in microbial populations were associated with both Manure Addition and Pasture Inclusion in the rotation.</p><br /> <p>WV: Research to assess efficacy of nematode-trapping fungi against <em>Xiphinema rivesi</em> and <em>X</em>. <em>americanum</em> in peach orchards has been initiated.&nbsp; Experiments will test six common fungi against <em>X. americanum </em>and<em> Meloidogyne incognita</em> in vitro, as well as in vials of field soil.&nbsp; Additional experiments will test improved methods for isolating trapping fungi and determine their distribution in orchard soils.</p><br /> <p>WV:&nbsp; A new experiment will assess changes in soil microbial communities inoculated with bacteriovore, fungivore, and carnivore nematodes.&nbsp; Whole microbial community DNA will be extracted from soils before and after incubation with nematodes, and then sequenced to estimate changes in both bacterial and fungal community composition, diversity and abundance.&nbsp; Isolation and culturing of nematodes is underway, and the experiment is expected to be conducted in Winter 2020-21.</p><br /> <p><strong>Milestones</strong></p><br /> <p>CA: Three in-orchard experiments on companion cropping were completed in 2020.</p><br /> <p>MI: Milestones were enhanced in 2019 through the SCN Coalition winter meetings, field days and train the trainer sessions devoted to SCN education. Following the 2018 nematology short course in New York, SCN has been detected in eight additional counties.&nbsp; Because of COVID-19, it was not possible to complete the 2020 Objective 3. milestone on an in-person basis.</p><br /> <p>MN: Continue cover- and rotation-crop experiments.</p><br /> <p>MN: Determine the relationship between the microbial community, plant-parasitic nematodes, soil health, and crop productivity</p><br /> <p>TN: Conclude and evaluate long-term impacts of cover- and rotation-crop experiments.</p><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p>


<p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Peer-reviewed publications:</span></strong></p><br /> <p>Adams, A., J.&nbsp;<strong>LaMondia</strong>, R. Cowles, B. Nicholson and T. Mione. 2020. Stimulating hatch of tobacco cyst nematode&nbsp;<em>Globodera tabacum</em>, by hydroponically obtained weedy&nbsp;<em>Solanum</em>&nbsp;spp. root exudates.&nbsp; Nematropica in press.</p><br /> <p><strong>Crow</strong>, W. T., Habteweld, A., Bean T. 2020. Mist chamber extraction for improved diagnosis of&nbsp;<em>Meloidogyne</em>&nbsp;spp. from golf course bermudagrass. Journal of Nematology 52:e2020-96.</p><br /> <p>Demesyeux, L., Mendes M. L.,&nbsp;<strong>Crow</strong>, W. T., Chambers, A. H. 2020. Plant-parasitic nematodes associated with eight banana cultivars in southern Florida. Nematropica 50:19-28.Eberlein, C., Heuer, H., and A. Westphal. 2020. Biological suppression of populations of&nbsp;<em>Heterodera schachtii&nbsp;</em>adapted to different host genotypes of sugar beet. Frontiers in Plant Science. Plant Pathogen Interactions. Online:&nbsp;<a href=""></a>&nbsp;<a href=""></a>?</p><br /> <p>Eberlein, C., Edalati, A., Zhang, R., and A.&nbsp;<strong>Westphal</strong>. 2020. A rapid bioassay for measuring nematode suppressive potential of anaerobic digestate. Nematology 22: 879-889.</p><br /> <p>Eshchanov, Bahodir and George&nbsp;<strong>Bird</strong>. 2020.&nbsp; Influence of grafting and pruning on&nbsp;<em>Solanum lycopersicum</em>&nbsp;&lsquo;Anahu&rsquo; and &lsquo;Rutgers&rsquo; biomass partitioning in the presence and absence of&nbsp;<em>Meloidogyne incognita</em>&nbsp;(Nematoda).&nbsp; Book Chapter. Acta Horticulturae (in press).</p><br /> <p>Gorny, A. M.,&nbsp;<strong>Hay</strong>, F. S., Esker, P. D., &amp; Pethybridge, S. J. 2020. Spatial and spatiotemporal analysis of&nbsp;<em>Meloidogyne hapla&nbsp;</em>and&nbsp;<em>Pratylenchus&nbsp;</em>spp. populations in commercial potato fields in New York. Nematology&nbsp;<a href="">https</a><a href="">://</a></p><br /> <p>Gorny, A. M.,&nbsp;<strong>Hay</strong>, F. S., &amp; Pethybridge, S. J. 2020. Response of potato cultivars to the northern root-knot nematode (<em>Meloidogyne hapla</em>) under field conditions in New York State, USA. Nematology.&nbsp;<a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>Habteweld, A., Akyazi, F., Joseph, S.,&nbsp;<strong>Crow</strong>, W. T., Abebe, E., Mekete, T.&nbsp; 2019. Description of&nbsp;<em>Hirschmanniella dicksoni</em>&nbsp;n. sp.(Nematode Pratylenchidae) from rhizosphere soil of limpograss from Florida U. S. A. Journal of Nematology 51:e2019-83.</p><br /> <p>Haarith D., Kim, D.G., Strom, N.B.,&nbsp;<strong>Chen</strong>, S., and Bushley, K.E. 2020. In vitro screening of a culturable soybean cyst nematode cyst mycobiome for potential biological control agents and biopesticides. Phytopathology 110:1388-1397.</p><br /> <p>Haarith, D. Bushley, K.E., and&nbsp;<strong>Chen</strong>, S. 2020. Fungal communities associated with Heterodera glycines and their potential in biological control: A current update. Journal of Nematology 52: 10.21307/jofnem-2020-022.</p><br /> <p>Hansen, Z. R., E. C.&nbsp;<strong>Bernard</strong>, J. F. Grant, K. D. Gwinn, F. A. Hale, H. M. Kelly, and S. D. Stewart.&nbsp; 2020.&nbsp; Hemp Disease and Pest Management.&nbsp; University of Tennessee Extension Publication, W 916. 15 pp.</p><br /> <p>Marra R. E. and J. A.&nbsp;<strong>LaMondia</strong>&nbsp;2020. First Report of Beech Leaf Disease, caused by the foliar nematode,&nbsp;<em>Litylenchus crenatae</em>, on American Beech (<em>Fagus grandifolia</em>) in Connecticut. Plant Disease 104:&nbsp;<a href=""></a>.</p><br /> <p>Jones, W. B., Kruse, J. K., Enloe, H. A.,&nbsp;<strong>Crow</strong>, W. T.&nbsp; 2020. Effects of pre-planting incorporation or post-planting top-dressing of organic amendments on bermudagrass for tolerance to&nbsp;<em>Belonolaimus longicaudatus</em>.&nbsp; Nematropica 50:59-66.</p><br /> <p>Kimmelfield, Rebecca. 2020. Establishing the use of Pseudomonas spp. as biocontrol agents of fungal and nematode pathogens.&nbsp;&nbsp;PhD Thesis; 2020, OSU, Plant Pathology.</p><br /> <p>Martinez, Marlia Bosques. 2020. Assessment of root-knot nematode presence in tomatoes in Ohio, yield loss, and biocontrol.&nbsp;&nbsp;Master of Science Thesis; 2020, OSU, Plant Pathology.</p><br /> <p>Mendes, M. L., Dickson, D. W.,&nbsp;<strong>Crow</strong>, W. T.&nbsp; 2020. Yellow and purple nutsedge and coffee senna as hosts of common plant nematodes in Florida. Journal of Nematology 52:e2020-94.</p><br /> <p><strong>Neher, D.A.</strong>&nbsp;and Barbercheck, M.E. 2019. Soil microarthropods and soil health: Intersection of decomposition and pest suppression. Special issue on &ldquo;Elucidating the Role of Soil Arthropods in Soil Health&rdquo;,&nbsp;<em>Insects&nbsp;</em>10(12):414. doi: 10.3390/insects10120414</p><br /> <p><strong>Neher, D.A.</strong>, Limoges, M.A., Weicht, T.R., Sharma, M., Miller, P.D. and Donnelly, C. 2020. Bacterial community dynamics distinguish poultry compost from dairy compost and unamended soils planted with spinach. Special issue on &ldquo;Microorganisms in Recycling and Valorization of Organic Waste for Sustainable Soil Health and Management&rdquo;,&nbsp;<em>Microorganisms&nbsp;</em>8(10):1601. doi:10.3390/microorganisms8101601</p><br /> <p>Nuaima, R.H., H. Heuer, and A.&nbsp;<strong>Westphal</strong>. 2019. Effects of cover cropping on microbial communities associated with&nbsp;<em>Heterodera schachtii</em>&nbsp;and nematode virulence. Soil Systems 3(4) 67. Online:&nbsp;<a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>O&rsquo;Brien, B.J.,&nbsp;<strong>Neher, D.A.</strong>, and Roy, E.D. 2019. Nutrient and pathogen suppression properties of anaerobic digestates from dairy manure and food waste feedstocks.&nbsp;<em>Waste and Biomass Valorization</em>&nbsp;doi: 10.1007/s12649-019-00906-4</p><br /> <p>Phillips, G., J. K. Moulton, and E. C.&nbsp;<strong>Bernard</strong>.&nbsp; 2020.&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>Heth pivari</em>&nbsp;n. sp. (Nematoda: Ransomnematoidea: Hethidae) from the indigenous North American millipede&nbsp;<em>Narceus gordanus</em>&nbsp;(Spirobolida: Spirobolidae), with keys for worldwide Heth spp.&nbsp; Zootaxa, 4861 (1): 486-514.</p><br /> <p>Porterfield, K.K., Joblin, R.,&nbsp;<strong>Neher, D.A.</strong>, Curtis, M., Dvorak, S., Rizzo, D.M., Faulkner, J.W. and Roy, E.D. 2020. Upcycling phosphorus recovered from anaerobically digested dairy manure to support production for vegetables and flowers.&nbsp;<em>Sustainability&nbsp;</em>12:1139. doi: 10.3390/su12031139</p><br /> <p>Sedaghatjoo, S., S&ouml;chting, H.P., and A.&nbsp;<strong>Westphal</strong>. 2017. Potential of&nbsp;<em>Crotalaria juncea</em>&nbsp;as a cover crop for cyst nematode suppression under Central Europe conditions. Nematoda: published online DOI: 10.4322/nematode.00417.</p><br /> <p>Taylor, Lois S., G. Phillips, E. C.&nbsp;<strong>Bernard</strong>, and J. M. DeBruyn.&nbsp; 2020.&nbsp; Soil nematode functional diversity, successional patterns, and indicator taxa associated with vertebrate decomposition hotspots.&nbsp; PLoS ONE, 15(11): e0241777.</p><br /> <p><strong>Ugarte</strong>, C.M., and J.R. Taylor. 2020. Chemical and biological indicators of soil health in Chicago urban gardens and farms. Urban Agriculture and Regional Food Systems. doi10.1002/uar2.20004</p><br /> <p>Walkup, J., Z. Freedman, J.&nbsp;<strong>Kotcon</strong>, E. M. Morrissey.&nbsp; Pasture in crop rotations influences microbial biodiversity and function reducing the potential for nitrogen loss from compost.&nbsp; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 304: 107122.&nbsp;<a href=""></a></p><br /> <p><strong>Westphal</strong>, A., Maung, Z.T.Z., Doll, D.A., Yaghmour, M.A., Chitambar, J.J., and S.A. Subbotin. 2019. First Report of the Peach Root-Knot Nematode,&nbsp;<em>Meloidogyne floridensis</em>&nbsp;Infecting Almond on Root-Knot Nematode Resistant &ldquo;Hansen 536&rdquo; and &ldquo;Bright&rsquo;s Hybrid 5&rdquo; Rootstocks in California, USA. Journal of Nematology, 51, 1&ndash;3.&nbsp;<a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Non-peer-reviewed or peer-reviewed extension outlets:</span></strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Bird</strong>, G., N. Rothwell, K. Powers and W. Kline. 2019. Impact of compost and mulch on the establishment of sweet cherry trees. Poster presented at 2019 Great Lakes Fruit and Vegetable Exposition.</p><br /> <p><strong>Crow</strong>, W. T. 2020. Risk thresholds for lance nematode on ultradwarf bermudagrass. Golf Course Management. 2020 (March): 76-78.</p><br /> <p>Eberlein, C., Zhang, R., Adelati, A.,&nbsp;<strong>Westphal</strong>, A. 2019. Do liquid digestates, by-products of bioenergy production, have nematode-suppressive potential?&nbsp; Progressive Crop Consultant JCS Marketing Vol 4 (4):16-20.</p><br /> <p>Eshchanov, Bahodir and George&nbsp;<strong>Bird</strong>, 2019. Influence of physical and biological disturbanes on Meloidogyne incognita resistance in greenhouse tomato production. Proceedings of the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists.</p><br /> <p>Eshchanov, Bahodir and George&nbsp;<strong>Bird</strong>. 2019.&nbsp; Influence of grafting and pruning on&nbsp;<em>Solanum lycopersicum</em>&nbsp;&lsquo;Anahu&rsquo; and &lsquo;Rutgers&rsquo; biomass partitioning in the presence and absence of&nbsp;<em>Meloidogyne incognita</em>&nbsp;(Nematoda).&nbsp; Proceedings of the Acta Horticulturae Second International Grafting Symposium, North Carolina.</p><br /> <p>Miller, M., Uppala, L., and&nbsp;<strong>Wick</strong>, R. 2020. A Survey of Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Cranberry Bogs in Massachusetts (Poster, NEDAPS)</p><br /> <p>Waller, R., Linderme, J and&nbsp;<strong>Wick</strong>, R. 2020. An Undescribed&nbsp;<em>Meloidogyne&nbsp;</em>sp. (root-knot nematode) from turfgrasses in two sites in New Hampshire (Poster, NEDAPS)</p><br /> <p><strong>Westphal</strong>, A., R. DeBiase, P. Kosina, T. Martin. 2020. Soil sampling for nematodes in walnut and almond orchards. Video produced by UC Statewide Pest Management Program&nbsp;<a href=""></a>&nbsp;</p>

Impact Statements

  1. Multiple States (IL, VT WV): Relatively complex food webs, containing fungi and fungivorous nematodes, and long crop rotations correspond with natural nematode suppression in soybean and other crops.
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Date of Annual Report: 09/17/2021

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 09/16/2021 - 09/16/2021
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2016 - 09/30/2021


Anton Beckerman (Admin. Advisor, New Hampshire),
Koon-Hui Wang (U-Hawaii),
Marisol Quintanilla (MSU),
George Bird (MSU),
Carmen Ugarte (IL),
Jim LaMondia (CT),
Billy Crow (UFL),
Jim Kotcon (WVU),
Frank Hay (Cornell),
Ernie Bernard (Tenn),
Debra Neher (Vermont),
Andreas Westphal (California),
Robb Wick (UMass),
Lesley Schumaker (USDA-ARS-Tenn),
Nathaniel Mitkowski (URI),
Sarah Delheimer (Colorado State)

Brief Summary of Minutes

Brief Summary of Minutes of Annual Meeting

NE-1640 Regional Nematology Research Committee meeting Minutes,

Gulf Shores, AL, and via video conference, Sept. 16, 2021

James Kotcon, Chair. 

Administrative Advisor:  Anton Beckerman

Attending: Anton Beckerman (Admin. Advisor, New Hampshire), Koon-Hui Wang (U-Hawaii), Marisol Quintanilla (MSU), George Bird (MSU), Carmen Ugarte (IL), Jim LaMondia (CT), Billy Crow (UFL), Jim Kotcon (WVU),  Frank Hay (Cornell), Ernie Bernard (Tenn), Debra Neher (Vermont), Andreas Westphal (California), Robb Wick (UMass), Lesley Schumaker (USDA-ARS-Tenn), Nathaniel Mitkowski (URI), Sarah Delheimer (Colorado State)

The 2020 NE-1640 meeting was held Sept. 16, 2021 at Gulf Shores, AL in conjunction with the Society of Nematologists annual meeting, with some participants joining via video conference due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Administrative Advisor

Anton Beckerman reported on congressional budget progress and the increased appropriations proposed in the President’s budget.  He indicated that NIFA was doing more remote work, to achieve faster turn-around.  The REEPort system is moving to a new reporting system.  The annual and termination report should highlight publications and other outputs (grants written collaboratively, partnerships with industry, technologies, etc.) and distinguish Outputs versus Impacts.


Koon-Hui Wang (Hawaii) reported on studies on crown and root rot of asparagus, with two trials evaluating soil amendments and effects on soil health. Results demonstrate that the adverse effects of fluopyram on soil health can be mitigated with sunn hemp as a green manure crop.  Biological stimulants (shrimp shell meal, crustacean meal, or chitosan drench) enhanced soil health while reducing Fusarium wilt.  Numerous outreach events and a YouTube channel facilitated outreach education on cover crops and soil health management.

Carmen Ugarte (Illinois) surveyed plant parasitic nematodes in fields with short (3 years) versus long (< 5 years) corn-soybean-small grain rotations.  Higher soybean cyst nematode numbers occurred in fields with short rotations, whereas fields with long rotations had more free-living nematodes and more spiral and dagger nematodes.

Frank Hay (Cornell) assessed garlic cloves for bloat nematode (Ditylenchus dipsaci) and found heat treatment reduced nematode populations by 88-99 %, but was unable to eradicate the nematode from seed cloves. He also evaluated new methods for extracting nematode DNA from soil to improve diagnostics for root knot nematode, Meloidogyne hapla, and refined damage thresholds for M. hapla on tolerant potato varieties, reducing the need for nematicides.

Ernest Bernard (Tennessee) surveyed grapes and found plant parasitic nematodes in 54 of 55 vineyards surveyed.  Important pathogens included lesion, dagger and root knot nematodes.  Meloidogyne enterolobi was not detected in any surveys in Tennessee.  Hemp cultivars were evaluated for resistance to M. incognita, and found that varieties T1 and WIFE were almost immune, while Charlottes Web and Remission were susceptible, supporting high reproduction. Susceptibility was not correlated to canabinoid levels.

Rob Wick (Massachusetts) reported finding a new root knot nematode species on turf grass in New Hampshire.  He tested several proprietary compounds for nematode control in turf, but did not find useful levels of population reduction.  He also identified Bursaphelenchus antoniae from white pine in Massachusetts, the first report of this species in North America.

Andreas Westphal (California) evaluated application methods of allyisothiocyanate compounds as a biofumigant, as well as chemical nematicides in almond production.  Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation was very effective for lesion nematode control.  He also reported on use of a spray blade applicator for subsoil application of nematicides.  He began microplot experiments to evaluate various digestates (effluents of a biogas reactor).

Deb Neher (Vermont) conducted on-farm trials with Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation and vermicompost to reduce root diseases in lettuce.  Vermicompost was more effective at reducing disease than a commercial biocontrol product (RootShield) but was phytotoxic when used in planting mixes at greater than 5 % by volume.  Poultry based compost enhanced survival of enteric pathogens in soil more than dairy-based compost, which may affect organic certification decisions.

Billy Crow (Florida) continued multi-year trials of nematicides on turf grasses.  Fluopyram and abamectin give good control of sting (Belonolaimus) and root knot nematodes.  These are less effective against Lance nematode (Hoplolaimus), and turf quality declines when lance nematodes exceed 100-300/100 cc soil.  The miticide chlorfenapyr was effective for control of foliar nematode (Aphelenchoides besseyi).  A related species (A. pseudobessyi) was associated with green stem and foliar retention in soybean.

James Lamondia (Connecticut) used tobacco cyst nematode (Globodera tabacum) as a model for pale cyst nematode on potato (G. pallida). A solanaceous weed, Solanum sisymbriifolium (sticky nightshade or Litchi tomato) has been evaluated for ability to stimulate hatch of G. tabacum in comparison to a susceptible or resistant host plant, for ability of the nematode to reproduce and increase, and for efficacy against the nematode as a trap crop under field conditions in comparison to plant resistance.  Litchi tomato was more effective in reducing nematode numbers than non-host rotation and use of a resistant variety.  Control was as effective as expected for soil fumigation.  Surveys for beech leaf disease (Litylenchus crenatae) found this pest in new areas after the first report in 2020.  Tree injection with oxamyl reduced  nematode populations in leaves. 

Lesley Schumacher (USDA-Tennessee) has begun screening soybean germplasm for soybean cyst nematode resistance, and integration of these cultivars with cover crop management and seed treatments.  She is determining population densities of nematodes and their relationships  with rotifers, Collembola, mites and oligochaetes to evaluate associations with soil health.

Nathaniel Mitkowski (Rhode Island) described results of trials that supported earlier reports of poor efficacy of fluopyram against lance nematode, but found that Salibro (fluazaindolizine) was effective.  Abamectin has activity, but rarely penetrated deeper than one inch as it binds to surface organic matter in turf.  The beech leaf disease (Litylenchus crenatae) was most severe along streams and wet areas, or after prolonged high humidity (>2 weeks).

Marisol Quintanilla (Michigan) presented results of a four-year trial comparing soybean varieties with soybean cyst nematode resistance from Peking and PI 8878.  Rotating Peking and PI 88788 resulted in the lowest cyst nematode populations density, and highest yields. Cover crops with oilseed radish and ‘Dwarf Essex’ rape reduced lesion and root knot nematodes.  Fields with the lesion nematode Pratylenchus penetrans had reduced carrot root weight, whereas fields with P. neglectus and P. crenatus had less damage.  Studies are underway to establish unique damage thresholds for the three species.  Additional studies evaluated composts and nematicides for managing root knot neamtode in day lily and lesion nematode in potato.  The entomogenous nematode Steinernema feltiae reduced emergence of the spotted wing Drosophila, but S. carpocapsae and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora did not.

George Bird (Michigan) proposed that thermal stability was a useful parameter to indicate soil health in potato fields. Fields with cool and stable conditions were associated with higher potato yields and higher Cornell University soil health indicators that fields with hot stable conditions or nonprofitable yields. The Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN) Coalition, a public/private partnership of 28 states and 8 corporations, implemented a statistically valid pre-post program survey of more than 1,000 soybean growers in 17 states to determine the impact of the program since its launch in 2018. The results show that the proportion of soybean growers rotating with non-host crops has increased 6%, rotation of sources of SCN resistance has increased 10%, ability to identify Peking as an alternative source of resistance has increased 10%, use of SCN protective seed treatments has increased 18% and overall use of SCN resistant varieties has increased 7%. In addition, 55-76% of the growers were able to recall Coalition specific educational messages. Grower most trusted sources for SCN information included the agricultural media (43%), Extension (38%) and seed dealers (37%). A 60-day campaign for six new SCN Coalition videos resulted in more than 900,000 views.   Potential trap crops prevented reproduction of SCH HG Type 1.2, and six grower field trials were initiated in 2021.

James Kotcon (West Virginia) evaluated amendments to agar media to assay for nematode trapping fungi.  Urea in water agar increased trap formation by the fungi Arthrobotrys and Dactylaria, but had less effect in quarter-strength corn meal agar.  The best recovery occurred with both urea and bait nematodes added to plates, but trap formation was quite variable.  Birdsfoot trefoil pastures were helpful in suppressing the sheep intestinal parasite, Haemonchus contortus), and lambs grazing birdsfoot trefoil had lower levels of infection, and better weight gain than lambs on orchard grass and clover pastures.

Multi-State Impact Statements Workshop

Sarah Delheimer (Colorado State University) presented a workshop on writing effective Impact Statements.  These should include a brief summary of the work and why it matters.  That may include a change in knowledge, skills or behavior by the targeted stakeholders.  Output statements should focus on the issue and accomplishments.  Impact Statements should define when and where the impact occurred and who benefited.

Business Meeting

Billy Crowe was elected as Secretary for the first year (2021-22) of the new NE-2140 project, and Ernest Bernard will serve as Chair.

An invitation from Florida to host the 2022 meeting was accepted unanimously. 

Preparation of a termination report was discussed and Nathaniel Mitkowski agreed to circulate the report template.  The report is to be filed in the old NIMSS system.

A resolution of appreciation to Billy Crowe was adopted unanimously in recognition of his service as local arrangements host for the meeting.

Billy Crowe moved to adjourn, Nathaniel Mitkowski seconded, and the motion caried. The meeting adjourned at 4:46 PM.

Submitted by James Kotcon


<p><strong>Multistate Project NE-1640 Termination Report</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Title: </strong>Plant-Parasitic Nematode Management as a Component of Sustainable Soil Health Programs in Horticultural and Field Crop Production Systems</p><br /> <p><strong>Period Covered: 10-01-2016 to 09-30-2021</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Date of this report: </strong>28 February 2022</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>Accomplishments</strong></p><br /> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Short-Term Outcomes</span></strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Objective 1. Develop and integrate management tactics for control of plant-parasitic nematodes including biological, cultural (such as rotation or cover crops and plant resistance), and chemical controls.</strong></p><br /> <p>Following the 2018 NE-1640 SCN short course in New York, this nematode has been confirmed for the first time in 29 additional counties. At the beginning of NE-1640, SCN had only been detected on one county in New York.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>In 2018 in CA, protocols for anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD) were optimized to allow for nematode reductions to fie ft depth when done at the proper time of year.</p><br /> <p>In 2019 in CA, limitation of the time of year for successful use of ASD were determined, and feasibility of use in orchard versus vineyard soil were recognized.</p><br /> <p>The most effect pesticide is ineffective if it does not come in contact with the target pest. Studies on the behavior and vertical migration of the key plant-parasitic nematodes on warm-season turfgrasses (grass root-knot, sting, and lance nematodes) showed an interaction with the mobility and persistence of turfgrass nematicides.&nbsp; Abamectin remained in the top 2 cm of turf profile, the same region where the grass root-knot nematode proliferates.&nbsp; Therefore, abamectin can be used effectively for grass root-knot nematode on turfgrasses but is not very effective on nematodes such as sting nematode that inhabit deeper in the soil profile. Fluopyram nematicide is more mobile than abamectin and moves deeper into the turf profile over time.&nbsp; Therefore, fluopyram can provide good control of sting nematode but only temporary control of grass root-knot nematode.&nbsp; This research was key in understanding how to best use these nematicides against key nematode pests and the research results were incorporated into extension publications, articles in trade publications, and dozens of seminars presented in FL, GA, SC, TX, AR, MO, and AL.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>New diagnostic procedures for root-knot nematodes on warm-season turfgrasses were developed and implemented.&nbsp; Accurate diagnosis of these nematodes leads to improved management by targeting the correct pest.&nbsp; This, in turn, yields reduction in labor costs, water use, fertilizer use, and use of other pesticides.</p><br /> <p>New risk thresholds for lance nematodes to warm-season turfgrasses were developed and implemented. Accurate diagnosis of these nematodes leads to improved management by targeting the correct pest.&nbsp; This, in turn, yields reduction in labor costs, water use, fertilizer use, and use of other pesticides</p><br /> <p>A new species of foliar nematode (<em>Aphelenchoides pseudobessyi</em>) from ornamental plants in nurseries and landscapes in Florida as well as from soybean in Brazil was described.&nbsp; This leads to new research on the potential risk this nematode has on US soybean and other crops.</p><br /> <p>A new species of root nematode (<em>Hirschmanniella dicksoni</em>) from limpgrass pastures in Florida was described.&nbsp;&nbsp; The virulence and host range of this nematode are currently unknown, but will be investigated in future trials.</p><br /> <p>Weed hosts for multiple species of nematodes were identified.&nbsp; Through targeted weed management, nematode pest problems on crops and nematicide use can be reduced.</p><br /> <p>Comand&reg; Compost was shown to improve turfgrass tolerance to sting nematode and in some cases to suppress sting nematode activity and reproduction.&nbsp; Incorporation of Comand Compost prior to planting has become a standard practice for sting nematode suppression on athletic fields and golf courses in Florida.</p><br /> <p>Evaluation of bermudagrass germplasm tolerance to sting nematode has led to TifTuf being recognized as the most tolerant cultivar available. This cultivar is now the cultivar of choice for use on high-end athletic fields in the southeast, leading to reduced risk of player injuries and reduced nematicide use.</p><br /> <p>Replicated on-farm trials demonstrated two approaches for reducing inoculum load of soilborne pathogens for lettuce production: anaerobic soil disinfestation and blending vermicompost in starter mix.</p><br /> <p>Some compost blends evaluated in Michigan have high nematicidal activity.&nbsp; The LAB blend from Morgan Composting, kills 100% of root lesion nematodes even at a 5% concentration, in addition, poultry manure is also effective.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>In soybeans, trials have demonstrated that rotating different sources of resistance to Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN) reduces SCN numbers and increases yield.&nbsp; Using the same sources of resistance year after year leads to yield decreases and nematode increases on the previously resistant varieties.&nbsp; Seed treatment nematicides have not decreased SCN numbers or increased yield. We found that the Peking source of resistance is especially susceptible to SCN overcoming resistance, but it does excellent in rotation with the PI88788 source of resistance.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Soybean germplasm was obtained from collection curator for bioassay and&nbsp;bioassay work continued to identify new potential sources of resistance to soybean cyst nematode populations.&nbsp; Breeding lines from Uniform Soybean Tests-Southern States and ARS breeding lines were evaluated for response to soybean cyst nematode populations.&nbsp; Soil samples collected from Tennessee soybean production fields were assayed soil for soybean cyst nematode, other plant-parasitic nematodes, and free-living nematodes.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Several species of root lesion nematodes have been found in carrot fields using new molecular tools, which had previously been assumed to be <em>Pratylenchus penetrans.</em> Yield losses differ among species, and work is now underway to determine the damage threshold of each species and to further understand the biology of each and the impact of rotation crops.</p><br /> <p>Effective cover crop varieties to reduce root lesion nematode have been identified, and may reduce problems with these nematodes in carrots, potatoes, fruits, and other crops.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><em>Globodera tabacum</em> is useful as a substitute model for the quarantined pathogen <em>Globodera pallida</em> for trap cropping experiments with <em>S. sisymbriifolium</em> under field conditions.&nbsp; These experiments demonstrated that trap cropping can be as or more effective than soil fumigation for nematode management.</p><br /> <p>An ongoing ornamental project with an industry partner is evaluating solutions for Northern root knot nematodes in daylilies.&nbsp; This problem causes nearly 20% loss in profit annually. Use of dips before planting or drenches with products such as Fluopyram and Neem based nematicides, in addition to hot water dips of the planting material give excellent control.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>Objective 2. Determine the ecological interactions between nematode populations, nematode communities, ecosystems and soil health.</strong></p><br /> <p>Thermal stability is being proposed as a new soil indicator for potato production.&nbsp; Cool and stable conditions were associated with higher tuber yields and higher Cornell University soil health indicators than those associated with non-profitable yields and hot and stable thermal stability conditions.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Relatively complex food webs, containing fungi and fungivorous nematodes, correspond with natural suppression in this field with no-till monoculture soybean.</p><br /> <p>Poultry based compost enhanced survival of enteric pathogens in soil more than dairy-based compost. This may shift the choice away from poultry products that are currently used by vegetable farmers for economic reasons, and may affect their acceptance by organic certification programs.</p><br /> <p>A long-term crop rotation trial in West Virginia demonstrated increased levels of nematode biocontrol agent activity in soils amended with compost.&nbsp; Longer rotations also promoted soil suppressiveness.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>Objective 3. Outreach and communication - Compile and present/ publish guidance on nematode management and management effects on soil health for different crops under different conditions.</strong></p><br /> <p>The SCN Coalition public/private partnership of 28 states and 8 corporations implemented a statistically valid pre-post program survey of more thana 1,000 soybean growers in 17 states to determine the impact of the program since its launch in 2018.&nbsp; The results show that soybean growers rotating with non-host crops has increased 6%, rotation of sources of SCN resistance has increased 10%, ability to identify Peking as an alternative source of resistance has increased 10%, use of SCN protective seed treatments has increased 18% and overall use of SCN resistant varieties has increased 7%.&nbsp; In addition, 55-76% of the growers were able to recall Coalition specific educational messages.&nbsp; Grower most trusted sources for SCN information included the agricultural media (43%), Extension (38%) and seed dealers (37%).&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; A 60-day campaign for six new SCN Coalition videos resulted in more than 900,000 views.&nbsp; Regular Coalition press releases and media interviews keep its active management messaging in front of its target audience. Since The Coalition&rsquo;s launch, it has established a 15.24% share of discussion through its traditional media outreach to result in 21.4 million potential impressions among North America&rsquo;s soybean growers and agronomists. The Coalition won the 2020 Best of Show National Agri-Marketing Association (NAMA) award in Public Relations for its media relations campaign.</p><br /> <p>UF Nematode Assay Lab became integrated into the National Plant Diagnostic Network through development of a new database.&nbsp; All pest nematode detections are now automatically provided to NPDN and are available for pest mapping and mega data analysis.</p><br /> <p>Growers are changing their practices because of our research, and we receive calls from ag professionals, and growers in other states and countries to provide them information on what we do.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>An ongoing ornamental project with Walter&rsquo;s Gardens in Michigan, we are working toward a solution for Northern root knot nematodes in daylilies, a problem that causes nearly 20% loss in profit annually. We have found excellent control methods, such as use of dips before planting or drenches with products such as Fluopyram and Neem based nematicides, in addition to hot water dips of the planting material.&nbsp; We have also evaluated cover crops and the industry has modified their management practices according to our recommendations.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>NE-1640 participants generated over 300 publications, including peer-reviewed scientific publications, two books, and numerous book chapters, and numerous Extension publications, videos, podcasts, and articles in grower and trade periodicals.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>Activities</strong></p><br /> <p>See annual reports.</p><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>ACOMPLISHED MILESTONES:&nbsp; </strong></p><br /> <p>New nematicides have been evaluated for efficacy, and nematode-specific recommendations are now available in key crops.</p><br /> <p>The role of composts in developing nematode-suppressive soils has been characterized in MI, VT and WV, but the microbial communities that induce suppressiveness will need further elucidation.</p><br /> <p>Cover crop experiments have validated appropriate rotations in several crops.&nbsp; Nematode suppressiveness increased in long-term studies.</p><br /> <p>New nematode diagnostic and management recommendations have been integrated into outreach programs.</p><br /> <p>Results have been reported extensively to stakeholders and at professional meetings, and research has been published in peer-reviewed journals.</p><br /> <p>The first two of the Objective 3. short course milestones were completed in 2018 as originally planned.&nbsp; Because of COVID-19 and NE-1640 personnel changes, it was not possible to hold the remaining three short courses in 2019, 2020 and 2021.&nbsp;</p>


<p><strong>Peer-Reviewed Articles</strong></p><br /> <p>Baniya, A., S. Joseph, L. Duncan, W. Crow, T. Mengistu. 2021. The role of <em>Caenorhabditis elegans</em> sex-determination homologs, Mi-sdc-1 and Mi-tra-1 in <em>Meloidogyne incognita</em>. European Journal of Plant Pathology 161:439-452.</p><br /> <p>Cole, E., Pu, J., Chung, H., and <strong>Quintanilla, M</strong>. 2020.&nbsp; Impacts of manures and manure-based composts on root lesion nematodes and <em>Verticillium dahliae</em> in Michigan potatoes. Phytopathology 110:1226-1234.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Darling, E., Pu, J., Cole, E., Christian, R., Warner, F. W., Zasada, I., Chung, H., &amp; <strong>Quintanilla, M.</strong>&nbsp; 2020. First report of the Hop Cyst Nematode, <em>Heterodera humuli</em>, in two counties of the Yakima Valley region, WA, USA.&nbsp;<em>Plant Disease</em>, (ja).&nbsp; <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>Eshchanov, B. and Bird, G. (2021). Influence of grafting and pruning on 'Anahu' and 'Rutgers' tomato plant biomass partitioning in the presence and absence of<em>&nbsp;Meloidogyne incognita</em>. Acta Hortic. 1302, 185-192</p><br /> <p>Gangaiah,&nbsp;C., A. A. Ahmad, H. V. Nguyen, <em>K.-H. Wang</em>, and T.J.K. Radovich. 2017. Evaluating three invasive algal species as local organic sources of Potassium (K) for pak choi&nbsp;<em>(Brassica rapa,&nbsp;</em>Chinensis group) Growth. HortScience 52(3):436&ndash;440</p><br /> <p>Grabau, Zane J., C. Liu, <span style="text-decoration: underline;">L.A. Schumacher</span>, I.M. Small, and D.L. Wright. 2021. In-furrow fluopyram nematicide efficacy for <em>Rotylenchulus reniformis</em> management in cotton production. Crop Protection: 140:105423</p><br /> <p>Kane, J., J. Kotcon, Z. Freedman, and E. Morrissey.&nbsp; Fungivorous nematodes drive microbial diversity and carbon cycling in soil.&nbsp; Ecology. (Submitted)</p><br /> <p>Kokalis-Burelle, N., R. McSorley, <em>K.-H. Wang</em>, S. Saha, R. McGovern. 2017. Rhizosphere microorganisms affected by soil solarization and cover cropping in <em>Capsicum annuum</em> and <em>Phaseolus lunatus</em> agroecosystems. Applied Soil Ecology 119: 64-71</p><br /> <p>Kuo, A. Baskota, S. Zimmerman, F. Hay, S. Pethybridge and A. Lal, "Gigahertz Ultrasonic Imaging of Nematodes in Liquids, Soil, and Air,"&nbsp;<em>2021 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS)</em>, 2021, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/IUS52206.2021.9593762.</p><br /> <p>LaMondia, J. A. 2016. Evidence for suppression of <em>Meloidogyne hapla</em> by <em>Pasteuria</em> in Connecticut. Journal of Nematology 48:341.</p><br /> <p>LaMondia, J. A. 2021. Management of lesion and dagger nematodes with rotation crops. Nematropica 51:9-16.</p><br /> <p>LaMondia, J. A. and L. M. Dandurand. 2017. Effects of resistant or susceptible tobacco (<em>Nicotiana tabacum</em>), eastern black nightshade (<em>Solanum ptychanthum</em>), and litchi tomato (<em>Solanum sisymbriifolium</em>) on reproduction of the tobacco cyst nematode <em>Globodera tabacum</em>.&nbsp; Journal of Nematology 49:509-510.</p><br /> <p>Lau, J.-W., Marahatta, S. P., Ragone, D., <em>Wang, K.-H.</em>, and Sipes, B. S.&nbsp; 2018. Plant-parasitic nematodes associated with breadfruit, <em>Artocarpus altilis</em> Parksinson (Fosberg), in Hawaii. Nematropica 48: 172-178.</p><br /> <p>Leslie, A., <em>K.-H. Wang</em>, S. Meyer, C. R.R. Hooks. 2017. Influence of cover crops on arthropods, free-living nematodes, and yield in a succeeding no-till soybean crop. Applied Soil Ecology 117-118: 21-31</p><br /> <p>Manandhar, R., <em>K.-H. Wang</em>, C. R.R. Hooks, and M. Wright. 2017. Effects of strip-tilled cover cropping on the population density of thrips and predatory insects in a cucurbit agroecosystem. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 192_R1</p><br /> <p>Mishra, S., <em>K.-H. Wang</em>, B. S. Sipes, and M. Tian. 2017. Suppression of root-knot nematode by vermicompost tea prepared from different curing ages of vermicompost. Plant Disease 101: 1-4</p><br /> <p>Mishra, S., <em>K.-H. Wang</em>, B. S. Sipes, M. Tian. 2018. Induction of host-plant resistance in cucumber by vermicompost tea against root-knot nematode. Nematropica 48: 164-171</p><br /> <p>Monteiro, T.S.A., J. A. Brito, S. J. S. Vau, W. Yuan, J. A. LaMondia, and D. W. Dickson 2016. First report of endotokia matricida in <em>Meloidogyne hapla</em>: a case study. Journal of Nematology 48:354.</p><br /> <p>Monteiro, T. S. A, J. A. Brito, S. J. S. Vau, W. Yuan J. A. LaMondia, L. G. Freitas, and D. W. Dickson<sup>. </sup>2017. First report of matricidal hatching in <em>Meloidogyne hapla</em>. Nematoda 4:e092017.</p><br /> <p>Neher, D.A. Biological indicators and compost for managing plant disease. <em>Acta Horticulturae</em>.1317: 33-46. DOI 10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1317.5</p><br /> <p>Olmedo Velarde, A., P. Waisen, Kong, A., K.-H. Wang, J. Hu, and M. Melzer. 2021.&nbsp; Characterization of taro reovirus and its status in taro (<em>Colocasia esculenta</em>) germplasm from the Pacific. Archives of Virology (accepted, 3/30/21).</p><br /> <p>Paudel, R., P. Waisen, and K.-H. Wang. Exploiting the innate potential of sorghum/sorghum&ndash;sudangrass cover crops to improve soil microbial profile that can lead to suppression of plant-parasitic nematodes. MDPI-Microorganisms Journal (accepted 8/28/21).</p><br /> <p>Rahman, M., Islam, T., Jett, L. and Kotcon, J.&nbsp; 2021.&nbsp; Biocontrol agent, biofumigation, and grafting with resistant rootstock suppress soil-borne disease and improve yield of tomato in West Virginia.&nbsp; Crop Protection 145 (2021) 105630. &nbsp;<a href=""></a></p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Schumacher, Lesley</span>, Z.J. Grabau, D.L. Wright, I.M. Small, and H.L. Liao. 2020. Nematicide Influence on Cotton Yield and Plant-parasitic Nematodes in Conventional and Sod-based Crop Rotation. Journal of Nematology 52:e2020-34.</p><br /> <p>Silvasy, T., A.A. Ahmad, K.-H. Wang, T.J.K. Radovich. 2021. Rate and timing of meat and bone meal applications influence growth, yield and soil water nitrate concentrations in sweet corn production. Agronomy (accepted September 2021; ISSN 2073-4395).</p><br /> <p>Subbotin, S. A., C. J. Oliveira, S. Alvarez-Ortega, J. A. Desaeger, W. Crow, C. Overstreet, R. Leahy, S. Vau, R. N. Inserra. 2021. The taxonomic status of <em>Aphelenchoides besseyi</em> Christie, 1942 (Nematoda: Aphelenchoididae) populations from the southeastern USA, and description of <em>Aphelenchoides pseudobesseyi</em> sp. n. Nematology 23:381-413.</p><br /> <p>Thapa, S., Cole, E., Howland, A.D., Levene, B., and Quintanilla, M. 2021. Soybean cyst nematode (<em>Heterodera glycines</em>) resistant variety rotation system impacts nematode population density, virulence, and yield. Crop Protection.&nbsp; <em>DOI:&nbsp;</em><a href="">10.1016/j.cropro.2021.105864</a></p><br /> <p>Waldo, B., F. Soto-Adams, W. Crow. 2021. Nematicide effects on arthropods in bermudagrass. Florida Entomologist 103:458-464.</p><br /> <p>Waisen*, P., Z. Cheng, B. S. Sipes, and <em>K.-H. Wang</em>.&nbsp; 2021. Biofumigation effects of brassicaceus cover crops on soil health in cucurbit agroecosystems. Pedosphere (accepted 6/5/2021; Manuscript ID pedos202010638</p><br /> <p>Waisen, P., B.S. Sipes, and K.-H. Wang. 2019. Examine potential of biofumigant cover crops as open-end trap crops against plant-parasitic nematodes. Nematropica 49: 254-264</p><br /> <p>Waisen*, P., <em>K.-H. Wang</em>, J. Uyeda, and R.Y. Myers. 2021. Effects of fluopyram and azadirachtin on plant-parasitic and free-living nematodes on zucchini, tomato and sweet potato. Journal of Nematology 53:1-15</p><br /> <p>You, X., M. Tojo, S. Ching, and <em>K.-H. Wang</em>. 2018. Effects of vermicompost water extract prepared from bamboo and kudzu against <em>Meloidogyne incognita</em> and <em>Rotylenchulus reniformis</em>. Journal of Nematology 50: ISSN (Online), DOI: 10.21307</p><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Books</strong></p><br /> <p>Chakraborty, T. and G. Bird. 2020. <em>Ecosystem-Based Agriculture: The Pillar of Global Food Security</em>. Elegantus Press. Lansing. 182 pp.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Bird, G. 2019. <em>Pioneering in the 19<sup>th</sup>, 20<sup>th</sup> and 21<sup>st</sup> Centuries: From a Covered Wagon to an Anthropocene</em>?. Elegantus Press. Lansing. 66 pp.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>Book Chapters</strong></p><br /> <p>Bird, G. and F. Warner. 2018. Nematodes and Nematologists of Michigan. pp. 57-85 (in) <em>Plant&nbsp;</em></p><br /> <p><em>Parasitic Nematodes in Sustainable Agriculture of North America</em>, Vol. 2, S. Subbotin and J.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Chitambar (eds) Subbotin and J. Chitambar (eds) Springer Nature, New York.&nbsp; 457 pp.</p><br /> <p>Bird, G. G. Abawi and J. LaMondia. 2018. Plant Parasitic Nematodes of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania<em>.</em> Pp. 27-56 (in) <em>Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Sustainable Agriculture of North America</em>, Vol. 2, S. Subbotin and J. Chitambar (eds) Subbotin and J. Chitambar (eds) Springer Nature, New York. 457 pp.</p><br /> <p>Bird, G., G. Tylka and I. Zasada. 2018. Role of Population Dynamics and Damage Thresholds in&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Cyst Nematode Management<em>.</em> pp. 101-127 (in) <em>Cyst Nematodes</em>, R. Perry, M. Moens and J. Jones&nbsp; (eds), CABI, New York.</p><br /> <p>Bird, G. 2017. The Organic Movement at MSU, pp. 70-80 (in) <em>The Organic Movement in Michigan</em>, Maynard Kaufman (ed.). 209 pp.</p><br /> <p>Neher, D.A. and Powers, T.O. 2021. Nematodes. In: Blagodatskaya, J., and Unc, A. (section editors) Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment, Second Edition, Elsevier, New York.</p><br /> <p>Neher, D.A. 2021. Moving up within the food web: Protists and nematodes. Chapter 13 in Uphoff, N. and Thies, J. Biological Approaches to Regenerative and Resilient Soil Systems, Second Edition. CRC.</p><br /> <p>Neher, D.A. and Hoitink, H.A. 2021. Compost use for plant disease suppression. Chapter 16 in: Rynk, R. (editor) The Composting Handbook, Second Edition, Elsevier.</p><br /> <p>Quintanilla, M.&nbsp; 2017. &nbsp;Soil Acoustics. Pp. 225-231. In: A. Farina and S.H. Gage (Eds.).&nbsp; <em>Ecoacoustics: The ecological role of sounds</em>.&nbsp; Wiley Press</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>Website</strong></p><br /> <p><a href=""><strong></strong></a></p><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Videos </strong></p><br /> <p>Paudel, R., S. Budhathoki and K.-H. Wang. 2021. <a href=";t=16s">Revitalized degraded soil in the tropic with energy sorghum</a> (;t=16s).</p><br /> <p>Catherman, H., K.-H. Wang, R. Paudel, S. Budhathoki, and C. Mogren. 2021. <a href=";t=8s">Pigeon pea: a multipurpose N-fixing border crop</a>.</p><br /> <p>Autufuga, D., W. Honda, R. Paudel, S. Pennington, J. Sugano and K.-H. Wang. 2020. <a href=";t=5s">Soil health demo video for International Year of Plant Health</a>.</p><br /> <p>Meada, M., S. Budhathoki, and K.-H. Wang. 2020. <a href="">Diamondback moth video for International Year of Plant Health</a>.</p><br /> <p>Waisen, P., K.-H., Wang, L. Okumura, D. Meyer, and J. Sugano. 2019. <a href="">Ecosystem Enhanced Screenhouse for cucumber production in Hawaii</a>.</p><br /> <p>Wang, K.-H., J. Sugano, C. and Kadaoka. 2019. <a href=";">Tackling Fusarium on banana</a>.</p><br /> <p>Podcast Episode, A Soil Symphony, where Dr. Deborah Neher tells the story of compost as biologically rich soil, <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Non-peer-reviewed or Peer-reviewed Extension Publications:</strong></p><br /> <p>Bird, G. 2017. <em>Potato cyst nematode and soil health biology</em>. Proceedings of the Central Asia IPM Conference, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p>Bird, G. 2018. <em>The SCN IPM Tool Box.</em> Proceedings of the International Congress of IPM.</p><br /> <p>Bird, G., Basso, B. and R. Price. 2018.&nbsp; <em>Relationship between soil health indicators and potato early-die in Michigan.</em> Proceedings of the International Congress of Phytoathology.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Bird, G., B. Basso, R. Price and M. Otto. 2021. <em>The relationship between potato tuber yield and thermal stability</em>. Spudman 59:32-35.</p><br /> <p>Bird, G., &nbsp;B. Basso, R Price and M Otto<sup>. </sup>2021. <em>Thermal stability, soil health, potato yield and nematodes.</em> Proceedings of the 60<sup>th</sup> Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists.</p><br /> <p>Bird, G., S. Markell, K. Bissonnette, C. Bradley, J. Johnston, M. Mitchum, A. Tenuta, G. Tylka and M. Wenck. 2021. <em>The SCN Coalition: A Public/Private Sector Partnership</em>. Proceedings of the 60<sup>th</sup> Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists.</p><br /> <p>Bird, G., N. Rothwell, K. Powers and W. Kline. 2019. <em>Impact of compost and mulch on the establishment of sweet cherry trees. </em>2019 Great Lakes Fruit and Vegetable Exposition.</p><br /> <p>Blake, N.E. and Kotcon, J. B.&nbsp; 2020.&nbsp; Allelopathy in birdsfoot trefoil pasture establishment. Abstract # 88003. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting.&nbsp; Held on-line. Aug. 3-6, 2020.</p><br /> <p>Blake, N. and J. Kotcon.&nbsp; 2021.&nbsp; Forage grass allelopathy in birdsfoot trefoil pasture establishment.&nbsp; Ecological Society of America Virtual Annual Meeting.&nbsp; <a href=";PosterID=407007">;PosterID=407007</a></p><br /> <p><em>Budhathoki, S., K.-H. Wang, P. Waisen, M. Meada, R. Paudel, J. Silva, R. Manandhar, J. Uyeda and B. Sipes. 2020. Using trap crops and entomopathogenic nematodes to manage caterpillar pests on head cabbage. </em>HānaiʻAi Newsletter June-Aug 2020. <a href=";dt=3&amp;g=12">;dt=3&amp;g=12</a></p><br /> <p>Catherman, H., K.-H. Wang, R. Paudel, S. Budhathoki, and C. Mogren. 2021. Pigeon pea: A multipurpose N-fixing border crop. <a href=";aid=F9Y1OK_qJKk">;aid=F9Y1OK_qJKk</a></p><br /> <p>Ching, S., <em>K.-H. Wang</em>, and J. Uyeda. 2017. <a href=";tabid=11314&amp;portalid=250&amp;mid=45530"><em>Drop Spreader Calibration using the 10/160th Method</em></a>. HānaiʻAi Newsletter&nbsp;March-April-May 2017.</p><br /> <p>Cho, A., <strong>Quintanilla, M.</strong>, McDonald, T., Kawabata, A., and Nakamoto, S.&nbsp; 2017. &lsquo;Sharwil&rsquo; avocado identification. University of Hawaii CTAHR Extension Publication F_N-50.</p><br /> <p>Cole, E., Howland, A., Quintanilla, M.&nbsp; 2020.&nbsp; Combating root-knot nematodes in daylilies: Experimental results &ndash; Part 2.&nbsp; MSUE News.&nbsp; <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>Cole, E., Parrado, L., and <strong>Quintanilla, M</strong>.&nbsp; 2019 July/August.&nbsp; Selecting soil amendments and nematicides to best prevent potato early dying complex.&nbsp; Potato Country Magazine, 36(5), pp12-13&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Darling, E., Thapa, S., Cole, E., and <strong>Quintanilla, M.</strong>&nbsp; 2020.&nbsp; Surveying Michigan carrot growers on plant-parasitic nematode control habits.&nbsp; MSUE News.&nbsp; <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>Darling, E., Cole, E. and <strong>Quintanilla, M</strong>.&nbsp; 2020.&nbsp; Tips for nematode management in carrots, parsnips. Vegetable Grower News (April). Web.&nbsp;<a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>Darling, E., Thapa, S., and <strong>Quintanilla, M.</strong>&nbsp; 2020.&nbsp; Exploring alternative strategies for nematode management for the processing carrot.&nbsp; Carrot Country Magazine.&nbsp; <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>Eshchanov, Bahodir and George Bird, 2019. <em>Influence of physical and biological disturbanes on Meloidogyne incognita resistance in greenhouse tomato production</em>. Proceedings of the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists.</p><br /> <p>Eshchanov, Bahodir and George Bird. 2019.&nbsp; <em>Influence of grafting and pruning on&nbsp;</em><em>Solanum lycopersicum&nbsp;&lsquo;Anahu&rsquo; and &lsquo;Rutgers&rsquo; biomass partitioning in the presence and absence of&nbsp;Meloidogyne incognita&nbsp;(Nematoda). </em>&nbsp;Proceedings of the Acta Horticulturae Second International Grafting Symposium, North Carolina.</p><br /> <p>Eshchanov, B., G. Bird and F. Zalom. 2017. <em>Influence of grafting and pruning on Meloidogyne incognita associated with resistant and susceptible Solanum lycopersicum cultivars</em>. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists. Williamsburg, VA.&nbsp; <strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </strong></p><br /> <p>Eshchanov, B., G.&nbsp; Bird and F. Zalom. 2017<em>. Impact of Solanum lycopersicum L. grafting on the life cycle of&nbsp; Trialeurodes vaporariorum&nbsp; (Insecta) in the presence and absence of Meloidogyne incognita (Nematoda): With Special Reference to the Mi Gene and Type-D Trichomes</em>. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists. Williamsburg, VA.&nbsp; <strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p>Garcia-Salazar, C., Cole, E., <strong>Quintanilla, M.</strong>&nbsp; 2020.&nbsp; Time for replanting old, disease and blueberry stem gall wasp infested blueberry fields.&nbsp; Fruit Growers News:&nbsp; <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>Garcia-Salazar, C., Cole, E., <strong>Quintanilla, M.</strong>&nbsp; 2020.&nbsp; Time for replanting old, disease and blueberry stem gall wasp infested blueberry fields.&nbsp; MSUE News.&nbsp; <a href=""></a>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Garcia-Salazar, C., Cole, E., <strong>Quintanilla, M.</strong>&nbsp; 2020.&nbsp; Time for replanting old, disease and blueberry stem gall wasp infested blueberry fields.&nbsp;&nbsp; Fruit Growers News. <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>Levene, B., Thapa, S., Cole, E., <strong>Quintanilla, M.&nbsp; </strong>2020. Evaluation of rotation, compost, chemicals, and cover crops to manage soybean cyst nematode populations MSUE News.&nbsp; <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>Levene, B., and <strong>Quintanilla, M</strong>. 2020.&nbsp; Muddy fields and rush to finish field work may move soybean cyst nematodes.&nbsp; MSUE News&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Levene, B., Groulx, B., Stewart, J., and <strong>Quintanilla, M</strong>.&nbsp; 2019.&nbsp; Evaluation of oilseed radish cover crop, pre-plant application timing/rate and in-furrow pesticide applications for nematode management.&nbsp; Michigan Sugar beet REACh journal, 2019 Variety trial results.&nbsp; <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>Levene, B., Groulx, B., Stewart, J., and <strong>Quintanilla, M.</strong>&nbsp; 2019.&nbsp; Evaluation in-furrow and/or foliar pesticide applications for nematode management.&nbsp; Michigan Sugar beet REACh journal, 2019 Variety trial results.&nbsp; <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>Levene, B., Groulx, B., Stewart, J., and <strong>Quintanilla, M.</strong>&nbsp; 2019.&nbsp; Evaluation in-furrow Abamectin treatments at planting for nematode management.&nbsp; Michigan Sugar beet REACh journal, 2019 Variety trial results.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Lindberg, H.,<strong> Quintanilla, M</strong>., and Poley, K.&nbsp; 2018.&nbsp; Nematodes in ornamental plant production: good or bad?&nbsp; MSU Extension. <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>Lindberg, H.,<strong> Quintanilla, M</strong>., Horling, K., and Poley, K.&nbsp; 2018.&nbsp; Combating root-knot nematodes in daylilies: experimental results.&nbsp; MSUE News. <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>Midwest Vegetable Production Guide (contributed to it, E0312). 2018.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Michigan Potato Research Report 2017:</p><br /> <p>Miller, M., L. S. Uppala, R. L. Wick.&nbsp; 2020. Survey of plant parasitic nematodes in Massachusetts cranberry bogs. 2020 Northeastern Division American Phytopathological Society Meeting. Phytopathology (Abstr.). <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>Neilsen, L., Edgar, B., and J. Kotcon.&nbsp; 2021.&nbsp; Evaluation of urea amendments in media for quantification of nematode trapping fungi. J. Nematology 53:24. DOI: <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>Paudel, R., S. Budhathoki, and K.-H. Wang. Revitalized degraded soil in the tropic with energy sorghum. <a href=";aid=F9Y1OK_qJKk">;aid=F9Y1OK_qJKk</a>.</p><br /> <p>Parrado, L., Cole, E., <strong>Quintanilla, M. </strong>2020. Integrated management of potato early die: disease complex dynamic and treatment effectiveness. Video. Michigan Potato Commission</p><br /> <p><strong>Quintanilla, M.</strong>&nbsp; 2018.&nbsp; The new soybean cyst nematode coalition.&nbsp; Michigan Soybean News.&nbsp; Fall Issue, p. 21.&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p><strong>Quintanilla, M.,</strong> Cole, E., Poley, K., and Wilson, J.&nbsp; 2019.&nbsp; Fruit replant problem with a special emphasis on nematodes.&nbsp; New York State Horticultural Society Fruit Quarterly 27: 19-21</p><br /> <p><strong>Quintanilla, M</strong>., Poley, K., Shoemaker, J., and Warner, F.&nbsp; 2018.&nbsp; SCN easier to manage if detected early. Michigan Farmer News.&nbsp; January 11.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>Quintanilla, M.,</strong> Poley, K., Shoemaker, J., Warner, F.&nbsp; 2017.&nbsp; Soybean cyst nematode, management for a destructive soybean pathogen. Michigan Farmer Magazine, December</p><br /> <p><strong>Quintanilla, M</strong>., Shoemaker, J., Bird, G., Tenney, A., Warner, F., and Poley, K.&nbsp; 2018.&nbsp; Soybean cyst nematode resistance management.&nbsp; MSUE News.&nbsp; <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p><strong>Quintanilla, M</strong>., Shoemaker, J., Bird, G., Tenney, A., Warner, F., and Poley, K.&nbsp; 2018.&nbsp; Soybean cyst nematode resistance management workshop held June 20, 2018.&nbsp; MSU Extension.&nbsp; <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p><strong>Quintanilla, M</strong>., Warner, F., 2018. Nematode management. In: J.C. Wise, L.J. Gut, J. Wilson, M. Grieshop, M. Whalon, D. Mota-Sanchez, M. Quintanilla, R. lsaacs, A.M.C. Schilder, G.W. Sundin, B. Zandstra, R. Beaudry, G. Lang, L. Jess, D. Elsner, W. Shane, M. Longstroth, C. Garcia-Salazar, and D. Brown-Rytlewski.&nbsp; Fruit Management Guide.&nbsp; Michigan State University Extension Bulletin E-154, pp. 311-314</p><br /> <p>Shoemaker, J. and G. Bird. 2017. <em>Evaluation of potential trap crops for management of Heterodera glycines in Michigan soybean production</em>.&nbsp; Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists.&nbsp; Williamsburg, VA.&nbsp; <strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p>Shoemaker, J. and G. Bird. 2018. <em>Evaluation of potential cover and trap crops for Management of Heterodera glycines in Michigan</em>.&nbsp; Procee3ding of the Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists.</p><br /> <p>Snapp, S., L. Tiemann, N. Rosenzweig, D. Brainard and G. Bird. 2016.&nbsp; <em>Managing Soil Health for Root and Tuber Crops</em>. Michigan State University Extension Bull. E-3343. East Lansing, 10 pp.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><em>Spinelli, G., N. Kerr, and K.-H. Wang. 2019. Innovative sustainable technique to manage Fusarium wilt disease on banana. Oahu Cooperative Extension Monthly Newsletter. Jan 24, 2019.</em></p><br /> <p>Staton, M., and <strong>Quintanilla, M.</strong> 2021.&nbsp; Interested in reducing yield losses caused by soybean cyst nematodes? MSUE News.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>S<em>ugano, J., G. Spinelli, K. Wong, E. Perez, J. Silva, J. Uyeda, K.-H Wang, P. Shingaki. 2019. Evaluation of organic insecticides for aphid control on Chinese cabbage. </em>HānaiʻAi Newsletter, November &ndash; January, 2019.</p><br /> <p><em>Sugano, J., </em>Ted Radovich, and<em> Wang, K.-H. 2018. Advancing Hawaii&rsquo;s farming communities through applied research, education and collaborative partnerships, </em>HānaiʻAi Newsletter, September &ndash; November, 2018.</p><br /> <p><em>Sugano, J., K.-H Wang, J. Uyeda, J. Silva, K. Wong, D. Meyer, R. Shimabuku, T. Radovich, P. Shingaki, R. Corrales, S. Migita, L. Nakamura-Tengan and S. Fukuda. 2018. Screenhouse systems. </em><em>H</em>ānaiʻAi Newsletter Dec, Jan, Feb 2018 <a href=""><em></em></a> /getmedia.ashx?Moid =29445&amp;dt=3&amp;g=12</p><br /> <p>Thapa, S., Cole, E., Quintanilla, M., and Bird, G. 2020.&nbsp;<em>Use cover crops for the management of Plant- Parasitic nematode.</em> DIGITAL.VEGETABLES GROWERS NEWS.COM.<a href=""></a></p><br /> <p><em>Waisen, P., R. Paudel, and K.-H. Wang. 2020. </em><a href=";dt=3&amp;g=12"><em>An Update on Biofumigation Research in Hawaii: The equipment matters!</em></a> HānaiʻAi Newsletter March-May, 2020.</p><br /> <p><em>Waisen, P., R. Paudel, and K.-H. Wang. 2020. Soil health management and asparagus Fusarium crown and root rot. </em>HānaiʻAi Newsletter June-August, 2020. <a href=";dt=3&amp;g=12">;dt=3&amp;g=12</a></p><br /> <p><em>Waisen, P. and Wang</em>, <em>K.-H. 2018.</em> Trap cropping and biofumigation for plant-parasitic nematode management. HānaiʻAi Newsletter&nbsp;March, April, May 2018. <a href=";dt=3&amp;g=12"><em>;dt=3&amp;g=12</em></a></p><br /> <p><em>Waisen, P. and Wang</em>, <em>K.-H. 2019. What plastic mulch can help biofumigation to better manage nematodes? </em>HānaiʻAi Newsletter September-December, 2019. <a href=";dt=3&amp;g=12&amp;utm_source=Fall+2019&amp;utm_campaign=Fall+2019+Hanai%27Ai&amp;utm_medium=email"><em>;dt=3&amp;g=12&amp;utm_source=Fall+2019&amp;utm_campaign=Fall+2019+Hanai%27Ai&amp;utm_medium=email</em></a></p><br /> <p>Waller, R., Linderme, J and Wick, R. 2020. An Undescribed Meloidogyne sp. (root-knot nematode) from turfgrasses in two sites in New Hampshire (Poster, NEDAPS)</p><br /> <p>Wang, K.-H. 2018. Insectary plants for Hawaii. HānaiʻAi Newsletter, June &ndash; Aug, 2018.</p><br /> <p><em>Wang</em>, <em>K.-H. 2018. Screenhouse Field Day. </em>HānaiʻAi Newsletter&nbsp;March, April, May 2018. <a href=";dt=3&amp;g=12"><em>;dt=3&amp;g=12</em></a></p><br /> <p>Wang, K.-H. Happy 50<sup>TH</sup> Earth Day! <a href=""></a>. CTAHRNotes April 22, 2020.</p><br /> <p>Wang, K.-H., S. Budhathoki, M. Pugh, I. Shikano, J. Silva, J. Uyeda and R. Manandhar. 2021. Insecticide resistance management for diamondback moth in organic farms: Integration of trap cropping, intermittent sprinkler irrigation and biological control. HānaiʻAi Newsletter Jan-Mar, 2021. <a href=";dt=3&amp;g=12">;dt=3&amp;g=12</a></p><br /> <p><em>Wang</em>,<em>K.-H., </em>Ching, S. and J. Uyeda. 2018. Nematode suppressive effects of fluopyram on zucchini and cherry tomato in comparison to sunn hemp cover cropping and azardiactin through chemigation. HānaiʻAi Newsletter&nbsp;Dec, Jan, Feb 2018. <a href=";dt=3&amp;g=12"><em>;dt=3&amp;g=12</em></a></p><br /> <p>Wang, K.-H. and J.B. Friday. The Opportunity Is Now. CTAHRNotes (Guest Writer). <a href=""></a>. April 3, 2020.</p><br /> <p>Wang, K.-H., J. Sugano. 2020. eXtension - Farm Journal Monthly Story Lead contest for May 2020 (Jeff Goodwin submitted the impact story about DIY screenhouse project).</p><br /> <p>Wang, K.-H., J. Sugano, S. Fukuda, S. Ching, J. Kam, J. Uyeda, and D. Meyer. 2017. DIY Screenhouse for insect management in the Tropics: Part II Hoop Houses. HānaiʻAi Newsletter 28: Dec, Jan, Feb 2017. <a href=";dt=3&amp;g=12"><em>;dt=3&amp;g=12</em></a></p><br /> <p>Wang, K.-H., J. Sugano, S. Fukuda, J. Uyeda, D. Meyer, and S. Ching. 2017. DIY Screenhouse for insect management in the Tropics: Part I. HānaiʻAi Newsletter 28: Dec, Jan, Feb 2017. <a href=";dt=3&amp;g=12"><em>;dt=3&amp;g=12</em></a></p><br /> <p><em>Wang, K.-H. and P. Waisen, 2020. Summer home school: Sustainable Ag Version. </em>HānaiʻAi Newsletter June-Aug 2020. <a href=""></a>= 67099&amp;dt=3&amp;g=12</p><br /> <p><em>Wang, K.-H., P. Waisen, N. Kerr and J. Sugano. 2019. Exploring biological management methods against Fusarium wilt of banana in Hawai&rsquo;i. </em>HānaiʻAi Newsletter September-December, 2019. <a href=";dt=3&amp;g=12&amp;utm_source=Fall+2019&amp;utm_campaign=Fall+2019+Hanai%27Ai&amp;utm_medium=email">;dt=3&amp;g=12&amp;utm_source=Fall+2019&amp;utm_campaign=Fall+2019+Hanai%27Ai&amp;utm_medium=email</a>.</p><br /> <p><em>Wang, K.-H., P. Waisen, and J. Sugano. 2019. Ecosystem enhanced screenhouse cucumber production. </em>HānaiʻAi Newsletter December-February, 2019. <em>;dt=3&amp;g=12&amp;utm_source=Hanai+Ai+Winter+2020&amp;utm_campaign=WINTER+2020+Hanai%27Ai&amp;utm_medium=email</em></p><br /> <p>Wilson, J., <strong>Quintanilla, M.</strong>, Shade, A., Einhorn, T., Sundin, G., and A. Irish-Brown.&nbsp; 2019. The apple replant field trial at the Clarksville research center. New York State Horticultural Society, Fruit Quarterly, Vol 27(4).</p><br /> <p>Wong, K., J. Silva, R. Shimabuku, S. Fukuda, J. Sugano, K.-H. Wang, J. Uyeda, F. Reppun, S. Ching, J. Kam, and R. Mau. Comparing physical barriers and organic pesticides for controlling cabbage webworm on daikon. HānaiʻAi Newsletter 28: Dec, Jan, Feb 2017. <a href=""></a>.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>Invited Presentations.</strong></p><br /> <p>Bird G. 2020.&nbsp; <em>Soil Health Idea Caf&eacute;</em>. 2020 Annual Meeting of the American Phytopathological Society.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Bird, G. 2019. <em>The Living Soil</em>. August 21, 2019. Meeting of the Michigan Plant It Wild Association. Frankfort, Michigan.</p><br /> <p>Presentation on management of nematodes in golf greens to the New England Regional Turfgrass Conference, about 250 in attendance, 2017</p><br /> <p>Zoom presentation to the New England Regional Turfgrass Conference, 2021: Description of a new species of root-knot nematode in turfgrasses</p><br /> <p>Neher, D.A. Biological indicators and compost for managing plant disease. Invited keynote speaker, International Society for Horticultural Science, Ghent, Belgium, 22-27 August 2021.</p><br /> <p>Neher, D.A. <a href="">Stop treating our soil like dirt!</a> School of Forestry, University of Northern Arizona, 20 January 2021.</p><br /> <p>Neher, D.A. <a href="">Detrital food webs and disease suppression</a>. Department of Entomology and Nematology, University of Florida, Gainesville, 11 December 2020.</p><br /> <p>Wang, K.-H. 2021. Regenerative Agriculture and Carbon Capture: Cover Cropping and Conservation Tillage. Environmental Legislative Caucus Meeting. Aug 30, 2021 (organized by Representative Lisa Marten; 30 participants).</p><br /> <p>Wang, K.-H. 2021. Pest management resources in Hawaii. PIA Pest Management Considerations in Conservation Planning JAA Training (through Webex), July 27, 2021 (35 participants) organized by Jason Hanson and Giulio Ferruzzi.</p><br /> <p>Wang, K.-H. 2021. Pest management for orchid gardeners. The Central Ohio Orchid Society (COOS) monthly meeting (through zoom), June 17, 2021 (28 participants), organized by Tracy Strombotne.</p><br /> <p>Wang, K.-H. 2021. Ecological &amp; Sustainable Nematode Management. NRCS Conversations on Soil Health: Nematode Management and Cover Crops (Adobe Acrobat on-line event), June 17, 2021 (75 participants-NRCS Staff), Organized by Rachel Seman-Varner, Ph.D.</p><br /> <p>Wang, K.-H. 2021. Managing plant-parasitic nematodes in agroecosystems through cover cropping or biological derived products. University of California at Davis, Department of Plant Pathology Seminar. Zoom. Jan 25, 2021 (Coordinator: Dr. Ioannis Stergiopoulos, Attendance: ~60).</p><br /> <p>Wang, K.-H. 2021. Cover crop on-line training for &lsquo;Together We Farm&rsquo;. Tovuti online platform. Oahu Agriculture and Conservation Association (Organizer: Michelle Gorham).</p><br /> <p>Wick and Linderme 2020, University of Massachusetts: Workshop on extraction and identification of endoparasitic nematodes for the Northeast Plant Disease Diagnostic Network, 13 diagnosticians in attendance.</p>

Impact Statements

  1. AWARDS: SCN Coalition: 2020 Best National Agricultural Publication Relations Award, National Agri-Marketing Association. SCN Coalition: 2019 National Agricultural Publication Relations Award, National Agri-Marketing Association. George W. Bird: 2019 Distinguished Faculty Award, Michigan State University, College of Agriculture.
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