NE1231: Collaborative Potato Breeding and Variety Development Activities to Enhance Farm Sustainability in the Eastern US

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports

Annual/Termination Reports:

[04/11/2013] [12/12/2014] [08/04/2015] [12/31/2016] [05/22/2017]

Date of Annual Report: 04/11/2013

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 02/05/2013 - 02/06/2013
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2011 - 09/01/2012


De Jong, Walter (  Cornell;
Halseth, Don (  Cornell;
Porter, Greg (  University of Maine;
Freeman, Josh (  Virgina Tech;
Qu, Xinshun (  Penn State;
Peck, Mike (  Penn State;
Zotarelli, Lincoln (  University of Florida;
Gergela, Doug (  University of Florida;
Clough, Mark (  North Carolina State University;
Yencho, Craig ( - North Carolina State University;
Stafford, Kirby (  Connecticut Ag Expt Station

Brief Summary of Minutes

Administrative Advisor Kirby Stafford noted the change from CRIS reporting to REEPORT, training module is up now, your institution will have staff assigned to help make the transition to the new system. CRIS will eventually be discontinued. Multi-state projects will still be in NIMMS.
Andy McGlinn, attending seed potato grower from Maine, emphasized the importance of developing pull from commercial markets. When a chip processor is enthusiastic about a variety it helps the seed growers decide which clones to invest in. It is important to limit the number of new clones to manageable levels. Mary Ellen Camire presented a report on the activities of the University of Maine Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition. They have two new faculty members doing research on fruits and vegetables. Faculty members in the department do work on potato glycoalkaloids, antioxidants, organic acids, acrylamide, phenolics, and sensory quality. Mark Clough provided an update on the project website: the process of including data is working well on his end. People are welcomed to provide input on improvements. Reports can be posted on the web site. The next NE1231 meeting will be held in early 2014 in Virginia Beach.


This multidisciplinary, regional project is designed to take advantage of the existing strengths and resources of the potato breeding community in the eastern U.S., and it encourages the pooling of regional resources and promotes increased communication within the potato community located in the northeast, mid-Atlantic and southeast. The overarching goal of this specific project is to identify new potato varieties for use in the mid-Atlantic and southeast US, which will contribute to a more sustainable and profitable potato industry. Most major varieties, including Atlantic (the dominant chipping variety in the US) as well as two recent chip potato varieties that have resistance to internal heat necrosis, Harley Blackwell and Elkton, have passed through this system. As such, the NE-1231 Project (and its predecessors NE-1031, NE-1014, NE-184 and NE-107) have played a central role in eastern potato variety development for many years.<p><br /> This regional project has: 1) allowed potato breeders to share breeding materials and test results; 2) along with the USDA NRSP6 Potato Germplasm Enhancement Project it has facilitated potato germplasm selection and evaluation under diverse environmental conditions by all the breeding programs in the eastern US; 3) given research and extension personnel the opportunity to evaluate new selections from several potato breeding programs; 4) facilitated regional germplasm screening for specific characteristics at a single location (e.g. early blight and powdery scab resistance in PA); 5) developed variety profiles and cultural recommendations for each selection put into commercial production; and 6) as noted above, resulted in the release and adoption of most, if not all, of the major potato cultivars currently produced in the eastern U.S. <p><br /> Potato breeding for improved quality and pest resistance was conducted in ME, NY, NC, and USDA-ARS Beltsville, MD during 2012. These four programs focus on specific pest and marketing issues, so that regional resources are used efficiently. For example, ME is the only breeding program in the region which focuses on russets and long whites for processing (60% russets, 30% fresh and chipping whites, 10% specialty). ME emphasized research on late blight, pink rot, potato virus Y, and scab resistance. <br /> Several advanced clones and newly released varieties are currently being evaluated in commercial scale trials on-farm for their potential across the US. The most promising chipstock lines currently under evaluation include: AF0338-17, BNC182-5, Beacon Chipper, Dakota Crisp, Elkton, NC0349-3, Lamoka and Waneta. And, the most promising red-skinned tablestock clones are: Dark Red Chieftain, Red Maria, and NY136. All of these will be evaluated under variable commercial production conditions extensively during 2013 and onward. <p><br /> Each eastern breeding program submits its most promising advanced clones to the regional projects seed nursery in ME. During 2012, the project distributed seed potatoes for 20 regional potato variety trials conducted in eight states and two Canadian provinces. Eleven standard varieties and 26 numbered clones were tested for yield, tuber quality, and pest resistance. NE1031 Regional potato variety trials were conducted at three ME locations during 2012. The regional trial sites (numbers of clones tested) were: Presque Isle (41), St Agatha (32), and Exeter (20). Each regional trial site reports results to their local stakeholders and submits their data to the project website coordinator located in NC. The data are entered into a searchable database so that results are accessible to stakeholders and researchers anywhere in the world. Based on 2011-12 results, AF0338-17, AF4157-6, and NY148 were the most outstanding chipping prospects, AF4013-3 was a promising yellow-fleshed, specialty clone, while Modoc was the best performing red-skinned clone. Classic Russet, AF3362-1, and AF3001-6 were the top performing russeted clones.<p><br /> In terms of sharing information, our project web site and interactive searchable database, which is updated regularly, (see: continues to grow in importance and popularity. Evidence of its importance is the fact that it has been used as a model for other regional projects including the new USDA NIFA SCRI potato acrylamide mitigation project and the USPB chip trials. The web site provides current contact information for project cooperators and recent research reports, as well as access to our regional variety database and a dynamic summary generator for all released varieties. The interactive database has become popular as a tool used by researchers and stakeholders, and it can be viewed at <>. The summary generator allows users to build a cultivar summary that contains the most up-to-date performance data in a concise one-page format <>.<p><br /> New varieties and descriptions. <p><br /> This project seeks, through activities coordinated across many Northeastern States, to develop potato varieties with improved agronomic, disease-resistance, and nutritional characteristics. It is anticipated that improved potato cultivars will help maintain the viability of rural economies, reduce dependence on pesticides, and contribute substantially toward maintaining a secure, safe and nutritious food supply. <p><br /> Elkton is a medium to medium-late maturing potato variety with netted-skinned, round-oblong tubers, and white-flesh. Average marketable yields ranged from 76% to 113% of Atlantic. Elkton was released by the USDA-Beltsville program in November 2012. Elkton has been extensively tested by the NE1231 network, chip color processed directly from the field in southern locations or from storage in the northern locations is about the same as Atlantic. Elkton is resistant to internal heat necrosis. Overall baked, boiled and microwaved scores have been good. Elkton is moderately resistant to common scab, early blight, and Verticillium wilt; intermediate to moderately susceptible to late blight; moderately susceptible to powdery scab; and, susceptible to potato virus Y and potato virus S. <br /> <br /> <br /> Project milestones for 2012, and progress related to each of these, follow: <p><br /> <br /> Conduct breeding, germplasm enhancement, and selection studies to improve potato productivity and quality for important eastern U.S. markets.<br /> Breeding: The spring crossing block was focused on making 4x-2x pollinations among yellow-fleshed tetraploid S. tuberosum (tub) and orange-fleshed diploid S. phureja-S. stenotomum (phu-stn) to enhance the carotenoid content in tub. In all, 36 crosses were successful, generating 976 seed. In addition, crosses were made between tub and hexaploid S. albicans or S. iopetulum to incorporate the nitrogen uptake efficiency of these hexaploid species into tub. A total of 37 crosses were successful, generating 7465 seed. Also, crosses were made between diploid phu-stn and S. chacoense (chc) to incorporate the nitrogen uptake efficiency of chc into long-day adapted phu-stn. A total of 90 crosses were successful, generating 40,700 seed. The summer crossing block was focused on chipping ability in tub. A total of 92 crosses were successful, generating 34,800 seed. In addition, 4x-2x or 2x-4x crosses were made between tub and cycle three late blight resistant phu-stn clones. A total of 12 crosses were successful, generating 121 seed. Seed nurseries were established on Aroostook Farm for yellow-flesh and orange-flesh. Approximately 290,000 seed were collected from 44 open-pollinated orange-flesh phu-stn parents and 33,000 seed from 15 open-pollinated yellow-flesh phu-stn parents. <br /> Selection: Seed from all clones in the second field generation (12-hill stage) were harvested for distribution to cooperators in FL, NC, PA, NY and ME for an early generation study (sixth year this was done). Seed from more advanced field generations (third and higher) were distributed to cooperators as requested. <p> <br /> <br /> Use of novel and highly improved potato germplasm to reduce the impact of economically important potato pests in the eastern U.S.<br /> Late blight: Mini-tubers were produced for the cycle four diploid phu-stn late blight resistant population. Tubers from 20 seedlings from each of 72 families were paired, with one to be sent to Mexico for evaluation in 2013 and the other to be planted in Maine. Three segregating families, consisting of 41 clones total, involving a late blight resistant selection of S. hougasii (6x) obtained from Chuck Brown (ARS-WA) were evaluated for foliar late blight in PA in 2012. Twenty-one of these clones were significantly more resistant to late blight than Atlantic. Of the 105 clones selected from crosses between (Beltsville clones x CIP clones with horizontal late blight resistance to late blight) and (Beltsville clones x cold chipping tub-gryl hybrids from ARS-WI), 27 had specific gravity greater than 1.080 and chip color from Jan 50F storage less than 7.0. All clones were harvested and tubers sent to PA for late blight evaluations in 2013. Scab: Clones from Per McCords IHN mapping population were evaluated for resistance to common scab in ME. The population appears to be segregating for resistance. <br /> <br /> <br /> Short-term Outcomes: <br /> Potatoes can cost more than $3,000 per acre to produce and devastating diseases such as pink rot and/or late blight can totally destroy the crop. Resistant varieties greatly decrease the risk of such losses and, in the case of late blight resistance, can reduce production costs by reducing the number of chemical sprays applied to protect the crop from the pest.<br /> <br /> Eastern potato growers need new potato varieties which are highly productive and less susceptible to stress, diseases, and insects than current varieties. This regional potato breeding and trial network produces new potato varieties and evaluates their potential to serve fresh, processing, and specialty potato markets in the East. These new varieties will improve grower profitability by increasing yields, enhancing market quality, and/or decreasing costs associated with pests. Farm gate receipts for eastern potato production exceed 460 million dollars annually, therefore the impact of a successful new potato cultivar can mean many millions of dollars to the industry over time. Potatoes can cost more than $2500 per acre to produce and devastating diseases such as pink rot and/or late blight can totally destroy the crop. Resistant varieties greatly decrease the risk of losses and, in the case of late blight resistance, can reduce production costs by reducing the number of chemical sprays applied to protect the crop from the pest. Over the years, the eastern regional project has resulted in the release of many commercially important potato varieties (e.g. Atlantic, Andover, Harley Blackwell, Kanona, Keuka Gold, MaineStay, Marcy, Monticello, Pike, and Sunrise). Peter Wilcox, a purple-skinned yellow-fleshed specialty variety from the USDA-ARS program, and Lehigh, a yellow-fleshed dual-purpose variety from NY, are two of the more recent releases from the eastern programs. Lamoka (NY139), Waneta (NY138), and Red Maria (NY129) are three 2010-2011 releases that are attracting commercial interest. Elkton (B1992-106) was released in 2012, while AF0338-17, AF3001-6, and AF3362-1 are slated for 2013 release. Potato seed multiplication and commercial adoption are slow processes, so it will take years to know the full impacts of these varieties on eastern potato production. To facilitate the adoption process, ME coordinated 16 commercial-scale trials representing 11 new potato varieties (4 chippers, 3 russets, 2 reds, and 2 specialty market yellow fleshed) and 156 acres during 2012. Additional commercial trials were conducted in the other participating states. AF0338-17, AF3001-6, and AF3362-1 were among the clones in these commercial trials. Additional commercial trials were conducted in the other participating states. If these varieties perform well their production will expand over time. Depending on the characteristics of the specific potato variety, the potential benefits of adoption include new marketing opportunities, more efficient processing, higher yields, better nutritional value, reduced pesticide costs, and less risk of losses to stress, diseases, and pests.<br /> <br /> No cultivars were released this year (Elkton was released outside the time frame of this report - see above - impact will be documented in next report).


Haynes, K.G., D.M. Gergela, C.M. Hutchinson, G.C. Yencho, M.E. Clough, M.R. Henninger, D.E. Halseth, E. Sandsted, G.A. Porter, P.C. Ocaya. 2012. Early Generation Selection at Multiple Locations May Identify Potato Parents that Produce More Widely Adapted Progeny. Euphytica Vol 186 Issue 2: 573-583.<br /> <br /> <br /> Haynes, K.G., G.C. Yencho, M.E. Clough, M.R. Henninger, S.B. Sterrett. 2012. Genetic Variation for Potato Tuber Micronutrient Content and Implications for Biofortification of Potatoes to Reduce Micronutrient Malnutrition. American Journal of Potato Research, Vol 89 Issue 3: 192-198.<br /> <br /> <br /> Yencho, G.C. and M.E. Clough. 2012. North Carolina Potato Variety Trial and Breeding Report, 2012. NC State University, Raleigh, NC. 42pp. <<br /> <br /> <br /> Porter, G.A., G.S. Grounds, and T.Mills 2012. Variety trial and breeding program results. Proceedings of the University of Maine Cooperative Extension Potato Conference, Caribou, ME. January 19, 2012 (abst). <br /> <br /> <br /> Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, B. MacFarline, and B. Plummer. 2012. Potato variety trial results in Maine, 2012 growing season. PSE Departmental Mimeo 2012-01, 42 pp. <br /> <br /> <br /> Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, and T. Mills. 2012. Maine potato breeding program annual report, 2012 growing season. PSE Departmental Mimeo, 20 pp.<br /> <br /> <br /> Technical Articles or Reports, not refereed<br /> <br /> <br /> Halseth, D.E., Sandsted, E.R., MacLaury, R.L., and Kelly, J.M. 2013. 2012 Upstate New York potato variety trials and cultural practice experiments. Cornell University, Department of Horticulture Report No. 76, 46 pages.<br /> <br /> <br /> Halseth, D.E., Sandsted, E.R., Hymes, W.L., MacLaury, R.L., and Kelly, J.M. 2012. 2011 Upstate New York potato variety trials and cultural practice experiments. Cornell University, Department of Horticulture Report No. 70, 51 pages.<br /> <br /> <br /> D. Gergela. L. Zotarelli. 2012. Florida Potato Variety Trial Report, 2011. University of Florida, Horticultural Sciences Department. Report. 231 pages.<br />

Impact Statements

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Date of Annual Report: 12/12/2014

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 02/03/2014 - 02/04/2014
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2012 - 09/01/2013


De Jong, Walter ( – Cornell;
Halseth, Don ( – Cornell;
Menash, Sandra ( - Cornell;
Porter, Greg ( – University of Maine;
Alyokhin, Andrei ( – University of Maine;
Camire, Mary Ellen ( – University of Maine;
Perkins, Lewis ( – University of Maine;
Kleinhenz, Matt ( - Ohio State;
Haynes, Kathy ( – USDA-ARS Beltsville;
Richard Veilleux ( – Virginia Tech;
Mathew, Sudeep ( – University of Maryland;
Qu, Xinshun ( – Penn State;
Peck, Mike ( – Penn State;
Zotarelli, Lincoln ( – University of Florida;
Clough, Mark ( – North Carolina State University;
Yencho, Craig ( - North Carolina State University;
Stafford, Kirby ( – Connecticut Ag Expt Station

Brief Summary of Minutes

Attendees at the February 2014 annual NE1231 meeting were Sudeep Mathew (UMD), Lincoln Zotarelli (UF), Mike Peck and Xinshun Xu (PSU), Richard Veilleux (VATech), Matt Kleinhenz (OSU), Craig Yencho & Mark Clough (NCSU), Chris Hopkins (Black Gold. Regional Manager, East Coast), Inclement weather in the north limited travel for Greg Porter (UM), Don Halseth and Walter DeJong (Cornell).

No administrative advisor report was presented because a new advisor has yet to be appointed. Ann Marie Thro provided a NIFA report via speaker phone. Maine points were that the potato breeding special grants was renewed for 2014 with a $1,350,000 RFA to be announced soon. Impact statements are very important and plant breeding is very high profile in Washington at this time due at least partially to stakeholder input and good impact statements. Variety develop is a good measurable outcome, but we need to convey that plant breeding takes a long time (especially for potato) – how do we educate legislators about this process? What are other relevant indicators of progress/impact (novelty, scientific excellence?)? The AFRI Plant Breeding Program was summarized (1 yrs worth of funding; 5-6 awards; additional information).

Greg Porter provided an update on the Eastern USDA-NIFA Grant for Potato Breeding Research via email. Funding was obtained from the 2013 RFA and subcontracts should now be in place. Our grant received positive reviews and our funding level was retained at the same level as the previous year despite federal budget difficulties. Appreciation was expressed to everyone for getting grant material in on time. The RFA for the 2014 grant program should be expected sometime in the spring.

State and provincial reports were given describing production status, promising clones, and market needs. Industry input was that quality and solids are big issues and that AF0338-17 is looking very promising in FL, TX, MO, NC. Two loads of seed for NC. MD - solids are low for some reason, even in ATL. A good red in the east is still needed. Beacon Chipper is good for quality, but yield has been lower than ATL. Would like to have more cultivars that Frito-lay will accept (they are looking at Lamoka, a good step). Regarding funding and collaboration, we were advised to ask for what we need. Probably in the long-term we might need to look at more inter-regional collaboration, especially if you introduce a new variety. For example: AF0338-17 best line in 5 different trials in different regions.

Plant Pathology and breeding program reports were presented by participants. Emailed reports were distributed and discussed. The NE1231 seed nursery shopping list was distributed and each clone was discussed. No major changes were suggested for 2014.

Mark Clough provided an update on the project website: the process of including data is working well on his end and the database is growing. People are welcomed to provide input on improvements. Reports can be posted on the web site.

The next NE1231 meeting will be held in early 2015 in Orlando, FL after the NPC Potato EXPO.


This multidisciplinary, regional project is designed to take advantage of the existing strengths and resources of the potato breeding community in the eastern US, and it encourages the pooling of regional resources and promotes increased communication within the potato community located in the northeast, mid-Atlantic and southeast. The overarching goal of this specific project is to identify new potato varieties for use in the mid-Atlantic and southeast US, which will contribute to a more sustainable and profitable potato industry. Most major varieties, including Atlantic (the dominant out-ofofield chipping variety in the US) as well as two recent chip potato varieties that have resistance to internal heat necrosis, Harley Blackwell and Elkton, have passed through this system. As such, the NE-1231 Project (and its predecessors NE-1031, NE-1014, NE-184 and NE-107) have played a central role in eastern potato variety development for many years. <br /> <br /> <p>This regional project has: 1) allowed potato breeders to share breeding materials and test results; 2) along with the USDA NRSP6 Potato Germplasm Enhancement Project it has facilitated potato germplasm selection and evaluation under diverse environmental conditions by all the breeding programs in the eastern US; 3) given research and extension personnel the opportunity to evaluate new selections from several potato breeding programs; 4) facilitated regional germplasm screening for specific characteristics at a single location (e.g. early blight and powdery scab resistance in PA); 5) developed variety profiles and cultural recommendations for each selection put into commercial production; and 6) as noted above, resulted in the release and adoption of most, if not all, of the major potato cultivars currently produced in the eastern US. <br /> <br /> <p>Potato breeding for improved quality and pest resistance was conducted in ME, NY, NC, and USDA-ARS Beltsville, MD during 2013. These four programs focus on specific pest and marketing issues, so that regional resources are used efficiently. For example, ME is the only breeding program in the region which focuses on russets and long whites for processing (50% russets, 40% fresh and chipping whites, 10% specialty). ME also emphasizes research on late blight, pink rot, potato virus Y, and scab resistance. During 2013, our programs generated 978 new tetraploid families (733,000 seeds) from crosses using parents with desirable quality, utilization, adaptation, and/or pest resistance traits. USDA-ARS also generated 83 2x crosses (209,000 seeds) for use in germplasm improvement. Progeny (106,900) from earlier crosses were field selected resulting in 3,437 clones that will be further selected under conditions with diverse abiotic and biotic stress in the eastern U.S. and beyond.<br /> <br /> <p>Advanced clones from our project were introduced to growers through field days, presentations, publications, web sites, and direct contact with stakeholders. Eight advanced clones were entered into tissue culture programs leading to commercial seed production. Several advanced clones and newly released varieties are currently being evaluated in commercial scale trials on-farm for their potential across the US. The most promising chipstock lines currently under evaluation include: Beacon Chipper, Elkton, Lamoka, Waneta AF0338-17, AF4157-6, BNC182-5, NC0349-3, and NY148. NY150 and AF4138-8 are being evaluated for the round-white fresh market. NY150 is a specialty white with very small, bright tubers. The most promising red-skinned tablestock clones are: Dark Red Chieftain, Red Maria, and NY136. AF4659-12, is a pinto-type, yellow-fleshed ‘roasting’ variety that is being evaluated by small-scale local foods markets. All of these will be evaluated under variable commercial production conditions extensively during 2014 and onward.<br /> <br /> <p>Each eastern breeding program submits its most promising advanced clones to the regional project’s seed nursery in ME. During 2013, the project distributed seed potatoes for 15 regional potato variety trials conducted in eight states and two Canadian provinces. Eleven standard varieties and 27 numbered clones or newly released varieties were tested for yield, tuber quality, and pest resistance. NE1231 Regional potato variety trials were conducted at three ME locations during 2013. The regional trial sites (numbers of clones tested) were: Presque Isle (37), St Agatha (33), and Exeter (14). NE1231 variety trials were also conducted in FL, NC, VA, MD, PA, OH, NY, and Canada (NB, QC). Each regional trial site reports results to their local stakeholders and submits their data to the project website coordinator located in NC. The data are entered into a searchable database so that results are accessible to stakeholders and researchers anywhere in the world. Based on 2012-13 Maine results, AF0338-17, AF4157-6, and NY148 were the most outstanding chipping prospects. AF4138-8 and NY150 were promising round-white fresh market clones. Dakota Trailblazer, Teton Russet, AF3362-1, and AF3001-6 were the top performing russeted clones.<br /> <br /> <p>In terms of sharing information, our project web site and interactive searchable database, which is updated regularly, (see: continues to grow in importance and popularity. Evidence of its importance is the fact that it has been used as a model for other regional projects including the new USDA NIFA SCRI potato acrylamide mitigation project and the USPB chip trials. The web site provides current contact information for project cooperators and recent research reports, as well as access to our regional variety database and a dynamic summary generator for all released varieties. The interactive database has become popular as a tool used by researchers and stakeholders, and it can be viewed at <>. The summary generator allows users to build a cultivar summary that contains the most up-to-date performance data in a concise one-page format <>.<br /> <br /> <p><b>New varieties and descriptions.</b><br /> <br /> <p>This project seeks, through activities coordinated across many Northeastern States, to develop potato varieties with improved agronomic, disease-resistance, and nutritional characteristics. It is anticipated that improved potato cultivars will help maintain the viability of rural economies, reduce dependence on pesticides, and contribute substantially toward maintaining a secure, safe and nutritious food supply.<br /> <br /> <p><b>Advanced Potato Clones Showing Particular Promise in 2013 include:</b><br /> <br /> <ul><li><b>AF0338-17, to be named Sebec in early 2014</b> (AF303-5 x SA8211-6), a widely-adapted, mid-season, high yielding, round white for out-of-field chipping and fresh market. It has performed well in the S.E. and mid-Atlantic states with yields averaging near those of Atlantic. Specific gravity has averaged 4 points lower than Atlantic. AF0338-17 has chipped well from the field and has had much lower incidence of internal defects than Atlantic. It is moderately susceptible to scab, but has moderate verticillium resistance. <br /> <li><b>AF3001-6, to be named Easton in early 2014</b> (Silverton Russet x AF1668-60), a widely adapted, late maturing, long-white with netted skin, very good fry color, and high yields. AF3001-6 is very good baked, boiled, and mashed. U.S.#1 yields have averaged ~131% of standard russeted varieties (usually Russet Burbank) in Maine trials. Specific gravity is moderate (average of 1.081 in ME trials) and fry color from storage has been excellent. It has been an outstanding performer in the national fry processing trials (NFPT). It is moderately susceptible to scab, but has good verticillium resistance. Susceptibility to tuber decay (tuber blight in 2011, softrot in several research trials, fusarium in a 2013 commercial trial) has been the most serious concern so far for this variety. <br /> <li><b>AF3362-1</b> (Reeves Kingpin x Silverton Russet), a mid-season, long russet with good yields, processing potential, and fair to good appearance. AF3362-1 is very good baked and mashed. U.S.#1 yields have averaged ~132% of standard russeted varieties (usually Russet Burbank) in Maine trials. Specific gravity is moderate (average of 1.083 in ME trials) and fry color from storage has been mostly good. It may be a good alternative to Shepody for out-of-field and short-term storage processing use as well as useful for russet fresh market. It has moderate scab resistance and good bruise resistance. AF3362-1 is susceptible to internal heat necrosis and should not be grown in the S.E. states or other areas where this defect is frequently observed<br /> <li><b>AF4157-6</b> (Yankee Chipper x Dakota Pearl), an early to mid-season, round to oblong white with good yields, moderately-high gravity, very good chip color, and fair to good appearance. U.S.#1 yields have averaged 95% of Atlantic and 108% of Snowden in Maine trials. Specific gravity is moderate to high (average of 1.086 in ME trials) and chip color from storage has been very good. It has low sugars even from cool temperature storage. It is susceptible to scab, but has resistance to golden nematode, blackspot bruise, and pink rot. AF4157-6 has potential as a chipper in southern states and in northern states on fields where scab is not a concern<br /> <li><b>AF4138-8</b> (SA9707-6 x AF1953-4), a fresh market, early to mid-season, round to oblong white with bright skin. It has good yields, attractive tubers, low specific gravity, blackspot bruise tolerance, low hollow heart incidence, and good boiled quality. It is moderately resistant to scab and has golden nematode resistance. Seed Availability: University of Maine seed plus it is in virus clean up at Porter Farm, Maine Seed Potato Board.<br /> <li><b>AF4172-2</b> (A95523-12 x A92158-3), a medium maturing, russet with good fry quality, fair to good tuber appearance, and high yields. US#1 yields have averaged ~119% of standard russeted varieties (usually Russet Burbank) in Maine trials. Specific gravity is moderate (average of 1.083 in ME trials) and fry color from storage has been very good. It has been a good performer in the national fry processing trials (NFPT). It is susceptible to scab, but has good bruise resistance. Tuber size tends toward the smaller size classes. Baked quality scores have been very good. <br /> <li><b>AF4296-3</b> (A0508-4 x A99081-8), a widely adapted, late maturing, russet with good fry quality, fair tuber appearance, and high yields. US#1 yields have averaged ~111% of standard russeted varieties (usually Russet Burbank) in Maine trials. Specific gravity is moderate (average of 1.079 in ME trials) and fry color from storage has been good. It has been an outstanding performer in the national fry processing trials (NFPT). It is moderately susceptible to scab, but has moderate verticillium resistance and good bruise resistance. <br /> <li><b>AF4648-2</b> (NY132 x Liberator), a mid-season, round to oblong white with good yields, moderately-high gravity, bruise resistance, very good chip color, and good appearance. It could go for chipping or fresh market. It has good scab resistance and is resistant to golden nematode and PVY. <br /> <li><b>AF4659-12</b> (A99331-2 x US147-96RY), a yellow-fleshed “pinto-type” specialty variety with a interesting red and yellow skin pattern. It produces small, fingerling-type tubers that are excellent roasted, boiled, or fried. Seed Availability: University of Maine seed plus it is in virus clean up at Porter Farm for tissue culture. <br /> <li><b>NY140</b> (NY121 x NY115), a late-season dual-purpose fresh market and chipping clone with large round to oblong tubers, high yields, moderate gravity, blackspot bruise resistance, good chip color, and good appearance. It is scab susceptible, but it is resistant to golden nematode (races Ro1 and R02) and has moderate late blight resistance. <br /> <li><b>NY148</b> (NY128 x Marcy), a late-season, high specific gravity, chip stock clone. It has round tubers with prominent skin netting. Yields have been very high in many trials. Chip color from storage is good, but not exceptional. It has good scab resistance, moderate early and late blight resistance, resistance to golden nematode (Ro1). It is susceptible to internal heat necrosis and is quite susceptible to bruising. <br /> <li><b>NY150</b> (NY121 x Jacqueline Lee), a niche market, early-season, round-white for fresh market use. It produces many small tubers with bright white skin. It has moderate scab resistance, moderate late blight resistance, resistance to golden nematode (Ro1), and is immune to PVY. <br /> </ul><br /> <p>Project milestones for 2013, and progress related to each of these, follow:<br /> <br /> <p><b>Conduct breeding, germplasm enhancement, and selection studies to improve potato productivity and quality for important eastern U.S. markets.</b><br /> <br><b>Breeding:</b> During 2013, our programs generated 978 new tetraploid families (733,000 seeds) from crosses using parents with desirable quality, utilization, adaptation, and/or pest resistance traits. USDA-ARS also generated 83 2x crosses (209,000 seeds) for use in germplasm improvement. Progeny (106,900) from earlier crosses were field selected resulting in 3,437 clones that will be further selected under conditions with diverse abiotic and biotic stress in the eastern U.S. and beyond. Crosses conducted by the University of Maine continue to emphasize (50%) russets for processing and fresh; however, a significant component of the program is represented by round whites and chipping types (40%)and specialty types (10%). Cornell University and NC State University place strong emphasis on breeding for chip quality and utilization, but also include fresh market, colored-skin, and specialty types in their breeding goals. <br /> <br /> <p>USDA-ARS potato breeding at the tetraploid level typically focuses on chipping types and clones with colored skin and/or flesh. The 4x-2x crosses in the USDA-ARS program partially focus on yellow-fleshed tetraploid S. tuberosum (tub) and orange-fleshed diploid S. phureja-S. stenotomum (phu-stn) to enhance the carotenoid content in tuberosum. The phu-stn combinations are also being used to enhance tuber specific gravity. In addition, crosses were made between tub and hexaploid S. albicans or S. iopetulum to incorporate the nitrogen uptake efficiency of these hexaploid species into tuberosum <p>Also, crosses were made between diploid phu-stn and S. chacoense (chc) to incorporate the nitrogen uptake efficiency of chc into long-day adapted phu-stn. In addition, 4x-2x or 2x-4x crosses were made between tub and cycle three late blight resistant phu-stn clones. Seed nurseries on Aroostook Farm for yellow-flesh and orange-flesh. Approximately 290,000 seed were collected from 44 open-pollinated orange-flesh phu-stn parents and 33,000 seed from 15 open-pollinated yellow-flesh phu-stn parents. <br /> <br /> <p>VA Tech continues to develop 4x-2x hybrid families representing unusual genomic combinations of Solanum tuberosum Group Tuberosum and S. tuberosum Group Phureja where much of the Phureja genome has passed through the “monoploid sieve” to eliminate lethal and severely deleterious genes. The question is whether this purified Phureja genome can serve as a building block for new cultivars or if it will introduce too many undesirable traits for potato breeding purposes. Seedlings representing eight 4x-2x hybrid families were planted during 2013 to generate seedling tubers for future selection studies. The families were generated from crosses between cultivars Atlantic, Katahdin and Desirée as female parents and male parents consisting of diploid hybrids derived from crosses between doubled monoploids and heterozygous diploid selections. The greenhouse tubers will be shipped to project cooperators in ME and NC for field selection. <br /> <br /> <p><b>Selection:</b> USDA-ARS and ME send seed from all clones in the second or third field generation (12-hill or 60-hill stage) to cooperators in FL, NC, PA, NY and ME for early generation evaluation and to select materials with broad regional adaptation. All of our programs send seed from more advanced field generations (third and higher) to regional cooperators (FL, NC, VA, MD, PA, OH, NY, ME) for continued phenotyping, selection, and advancement. Advanced clones from our project were introduced to growers through field days, presentations, publications, web sites, and direct contact with stakeholders. Eight advanced clones were entered into tissue culture programs leading to commercial seed production. <br /> <br /> <p><b>Use of novel and highly improved potato germplasm to reduce the impact of economically important potato pests in the eastern U.S.</b> <br /> <br>Wild or cultivated diploid germplasm that we are using to introduce novel traits for pest resistance or improved quality includes: S. phureja and S. stenotomum for resistance to early and late blight (USDA-ARS); S. bulbocastanum for late blight and insect resistant (ME), S. chacoense for insect resistance (USDA-ARS, NC); S. hougasii for late blight resistance (USDA-ARS); and S. berthaultii for insect resistance (NY, NC). In addition, 4x-2x or 2x-4x crosses were made between tub and cycle three late blight resistant phu-stn clones. <br /> <br /> <p><b>Golden nematode:</b> Breeding efforts in NY have emphasized resistance to golden nematode Ro1; however, resistance to race Ro2 is now also a priority. The NY program developed Ro2 resistance by selecting for adaptation within a collection of South American tetraploids, and work has begun to procure additional sources of resistance from Europe to broaden the genetic base of resistance and provide resistance to G. pallida. The USDA-ARS and ME programs also use parental materials with nematode resistance. Progeny from crosses using resistant parents are being evaluated for resistance to both races of the golden nematode (NY and USDA-ARS). NY’s H1 PCR-based marker is also being also used to screen clones for Ro1 resistance (NY, ME). NY is also testing for resistance to G. pallida using in vitro techniques.<br /> <p><b>Late blight:</b> Mini-tubers were produced for the cycle four diploid phu-stn late blight resistant population. Tubers from 20 seedlings from each of 72 families were paired, with one to be sent to Mexico for evaluation in 2013 and the other to be planted in Maine. Three segregating families, consisting of 41 clones total, involving a late blight resistant selection of S. hougasii (6x) obtained from Chuck Brown (ARS-WA) were evaluated for foliar late blight in PA in 2012. Twenty-one of these clones were significantly more resistant to late blight than Atlantic. Of the 105 clones selected from crosses between (Beltsville clones x CIP clones with horizontal late blight resistance to late blight) and (Beltsville clones x cold chipping tub-gryl hybrids from ARS-WI), 27 had specific gravity greater than 1.080 and chip color from Jan 50F storage less than 7.0. All clones were harvested and tubers sent to PA for late blight evaluations in 2013. <br /> <p><b>Scab:</b> ME, NY, PA, and USDA-ARS screen and select for resistance to scab in inoculated and/or naturally-infected field experiments. Lines are tested over multiple years because of environmental effects on disease incidence and severity. Scab resistant parents are used extensively in all four breeding programs. Clones showing resistance are being used as parents to improve the level of resistance in future germplasm. Clones from Per McCord’s IHN mapping population have been evaluated for resistance to common scab in ME. The population appears to be segregating for resistance. <br /> <p><b>Potato Virus Y (PVY):</b> As a result of the NY neotuberosum project, extreme resistance to PVX and PVY is present in many NY breeding lines. The variety Eva, for example, is immune to both PVX and PVY. All four breeding programs continue to include virus-resistant clones as parents. Marker-assisted selection for potato virus Y resistance (Whitworth et al. 2009; Ryadg, RYSC3, Kasai et al, 2000; Rysto, YES3, Song and Schwarzfischer 2008) are being used to supplement traditional screening methods and provide earlier detection of resistant clones. <br /> <p><b>Colorado Potato Beetle: </b>Horticultural evaluation of glandular-trichome- producing advanced lines continues within the Cornell NY breeding program. Crossing at the diploid level is also being undertaken to reinitiate the introgression of trichome traits from S. berthaultii into S. tuberosum. All current CPB-resistant lines are derived from a handful of crosses between tetraploid S. tuberosum and unreduced pollen from diploid S. berthaultii. A frequent association between insect resistance and unacceptable levels of tuber glycoalkaloids has been difficult to eliminate while selecting at the 4x level. Current tetraploid lines also lack the acyl-sugar secreting, type B trichomes present in S. berthaultii. In a complementary effort, NCSU has used the USDA-ARS-developed tetraploid S. chacoense (2n=4x=48) potatoes crossed with S. tuberosum (Sanford et al., 1997) to develop CPB resistant germplasm. During 2006-2013, NCSU has used several of the most promising advanced chc-based CPB-resistant lines in crosses with Cornell University’s S. tuberosum X S. berthaltii derived materials. Field evaluation of these materials continued in 2013. <br /> Selection: Each of the breeding programs maintain plots for resistance screening (e.g. NC, CPB resistance; ME, scab, verticilliun, late blight, pink rot, fusarium, PVY and PLRV; NY late blight, scab, insect resistance, PVY; USDA-ARS late blight, scab; and/or or utilize regional collaborators (USDA-ARS NY for golden nematode resistance; Penn State for late blight, early blight, and powdery scab). Marker-assisted selection is being used to speed selection for PVY and golden nematode resistance. <br /> <br /> <p><b>Short-term Outcomes:</b> <br /> <br /> <p>Eastern potato growers need new potato varieties which are highly productive and less susceptible to stress, diseases, and insects than current varieties. This regional potato breeding and trial network produces new potato varieties and evaluates their potential to serve fresh, processing, and specialty potato markets in the East. These new varieties will improve grower profitability by increasing yields, enhancing market quality, and/or decreasing costs associated with pests. Farm gate receipts for eastern potato production exceed 460 million dollars annually, therefore the impact of a successful new potato cultivar can mean many millions of dollars to the industry over time. Potatoes can cost more than $2500 per acre to produce and devastating diseases such as pink rot and/or late blight can totally destroy the crop. Resistant varieties greatly decrease the risk of losses and, in the case of late blight resistance, can reduce production costs by reducing the number of chemical sprays applied to protect the crop from the pest. Several areas in NY could not produce potatoes without the golden nematode resistant varieties developed as part of this and other research projects. Over the years, the eastern regional project has resulted in the release of many commercially important potato varieties (e.g. Atlantic, Andover, Harley Blackwell, Kanona, Keuka Gold, MaineStay, Marcy, Monticello, Pike, and Sunrise). Peter Wilcox, a purple-skinned yellow-fleshed specialty variety from the USDA-ARS program, and Lehigh, a yellow-fleshed dual-purpose variety from NY, are two of the more recent releases from the eastern programs. Lamoka (NY139), Waneta (NY138), and Red Maria (NY129) are three 2010-2011 releases that are attracting commercial interest. Elkton (B1992-106) was released in 2012, while Sebec (AF0338-17) and Easton (AF3001-6) were released in early 2014. Potato seed multiplication and commercial adoption are slow processes, so it will take years to know the full impacts of these varieties on eastern potato production. To facilitate the adoption process, ME coordinated 16 commercial-scale trials representing 11 new potato varieties (2 chippers, 1 round-white, 3 russets, 3 reds, and 2 specialty market yellow fleshed) and 111 acres during 2013. Additional commercial trials were conducted in the other participating states. AF0338-17, AF3001-6, and AF3362-1 were among the clones in these commercial trials. Additional commercial trials were conducted in the other participating states. Recent variety releases from the eastern group or those introduced to the east by our trial network were produced on 2184 seed acres in NY and ME during 2013. The seed value of these acres is ~$4.0M and this seed has the potential to produce 12,100 acres of potatoes in 2014 with a value of ~$36M. If these varieties perform well their production will expand over time. Depending on the characteristics of the specific potato variety, the potential benefits of adoption include new marketing opportunities, more efficient processing, higher yields, better nutritional value, reduced pesticide costs, and less risk of losses to stress, diseases, and pests.<br /> <br /> <p><b>Outputs:</b><br /> <br /> <p>1. Cultivars released this year: <br /> <br /> <p><b>Elkton</b> is a medium to medium-late maturing potato variety with netted-skinned, round-oblong tubers, and white-flesh. Average marketable yields ranged from 76% to 113% of Atlantic. Elkton was released by the USDA-Beltsville program in November 2012. Elkton has been extensively tested by the NE1231 network, chip color processed directly from the field in southern locations or from storage in the northern locations is about the same as ‘Atlantic’. Elkton is resistant to internal heat necrosis. Overall baked, boiled and microwaved scores have been good. Elkton is moderately resistant to common scab, early blight, and Verticillium wilt; intermediate to moderately susceptible to late blight; moderately susceptible to powdery scab; and, susceptible to potato virus Y and potato virus S. <br /> <br /> <p> Two other varieties Sebec (AF0338-17) and Easton (AF3001-6) were released in early January 2014, just outside the timeframe of this report and will be listed next year – see above for attributes of these two cultivars.


<b>Journal Papers</b><br /> <br /> <p>Haynes, K.G., X. Qu, and B.J. Christ. 2014. Two cycles of recurrent maternal half-sib selection reduce foliar late blight in a diploid hybrid Solanum phureja – S. stenotomum population by two-thirds. Amer. J. Potato Res. 91:254-259. <br /> <br /> <p>Haynes, K.G., D.M. Gergela, X.S. Qu, M.W. Peck, G.C. Yencho, M.E. Clough, M.R. Henninger, D.E. Halseth, G.A. Porter, P.C. Ocaya, L. Zotarelli, S.R. Menasha, B.J. Christ, L. Wanner, C.M. Hutchinson. 2014. Elkton: A new potato variety with resistance to internal heat necrosis and hollow heart and suitable for chipping directly from the field in the southern United States. Amer. J. Potato Res. 91:269-276.<br /> <br /> <p><b>Published Abstracts</b><br /> <br /> <p>Gergela, D.M., L. Zotarelli, K. Haynes, and G.A. Porter. 2013. B1992-106, a new potential chipping potato variety for Florida. Am J Potato Research 90: 131 (abstr.) <br /> <br /> <p>Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, and T.Mills 2013. New varieties from the breeding and variety development program. Proceedings of the University of Maine Cooperative Extension Potato Conference, Caribou, ME. January 24, 2013 (abstr.). <br /> <br /> <p>Porter, G.A. and P.C. Ocaya 2013. National fry processing trial and USPB/SFA chipping potato trial. Proceedings of the University of Maine Cooperative Extension Potato Conference, Caribou, ME. January 24, 2013 (abstr.)<br /> <br /> <p><b>Technical Articles or Reports, not refereed</b><br /> <br /> <p>Halseth, D.E., Sandsted, E.R., Kelly, J.M., and Moriarty, S. 2014. 2013 Upstate New York potato variety trials and cultural practice experiments. Cornell University, Department of Horticulture Report No. 81, 54 pages<br /> <br /> <p>Kleinhenz, M.D., J.B. Moyseenko, S.D. Walker, and B. Williams. 2013. Ohio Potato Germplasm Evaluation Report, 2013. The Ohio State University, Horticulture and Crop Science Series No 810, 48 pp.<br /> <br /> <p>Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, B. MacFarline, and B. Plummer. 2013. Potato variety trial results in Maine, 2012 growing season. PSE Departmental Mimeo 2013-01, 40 pp. <br /> <br /> <p>Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, and T. Mills. 2013. Maine potato breeding program annual report, 2013 growing season. PSE Departmental Mimeo, 20 pp.<br /> <br /> <p>Qu, X. and B.J. Christ. 2014. Pensylvania Potato Research Report, 2013. Dept of Plant Pathology & Environmental Biology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, 35 pp. <br /> <br /> <p>Yencho, G.C. and M.E. Clough. 2013. North Carolina Potato Variety Trial and Breeding Report, 2013. NC State University, Raleigh, NC. 44pp. <<br /> <br /> <p>L. Zotarelli. 2013. Florida Potato Variety Trial Report, 2013. University of Florida, Horticultural Sciences Department. Report. 231 pages.<br />

Impact Statements

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Date of Annual Report: 08/04/2015

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 01/09/2015 - 01/10/2015
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2013 - 09/01/2014


Sudeep Matthew (U MD); Mark Clough (NC State); Lincoln Zotarelli (U
FL); Don Halseth (Cornell U); Ramon Arancibia (V. Tech); Walter De Jong (Cornell U); Greg Porter (U ME); Andrei Alyokhin (U ME); Xinshun Qu (PA State); Christian Christensen (U FL); Andy Glinn (Crown Farms); Gary Hawkins (McCain Foods); Bob Leiby (PA Coop Potato Growers); Chris Hopkins (Black Gold Farms)

Brief Summary of Minutes

1. Call to order, additions and approval of agenda
Greg welcomed us and called meeting to order at 1:15 PM

2. Introductions – Sudeep Matthew (U MD), Mark Clough (NC State), Lincoln Zotarelli (U
FL), Don Halseth (Cornell U), Ramon Arancibia (V. Tech), Walter De Jong (Cornell U), Greg Porter (U ME), Andrei Alyokhin (U ME), Xinshun Qu (PA State), Christian Christensen (U FL), Andy Glinn (Crown Farms), Gary Hawkins (McCain Foods), Bob Leiby (PA Coop Potato Growers), Chris Hopkins (Black Gold Farms).

Ramon Arancibia is new to the group; has previously worked with sweet potatoes. Sudeep Matthew will soon be starting a new position with Syngenta. Don Halseth is now retired, after a 40 year career. McCain Foods appreciates data we collect from a large range of environments, helps them decide which varieties to consider in USA and abroad.

Moment of silence for two collaborators who passed away in 2014: Christian Thill (potato breeder, U MN) and Leslie Wanner (common scab expert, USDA-ARS, Beltsville MD).

3. Appointment of Committees

Site selection – Greg Porter. Beltsville, MD suggested. PA, near PHL airport as backup

Resolutions – Mark Clough

Nominations – for remainder of current project, De Jong to serve as secretary, NC (Yencho or Clough) to serve as Vice-Chair, and Porter to serve as chair.

4. Local Arrangements

Dinner tonight – At Fishbones, meet in lobby.

5. Administrative Advisor Report – S. Brown

We have a new advisor – Dr. Susan Brown, an apple breeder and director of the NY Agriculture Experiment Station in Geneva NY. Susan was unable to attend.

6. National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) Report – A.M. Thro

Dr. Thro was unable to attend.

7. Comments from Industry Representatives

Gary Hawkins gave a brief powerpoint presentation. McCain Foods does not breed potatoes, they rely on cooperators around the globe. In their view, there are simply too many environments to breed for. Have found that 0.1 acre-scale, multi-site trials work well to identify mechanical handling problems and produce sufficient potatoes to run through their pilot line. Some clones – including Russet Burbank – do not trial well, they require unique production conditions. Their pilot line runs 400 pounds per hour, continuous flow. A ton takes a few hours to run, allows them to test various parameters. Texture is the most difficult trait to have "on spec". McCain Foods needs a 15% increase in yield in the Northeast for it to remain competitive with the Northwest. Expectations for new varieties are exceptionally high. Bruise and distribution of solids within and between tubers are serious issues.

Seed grower Andy Glinn noted that shape, smooth skin and excellent yield are key traits for his customers. Getting growers to try new varieties is becoming more difficult; risk aversion is growing.

Bob Leiby reported that PA has lost potato acres over the past two years, from 8000 to about 6500. Possibly a result of high corn and soybean prices. Mid-sized growers are disappearing, large and small growers remain. Interest in creamers and par-fry varieties for "fresh-fry" usage in restaurants, i.e., potatoes are not frozen before restaurant uses them.

Chris Hopkinson stated that there is still a need for a variety to replace 'Atlantic' in the South. Appreciates NE1231 efforts currently being made to deliver this.

Andrei Alyokhin (University of Maine, entomology and NE1231 participant) has found that phostrol kills many, but not all, Colorado Potato Beetles, and is investigating this further. Is interested in screening clones that may have partial or full resistance to CPB, aphids, and/or wireworm.

8. Invited research presentations.

De Jong summarized work by a graduate student (Anna Levina) in his lab, aimed at correlating variation in tuber metabolites with variation in SNP markers.

Zotarelli provided an overview of his program. FL grows 20,000 acres of potatoes, most of it near Hastings. Plant September to February, harvest mid-Dec to June. Yields are 250-400 cwt/acre, prices $15-20/cwt. Has tested drip irrigation (works, but too expensive for potatoes), tile drainage (works, and removes excess salt, too; cost of 1-2K/acre). Don’t need furrows with tile, so can plant 10% more. Standard in FL is seepage irrigation, where there is a water impermeable layer just a few feet down. They have display fields with each irrigation system installed, both for testing and for educating growers how to best use them and manage nutrients.

Christensen summarized his ongoing doctoral research, characterizing NUE and root architecture. Is working with S. chacoense, phureja x stenotomum and several cultivars. Uses WinRHIZO to analyze 2-D scans of roots. S. chacoense has many more roots and greater root length density than tuberosum (length, surface area, tips and forks).

Mark Clough reported that acreage in NC has been steady at 15-16K, with 70% for chipping, 30% for table. Focus of NC breeding efforts is on resistance to internal heat necrosis, early bulking, improved red skin color, CPB resistance, and PVY resistance. Mapping IHN resistance in Atlantic x B1829-5 cross. Run 4-6 on-farm trials every year.

Adjourned for the day at 5:25PM.

Meeting cont. January 10 – 8:00AM

9. State, Federal, and Provincial Site Reports

Florida. 20,000 acres, 80% chip / 20% fresh.

Maine. Good year for quality. 53,000 acres (a decrease), 15% chip / 50% processing / 20% seed / 15% fresh. Farms larger than 800 acres, or smaller than 10 acres, are booming. Intermediate scale farms are disappearing.

Maryland. Low IHN this year. 3000 acres, 90% chipping / 10% fresh. BNC304-1 stood out, in a good way.

New York. 11,000 acres, 65% chipping / 30% fresh / 5% seed. High specific gravity – and bruise.

Pennsylvania. 6500 acres. Quality and yield good.

North Carolina. 15,000 acres. 70% chip / 30% table.

New Brunswick. 50,000 acres. 50% processing / 50% seed and table. Have moved to no top-killing for processing potatoes. This increases yield, as well as skinning.

10. Pathology Tests Reports

Maine. New pathologist on board, Jay Hao. Will not continue bacterial ring rot symptom testing (as D. Lambert, now retired, did) but will continue pink rot testing. [North Dakota (Gudmested) still tests for BRR symptoms]. Porter will begin entering NE1231 clones into his common scab trial.

Pennsylvania. LB trial this year exploited a natural infection with US-23.

11. Breeding/Genetics Reports

Maine. 55,000 single hills. Effort allocation is 50% russets / 10% specialty / 40% chip, whites and yellows. Late blight, scab and PVY are priorities for resistance breeding. ‘Easton’ (AF3001-6) was released in 2014; french-fry variety. ‘Sebec” (AF0338-17) also released in 2014; chipping from the field and fresh market.

New York. 18,000 seedlings. 70% chip / 30% fresh.

North Carolina. 10,000 seedlings. NC0349-3 is in USPB mini fast track. Potentially first-ever NC release. 60% chip / 30% table (mostly reds) / 10% specialty.

12. Seed orders, shopping list, new entries – Greg Porter

Breeder’s Choice Clones for 2015 – AF4648-2, AF4975-3, and AF4985-1.

13. Update on the NE1231 website/database/data reporting/summary generation

Please send 2014 trial data to Mark Clough soon.

14. Grants/Funding: new opportunities?

Next potato special grant RFP likely in Spring 2015.

15. Old Business

Current NE131 project expires 2017. Will presumably need to write next proposal in 2016.

16. New Business (if any) – no new business

17. Committee Reports


a) We send our deepest condolences to the loved ones of our colleagues and friends Christian Thill and Leslie Wanner.

b) We recognize and congratulate Don Halseth for 40 years of excellent leadership and contribution to the potato industry and academia and wish him our best in retirement.

c) We wish Josh Freeman well in his new job and thank him for his participation in the project

d) We thank Sudeep Matthew for his efforts and participation in the project for these last five years and wish him well in his new career. We also thank him for the planning and execution of this year’s local arrangements.

e) We thank the NPC and other potato expo organizers for assisting in our meeting arrangements.

f) We acknowledge Greg Porter for his service, leadership and time as our project coordinator. We also acknowledge Greg and U Maine staff for their maintenance of the NE1231 seed nursery.

g) We acknowledge Mark Clough for his continued management of the NE1231 database.

19. Other Business – none.

20. Adjournment – 11 am.


<p><strong>Accomplishments:</strong></p><br /> <p>This multidisciplinary, regional project utilizes existing strengths and resources of the potato breeding community in the eastern US, and it encourages the pooling of regional resources and promotes increased communication within the potato community located in the northeast, mid-Atlantic and southeast. The overarching goal of this specific project is to identify new potato varieties for use in the Northeastern, mid-Atlantic and southeast US, which will contribute to a more sustainable and profitable potato industry. Most major varieties, including Atlantic (the dominant out-of-field chipping variety in the US) as well as three recent chip potato varieties that have resistance to internal heat necrosis, Harley Blackwell, Elkton and Sebec are products of the coordinated eastern potato breeding and variety development effort. As such, the NE-1231 Project (and its predecessors NE-1031, NE-1014, NE-184 and NE-107) have played a central role in eastern potato variety development for many years.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>This regional project has: 1) allowed potato breeders to share breeding materials and test results; 2) along with the USDA NRSP6 Potato Germplasm Enhancement Project it has facilitated potato germplasm selection and evaluation under diverse environmental conditions by all the breeding programs in the eastern US; 3) given research and extension personnel the opportunity to evaluate new selections from several potato breeding programs; 4) facilitated regional germplasm screening for specific characteristics at a single location (e.g. early blight and powdery scab resistance in PA); 5) developed variety profiles and cultural recommendations for each selection put into commercial production; and 6) as noted above, resulted in the release and adoption of most, if not all, of the major potato cultivars currently produced in the eastern US.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Potato breeding for improved quality and pest resistance was conducted in ME, NY, NC, and USDA-ARS Beltsville, MD during 2014. These four programs focus on specific pest and marketing issues, so that regional resources are used efficiently.&nbsp; For example, ME is the only breeding program in the region which focuses on russets and long whites for processing (50% russets, 40% fresh and chipping whites, 10% specialty).&nbsp; ME also emphasizes research on late blight, pink rot, potato virus Y, and scab resistance.&nbsp;&nbsp; During 2014, our programs generated 527 new tetraploid families (297,000 seeds) from crosses using parents with desirable quality, utilization, adaptation, and/or pest resistance traits. USDA-ARS also generated 10 crosses (3,306 seeds) from diploid crosses (2x, 2x-4x, or 4x-2x) for use in germplasm improvement.&nbsp; Progeny (106,355) from earlier crosses were selected resulting in 3,437 clones that will be further selected under conditions with diverse abiotic and biotic stress in the eastern U.S. and beyond.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Advanced clones from our project were introduced to growers through field days, presentations, publications, web sites, and direct contact with stakeholders.&nbsp; Thirteen advanced clones were entered into tissue culture programs leading to commercial seed production. Several advanced clones and newly released varieties are currently being evaluated in commercial scale trials on-farm for their potential across the US.&nbsp; The most promising chipstock lines currently under evaluation include: Beacon Chipper, Elkton, Lamoka, Sebec (AF0338-17), Waneta, AF4157-6, BNC182-5, NC0349-3, and NY148.&nbsp; NY150 and AF4138-8 are being evaluated for the round-white fresh market. NY150 is a specialty white with very small, bright tubers.&nbsp; The most promising red-skinned tablestock clones are: Dark Red Chieftain, Red Maria, and Strawberry Paw (NY136). AF4659-12, is a pinto-type, yellow-fleshed &lsquo;roasting&rsquo; variety that is being evaluated by small-scale local foods markets.&nbsp; All of these will be evaluated in more extensive research and commercial trials during 2015.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Each eastern breeding program submits its most promising advanced clones to the regional project&rsquo;s seed nursery in ME.&nbsp; During 2014, the project distributed seed potatoes for 16 regional potato variety trials conducted in seven states and two Canadian provinces.&nbsp; Eleven standard varieties and 35 experimental clones were tested for yield, tuber quality, and pest resistance. NE1231 Regional potato variety trials were conducted at three ME locations during 2014.&nbsp; The regional trial sites (numbers of clones tested) were: Presque Isle (41), St Agatha (37), and Exeter (15). &nbsp;&nbsp;NE1231 variety trials were also conducted in FL, NC, VA, MD, PA, OH, NY, and Canada (NB, QC).&nbsp; Each regional trial site reports results to their local stakeholders and submits their data to the project website coordinator located in NC.&nbsp; The data are entered into a searchable database so that results are accessible to stakeholders and researchers anywhere in the world. Based on 2014 Maine results, Sebec (AF0338-17), AF4157-6, AF4648-2, NY148 and NY154 were the most outstanding chipping prospects.&nbsp; Sebec, AF4138-8 and NY150 were promising round-white fresh market clones.&nbsp;&nbsp; Dakota Trailblazer, Easton (AF3001-6), Teton Russet, AF3362-1, and AF4296-3 were the top performing russeted clones.&nbsp; B2152-17 and AF4659-12 were promising specialty clones.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>In terms of sharing information, our project web site and interactive searchable database, which is updated regularly, (see: <a href=""></a>) continues to grow in importance and popularity.&nbsp; Evidence of its importance is the fact that it has been used as a model for other regional projects including the new USDA NIFA SCRI potato acrylamide mitigation project and the USPB chip trials. The web site provides current contact information for project cooperators and recent research reports, as well as access to our regional variety database and a dynamic summary generator for all released varieties. The interactive database has become popular as a tool used by researchers and stakeholders, and it can be viewed at &lt;;.&nbsp; The summary generator allows users to build a cultivar summary that contains the most up-to-date performance data in a concise one-page format &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>New varieties and descriptions.</strong></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>This project seeks, through activities coordinated across many Northeastern States, to develop potato varieties with improved agronomic, disease-resistance, and nutritional characteristics. &nbsp;It is anticipated that improved potato cultivars will help maintain the viability of rural economies, reduce dependence on pesticides, and contribute substantially toward maintaining a secure, safe and nutritious food supply.</p><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Advanced Potato Clones Showing Particular Promise in 2014 include:</strong></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <ul><br /> <li><strong>AF3362-1</strong> (Reeves Kingpin x Silverton Russet), a mid-season, long russet with good yields, processing potential, and fair to good appearance.&nbsp; AF3362-1 is very good baked and mashed.&nbsp; U.S.#1 yields have averaged ~132% of standard russeted varieties (usually Russet Burbank) in Maine trials.&nbsp; Specific gravity is moderate (average of 1.083 in ME trials) and fry color from storage has been mostly good. It may be a good alternative to Shepody for out-of-field and short-term storage processing use as well as useful for russet fresh market.&nbsp;&nbsp; It has moderate scab resistance and good bruise resistance.&nbsp; AF3362-1 is susceptible to internal heat necrosis and should not be grown in the S.E. states or other areas where this defect is frequently observed</li><br /> <li><strong>AF4157-6</strong> (Yankee Chipper x Dakota Pearl), an early to mid-season, round to oblong white with good yields, moderately-high gravity, very good chip color, and fair to good appearance.&nbsp;&nbsp; U.S.#1 yields have averaged 95% of Atlantic and 108% of Snowden in Maine trials.&nbsp; Specific gravity is moderate to high (average of 1.086 in ME trials) and chip color from storage has been very good.&nbsp; It has low sugars even from cool temperature storage.&nbsp; It is susceptible to scab, but has resistance to golden nematode, blackspot bruise, and pink rot.&nbsp; AF4157-6 has potential as a chipper in southern states and in northern states on fields where scab is not a concern</li><br /> <li><strong>AF4138-8</strong> (SA9707-6 x AF1953-4), a fresh market, early to mid-season, round to oblong white with bright skin.&nbsp; It has good yields, attractive tubers, low specific gravity, blackspot bruise tolerance, low hollow heart incidence, and good boiled quality.&nbsp;&nbsp; It is moderately resistant to scab and has golden nematode resistance.&nbsp;&nbsp;</li><br /> <li><strong>AF4124-7 </strong>(A8469-5 x SC9512-4), a medium maturing, russet with good fry quality, fair tuber appearance, early sizing, and high yields.&nbsp; US#1 yields have averaged ~119% of standard russeted varieties (usually Russet Burbank) in Maine trials.&nbsp; Specific gravity is moderate (average of 1.085 in ME trials) and fry color from storage has been good.&nbsp; It is moderately resistant to scab and has good blackspot bruise resistance.&nbsp;</li><br /> <li><strong>AF4172-2</strong> (A95523-12 x A92158-3), a medium maturing, russet with good fry quality, fair to good tuber appearance, and high yields.&nbsp; US#1 yields have averaged ~119% of standard russeted varieties (usually Russet Burbank) in Maine trials.&nbsp; Specific gravity is moderate (average of 1.083 in ME trials) and fry color from storage has been very good.&nbsp; It has been a good performer in the national fry processing trials (NFPT).&nbsp; It is susceptible to scab, but has good bruise resistance.&nbsp; Tuber size tends toward the smaller size classes.&nbsp; Baked quality scores have been very good.&nbsp;&nbsp;</li><br /> <li><strong>AF4296-3</strong> (A0508-4 x A99081-8), a widely adapted, late maturing, russet with good fry quality, fair tuber appearance, and high yields.&nbsp; US#1 yields have averaged ~111% of standard russeted varieties (usually Russet Burbank) in Maine trials.&nbsp; Specific gravity is moderate (average of 1.079 in ME trials) and fry color from storage has been good.&nbsp; It has been an outstanding performer in the national fry processing trials (NFPT).&nbsp; It is moderately susceptible to scab, but has moderate verticillium resistance and good bruise resistance.&nbsp;&nbsp;</li><br /> <li><strong>AF4648-2</strong> (NY132 x Liberator), a mid-season, round to oblong white with good yields, moderately-high gravity, bruise resistance, very good chip color, and good appearance.&nbsp;&nbsp; It could go for chipping or fresh market.&nbsp; It has good scab resistance and is resistant to golden nematode and PVY.&nbsp;</li><br /> <li><strong>AF4659-12</strong> (A99331-2 x US147-96RY), a yellow-fleshed &ldquo;pinto-type&rdquo; specialty variety with a interesting red and yellow skin pattern.&nbsp; It produces small, fingerling-type tubers that are excellent roasted, boiled, or fried.&nbsp; <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Seed Availability:</span>&nbsp; University of Maine seed plus it is in virus clean up at Porter Farm for tissue culture.</li><br /> <li><strong>NY148</strong> (NY128 x Marcy), a late-season, high specific gravity, chip stock clone.&nbsp; It has round tubers with prominent skin netting.&nbsp; Yields have been very high in many trials.&nbsp; Chip color from storage is good, but not exceptional.&nbsp;&nbsp; It has good scab resistance, moderate early and late blight resistance, resistance to golden nematode (Ro1).&nbsp; It is susceptible to internal heat necrosis and is quite susceptible to bruising.&nbsp;</li><br /> <li><strong>NY150</strong> (NY121 x Jacqueline Lee), a niche market, early-season, round-white for fresh market use.&nbsp; It produces many small tubers with bright white skin.&nbsp; It has moderate scab resistance, moderate late blight resistance, resistance to golden nematode (Ro1), and is immune to PVY.&nbsp;</li><br /> <li><strong>NY154</strong> (B38-14 x Marcy), a late-season, moderate to high&nbsp; specific gravity, chip stock clone.&nbsp; It has round to oblong tubers with netted skin.&nbsp; Yields have been very high in many trials.&nbsp; Chip color from storage is good, but not exceptional.&nbsp;&nbsp; It has good scab resistance and moderate early blight resistance.&nbsp;</li><br /> </ul><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Project milestones for 2014, and progress related to each of these, follow:</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>Conduct breeding, germplasm enhancement, and selection studies to improve potato productivity and quality for important eastern U.S. markets.</strong></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Breeding:&nbsp; </em></strong><em>During 2014, our programs generated 527 new tetraploid families (297,000 seeds) from crosses using parents with desirable quality, utilization, adaptation, and/or pest resistance traits. USDA-ARS also generated 10 crosses with </em>diploids (2x, 2x-4x, or 4x-2x; <em>3,306 seeds) for use in germplasm improvement.&nbsp; Progeny (106,355) from earlier crosses were selected resulting in 3,761 clones that will be further selected under conditions with diverse abiotic and biotic stress in the eastern U.S. and beyond. Crosses conducted by the University of Maine continue to emphasize (50%) russets for processing and fresh; however, a significant component of the program is represented by round whites and chipping types (40%) and specialty types (10%).&nbsp; Cornell University and NC State University place strong emphasis on breeding for chip quality and utilization, but also include fresh market, colored-skin, and specialty types in their breeding goals.&nbsp; </em></p><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p><br /> <p><em>USDA-ARS potato breeding at the tetraploid level typically focuses on chipping types and clones with colored skin and/or flesh.&nbsp; The 4x-2x crosses in the USDA-ARS program partially focus on yellow-fleshed tetraploid S. tuberosum (tub) and orange-fleshed diploid S. phureja-S. stenotomum (phu-stn) to enhance the carotenoid content in tuberosum. The phu-stn combinations are also being used to enhance tuber specific gravity. &nbsp;In addition, crosses were made between tub and hexaploid S. albicans or S. iopetulum to incorporate the nitrogen uptake efficiency of these hexaploid species into tuberosum &nbsp;Also, crosses were made between diploid phu-stn and S. chacoense (chc) to incorporate the nitrogen uptake efficiency of chc into long-day adapted phu-stn.&nbsp; In addition, 4x-2x or 2x-4x crosses were made between tub and cycle three late blight resistant phu-stn clones.&nbsp; S. hougasii based potato germplasm (E53.61 from USDA-WA, C. Brown) was crossed with three tetraploid clones from USDA-ARS Beltsville. This research will provide potato breeders with a valuable new source of disease resistance and chip quality.</em></p><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p><br /> <p><em>VA Tech continues to develop 4x-2x hybrid families representing unusual genomic combinations of Solanum tuberosum Group Tuberosum and S. tuberosum Group Phureja where much of the Phureja genome has passed through the &ldquo;monoploid sieve&rdquo; to eliminate lethal and severely deleterious genes. The question is whether this purified Phureja genome can serve as a building block for new cultivars or if it will introduce too many undesirable traits for potato breeding purposes. Seedlings representing eight 4x-2x hybrid families generates seedling tubers for future selection studies.&nbsp; The families were generated from crosses between cultivars Atlantic, Katahdin and Desir&eacute;e as female parents and male parents consisting of diploid hybrids derived from crosses between doubled monoploids and heterozygous diploid selections.&nbsp; &nbsp;The seedling tubers were shipped to ME and NC for field selection.&nbsp; The most promising clones from these selection studies will be further crossed to adapted germplasm to continue devolping this Phureja-based germplasm for possible use in breeding and cultivar development.&nbsp; </em></p><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Selection:</em></strong><em>&nbsp; USDA-ARS and ME send seed from all clones in the second or third field generation (12-hill or 60-hill stage) to cooperators in FL and NC for early generation evaluation and to select materials with adaptation to the Southeastern U.S. All of our programs send seed from more advanced field generations (third and higher) to regional cooperators (FL, NC, VA, MD, PA, OH, NY, ME) for continued phenotyping, selection, and advancement.&nbsp; Advanced clones from our project were introduced to growers through field days, presentations, publications, web sites, and direct contact with stakeholders.&nbsp; Thirteen advanced clones were entered into tissue culture programs leading to commercial seed production.&nbsp;&nbsp; </em></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>Use of novel and highly improved potato germplasm to reduce the impact of economically important potato pests in the eastern U.S. </strong></p><br /> <p><em>The project places special emphasis on breeding and selecting clones with resistance to late blight, early blight, scab, golden nematode races Ro1 and Ro2, potato virus Y (PVY), and heat necrosis.</em> <em>Disease resistant varieties generated by this project have the potential to greatly reduce growers&rsquo; losses to devastating diseases such as late blight and can also reduce production costs and environmental risk by reducing the number of chemical sprays applied to protect the crop. Golden nematode, a serious pest found in NY and other countries, cannot be effectively managed without resistant varieties.</em></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><em>Wild or cultivated diploid germplasm that we are using to introduce novel traits for pest resistance or improved quality includes:&nbsp; S. phureja and S. stenotomum for resistance to early and late blight (USDA-ARS); S. bulbocastanum for late blight and insect resistant (ME), S. chacoense for insect resistance (USDA-ARS, NC); S. hougasii for late blight resistance (USDA-ARS); and S. berthaultii for insect resistance (NY, NC)</em>.&nbsp; <em>In addition, 4x-2x or 2x-4x crosses were made between tub and cycle three late blight resistant phu-stn clones.&nbsp; </em></p><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Golden nematode: </em></strong><em>Breeding efforts in NY have emphasized resistance to golden nematode Ro1; however, resistance to race Ro2 is now also a priority.&nbsp; The NY program developed Ro2 resistance by selecting for adaptation within a collection of South American tetraploids, and work has begun to procure additional sources of resistance from Europe to broaden the genetic base of resistance and provide resistance to G. pallida.&nbsp; The USDA-ARS and ME programs also use parental materials with nematode resistance.&nbsp; Progeny from crosses using resistant parents are being evaluated for resistance to both races of the golden nematode (NY and USDA-ARS).&nbsp; NY&rsquo;s H1 PCR-based marker is also being also used to screen clones for Ro1 resistance (NY, ME).&nbsp; NY is also testing for resistance to G. pallida using in vitro techniques.</em></p><br /> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Late and early blight:&nbsp; </em></strong><em>The most promising late blight resistant selections from ME, NY, and USDA-ARS undergo field evaluation for resistance in PA within the NE-1231 regional project. Thirty-nine clones were screened for resistance during 2014.&nbsp; Five experimental NE-1231 clones (Rochdale-Gold Doree, NY148, NY150, Palisade Russet, and CO00291-5R) were resistant in these trials, while seven were moderately resistant (Dakota Trailblazer, AF4342-3, BNC182-5, BNC244-10, MSQ086-3, NY136, and NY154). </em><em>Ninety-four</em><em> third-year and 21advanced clones from the ME program had late blight resistance in 2014 tests and will be further evaluated during 2015.&nbsp; On 39 clones evaluated, nine (Dakota Trailblazer, Easton (AF3001-6), Palisade Russet, Russet Burbank, AF4342-3, AF4347-1, BNC182-5, CO00291-5R, and NY148) were moderately resistant or resistant to early blight in PA trials during 2014.</em><strong>&nbsp; </strong><em>&nbsp;</em></p><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p><br /> <p><em>A diploid S. phureja-S. stenotomum population, resulting from a cross of a highly resistant late blight clone x a susceptible clone, has been generated and will be used to map genes involved in late blight resistance in this population using the SolCap-derived SNP chip (USDA-ARS, PA). Additional selection for late blight resistance occurred in a cooperative project between USDA-ARS and PA.&nbsp; USDA-ARS maintains a diploid Solanum phureja-S. stenotumum population (phu-stn) that has undergone multiple selection cycles for resistance. </em><em>The levels of resistance in the diploid phu-stn population increased dramatically over multiple selections cycles. To avoid narrowing the genetic base, the most resistant clone from each maternal half-sib family was planted in a seed nursery, and open-pollinated seed was collected to advance the population to the next selection cycle. Clones with high levels of resistance were screened for 2n pollen production, and those that produced at least 5% 2n pollen were utilized in 4x-2x crosses. Hybrids between tuberosum and late blight resistant diploids have now proceeded through several cycles of resistance selection.&nbsp; Mini-tubers from this project &nbsp;were sent to Toluca, Mexico for testing against late blight in an area with a highly diverse pathogen population.&nbsp; Resistant clones from this breeding effort have been utilized in 4x-2x crosses to tuberosum to transfer this resistance into the tetraploid population and these materials will continue to be developed.&nbsp; S. hougasii based potato germplasm (E53.61 from USDA-WA, C. Brown) was crossed with three tetraploid clones from USDA-ARS Beltsville.&nbsp; This project will provide potato breeders with a valuable new source of resistance to early and late blight.</em></p><br /> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Scab: </em></strong><em>ME, NY, PA, and USDA-ARS screen and select for resistance to scab in inoculated and/or naturally-infected field experiments.&nbsp; Lines are tested over multiple years because of environmental effects on disease incidence and severity.&nbsp; Scab resistant parents are used extensively in all four breeding programs.&nbsp; Clones showing resistance are being used as parents to improve the level of resistance in future germplasm.&nbsp; </em><em>Forty standard varieties and experimental NE-1231 clones were screened for powdery scab resistance in a PA trial during 2014.&nbsp; Nine (Dakota Trailblazer, Easton (AF3001-6), Katahdin, Russet Burbank, Russet Norkotah, Teton Russet, Snowden, AF3362-1, and AF4532-8) were moderately resistant or resistant.&nbsp; Including 4<sup>th</sup>-year and advanced clones, 61 of 156 University of Maine selections had scab resistance in our 2014 screening trial.&nbsp; </em></p><br /> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Potato Virus Y (PVY)</em></strong><em> As a result of the NY neotuberosum project, extreme resistance to PVX and PVY is present in many NY breeding lines.&nbsp; The variety Eva, for example, is immune to both PVX and PVY.&nbsp;&nbsp; All four breeding programs continue to include virus-resistant clones as parents. </em><em>Marker-assisted selection for potato virus Y resistance (Whitworth et al. 2009; Ry<sub>adg</sub>, RYSC3, Kasai et al, 2000; Ry<sub>sto</sub>, YES3, Song and Schwarzfischer 2008) are being used to supplement traditional screening methods and provide earlier detection of resistant clones. </em></p><br /> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Colorado Potato Beetle:</em></strong><em> Horticultural evaluation of glandular-trichome- producing advanced lines continues within the Cornell NY breeding program.&nbsp; Crossing at the diploid level is also being undertaken to reinitiate the introgression of trichome traits from S. berthaultii into S. tuberosum.&nbsp; All current CPB-resistant lines are derived from a handful of crosses between tetraploid S. tuberosum and unreduced pollen from diploid S. berthaultii.&nbsp;&nbsp; A frequent association between insect resistance and unacceptable levels of tuber glycoalkaloids has been difficult to eliminate while selecting at the 4x level.&nbsp; Current tetraploid lines also lack the acyl-sugar secreting, type B trichomes present in S. berthaultii.&nbsp; In a complementary effort, NCSU has used the USDA-ARS-developed tetraploid S. chacoense (2n=4x=48) potatoes crossed with S. tuberosum (Sanford et al., 1997) to develop CPB resistant germplasm. During 2006-2013, NCSU has used several of the most promising advanced chc-based CPB-resistant lines in crosses with Cornell University&rsquo;s S. tuberosum X S. berthaltii derived materials.&nbsp; Field evaluation of these materials continued in 2013. </em></p><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p><br /> <p><em>Selection:&nbsp; Each of the breeding programs maintain plots for resistance screening (e.g. NC, CPB resistance; ME, scab, verticilliun, late blight, pink rot, fusarium, PVY and PLRV; NY late blight, scab, insect resistance, PVY; USDA-ARS late blight, scab; and/or or utilize regional collaborators (USDA-ARS NY for golden nematode resistance; Penn State for late blight, early blight, and powdery scab). Marker-assisted selection is being used to speed selection for PVY and golden nematode resistance. </em></p><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Short-term Outcomes: </strong></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Eastern potato growers need new potato varieties which are highly productive and less susceptible to stress, diseases, and insects than current varieties.&nbsp; This regional potato breeding and trial network produces new potato varieties and evaluates their potential to serve fresh, processing, and specialty potato markets in the East.&nbsp; These new varieties will improve grower profitability by increasing yields, enhancing market quality, and/or decreasing costs associated with pests.&nbsp;&nbsp; Farm gate receipts for eastern potato production exceed 460 million dollars annually, therefore the impact of a successful new potato cultivar can mean many millions of dollars to the industry over time. Potatoes can cost more than $2500 per acre to produce and devastating diseases such as pink rot and/or late blight can totally destroy the crop.&nbsp; Resistant varieties greatly decrease the risk of losses and, in the case of late blight resistance, can reduce production costs by reducing the number of chemical sprays applied to protect the crop from the pest.&nbsp; Several areas in NY could not produce potatoes without the golden nematode resistant varieties developed as part of this and other research projects.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Over the years, the eastern regional project has resulted in the release of many commercially important potato varieties (e.g. Atlantic, Andover, Harley Blackwell, Kanona, Keuka Gold, MaineStay, Marcy, Monticello, Pike, and Sunrise).&nbsp; Peter Wilcox, a purple-skinned yellow-fleshed specialty variety from the USDA-ARS program, and Lehigh, a yellow-fleshed dual-purpose variety from NY, are two of the more recent releases from the eastern programs.&nbsp; Lamoka (NY139), Waneta (NY138),&nbsp; and Red Maria (NY129) are three 2010-2011 releases that are attracting commercial interest.&nbsp; Elkton (B1992-106) was released in 2012, while Sebec (AF0338-17) and Easton (AF3001-6) were released in early 2014.&nbsp; Potato seed multiplication and commercial adoption are slow processes, so it will take years to know the full impacts of these varieties on eastern potato production.&nbsp; To facilitate the adoption process, ME coordinated 19 commercial-scale trials representing 10 new potato varieties (4 chippers, 1 round-white, 2 russets, 1 red, and 2 specialty types) and 92 acres during 2014.&nbsp; Additional commercial trials were conducted in the other participating states.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Recent variety releases from the eastern group or those introduced to the east by our trial network were produced on 1510 ME and NY seed acres during 2014 with a potential seed value of $3.6M.&nbsp; The resulting seed crop had the potential to plant 12021 acres in 2015 with a ware value&nbsp; estimated at $36.1M.&nbsp; Over a longer time frame, 30 of the ~120 varieties listed in the ME and NY certified seed directories were released by the Eastern programs since 1990. These releases represent 2095 seed acres with a potential seed value of $6.3M.&nbsp; This seed crop had the potential to plant 18,305 acres in 2015 with a projected value of $55.2M. &nbsp;&nbsp;If these varieties perform well their production will expand over time.&nbsp;&nbsp; Depending on the characteristics of the specific potato variety, the potential benefits of adoption include new marketing opportunities, more efficient processing, higher yields, better nutritional value, reduced pesticide costs, and less risk of losses to stress, diseases, and pests.</p><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Outputs:</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <ol><br /> <li><strong> Cultivars released this year: </strong></li><br /> </ol><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Sebec (tested as AF0338-17) </strong>is a widely-adapted, mid-season, high yielding, round white for out-of-field chipping and fresh market.&nbsp; Sebec was released in January 2014 by the University of Maine.&nbsp; Plant variety protection has been granted and it is licensed by the Maine Potato Board.&nbsp; Commercialization is underway.&nbsp; Total yields in Maine trials were very high, averaging 365 cwt/A (105% of Atlantic), while US#1 yields averaged 310 cwt/A (107% of Atlantic).&nbsp; Tuber specific gravity averaged 1.081 in Maine trials compared to 1.089 for Atlantic.&nbsp; Sebec tubers are large (like Atlantic), but it has had a low incidence of tuber hollow heart (3.5% versus 15.4% for Atlantic).&nbsp; Sebec has performed well in the S.E. and mid-Atlantic states with yields averaging near those of Atlantic.&nbsp; Specific gravity has averaged 4 points lower than Atlantic in these growing areas.&nbsp; Sebec has chipped well from the field and has had much lower incidence of internal defects than Atlantic.&nbsp; It does not chip well from storage.&nbsp; It is moderately susceptible to scab, but has moderate verticillium resistance.&nbsp; Boiled and baked quality for fresh market has been acceptable.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>Easton (tested as AF3001-6) </strong>is a widely adapted, late maturing, long-white with netted skin, very good fry color, and high yields.&nbsp; Easton was released in January 2014 by the University of Maine.&nbsp; Plant variety protection has been granted and it is licensed by the Maine Potato Board.&nbsp; Commercialization is underway.&nbsp; Easton is very good baked, boiled, and mashed.&nbsp; Total yields in Maine trials were very high, averaging 369 cwt/A (114% of Russet Burbank), while US#1 yields averaged 330 cwt/A (130% of Russet Burbank).&nbsp; Specific gravity is moderate averaging 1.080 in ME trials and has been quite similar to the Russet Burbank standard.&nbsp; Fry color from storage has been excellent.&nbsp; Easton tubers are large, but it has had a low incidence of tuber hollow heart (2.1% versus 13.8% for Russet Burbank).&nbsp; It has been an outstanding performer in the national fry processing trials (NFPT).&nbsp; It is moderately susceptible to scab, but has good verticillium resistance. Susceptibility to shatter bruise and tuber decay under Northeast conditions has been the most serious concern so far for this variety.&nbsp;</p>


<p><strong>Publications:</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Journal Articles</strong></p><br /> <p>Haynes, K.G., X. Qu, and B.J. Christ. 2014. Two cycles of recurrent maternal half-sib selection reduce foliar late blight in a diploid hybrid <em>Solanum phureja &ndash; S. stenotomum</em> population by two-thirds.&nbsp; <em>Amer. J. Potato Res. </em>91:254-259.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Haynes, K.G., D.M. Gergela, X.S. Qu, M.W. Peck, G.C. Yencho, M.E. Clough, M.R. Henninger, D.E. Halseth, G.A. Porter, P.C. Ocaya, L. Zotarelli, S.R. Menasha, B.J. Christ, L. Wanner, C.M. Hutchinson. 2014. Elkton: A new potato variety with resistance to internal heat necrosis and hollow heart and suitable for chipping directly from the field in the southern United States. <em>Amer. J. Potato Res.</em> 91:269-276.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Zotarelli, L., L.R. Rens, D.J. Cantliffe, D. Gergela, P. Stoffella, D. Fourman. 2014. Nitrogen fertilizer rate and application timing for chipping Potato &lsquo;Atlantic&rsquo;. <em>Agronomy Journal.</em> 106: 2215-2226.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>Peer-reviewed Extension Publications:</strong></p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Zotarelli, L</span>., D. Gergela, D. Fourman. 2014. University of Florida Potato Variety Trial Program: &lsquo;Elkton&rsquo; commercial evaluation. Horticultural Sciences Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida HS1253. 4p. EDIS Publication. <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">&nbsp;</span></p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Zotarelli, L</span>., D. Gergela, K. Haynes, D. Fourman. 2014. University of Florida Potato Variety Spotlight: &lsquo;Elkton&rsquo;. Horticultural Sciences Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. EDIS Publication HS1237. 4p. <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Byrd, S.A., <span style="text-decoration: underline;">D. L. Rowland</span>, L. Zotarelli. 2014. Growth stages and tuber development of FL1867 in Florida. Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. EDIS Publication SS-AGR-383. 3p. <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>Published Abstracts</strong></p><br /> <p>Gergela, D., L. Zotarelli, K. Haynes, and G.A. Porter.&nbsp;&nbsp; 2014.&nbsp; Effect of in-row seed spacing on yield, internal and external quality, and specfici gravity of Atlantic, Harley Blackwell, and Elkton grown in Florida. <em>Am J Potato Res</em> 91:48 (<em>abst</em>).</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, and T.Mills&nbsp;&nbsp; 2014. A comparison of three potassium fertilization programs<strong>. </strong>Proceedings of the University of Maine Cooperative Extension Potato Conference, Caribou, ME. January 24, 2014 (abstr.).</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, and T.Mills&nbsp;&nbsp; 2014.&nbsp; Update on new potato varieties.&nbsp; Proceedings of the University of Maine Cooperative Extension Potato Conference, Caribou, ME. January 24, 2014 (abstr.).</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>Technical Articles or Reports, not refereed</strong></p><br /> <p>De Jong, W., D. Halseth, M. Falise, and S. Menasha.&nbsp; 2014.&nbsp; New York potato breeding program &lsquo;show and tell&rdquo; grower report, 2014.&nbsp; Research Report, Cornell Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, 40 pp.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Halseth, D.E., Sandsted, E.R., and J.M. Kelly.&nbsp; 2015.&nbsp; 2014 Upstate New York potato variety trials and cultural practice experiments.&nbsp; Cornell University, Department of Horticulture Report No. 85, 56 pages</p><br /> <p>Kleinhenz, M.D., J.B. Moyseenko, S.D. Walker, and B. Williams.&nbsp; 2014.&nbsp; Ohio Potato Germplasm Evaluation Report, 2014.&nbsp; The Ohio State University, Horticulture and Crop Science Series No 821, 20 pp.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, B. MacFarline, and B. Plummer.&nbsp; 2014.&nbsp; Potato variety trial results in Maine, 2014 growing season.&nbsp;&nbsp; SFA Research Report (posted on www and distributed to industry), 2014-01, 42 pp.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, and T. Mills.&nbsp; 2014.&nbsp;&nbsp; Maine potato breeding program annual report,&nbsp; 2014 growing season.&nbsp;&nbsp; SFA Research Report (posted on www and distributed to industry), 20 pp.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Qu, X. and B.J. Christ.&nbsp; 2014.&nbsp; Pensylvania Potato Research Report, 2014.&nbsp; Dept of Plant Pathology &amp; Environmental Biology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, 42 pp.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Yencho, G.C. and M.E. Clough. 2014. North Carolina Potato Variety Trial and Breeding Report, 2014. NC State University, Raleigh, NC. 46 pp. &lt; <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Zotarelli, L.&nbsp; 2014. Florida Potato Variety Trial Report, 2014. University of Florida, Horticultural Sciences Department. Report. 138 pages. The book is also available at: <a href=""></a></p>

Impact Statements

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Date of Annual Report: 12/31/2016

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 01/06/2016 - 01/07/2016
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2014 - 09/01/2015


Project Participants:
De Jong, Walter ( – Cornell
Menash, Sandra ( - Cornell
Porter, Greg ( – University of Maine
Alyokhin, Andrei ( – University of Maine
Camire, Mary Ellen ( – University of Maine
Jianjun Hao ( – University of Maine
Perkins, Lewis ( – University of Maine
Kleinhenz, Matt ( - Ohio State
Haynes, Kathy ( – USDA-ARS Beltsville
Ramon Arancibia ( – Virginia Tech
Richard Veilleux ( – Virginia Tech
Qu, Xinshun ( – Penn State
Peck, Mike ( – Penn State
Zotarelli, Lincoln ( – University of Florida
Clough, Mark ( – North Carolina State University
Yencho, Craig ( - North Carolina State University
Susan Brown, Administrtive Advisor ( – Cornell University

Brief Summary of Minutes

Brief summary of minutes of annual meeting:

Attendees at the January 2016 annual NE1231 meeting were Kathy Haynes (USDA-ARS; our host), Mark Clough (NC State), Lincoln Zotarelli (U-FL), Susan Brown (Cornell U), Walter De Jong (Cornell U), Ramon Arancibia (V. Tech), Greg Porter (U ME), Mike Peck (PA State), Xinshun Qu (PA State), Matt Kleinhenz (OH State).


Minutes from the last meeting were approved.  Site selection for the 2017 meeting was discussed.  The committee agreed that Beltsville, MD is a good meeting location for the group, Kathy Haynes agreed to host, and January 10-11, 2017 were chosen for the meeting dates.  A resolutions committee consisting of Mark Clough, Matt Kleinhenz, and Lincoln Zotarelli was appointed.  Local arrangements details were covered.


The administrative advisor report was provided by Susan Brown.  The main points were:1) this project will term 9/30/2017.  We will need to submit a request to rewrite before Feb 5, 2016; 2) NE1231 does not have an obvious impact statement in NIMSS.  It would be good to remedy this before the rewrite.  In the rewrite: explain how regional projects (NE, NC, NW, S) interact.

Ann Marie Thro was not able to attend so there was no USDA_NIFA report.   


State and provincial reports were given describing production status, promising clones, and market needs.


  • FL reported 30,500 acres with the bulk centered in the Hastings area (20,000 acres), but significant production also occurs in the panhandle (2500 acres), south (6000 acres), and central (2000 acres) regions. Most of the utilization is for chips (80%), while fresh market makes up 20%.     They had good rainfall distribution, average yields of 240 cwt/A, and low specific gravity.


  • ME reported 52,000 acres (50% fry, 10% chip, 40% fresh and seed. Yields were excellent this year and the weather was very cooperative (cool, enough rain for most of bulking period).  A dry period during bulking led to some stem end issues.  Commercial potatoes had late blight only in south in areas of mixed vegetable production (the University of Maine late blight trial in northern ME had no blight. The industry has experienced a flare-up of black leg this year and this has impacted areas that receive ME seed.  Some has been reported to be caused by Dickeya dianthicola, while some was reportedly Pectobacterium   D. solani has not been detected.  Maine is reworking regulations in light of blackleg issues, to make seed certification more strict.


  • NY grew 16,500 acres (50% chip, 45% table, 5% seed). The industry had exceptionally high specific gravity in 2016 with concomitant blackspot bruise problems.


  • NC reported 70% chip production and 30% table (mostly reds, esp Dark Red Norland). Low specific gravities and considerable soft rot was seen at harvest.  About one third of NC potato acreage is managed by Black Gold.  The ideal red for NC would have earliness of DR Norland, yield of Chieftain and color of Strawberry Paw.  DR Norland does not skin much in NC, while Dakota Jewel and Strawberry Paw both do.


  • OH had 3000 acres, all tablestock. There were no known blackleg problems in 2015.  Flooding rains occurred in June.  Yields and specific gravity were both very high.  Potato traits that appeal to the typical small-scale OH mixed vegetable grower would include unique marketing attributes.  There are many family-owned grocers with ten or fewer stores.


  • PA grew 6500 acres comprised of 70% for chipping and 30% for table. There are a few large chip growers and many small table growers.  Those who planted early had a good crop, those who planted late did not fare so well (washouts, rot in field).


  • VA reported 5000 acres (25% chip, 75% table). Superior and Envol are used for table (earliness is a key trait).  Atlantic and Snowden are the primary varieties for chipping.


There were no industry representatives in attendance at the meeting.   


Kathy Haynes provided a research presentation describing a project aimed at developing a deep orange (high zeazanthin) 4x variety.  Knowing the genes involved (deep orange requires dominant allele of beta carotene hydroxylase, four copies of recessive allele of zeazanthin epoxidase), she had assumed this would be a straightforward project, but it hasn’t been a successful project to date.  The  offspring tend to be unthrifty.  Kathy is also working to develop a Papa Criolla type with longer tuber dormancy.  Ideally this variety type has thin skin, lenticels that are not prominent, a boiled product that falls apart, a fried product is mealy (texture of wet sand), and long dormancy.


Plant Pathology and breeding program reports were presented by participants. 


  • Greg Porter shared some slides from J. Hao (University of Maine Plant Pathologist). Pink rot is a common problem in Maine, as soil types there are often wet in the root zone.  The natural path of infection: zoospores infect stolons and roots then move to tubers from there.  Note that this differs from typical lab screen, where tubers are inoculated directly.  High zoospore numbers are needed for cut tuber assays, as spores don’t germinate at low spore concentration.  Approximately 70% of pink rot strains collected from problem storages in Maine are resistant to mefenoxam.  Hao measures resistance in field, monitoring reductions in stand and incidence/severity of rot at harvest.  Atlantic and Snowden are both relatively tolerant to pink rot.


  • Greg Porter also handed out results of common scab testing in Maine.


  • Xinshun Qu will email results of common and powdery scab testing from PA, as well as late blight resistance trial results.


Breeding program reports were presented.


  • ME grew ~50,000 first-year seedlings (35K from Maine, 15K from elsewhere) with about 2% saved at the single-hill stage.  The program effort is ~50% russets (crossing in Presque Isle), 10% specialty, 40% chip, whites and yellows (crossing done in Orono).  Late blight, scab and PVY are priorities for resistance breeding.  Sebec was released in 2014.  It chips well in the South, but gravity is typically 2-4 points less than Atlantic.  Easton was also released in 2014.  The fry industry still evaluating it.  Caribou Russet was released in 2015.  It makes excellent fries from out of field and short storage, while it also works as a fresh market russet.  It has problems with heat necrosis where that defect is a problem.  AF4648-2 is dual-purpose, round table/chip clone with resistance to scab, PVY and golden nematode.  AF4157-6 is an early-maturity chip clone. AF4138-8 is a white table clone with resistance to common scab.


  • New York grew ~18,000 seedlings and saved about 12% of chipping clones and 6% of table clones at the four-hill stage (NY does not employ a single-hill stage). Program emphasis is 70% chip and 30% fresh.  Golden nematode, scab and PVY are priorities for resistance breeding.


  • North Carolina grew ~22,000 seedlings and saved 2.6% at single-hill stage. The NC program is 50% chip and 50% table (mostly reds).


  • USDA-ARS. With continuing budget cuts, the program is doing less-with-less.  Program effort is 50% chips amd 50% specialty types (e.g. orange-fleshed diploid varieties and other novelty types).  Disease resistances of emphasis: common scab, late blight, PVY.



The NE1231 seed nursery shopping list was distributed and each clone was discussed.   No major changes were suggested for 2016.


Breeder’s choice selections for 2016 (all sites must evaluate these):

AF4648-2 (see above)

AF4985-1 (a red)

AF5040-8 (chips, higher gravity than Atlantic)

NY154 (chips)

NY157 (chips)

B3005-7 (chips)

BNC364-1 (chip and possible table)


Standard varieties to include in all NE1231 trials so K. Haynes can analyze G x E:


Dark Red Norland



Yukon Gold


Mark Clough provided an update on the project website: the process of including data is working well on his end and the database is growing.  People are welcomed to provide input on improvements.  Reports can be posted on the web site. 


After lengthy discussion, decided that in future years, all evaluators would include a merit score for each clone tested.  Where:


        1 = outstanding

        2 = good

        3 = so-so

        4 = not acceptable


Each evaluator is to integrate all the trial data they collect for each clone each year, along with their knowledge of the local potato industry, to arrive at the merit scores.


Greg Porter provided an update on the Eastern USDA-NIFA Special Grant for Potato Breeding Research.  Funding was obtained from the 2015 RFA and subcontracts should now be in place.  Appreciation was expressed to everyone for getting grant material in on time.  Our grant continues to receive positive reviews as an applied breeding project, but we need to be looking at funding opportunities to expand research beyond our current framework.  Note that our current special grant includes an expanded extension component – please reflect this in progress reports.  The next potato special grant RFP will likely come out in Spring 2016. 


<p><strong>Project Accomplishments:</strong></p><br /> <p>This multidisciplinary, regional project utilizes existing strengths and resources of the potato breeding community in the eastern US, and it encourages the pooling of regional resources and promotes increased communication within the potato community located in the northeast, mid-Atlantic and southeast. The overarching goal of this specific project is to identify new potato varieties for use in the Northeastern, mid-Atlantic and southeast US, which will contribute to a more sustainable and profitable potato industry. Most major varieties, including Atlantic (the dominant out-of-field chipping variety in the US) as well as three recent chip potato varieties that have resistance to internal heat necrosis, Harley Blackwell, Elkton and Sebec are products of the coordinated eastern potato breeding and variety development effort. As such, the NE-1231 Project (and its predecessors NE-1031, NE-1014, NE-184 and NE-107) have played a central role in eastern potato variety development for many years.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>This regional project has: 1) allowed potato breeders to share breeding materials and test results; 2) along with the USDA NRSP6 Potato Germplasm Enhancement Project it has facilitated potato germplasm selection and evaluation under diverse environmental conditions by all the breeding programs in the eastern US; 3) given research and extension personnel the opportunity to evaluate new selections from several potato breeding programs; 4) facilitated regional germplasm screening for specific characteristics at a single location (e.g. early blight and powdery scab resistance in PA; scab resistance in ME); 5) developed variety profiles and cultural recommendations for each selection put into commercial production; and 6) as noted above, resulted in the release and adoption of most, if not all, of the major potato cultivars currently produced in the eastern US.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Potato breeding for improved quality and pest resistance was conducted in ME, NY, NC, and USDA-ARS Beltsville, MD during 2015. These four programs focus on specific pest and marketing issues, so that regional resources are used efficiently.&nbsp; For example, ME is the only breeding program in the region which focuses on russets and long whites for processing (50% russets, 40% fresh and chipping whites, 10% specialty).&nbsp; ME also emphasizes research on late blight, pink rot, potato virus Y, and scab resistance.&nbsp;&nbsp; During 2015, our programs generated 673 new tetraploid families (622,000 seeds) from crosses using parents with desirable quality, utilization, adaptation, and/or pest resistance traits. USDA-ARS also generated 36 2x crosses (231,000 seeds) for use in germplasm improvement.&nbsp; Progeny (109,110) from earlier crosses were field selected resulting in 4169 clones that will be further selected under conditions with diverse abiotic and biotic stress in the eastern U.S. and beyond.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Advanced clones from our project were introduced to growers through field days, presentations, publications, web sites, and direct contact with stakeholders.&nbsp; Seven advanced clones were entered into tissue culture programs leading to commercial seed production. Several advanced clones and newly released varieties are currently being evaluated in commercial scale trials on-farm for their potential across the US.&nbsp; The most promising chipstock lines currently under evaluation include: Beacon Chipper, Elkton, Lamoka, Waneta, Sebec, AF4157-6, BNC182-5, NC0349-3, NY148, and NY154.&nbsp; AF4138-8, AF4648-2, NY150 and are being evaluated for the round-white fresh market. NY150 is a specialty white with very small, bright tubers.&nbsp; The most promising red-skinned tablestock clones are: Little Ruby (B2152-17), Red Maria (NY129), Strawberry Paw (NY136), and AF4985-1. AF4659-12, is a pinto-type, yellow-fleshed &lsquo;roasting&rsquo; variety that is being evaluated by small-scale local foods markets.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Each eastern breeding program submits its most promising advanced clones to the regional project&rsquo;s seed nursery in ME.&nbsp; During 2015, the project distributed seed potatoes for 12 regional potato variety trials conducted in six states and two Canadian provinces.&nbsp; Eleven standard varieties and 26 experimental clones were tested for yield, tuber quality, and pest resistance. &nbsp;NE1231 Regional potato variety trials were conducted at three ME locations during 2015.&nbsp; The regional trial sites (numbers of clones tested) were: Presque Isle (32), St Agatha (30), and Exeter (14).&nbsp;&nbsp; NE1231 variety trials were also conducted in FL, NC, NY, VA, PA, OH, and Canada (NB, QC).&nbsp; Each regional trial site reports results to their local stakeholders and submits their data to the project website coordinator located in NC.&nbsp; The data are entered into a searchable database so that results are accessible to stakeholders and researchers anywhere in the world. Based on 2015 Maine results, Sebec (AF0338-17), AF4157-6, AF4648-2, and NY154 were the most outstanding chipping prospects.&nbsp; Sebec (AF0338-17), AF4138-8, and AF4648-2 were promising round-white fresh market clones. NY150, AF4985-1, and AF4659-12 were promising specialty or red-skinned varieties. Caribou Russet (AF3362-1) Easton (AF3001-6), Teton Russet, AF4124-7, AF4172-2, and AF4296-3 were the top performing russeted clones.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Our project web site and interactive searchable database, which is updated regularly, (see: <a href=""></a>) continues to grow in importance and popularity.&nbsp; Evidence of its importance is the fact that it has been used as a model for other regional and national projects (e.g. &nbsp;the new USDA-NIFA SCRI potato acrylamide mitigation project and the USPB national chip trials). The web site provides current contact information for project cooperators and recent research reports, as well as access to our regional variety database and a dynamic summary generator for all released varieties. The interactive database has become popular as a tool used by researchers and stakeholders, and it can be viewed at &lt;;.&nbsp; The summary generator allows users to build a cultivar summary that contains the most up-to-date performance data in a concise one-page format &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>New varieties and descriptions.</strong></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>This project seeks, through activities coordinated across many Northeastern states, to develop potato varieties with improved agronomic, disease-resistance, and nutritional characteristics.&nbsp; It is anticipated that improved potato cultivars will help maintain the viability of rural economies, reduce dependence on pesticides, and contribute substantially toward maintaining a secure, safe and nutritious food supply.</p><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Advanced Potato Clones Showing Particular Promise in 2015 include:</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <ul><br /> <li><strong>AF4157-6</strong> (Yankee Chipper x Dakota Pearl), an early to mid-season, round to oblong white with good yields, moderately-high gravity, very good chip color, and fair to good appearance.&nbsp;&nbsp; U.S.#1 yields have averaged 95% of Atlantic and 108% of Snowden in Maine trials.&nbsp; Specific gravity is moderate to high (average of 1.086 in ME trials) and chip color from storage has been very good.&nbsp; It has low sugars even from cool temperature storage.&nbsp; It is susceptible to scab, but has resistance to golden nematode, blackspot bruise, and pink rot.&nbsp; AF4157-6 has potential as a chipper in southern states and in northern states on fields where scab is not a concern</li><br /> <li><strong>AF4138-8</strong> (SA9707-6 x AF1953-4), a fresh market, early to mid-season, round to oblong white with bright skin.&nbsp; It has good yields, attractive tubers, low specific gravity, blackspot bruise tolerance, low hollow heart incidence, and good boiled quality.&nbsp;&nbsp; It is moderately resistant to scab and has golden nematode resistance</li><br /> <li><strong>AF4124-7 </strong>(A8469-5 x SC9512-4), a medium maturing, russet with good fry quality, fair tuber appearance, early sizing, and high yields.&nbsp; US#1 yields have averaged ~119% of standard russeted varieties (usually Russet Burbank) in Maine trials.&nbsp; Specific gravity is moderate (average of 1.085 in ME trials) and fry color from storage has been good.&nbsp; It is moderately resistant to scab and has good blackspot bruise resistance.&nbsp;</li><br /> <li><strong>AF4172-2</strong> (A95523-12 x A92158-3), a medium maturing, russet with good fry quality, fair to good tuber appearance, and high yields.&nbsp; US#1 yields have averaged ~119% of standard russeted varieties (usually Russet Burbank) in Maine trials.&nbsp; Specific gravity is moderate (average of 1.083 in ME trials) and fry color from storage has been very good.&nbsp; It has been a good performer in the national fry processing trials (NFPT).&nbsp; It is susceptible to scab, but has good bruise resistance.&nbsp; Tuber size tends toward the smaller size classes.&nbsp; Baked quality scores have been very good.&nbsp;&nbsp;</li><br /> <li><strong>AF4296-3</strong> (A0508-4 x A99081-8), a widely adapted, late maturing, russet with good fry quality, fair tuber appearance, and high yields.&nbsp; US#1 yields have averaged ~111% of standard russeted varieties (usually Russet Burbank) in Maine trials.&nbsp; Specific gravity is moderate (average of 1.079 in ME trials) and fry color from storage has been good.&nbsp; It has been an outstanding performer in the national fry processing trials (NFPT).&nbsp; It is moderately susceptible to scab, but has moderate verticillium resistance and good bruise resistance.&nbsp;&nbsp;</li><br /> <li><strong>AF4648-2</strong> (NY132 x Liberator), a mid-season, round to oblong white with good yields, moderately-high gravity, bruise resistance, very good chip color, and good appearance.&nbsp;&nbsp; It could go for chipping or fresh market.&nbsp; It has good scab resistance and is resistant to golden nematode and PVY.&nbsp;</li><br /> <li><strong>AF4659-12</strong> (A99331-2 x US147-96RY), a yellow-fleshed &ldquo;pinto-type&rdquo; specialty variety with a interesting red and yellow skin pattern.&nbsp; It produces small, fingerling-type tubers that are excellent roasted, boiled, or fried.</li><br /> </ul><br /> <ul><br /> <li><strong>AF4985-1</strong> (ND8555-8 x ND4756-1) has bright red skin with a smooth, attractive skin finish, white flesh, good cooking quality, medium to medium-late vine maturity. Yields are often good, but have been inconsistent due to external tuber defects (primarily greening and growth cracks).&nbsp; It has moderate scab resistance.&nbsp;</li><br /> </ul><br /> <ul><br /> <li><strong>NY148</strong> (NY128 x Marcy), a late-season, high specific gravity, chip stock clone.&nbsp; It has round tubers with prominent skin netting.&nbsp; Yields have been very high in many trials.&nbsp; Chip color from storage is good, but not exceptional.&nbsp;&nbsp; It has good scab resistance, moderate early and late blight resistance, PVY immunity, resistance to golden nematode (Ro1).&nbsp; It is susceptible to internal heat necrosis and is quite susceptible to bruising.&nbsp;</li><br /> <li><strong>NY150</strong> (NY121 x Jacqueline Lee), a niche market, early-season, round-white for fresh market use.&nbsp; It produces many small tubers with bright white skin.&nbsp; It has moderate scab resistance, moderate late blight resistance, resistance to golden nematode (Ro1), and is immune to PVY.&nbsp;</li><br /> <li><strong>NY154</strong> (B38-14 x Marcy), a late-season, moderate to high &nbsp;specific gravity, chip stock clone.&nbsp; It has round to oblong tubers with netted skin.&nbsp; Yields have been very high in many trials.&nbsp; Chip color from storage is good, but not exceptional.&nbsp;&nbsp; It has good scab resistance and moderate early blight resistance.&nbsp;</li><br /> </ul><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Project milestones for 2015, and progress related to each of these, follow:</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>Conduct breeding, germplasm enhancement, and selection studies to improve potato productivity and quality for important eastern U.S. markets.</strong></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Breeding:&nbsp; </em></strong><em>During 2015, our programs generated 673 new tetraploid families (622,000 seeds) from crosses using parents with desirable quality, utilization, adaptation, and/or pest resistance traits. USDA-ARS also generated 36 2x crosses (231,000 seeds) for use in germplasm improvement.&nbsp; Progeny (109,110) from earlier crosses were selected resulting in 4,169 clones that will be further selected under conditions with diverse abiotic and biotic stress in the eastern U.S. and beyond. Crosses conducted by the University of Maine continue to emphasize (50%) russets for processing and fresh; however, a significant component of the program is represented by round whites and chipping types (40%) and specialty types (10%).&nbsp; Cornell University and NC State University place strong emphasis on breeding for chip quality and utilization, but also include fresh market, colored-skin, and specialty types in their breeding goals.&nbsp; Multi-site evaluation of early-generation clones is being used to speed the breeding and selection process through identification of broadly- and specifically-adapted clones.</em></p><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p><br /> <p><em>USDA-ARS potato breeding at the tetraploid level typically focuses on chipping types and clones with colored skin and/or flesh.&nbsp; The 4x-2x crosses in the USDA-ARS program partially focus on yellow-fleshed tetraploid S. tuberosum (tub) and orange-fleshed diploid S. phureja-S. stenotomum (phu-stn) to enhance the carotenoid content in tuberosum. The phu-stn combinations are also being used to enhance tuber specific gravity. &nbsp;In addition, crosses were made between tub and hexaploid S. albicans or S. iopetulum to incorporate the nitrogen uptake efficiency of these hexaploid species into tuberosum &nbsp;Also, crosses were made between diploid phu-stn and S. chacoense (chc) to incorporate the nitrogen uptake efficiency of chc into long-day adapted phu-stn.&nbsp; In addition, 4x-2x or 2x-4x crosses were made between tub and cycle three late blight resistant phu-stn clones.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </em></p><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p><br /> <ol start="53"><br /> <li><em> hougasii based potato germplasm (E53.61 from USDA-WA, C. Brown) was crossed with three tetraploid clones from USDA-ARS Beltsville. The resulting 35 hybrid clones were screened for late and early blight resistance as well as chipping quality. Fourteen of these clones were resistant to both diseases, while three of these clones combined late blight resistance, early blight resistance, high specific gravity, and acceptable chip color from 10C storage.&nbsp; This project will provide potato breeders with a valuable new source of disease resistance and chip quality.</em></li><br /> </ol><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p><br /> <p><em>Research on the genetics of internal heat necrosis (IHN) and the development of clones and populations with improved resistance to this tuber defect continued.&nbsp; The test sites in NC, VA, NY, PA, and FL provide ideal environmental conditions for all four breeding programs to utilize in selecting for IHN resistance. The NC mapping population B2721 was genotyped with the Infinium<sup>&reg;</sup> 8303 SNP array developed by the USDA-NIFA SolCAP project and quantitative trait loci (QTL) were detected for IHN on chromosomes 1, 5, 9, and 12. Genetic effect models of the QTL explained roughly 28 and 25% of the variation for incidence and severity, respectively. Using the SNP gene annotations and the potato reference genome we have tentatively identified a candidate gene involved in IHN, vacuolar cation/proton exchanger 1a, that was closely linked to a QTL for IHN susceptibility. The B2721 population has also been phenotyped for chip color, specific gravity, and reaction to scab.&nbsp; Molecular markers linked to all these traits are currently being developed.</em></p><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p><br /> <p><em>VA Tech continues to develop 4x-2x hybrid families representing unusual genomic combinations of Solanum tuberosum Group Tuberosum and S. tuberosum Group Phureja where much of the Phureja genome has passed through the &ldquo;monoploid sieve&rdquo; to eliminate lethal and severely deleterious genes. The question is whether this purified Phureja genome can serve as a building block for new cultivars or if it will introduce too many undesirable traits for potato breeding purposes. &nbsp;</em><em>A round of preselection of diploid plant material was initiated where one parent of the diploid hybrids was a homozygous doubled monoploid clone. Forty seeds were planted of each of 23 families representing derivatives of four different doubled monoploids crossed to any of 11 heterozygous diploid clones. Depending on seed germination, tuberization, and elimination of seedlings with severe defects apparent in the greenhouse tubers, 375 tuberlings were sent to NC, 336 to VA Eastern Shore and 396 to Maine for field evaluation. Based on field evaluations in ME and VA, we selected 45 seedlings from 20 different diploid families to screen for 2n pollen. </em></p><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p><br /> <p><em>Inbreeding studies have continued with a diploid population derived from a cross between the doubled monoploid (DM) used for potato genome sequencing and a heterozygous Dutch clone (RH) for which considerable genome sequence is available. Self-fertility was observed among the F1 seedlings, and the self-fertile plants have now been advanced to the S7 generation. Analysis of 91 of the S3 individuals on the Illumina 8303 Potato SNP Array revealed preserved regions of heterozygosity much greater than expected on chromosomes1, 2, 5 and 11. These regions likely house genes required for fertility and vegetative vigor in order to engender functional gametes for advancement of generations. As the generations advance, nonessential heterozygosity can be expected to be removed as a result of genetic recombination. Residual heterozygosity in the S6 lines ranged from 36 to 139 SNP loci of 12,000 SNP loci evaluated on the Array.</em></p><br /> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Selection:</em></strong><em>&nbsp; USDA-ARS and ME send seed from all clones in the second or third field generation (12-hill or 60-hill stage) to cooperators in FL and NC for early generation evaluation and to select materials with adaptation to the short-season Southeastern U.S. environmental.&nbsp; All of our programs send seed from more advanced field generations (third and higher) to regional cooperators (FL, NC, VA, PA, OH, NY, ME) for continued phenotyping, selection, and advancement.&nbsp; Advanced clones from our project were introduced to growers through field days, presentations, publications, web sites, and direct contact with stakeholders.&nbsp; Seven advanced clones were entered into tissue culture programs leading to commercial seed production.&nbsp;&nbsp; </em></p><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>Use of novel and highly improved potato germplasm to reduce the impact of economically important potato pests in the eastern U.S. </strong></p><br /> <p><em>The project places special emphasis on breeding and selecting clones with resistance to late blight, early blight, scab, golden nematode races Ro1 and Ro2, potato virus Y (PVY), and heat necrosis.</em> <em>Disease resistant varieties generated by this project have the potential to greatly reduce growers&rsquo; losses to devastating diseases such as late blight and can also reduce production costs and environmental risk by reducing the number of chemical sprays applied to protect the crop. Golden nematode, a serious pest found in NY and other countries, cannot be effectively managed without resistant varieties.</em></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><em>Wild or cultivated diploid germplasm that we are using to introduce novel traits for pest resistance or improved quality includes:&nbsp; S. phureja and S. stenotomum for resistance to early and late blight (USDA-ARS); S. bulbocastanum for late blight and insect resistant (ME), S. chacoense for insect resistance (USDA-ARS, NC); S. hougasii for late blight resistance (USDA-ARS); and S. berthaultii for insect resistance (NY, NC)</em>.&nbsp; <em>In addition, 4x-2x or 2x-4x crosses were made between tub and cycle three late blight resistant phu-stn clones.&nbsp; </em></p><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Golden nematode: </em></strong><em>Breeding efforts in NY have emphasized resistance to golden nematode Ro1; however, resistance to race Ro2 is now also a priority.&nbsp; The NY program developed Ro2 resistance by selecting for adaptation within a collection of South American tetraploids, and work has begun to procure additional sources of resistance from Europe to broaden the genetic base of resistance and provide resistance to G. pallida.&nbsp; </em><em>All NY round whites, and most of the NY colored crosses, segregate for resistance to golden nematode Ro1 or Ro2, as do many crosses from the ME and USDA programs.&nbsp; The USDA-ARS and ME programs also use parental materials with nematode resistance.&nbsp; Progeny from crosses using resistant parents are being evaluated for resistance to both races of the golden nematode (NY and USDA-ARS).&nbsp; NY&rsquo;s H1 PCR-based marker is also being also used to screen clones for Ro1 resistance (NY, ME).&nbsp; NY is also testing for resistance to G. pallida using in vitro techniques.</em></p><br /> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Late and early blight:&nbsp; </em></strong><em>The most promising late blight resistant selections from ME, NY, and USDA-ARS undergo field evaluation for resistance in PA within the NE-1231 regional project. Thirty-two clones were screened for resistance during 2015.&nbsp; Three experimental NE-1231 clones (Palisade Russet, AF4648-2, and CO00291-5R) were resistant in these trials, while two were moderately resistant (AF4953-6, NY154). </em><em>Forty (of&nbsp; 280) third-year and 38 (of 127) advanced clones from the ME program had late blight resistance in 2015 tests</em> <em>and will be further evaluated during 2016.&nbsp; AF4296-3, AF4648-2, AF4953-6, AF4975-3, CO00291-5R, and NY154 were moderately resistant to early blight in PA trials during 2015.</em><strong>&nbsp; </strong><em>&nbsp;</em></p><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p><br /> <p><em>A diploid S. phureja-S. stenotomum population, resulting from a cross of a highly resistant late blight clone x a susceptible clone, is currently being generated and will be used to map genes involved in late blight resistance in this population using the SolCap-derived SNP chip (USDA-ARS, PA). Additional selection for late blight resistance occurred in a cooperative project between USDA-ARS and PA.&nbsp; USDA-ARS maintains a diploid Solanum phureja-S. stenotumum population (phu-stn) that has undergone multiple selection cycles for resistance. </em><em>The levels of resistance in the diploid phu-stn population increased dramatically over multiple selections cycles. To avoid narrowing the genetic base, the most resistant clone from each maternal half-sib family was planted in a seed nursery, and open-pollinated seed was collected to advance the population to the next selection cycle. Clones with high levels of resistance were screened for 2n pollen production, and those that produced at least 5% 2n pollen were utilized in 4x-2x crosses. Hybrids between tuberosum and late blight resistant diploids have now proceeded through four cycles of resistance selection.&nbsp; Mini-tubers from the cycle four diploid late blight population were sent to Toluca, Mexico for testing against late blight in an area with a highly diverse pathogen population.&nbsp; Resistant clones from this breeding effort have been utilized in 4x-2x crosses to tuberosum to transfer this resistance into the tetraploid population and these materials will continue to be developed.&nbsp; </em></p><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p><br /> <ol start="53"><br /> <li><em> hougasii based potato germplasm (E53.61 from USDA-WA, C. Brown) was crossed with three tetraploid clones from USDA-ARS Beltsville. The resulting 35 hybrid clones were screened for late and early blight resistance. Sixteen had good resistance to late blight, while 23 were moderately to highly resistant to early blight.&nbsp; Fourteen of these clones were resistant to both diseases.&nbsp; This project will provide potato breeders with a valuable new source of resistance to both diseases.</em></li><br /> </ol><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Scab: </em></strong><em>ME, NY, PA, and USDA-ARS screen and select for resistance to scab in inoculated and/or naturally-infected field experiments.&nbsp; Lines are tested over multiple years because of environmental effects on disease incidence and severity.&nbsp; Scab resistant parents are used extensively in all four breeding programs.&nbsp; Clones showing resistance are being used as parents to improve the level of resistance in future germplasm.&nbsp; </em> <em>Twenty-three experimental NE-1231 clones were compared with standard varieties in two University of Maine scab screening trials during 2015.&nbsp; Ten (Teton Russet, Sebec, Caribou Russet, AF4138-8, AF4124-7, AF4648-2, AF4975-3, AF4985-1, CO00291-5R, and NY154) were moderately resistant or resistant in these trials.&nbsp; Including 4<sup>th</sup>-year, advanced, and NE-1231 clones, 67 of 177 University of Maine selections had scab resistance in our 2015 screening trial.&nbsp; </em></p><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Potato Virus Y (PVY)</em></strong><em> As a result of the NY neotuberosum project, extreme resistance to PVX and PVY is present in many NY breeding lines.&nbsp; The variety Eva, for example, is immune to both PVX and PVY.&nbsp;&nbsp; All four breeding programs continue to include virus-resistant clones as parents. </em><em>Marker-assisted selection for potato virus Y resistance (Whitworth et al. 2009; Ry<sub>adg</sub>, RYSC3, Kasai et al, 2000; Ry<sub>sto</sub>, YES3, Song and Schwarzfischer 2008) are being used to supplement traditional screening methods and provide earlier detection of resistant clones. AF4648-2, a promising white-skinned variety that is being commercially evaluated for fresh and chipping markets, has resistance to scab, late blight, PVY, pink rot, and golden nematode. Several promising clones from the NY program (e.g. NY148, NY150) also have PVY resistance.</em></p><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Colorado Potato Beetle:</em></strong><em> Horticultural evaluation of glandular-trichome- producing advanced lines continues within the Cornell NY breeding program.&nbsp; Crossing at the diploid level is also being undertaken to reinitiate the introgression of trichome traits from S. berthaultii into S. tuberosum.&nbsp; All current CPB-resistant lines are derived from a handful of crosses between tetraploid S. tuberosum and unreduced pollen from diploid S. berthaultii.&nbsp;&nbsp; A frequent association between insect resistance and unacceptable levels of tuber glycoalkaloids has been difficult to eliminate while selecting at the 4x level.&nbsp; Current tetraploid lines also lack the acyl-sugar secreting, type B trichomes present in S. berthaultii.&nbsp; In a complementary effort, NCSU has used the USDA-ARS-developed tetraploid S. chacoense (2n=4x=48) potatoes crossed with S. tuberosum (Sanford et al., 1997) to develop CPB resistant germplasm. During 2006-2015, NCSU has used several of the most promising advanced chc-based CPB-resistant lines in crosses with Cornell University&rsquo;s S. tuberosum X S. berthaltii derived materials.&nbsp; Field evaluation of these materials continued in 2015. </em></p><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Selection:</em></strong><em>&nbsp; Each of the breeding programs maintain plots for resistance screening (e.g. NC, CPB resistance; ME, scab, verticilliun, late blight, pink rot, fusarium, PVY and PLRV; NY late blight, scab, insect resistance, PVY; USDA-ARS late blight, scab; and/or or utilize regional collaborators (USDA-ARS NY for golden nematode resistance; Penn State for late blight, early blight, and powdery scab). Marker-assisted selection is being used to speed selection for PVY and golden nematode resistance. </em></p><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Short-term Outcomes: </strong></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <ol><br /> <li>Eastern potato growers need new potato varieties which are highly productive and less susceptible to stress, diseases, and insects than current varieties. This regional potato breeding and trial network produces new potato varieties and evaluates their potential to serve fresh, processing, and specialty potato markets in the East.&nbsp; These new varieties will improve grower profitability by increasing yields, enhancing market quality, and/or decreasing costs associated with pests.&nbsp;&nbsp; Farm gate receipts for eastern potato production exceed 460 million dollars annually, therefore the impact of a successful new potato cultivar can mean many millions of dollars to the industry over time. Potatoes can cost more than $2500 per acre to produce and devastating diseases such as pink rot and/or late blight can totally destroy the crop.&nbsp; Resistant varieties greatly decrease the risk of losses and, in the case of late blight resistance, can reduce production costs by reducing the number of chemical sprays applied to protect the crop from the pest.&nbsp; Several areas in NY could not produce potatoes without the golden nematode resistant varieties developed as part of this and other research projects.&nbsp;</li><br /> </ol><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <ol start="2"><br /> <li>Over the years, the eastern regional project has resulted in the release of many commercially important potato varieties (e.g. Atlantic, Andover, Harley Blackwell, Kanona, Keuka Gold, MaineStay, Marcy, Monticello, Pike, and Sunrise). Peter Wilcox, a purple-skinned yellow-fleshed specialty variety from the USDA-ARS program, and Lehigh, a yellow-fleshed dual-purpose variety from NY, are two of the more recent releases from the eastern programs.&nbsp; Lamoka (NY139), Waneta (NY138), and Red Maria (NY129) are three 2010-2011 releases that are attracting commercial interest.&nbsp; Elkton (B1992-106) was released in 2012, while Sebec (AF0338-17) and Easton (AF3001-6) were released in early 2014.&nbsp; Caribou Russet (AF3362-1) and Little Ruby (B2152-17) were released in 2015.&nbsp; Potato seed multiplication and commercial adoption are slow processes; therefore, so it will take years to know the full impacts of these varieties on eastern potato production.&nbsp;</li><br /> </ol><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <ol start="3"><br /> <li>To facilitate the adoption process, ME coordinated 22 commercial-scale trials representing 8 new potato varieties (3 chippers, 1 round-white, 3 russets, and 1 specialty type) and 102 acres during 2015. Eastern releases since 2002 were grown on 1,312 ME and NY seed acres during 2015 with a potential seed value of $3.9M.&nbsp; The resulting seed crop had the potential to plant 12,021 acres in 2015 with a ware value estimated at $36.1M.&nbsp; Over a longer time frame, 39 of the ~140 varieties listed in the ME and NY certified seed directories were released by the Eastern programs since 1990. These releases represent 2251 seed acres with a potential seed value of $6.8M.&nbsp; This seed crop has the potential to plant 22,513 acres in 2016 with a projected value of $67.5M. This excellent rate of adoption will grow over time as the industry builds seed supplies.&nbsp; Depending on the characteristics of the specific potato variety, the potential benefits of adoption include new marketing opportunities, more efficient processing, higher yields, better nutritional value, reduced pesticide costs, and less risk of losses to stress, diseases, and pests.</li><br /> </ol><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <ol start="4"><br /> <li>Our project web site and searchable database continues to grow in size and utility (<a href=""></a>). The web site provides current contact information for project cooperators and recent research reports, as well as access to our regional variety database and a dynamic summary generator for all released varieties. The interactive database can be viewed at &lt;;.</li><br /> </ol><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Outputs:</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <ol><br /> <li><strong> Cultivars released this year: </strong></li><br /> </ol><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Caribou Russet (tested as AF3362-1) </strong>is a mid-season, long russet with good yields, processing potential, and fair to good appearance.&nbsp; Caribou Russet is very good baked and mashed.&nbsp; It was released in February 2015 by the University of Maine.&nbsp; Plant variety protection has been granted and it is licensed by the Maine Potato Board.&nbsp; Commercialization is underway.&nbsp; Total yields in Maine trials were very high, averaging 354 cwt/A (109% of Russet Burbank), while US#1 yields averaged 327 cwt/A (126% of Russet Burbank).&nbsp; Specific gravity is moderate averaging 1.082 in ME trials compared to 1.081 for the Russet Burbank standard.&nbsp; Caribou Russet tubers are large, but it has had a low incidence of tuber hollow heart (3.0% versus 13.8% for Russet Burbank).&nbsp; It may be a good alternative to Shepody for out-of-field and short-term storage processing use as well as useful for russet fresh market.&nbsp;&nbsp; It has moderate scab resistance and good bruise resistance.&nbsp; Caribou Russet is susceptible to internal heat necrosis and should not be grown in the S.E. states or other areas where this defect is frequently observed</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>Little Ruby (tested as B2152-17) </strong>is a red-skinned, yellow-fleshed variety for the specialty potato market.&nbsp; Little Ruby is early maturing with small tubers, smooth red skin and shallow eyes.&nbsp; Incidence of internal and external tubers defects has been minimal.&nbsp; Yields tend to significantly lower than standard red-skinned varieties; however, its high quality tubers should capture premium prices in the specialty trade.&nbsp; It has moderate common and powdery scab resistance.</p>


<p><strong>Publications:</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Journal Papers</strong></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Chen S., Lang P., Chronis D., Zhang S., De Jong W., Mitchum M.G., Wang X.&nbsp; 2015.&nbsp; In planta processing and glycosylation of a nematode CLE effector and its interaction with a host CLV2-like receptor to promote parasitism.&nbsp; <em>Plant Physiology</em> 167: 262-272.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Haynes, K.G., Yencho G.C., Clough M.E., Henninger M.R., <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Qu X.S.</span>, Christ B.J., Peck M.W., Porter G.A., Hutchinson C.M., Gergela D.M., Halseth D.E., Menasha S.R., and Sieczka J.B.&nbsp; 2015.&nbsp; Peter Wilcox: a new purple-skin, yellow-flesh fresh market potato cultivar with moderate resistance to powdery scab.&nbsp; <em>American Journal of Potato Research</em> 92: 573-581.</p><br /> <p>Makani, M.N., S.A. Sargent, L. Zotarelli, D.J. Huber, C.A. Sims. 2015. Irrigation method and harvest time affect storage quality of two early-season, tablestock potato (<em>Solanum tuberosum</em> L.) cultivars. <em>Scientia Horticulturae.</em> 197: 428-433.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Qu X.S.</span>, Peck M.W., Moore C.E., Christ B.J.&nbsp; 2015.&nbsp; Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to late blight in Pennsylvania, 2014.&nbsp; <em>Plant Disease Management Reports</em> 9: V040.</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">&nbsp;</span></p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Qu X.S.</span>, Peck M.W., Moore C.E., Christ B.J.&nbsp; 2015.&nbsp; Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to early blight in Pennsylvania, 2014.&nbsp; <em>Plant Disease Management Reports</em> 9: V039.</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">&nbsp;</span></p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Qu X.S.</span>, Peck M.W., Moore C.E., Christ B.J.&nbsp; 2015.&nbsp; Evaluation of foliar fungicides for control of potato late blight in Pennsylvania, 2014.&nbsp; <em>Plant Disease Management Reports</em> 9: V038.</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">&nbsp;</span></p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Qu X.S.</span>, Peck M.W., Moore C.E., Christ B.J.&nbsp; 2015.&nbsp; Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to powdery scab in Pennsylvania, 2014.&nbsp; <em>Plant Disease Management Reports</em> 9: V037.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Rens, L.R., L. Zotarelli, D.J. Cantliffe, P. Stoffella, D. Gergela, D. Fourman. 2015. Rate and timing of nitrogen fertilizer application on potato 'FL1867' Part II: Marketable yield and tuber quality. <em>Field Crops Research</em>. 183: 267-275.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Rens, L.R<strong>.</strong> , L. Zotarelli, D.J. Cantliffe, D. Gergela, P. Stoffella, D. Fourman. 2015. Biomass accumulation, marketable yield, and quality of Atlantic potato in response to nitrogen. <em>Agronomy Journal.</em> 107: 931-942.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Wang, Y., P.C. Bethke, A.J. Bussan, M.T. Glynn, D.G. Holm, F.M. Navarro, R.G. Novy, J.P. Palta, M.J. Pavek, G.A. Porter, V.R. Sathuvalli, A.L. Thompson, P.J. Vogelwede, J.L. Whitworth, D.I. Parish, and J.B. Endelman.&nbsp; 2015.&nbsp; Acrylamide-forming potential and agronomic properties of elite US potato germplasm from the national fry processing trial.&nbsp; <em>Crop Sci.</em> 56:1-10.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Zotarelli, L., L.R. Rens, D.J. Cantliffe, D. Gergela, P. Stoffella, D. Fourman. 2015. Rate and timing of nitrogen fertilizer application on potato 'FL1867'&nbsp;Part I: plant nitrogen uptake and soil nitrogen availability. <em>Field Crops Research</em>. 183: 246-256.</p><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>Technical Articles or Reports, not refereed</strong></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>De Jong, W., D. Halseth, M. Falise, and S. Menasha.&nbsp; 2015.&nbsp; New York potato breeding program &lsquo;show and tell&rdquo; grower report, 2015.&nbsp; Research Report, Cornell Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, 42 pp.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Kleinhenz, M.D., J.B. Moyseenko, S.D. Walker, and B. Williams.&nbsp; 2015.&nbsp; Ohio Potato Germplasm Evaluation Report, 2015.&nbsp; The Ohio State University, Horticulture and Crop Science Series No 838, 20 pp.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, B. MacFarline, and B. Plummer.&nbsp; 2015.&nbsp; Potato variety trial results in Maine, 2015 growing season.&nbsp;&nbsp; SFA Research Report (posted on www and distributed to industry), 2015-01, 42 pp.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, and T. Mills.&nbsp; 2015.&nbsp;&nbsp; Maine potato breeding program annual report,&nbsp; 2015 growing season.&nbsp;&nbsp; SFA Research Report (posted on www and distributed to industry), 20 pp.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Qu, X. and B.J. Christ.&nbsp; 2015.&nbsp; Pensylvania Potato Research Report, 2015.&nbsp; Dept of Plant Pathology &amp; Environmental Biology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, 32 pp.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Yencho, G.C. and M.E. Clough. 2015. North Carolina Potato Variety Trial and Breeding Report, 2015. NC State University, Raleigh, NC. 50 pp. &lt; <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Zotarelli, L.&nbsp; 2015. Florida Potato Variety Trial Report, 2015. University of Florida, Horticultural Sciences Department. Report. 132 pages. The book is also available at: <a href=""></a></p>

Impact Statements

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Date of Annual Report: 05/22/2017

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 01/10/2017 - 01/11/2017
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2015 - 09/30/2016


Attendees at the January 2017 annual NE1231 meeting were Kathy Haynes (USDA-ARS; our host), Rick Jones (USDA-ARS), Craig Yencho (NC State), Mark Clough (NC State), Walter De Jong (Cornell U), Ramon Arancibia (V. Tech), Greg Porter (U ME), Jay Hao (U ME), Mike Peck (PA State), Xinshun Qu (PA State), Anne Marie Thro (USDA NIFA), Jeremy Buchman (Black Gold Farms).

Brief Summary of Minutes


<p><strong>Project Accomplishments:</strong></p><br /> <p>This multidisciplinary, regional project utilizes existing strengths and resources of the potato breeding community in the eastern US, and it encourages the pooling of regional resources and promotes increased communication within the potato community located in the northeast, mid-Atlantic and southeast. The overarching goal of this specific project is to identify new potato varieties for use in the Northeastern, mid-Atlantic and southeast US, which will contribute to a more sustainable and profitable potato industry. Most major varieties, including Atlantic (the dominant out-of-field chipping variety in the US) as well as three recent chip potato varieties that have resistance to internal heat necrosis, Harley Blackwell, Elkton and Sebec are products of the coordinated eastern potato breeding and variety development effort. As such, the NE-1231 Project (and its predecessors NE-1031, NE-1014, NE-184 and NE-107) have played a central role in eastern potato variety development for many years.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>This regional project has: 1) allowed potato breeders to share breeding materials and test results; 2) along with the USDA NRSP6 Potato Germplasm Enhancement Project it has facilitated potato germplasm selection and evaluation under diverse environmental conditions by all the breeding programs in the eastern US; 3) given research and extension personnel the opportunity to evaluate new selections from several potato breeding programs; 4) facilitated regional germplasm screening for specific characteristics at a single location (e.g. early blight and powdery scab resistance in PA; scab resistance in ME); 5) developed variety profiles and cultural recommendations for each selection put into commercial production; and 6) as noted above, resulted in the release and adoption of most, if not all, of the major potato cultivars currently produced in the eastern US.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Potato breeding for improved quality and pest resistance was conducted in ME, NY, NC, and USDA-ARS Beltsville, MD during 2016. These four programs focus on specific pest and marketing issues, so that regional resources are used efficiently.&nbsp; For example, ME is the only breeding program in the region which focuses on russets and long whites for processing (50% russets, 40% fresh and chipping whites, 10% specialty).&nbsp; ME also emphasizes research on late blight, pink rot, potato virus Y, and scab resistance.&nbsp;&nbsp; During 2016, our programs generated 661 new tetraploid families (546,750 seeds) from crosses using parents with desirable quality, utilization, adaptation, and/or pest resistance traits. USDA-ARS also generated 56 diploid crosses (2x or 4x-2x; 49,500 seeds) for use in germplasm improvement.&nbsp; Progeny (96,416) from earlier crosses were field selected resulting in 4517 clones that will be further selected during 2017 under conditions with diverse abiotic and biotic stress in the eastern U.S. and beyond.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Advanced clones from our project were introduced to growers through field days, presentations, publications, web sites, and direct contact with stakeholders.&nbsp; Seven advanced clones were entered into tissue culture programs leading to commercial seed production. Several advanced clones and newly released varieties are currently being evaluated in commercial scale trials on-farm for their potential across the US.&nbsp; NY&rsquo;s two most recent chipping releases are Waneta (NY138) and Lamoka (NY139). Based on certified seed acreage in 2016, Lamoka (2366 acres) has now replaced Snowden (1692 acres) as the standard storage chipping variety across the U.S.&nbsp; Waneta has also been widely adopted (713 acres of seed in 2016).&nbsp; We estimate the value of potato chip production from Lamoka and Waneta for 2017 will be one billion dollars (~15% of US chip production).&nbsp; From ME, Sebec (AF0338-17) continues to be commercially adopted for out-of-field chipping and fresh market use due to its outstanding yields and improved resistance to internal defects compared to the current standard, Atlantic. Twelve clones from the eastern states have been in the Potatoes USA fast-track chip program since 2011, and the programs supported under this grant have annually contributed up to 40% of clones in the Potatoes USA National Chip Processors Trials (NCPT).</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>For fresh market, USDA-ARS released Little Ruby (B2152-17) during 2015 and NY released Strawberry Paw (NY136) during 2013. Both varieties are attractive, red-skinned potato varieties for high-value fresh market use. Other fresh market releases Red Maria (2010), a high-yielding red, Lehigh (2007), a widely-adapted yellow-fleshed variety, and Peter Wilcox (2007), a novel purple-skinned, yellow-fleshed variety continue to be adopted by fresh market growers. &nbsp;NY150 is a specialty white with very small, bright tubers.&nbsp; There has been considerable interest among specialty growers and it is being successfully commercialized.&nbsp; AF4659-12, is a pinto-type, yellow-fleshed &lsquo;roasting&rsquo; variety that is being commercialized by small-scale local foods markets.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Caribou Russet (AF3362-1) was released during 2015 for fry processing and russet fresh market.&nbsp; It is being rapidly adopted due to high yields, scab and verticillium resistance, and excellent consumer quality. AF4124-7, AF4172-2, and AF4296-3 are advanced fry processing clones that are generating strong commercial interest.&nbsp; Twenty additional French fry clones are currently being evaluated by North American potato processors.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Each eastern breeding program submits its most promising advanced clones to the regional project&rsquo;s seed nursery in ME.&nbsp; During 2016, the project distributed seed potatoes for 12 regional potato variety trials conducted in six states and two Canadian provinces.&nbsp; Eleven standard varieties and 20 experimental clones were tested for yield, tuber quality, and pest resistance. &nbsp;NE1231 Regional potato variety trials were conducted at three ME locations during 2016.&nbsp; The regional trial sites (numbers of clones tested) were: Presque Isle (29), St Agatha (30), and Exeter (15).&nbsp;&nbsp; NE1231 variety trials were also conducted in FL, NC, NY, VA, PA, OH, and Canada (NB, QC).&nbsp; Each regional trial site reports results to their local stakeholders and submits their data to the project website coordinator located in NC.&nbsp; The data are entered into a searchable database so that results are accessible to stakeholders and researchers anywhere in the world. Based on 2016 Maine results, AF4648-2, AF5040-8, NY154, and NY157 were the most outstanding chipping prospects.&nbsp; AF4138-8, AF4552-5, AF4648-2, and AF5280-5 were promising round-white fresh market clones.&nbsp; AF4831-2 and AF5245-1 were promising reds and specialty clones.&nbsp; Caribou Russet, Reveille Russet, Teton Russet, and AF4296-3 were the top performing russeted clones.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Our project web site and interactive searchable database, which is updated regularly, (see: <a href=""></a>) continues to grow in importance and popularity.&nbsp; Evidence of its importance is the fact that it has been used as a model for other regional and national projects (e.g. &nbsp;the USDA-NIFA SCRI potato acrylamide mitigation project and the USPB national chip trials). The web site provides current contact information for project cooperators and recent research reports, as well as access to our regional variety database and a dynamic summary generator for all released varieties. The interactive database has become popular as a tool used by researchers and stakeholders, and it can be viewed at &lt;;.&nbsp; The summary generator allows users to build a cultivar summary that contains the most up-to-date performance data in a concise one-page format &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>New varieties and descriptions.</strong></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>This project seeks, through activities coordinated across many Northeastern states, to develop potato varieties with improved agronomic, disease-resistance, and nutritional characteristics.&nbsp; It is anticipated that improved potato cultivars will help maintain the viability of rural economies, reduce dependence on pesticides, and contribute substantially toward maintaining a secure, safe and nutritious food supply.</p><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Advanced Potato Clones Showing Particular Promise in 2016 include:</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <ul><br /> <li><strong>AF4138-8</strong> (SA9707-6 x AF1953-4), a fresh market, early to mid-season, round to oblong white with bright skin.&nbsp; It has good yields, attractive tubers, low specific gravity, blackspot bruise tolerance, low hollow heart incidence, and good boiled quality.&nbsp;&nbsp; It is moderately resistant to scab and has golden nematode resistance</li><br /> <li><strong>AF4124-7 </strong>(A8469-5 x SC9512-4), a medium maturing, russet with good fry quality, fair tuber appearance, early sizing, and high yields.&nbsp; US#1 yields have averaged ~119% of standard russeted varieties (usually Russet Burbank) in Maine trials.&nbsp; Specific gravity is moderate (average of 1.085 in ME trials) and fry color from storage has been good.&nbsp; It is moderately resistant to scab and has good blackspot bruise resistance.&nbsp;</li><br /> <li><strong>AF4172-2</strong> (A95523-12 x A92158-3), a medium maturing, russet with good fry quality, fair to good tuber appearance, and high yields.&nbsp; US#1 yields have averaged ~119% of standard russeted varieties (usually Russet Burbank) in Maine trials.&nbsp; Specific gravity is moderate (average of 1.083 in ME trials) and fry color from storage has been very good.&nbsp; It has been a good performer in the national fry processing trials (NFPT).&nbsp; It is susceptible to scab, but has good bruise resistance.&nbsp; Tuber size tends toward the smaller size classes.&nbsp; Baked quality scores have been very good.&nbsp;&nbsp;</li><br /> <li><strong>AF4296-3</strong> (A0508-4 x A99081-8), a widely adapted, late maturing, russet with good fry quality, fair tuber appearance, and high yields.&nbsp; US#1 yields have averaged ~111% of standard russeted varieties (usually Russet Burbank) in Maine trials.&nbsp; Specific gravity is moderate (average of 1.079 in ME trials) and fry color from storage has been good.&nbsp; It has been an outstanding performer in the national fry processing trials (NFPT).&nbsp; It is moderately susceptible to scab, but has moderate verticillium resistance and good bruise resistance.&nbsp;&nbsp;</li><br /> <li><strong>AF4648-2</strong> (NY132 x Liberator), a mid-season, round to oblong white with good yields, moderately-high gravity, bruise resistance, very good chip color, and good appearance.&nbsp;&nbsp; It could go for chipping or fresh market.&nbsp; It has good scab resistance and is resistant to golden nematode and PVY.&nbsp;</li><br /> <li><strong>AF4659-12</strong> (A99331-2 x US147-96RY), a yellow-fleshed &ldquo;pinto-type&rdquo; specialty variety with a interesting red and yellow skin pattern.&nbsp; It produces small, fingerling-type tubers that are excellent roasted, boiled, or fried.</li><br /> </ul><br /> <ul><br /> <li><strong>AF4831-2</strong> (ND028946B-1 x ND8555-8) has bright red skin with a smooth, attractive skin finish, round to oblong tuber shape, white flesh, good cooking quality, medium to medium-late vine maturity. Yields are often good, but tuber size tends to be quite small).&nbsp; It has moderate scab resistance along with verticillium wilt and blackspot bruise resistance.</li><br /> </ul><br /> <ul><br /> <li><strong>AF5312-1 </strong>(A86106-6 x CO82142-4), a medium maturing, fresh market russet with good appearance, flavor, and high yields.&nbsp; US#1 yields have averaged ~143% of standard russeted varieties (Russet Burbank and Russet Norkotah) in Maine trials.&nbsp; Specific gravity is moderate (average of 1.078 in ME trials) It is resistant to scab and has good blackspot, shatter, and fusarium.&nbsp;</li><br /> <li><strong>NY150</strong> (NY121 x Jacqueline Lee), a niche market, early-season, round-white for fresh market use.&nbsp; It produces many small tubers with bright white skin.&nbsp; It has moderate scab resistance, moderate late blight resistance, resistance to golden nematode (Ro1), and is immune to PVY.&nbsp;</li><br /> <li><strong>NY152</strong> (B38-14 x Marcy), a late-season, moderate to high&nbsp; specific gravity, chip stock clone with excellent chip color from storage.&nbsp; It has round to oblong tubers with netted skin.&nbsp; Yields have been very high in many trials.&nbsp; It has good scab resistance and may be resistant to potato virus Y.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;Hollow heart susceptibility is sometimes a concern.</li><br /> <li><strong>NY154</strong> (B38-14 x Marcy), a late-season, moderate to high&nbsp; specific gravity, chip stock clone.&nbsp; It has round to oblong tubers with netted skin.&nbsp; Yields have been very high in many trials.&nbsp; Chip color from storage is good, but not exceptional.&nbsp;&nbsp; It has good scab resistance and moderate early blight resistance.&nbsp;</li><br /> <li><strong>NY157</strong> (White Pearl x NY115), a mid-season, moderate to high specific gravity, chip stock clone.&nbsp; It has round to oblong tubers with netted skin. Yields have been high in many ME, NY, and PA trials.&nbsp; Chip color from storage is very good.&nbsp; It has low incidence of internal and external defects. It has moderate scab resistance and is resistant to golden nematode (Ro1).&nbsp;</li><br /> </ul><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>Short-term Outcomes: </strong></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <ol><br /> <li>Eastern potato growers need new potato varieties which are highly productive and less susceptible to stress, diseases, and insects than current varieties. This regional potato breeding and trial network produces new potato varieties and evaluates their potential to serve fresh, processing, and specialty potato markets in the East.&nbsp; These new varieties will improve grower profitability by increasing yields, enhancing market quality, and/or decreasing costs associated with pests.&nbsp;&nbsp; Farm gate receipts for eastern potato production exceed 460 million dollars annually, therefore the impact of a successful new potato cultivar can mean many millions of dollars to the industry over time. Potatoes can cost more than $2500 per acre to produce and devastating diseases such as pink rot and/or late blight can totally destroy the crop.&nbsp; Resistant varieties greatly decrease the risk of losses and, in the case of late blight resistance, can reduce production costs by reducing the number of chemical sprays applied to protect the crop from the pest.&nbsp; Several areas in NY could not produce potatoes without the golden nematode resistant varieties developed as part of this and other research projects.&nbsp;</li><br /> </ol><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <ol start="2"><br /> <li>Over the years, the eastern regional project has resulted in the release of many commercially important potato varieties (e.g. Atlantic, Andover, Harley Blackwell, Kanona, Keuka Gold, MaineStay, Marcy, Monticello, Pike, and Sunrise). Peter Wilcox, a purple-skinned yellow-fleshed specialty variety from the USDA-ARS program, Little Ruby, a red-skinned, yellow-fleshed variety from USDA-ARS, and Lehigh, a yellow-fleshed dual-purpose variety from NY, are three of the more recent fresh market releases from the eastern programs.&nbsp; Lamoka (NY139), Waneta (NY138), and Red Maria (NY129) are three 2010-2011 releases that are attracting commercial interest.&nbsp; Elkton (B1992-106) was released in 2012, while Sebec (AF0338-17) and Easton (AF3001-6) were released in early 2014.&nbsp; Caribou Russet (AF3362-1) and Little Ruby (B2152-17) were released in 2015.&nbsp; Potato seed multiplication and commercial adoption are slow processes; therefore, so it will take years to know the full impacts of these varieties on eastern potato production.&nbsp; For chipping markets, NY&rsquo;s two most recent chipping releases are Waneta (NY138) and Lamoka (NY139). Based on certified seed acreage in 2016, Lamoka (2366 acres) has now replaced Snowden (1692 acres) as the standard storage chipping variety across the U.S.&nbsp; Waneta has also been widely adopted (713 acres of seed in 2016).&nbsp; We estimate the value of potato chip production from Lamoka and Waneta for 2017 will be one billion dollars (~15% of US chip production).&nbsp; From ME, Sebec (AF0338-17) continues to be commercially adopted for out-of-field chipping and fresh market use due to its outstanding yields and improved resistance to internal defects compared to the current standard, Atlantic. Twelve clones from the eastern states have been in the Potatoes USA fast-track chip program since 2011, and the programs supported under this grant have annually contributed up to 40% of clones in the Potatoes USA National Chip Processors Trials (NCPT).</li><br /> </ol><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <ol start="3"><br /> <li>Recent Eastern releases were grown on 2,382 ME and NY seed acres during 2016 with a seed value of ca. $7.2M. The resulting seed crop has the potential to plant 23,823 acres in 2017 with a ware value estimated at $71.5M.&nbsp; Nationally, varieties produced by our long-term project were grown on 4,793 seed acres during 2016 with an approximate seed value of $14.4M&nbsp;&nbsp; Several varieties developed though our collective efforts are currently in the top 100 U.S. varieties including (acres, rank): Lamoka (2367, 10), Waneta (713, 29), Pike (359, 50), Lehigh (260, 57), Reba (170, 66), Caribou Russet (143,71), Keuka Gold (106, 79), Eva (95, 83), and Andover (74, 98).</li><br /> </ol><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <ol start="4"><br /> <li>The project places special emphasis on breeding and selecting clones with resistance to late blight, early blight, scab, golden nematode races Ro1 and Ro2, and potato virus Y (PVY). Fifty-eight advanced breeding clones in the ME program showed high levels of late blight resistance during 2016. Five of 17 advanced eastern clones were moderately resistant to early blight in 2016 PA trials. Marker-assisted selection is being used to speed the development of PVY and golden nematode resistant varieties. All NY round whites, and most of the NY colored crosses, segregate for resistance to golden nematode Ro1 or Ro2, as do many crosses from the ME, NC and USDA programs. AF4648-2, a promising white-skinned variety that is being commercially evaluated has resistance to scab, late blight, PVY, pink rot, and golden nematode.&nbsp; Disease resistant varieties generated by this project have the potential to greatly reduce growers&rsquo; losses to devastating diseases such as late blight and can also reduce production costs. Golden nematode, a serious pest found in NY and in other countries, cannot be effectively managed without resistant varieties.</li><br /> </ol><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <ol start="5"><br /> <li>Our project web site and searchable database continues to grow in size and utility (<a href=""></a>). The web site provides current contact information for project cooperators and recent research reports, as well as access to our regional variety database and a dynamic summary generator for all released varieties. The interactive database can be viewed at &lt;;.</li><br /> </ol><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Outputs:</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <ol><br /> <li><strong> Cultivars released this year: </strong></li><br /> </ol><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p>Our project did not release any new potato varieties during 2016; however, commercialization of our recent releases continued as is summarized above.&nbsp; Research trials and commercial evaluation of our advanced clones continued throughout 2016.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;Project milestones for 2016, and progress related to each of these, follow:</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Conduct breeding, germplasm enhancement, and selection studies to improve potato productivity and quality for important eastern U.S. markets.</strong></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Breeding:&nbsp; </em></strong><em>During 2016, our programs generated 661 new tetraploid families (546,750 seeds) from crosses using parents with desirable quality, utilization, adaptation, and/or pest resistance traits. USDA-ARS also generated 56 diploid crosses (2 x or 4x-2x; 49,500 seeds) for use in germplasm improvement.&nbsp; Progeny (96,416) from earlier crosses were selected resulting in 4,517 clones that will be further selected under conditions with diverse abiotic and biotic stress in the eastern U.S. and beyond. Crosses conducted by the University of Maine continue to emphasize (50%) russets for processing and fresh; however, a significant component of the program is represented by round whites and chipping types (40%) and specialty types (10%).&nbsp; Cornell University and NC State University place strong emphasis on breeding for chip quality and utilization, but also include fresh market, colored-skin, and specialty types in their breeding goals.&nbsp; Multi-site evaluation of early-generation clones is being used to speed the breeding and selection process through identification of broadly- and specifically-adapted clones.</em></p><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p><br /> <p><em>USDA-ARS potato breeding at the tetraploid level typically focuses on chipping types and clones with colored skin and/or flesh.&nbsp; The 4x-2x crosses in the USDA-ARS program partially focus on yellow-fleshed tetraploid S. tuberosum (tub) and orange-fleshed diploid S. phureja-S. stenotomum (phu-stn) to enhance the carotenoid content in tuberosum. The phu-stn combinations are also being used to enhance tuber specific gravity. &nbsp;In addition, crosses were made between tub and hexaploid S. albicans or S. iopetulum to incorporate the nitrogen uptake efficiency of these hexaploid species into tuberosum &nbsp;Also, crosses were made between diploid phu-stn and S. chacoense (chc) to incorporate the nitrogen uptake efficiency of chc into long-day adapted phu-stn.&nbsp; In addition, 4x-2x or 2x-4x crosses were made between tub and cycle three late blight resistant phu-stn clones.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </em></p><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p><br /> <ol start="53"><br /> <li><em> hougasii based potato germplasm (E53.61 from USDA-WA, C. Brown) was crossed with three tetraploid clones from USDA-ARS Beltsville. The resulting 35 hybrid clones were screened for late and early blight resistance as well as chipping quality. Fourteen of these clones were resistant to both diseases, while three of these clones combined late blight resistance, early blight resistance, high specific gravity, and acceptable chip color from 10C storage.&nbsp; This project will provide potato breeders with a valuable new source of disease resistance and chip quality.</em></li><br /> </ol><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p><br /> <p><em>Research on the genetics of internal heat necrosis (IHN) and the development of clones and populations with improved resistance to this tuber defect continued.&nbsp; The test site in NC provides good environmental conditions that all four breeding programs utilize in selecting for IHN resistance. In 2016, NC screened a total of 699 early generation clones. Of these 240 were from NC, 251 from ME, 77 from the USDA-ARS Beltsville, and 131 clones were from the NCPT (with clones from CO, ME, MI, NC, NY, OR, TX, USDA-MD and WI).&nbsp; The NC mapping population B2721 was genotyped with the Infinium<sup>&reg;</sup> 8303 SNP array developed by the USDA-NIFA SolCAP project and quantitative trait loci (QTL) were detected for IHN on chromosomes 1, 5, 9, and 12. Genetic effect models explained roughly 28 and 25% of the variation for IHN incidence and severity, respectively and we have tentatively identified several candidate markers for IHN susceptibility. The B2721 population has also been phenotyped for chip color, specific gravity, and scab reaction. QTL analyses of these traits is underway. Because sufficient funding is not available to carry the QTL studies forward within this USDA-NIFA program, we are looking for additional support to advance this research. </em></p><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p><br /> <p><em>VA studies are in progress to associate physiological processes responsive to environmental stresses with IHN development. Specifically, the activity of catalase and peroxidase, key factors of the reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging system, appear to be associated with temperature increases above 30&deg;C and varies with cultivar. However, the association of membrane integrity (leakage) with IHN was inconclusive at this time. Studies to determine the tuber phenolic content in response to temperature are in progress.</em></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><em>VA continues conducting field evaluations of 4x-2x hybrids, preliminary selections and advance breeding lines from the eastern breeding programs. During 2017, 267 4x-2x hybrids from the VA potato genetics program are being field screened for performance in VA.&nbsp; Yield, quality, and responses to stressing temperatures are evaluated since they are critical factors in selecting suitable varieties for production in VA. </em></p><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Selection:</em></strong><em>&nbsp; USDA-ARS and ME send seed from all clones in the second or third field generation (12-hill or 60-hill stage) to cooperators in FL and NC for early generation evaluation and to select materials with adaptation to the short-season Southeastern U.S. environmental.&nbsp; All of our programs send seed from more advanced field generations (third and higher) to regional cooperators (FL, NC, VA, PA, OH, NY, ME) for continued phenotyping, selection, and advancement.&nbsp; Advanced clones from our project were introduced to growers through field days, presentations, publications, web sites, and direct contact with stakeholders.&nbsp; Seven advanced clones were entered into tissue culture programs leading to commercial seed production.&nbsp;&nbsp; </em></p><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p><br /> <p><strong>Use of novel and highly improved potato germplasm to reduce the impact of economically important potato pests in the eastern U.S. </strong></p><br /> <p><em>The project places special emphasis on breeding and selecting clones with resistance to late blight, early blight, scab, golden nematode races Ro1 and Ro2, and potato virus Y (PVY). Fifty-eight advanced breeding clones in the ME program showed high levels of late blight resistance during 2016.&nbsp; Five of 17 advanced eastern clones were moderately resistant to early blight in 2016 PA trials. Marker-assisted selection is being used to speed the development of PVY and golden nematode resistant varieties. All NY round whites, and most of the NY colored crosses, segregate for resistance to golden nematode Ro1 or Ro2, as do many crosses from the ME, NC and USDA programs. AF4648-2, a promising white-skinned variety that is being commercially evaluated has resistance to scab, late blight, PVY, pink rot, and golden nematode.&nbsp; Disease resistant varieties generated by this project have the potential to greatly reduce growers&rsquo; losses to devastating diseases such as late blight and can also reduce production costs. Golden nematode, a serious pest found in NY and in other countries, cannot be effectively managed without resistant varieties. </em></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><em>Wild or cultivated diploid germplasm that we are using to introduce novel traits for pest resistance or improved quality includes:&nbsp; S. phureja and S. stenotomum for resistance to early and late blight (USDA-ARS); S. bulbocastanum for late blight and insect resistant (ME), S. chacoense for insect resistance (USDA-ARS, NC); S. hougasii for late blight resistance (USDA-ARS); and S. berthaultii for insect resistance (NY, NC)</em>.&nbsp; <em>In addition, 4x-2x or 2x-4x crosses were made between tub and cycle three late blight resistant phu-stn clones.&nbsp; </em></p><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Golden nematode: </em></strong><em>Breeding efforts in NY have emphasized resistance to golden nematode Ro1; however, resistance to race Ro2 is now also a priority.&nbsp; The NY program developed Ro2 resistance by selecting for adaptation within a collection of South American tetraploids, and work has begun to procure additional sources of resistance from Europe to broaden the genetic base of resistance and provide resistance to G. pallida.&nbsp; </em><em>All NY round whites, and most of the NY colored crosses, segregate for resistance to golden nematode Ro1 or Ro2, as do many crosses from the ME and USDA programs.&nbsp; The USDA-ARS and ME programs also use parental materials with nematode resistance.&nbsp; Progeny from crosses using resistant parents are being evaluated for resistance to both races of the golden nematode (NY and USDA-ARS).&nbsp; NY&rsquo;s H1 PCR-based marker is also being also used to screen clones for Ro1 resistance (NY, ME).&nbsp; NY is also testing for resistance to G. pallida using in vitro techniques. Resistances to race Ro1 of the golden nematode (Globodera rostochiensis) and to common scab (Streptomyces scabies) have long been priorities of the NY program.&nbsp; Recent Ro1 resistant releases have achieved commercial success, including Andover, Pike, Reba, Marcy, Lehigh, Waneta and Lamoka.&nbsp; All of these varieties also have moderate to good resistance to common scab.&nbsp; All clones that have survived three or more years of selection in NY are evaluated for resistance to golden nematode race Ro1 as well as common scab each year. USDA-ARS in NY provides golden nematode screening for the eastern programs and 18 of 65 ME clones (27.7%) showed resistance during 2016.</em></p><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Late and early blight:&nbsp; </em></strong><em>PA serves as the project&rsquo;s key screening site for resistance to several important potato diseases.&nbsp; Early selection for late blight resistance with the ME and USDA-ARS Beltsville breeding programs occurs there.</em>&nbsp; <em>The most promising late blight resistant selections from ME, NY, and USDA-ARS undergo field evaluation for resistance in PA within the NE-1231 regional project. Thirty-one advanced NE1231 clones were screened for resistance during 2016.&nbsp; Five experimental NE-1231 clones were resistant in the 2016 trials (AF4648-2, AF4615-5, AF4953-6, CO00291-5R, and NY154). &nbsp;Seventy</em><em> (of&nbsp; 231) third-year and 58 (of 95) advanced clones from the ME program had late blight resistance in 2016 tests</em> <em>and will be further evaluated during 2017.&nbsp; AF4296-3, AF4615-5, AF4648-2, AF4953-6, BNC244-10, and CO00291-5R were moderately resistant to early blight in PA trials during 2016.</em><strong>&nbsp; </strong><em>&nbsp;</em></p><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p><br /> <p><em>During 2016, a tetraploid mapping population of 260 clones from USDA-ARS Beltsville, a diploid crossing population of 283 lines from USDA-ARS Beltsville, and five breeding lines from NC were evaluated for late blight resistance.&nbsp; Late blight resistant clones were selected as a result of this research. Resistance genes/QTLs will be mapped on the tetraploid mapping population. A diploid S. phureja-S. stenotomum population, resulting from a cross of a highly resistant late blight clone x a susceptible clone, is currently being generated and will be used to map genes involved in late blight resistance in this population using the SolCap-derived SNP chip (USDA-ARS, PA). Additional selection for late blight resistance occurred in a cooperative project between USDA-ARS and PA.&nbsp; USDA-ARS maintains a diploid Solanum phureja-S. stenotumum population (phu-stn) that has undergone multiple selection cycles for resistance. The levels of resistance in the diploid phu-stn population increased dramatically over multiple selections cycles. To avoid narrowing the genetic base, the most resistant clone from each maternal half-sib family was planted in a seed nursery, and open-pollinated seed was collected to advance the population to the next selection cycle. Clones with high levels of resistance were screened for 2n pollen production, and those that produced at least 5% 2n pollen were utilized in 4x-2x crosses. Hybrids between tuberosum and late blight resistant diploids have now proceeded through four cycles of resistance selection.&nbsp; Mini-tubers from the cycle four diploid late blight population were sent to Toluca, Mexico for testing against late blight in an area with a highly diverse pathogen population.&nbsp; Resistant clones from this breeding effort have been utilized in 4x-2x crosses to tuberosum to transfer this resistance into the tetraploid population and these materials will continue to be developed.&nbsp; </em></p><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p><br /> <ol start="53"><br /> <li><em> hougasii based potato germplasm (E53.61 from USDA-WA, C. Brown) was crossed with three tetraploid clones from USDA-ARS Beltsville. The resulting 35 hybrid clones were screened for late and early blight resistance. Sixteen had good resistance to late blight, while 23 were moderately to highly resistant to early blight. &nbsp;Fourteen of these clones were resistant to both diseases.&nbsp; This project will provide potato breeders with a valuable new source of resistance to both diseases.&nbsp; The University of Maine and several other North American Potato Breeding programs are already using this new late blight resistant material in their crossing programs.</em></li><br /> </ol><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Scab: </em></strong><em>ME, NY, PA, and USDA-ARS screen and select for resistance to scab in inoculated and/or naturally-infected field experiments.&nbsp; Lines are tested over multiple years because of environmental effects on disease incidence and severity.&nbsp; Scab resistant parents are used extensively in all four breeding programs.&nbsp; Clones showing resistance are being used as parents to improve the level of resistance in future germplasm.&nbsp; </em> <em>Twenty experimental NE-1231 clones were compared with standard varieties in two University of Maine scab screening trials during 2016.&nbsp; Nine (Reveille Russet, Teton Russet, AF4138-8, AF4648-2, AF4953-6, AF4985-1, AF5245-1, AF5280-5, and NY154) were moderately resistant or resistant in these trials.&nbsp; Including 4<sup>th</sup>-year, advanced, and NE-1231 clones, 62 of 139 University of Maine selections had scab resistance in our 2016 screening trial.&nbsp; </em></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><em>The NE1231 cultivars and advanced breeding lines were also evaluated for powdery scab resistance on a farmer&rsquo;s farm in Potter County, PA. Eight out of 32 were characterized resistant to moderately powdery scab resistant.&nbsp; These were Caribou Russet, Russet Burbank, Teton Russet, AF4138-8, AF4296-3, AF4615-5, AF4953-6, and NY154.</em></p><br /> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Potato Virus Y (PVY)</em></strong><em> As a result of the NY neotuberosum project, extreme resistance to PVX and PVY is present in many NY breeding lines.&nbsp; The variety Eva, for example, is immune to both PVX and PVY.&nbsp;&nbsp; All four breeding programs continue to include virus-resistant clones as parents. </em><em>Marker-assisted selection for potato virus Y resistance (Whitworth et al. 2009; Ry<sub>adg</sub>, RYSC3, Kasai et al, 2000; Ry<sub>sto</sub>, YES3, Song and Schwarzfischer 2008) are being used to supplement traditional screening methods and provide earlier detection of resistant clones. AF4648-2, a promising white-skinned variety that is being commercially evaluated for fresh and chipping markets, has resistance to scab, late blight, PVY, and pink rot. Several promising clones from the NY program (e.g. NY148, NY150) also have PVY resistance.</em></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Colorado Potato Beetle:</em></strong> <em>NC continued to select and screen specific families with potential Colorado potato beetle CPB resistance.&nbsp; For the first cycle of selection in 2016, they changed from screening duplicated 2-hill plots for CPB resistance and adaptability separately, to a single 4-hill plot and selected on yield and overall appearance.&nbsp; This is because NC is now planting all trials at the research station with a 2-row carousel planter and 2-hill plots are difficult to keep organized, whereas 3- and 4-hill plots are manageable. NC planted 969 4-hill plots for selection purposes.&nbsp; They selected 330 clones that were advanced for CPB screening as two replicated 3-hill plots (2by3 trial), and for parallel horticultural adaptation selection as non-replicated 6-hill plots in 2017.&nbsp; In the 2016 2by3 trial, 40 clones were simultaneously evaluated for CPB resistance and adaptation in non-replicated 6-hill plots.&nbsp; After making selections in both of these trials, NC advanced 7 clones to the 2017 screening trial of three replications with 5-hills each (3by5 trial) and parallel horticultural adaptation selection in non-replicated 20-hill plots.&nbsp; In the 2016 3by5 trial, NC simultaneously evaluated 17 clones for CPB resistance and for adaptation in non-replicated 20-hill plots.&nbsp; NC selected 6 clones for advancement to the 2017 four replications by 10-hills (4by10) screening plots and non-replicated 60-hill trial.&nbsp; In the 2016 4by10 we had a total of 5 clones and 2 of those were selected for evaluation in 2017. The 4by10 trial is our most advanced screening trial and the most advanced clones will remain in this trial until testing is complete, also some of the clones with promise will be placed in yield trials if they have the appropriate agronomic characteristics.&nbsp; </em><em>New varieties with high levels of natural CPB resistance have potential to facilitate production of potatoes with fewer pesticides contributing to the sustainable crop production.</em></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Selection:</em></strong><em>&nbsp; Each of the breeding programs maintain plots for resistance screening (e.g. NC, CPB resistance; ME, scab, verticilliun, late blight, pink rot, fusarium, PVY and PLRV; NY late blight, scab, insect resistance, PVY; USDA-ARS late blight, scab; and/or or utilize regional collaborators (USDA-ARS NY for golden nematode resistance; Penn State for late blight, early blight, and powdery scab). Marker-assisted selection is being used to speed selection for PVY and golden nematode resistance.</em></p>


<ol start="2"><br /> <li><strong> Publications:</strong></li><br /> </ol><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Journal Papers</strong></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Publications (peer-reviewed journals):</span></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Bamberg J.B, Martin M.W., Abad J., Jenderek M.M., Tanner J., Donnelly D.J., Nassar A.M.K., Veilleux R.E., Novy R.G.,&nbsp; 2016.&nbsp; In vitro technology at the US Potato Genebank. <em>In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Plant</em> 52: 213-225</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>De Jong, W.S., D.E. Halseth, R.L. Plaisted, X. Wang, K.L. Perry, K.M. Paddock, M. Falise, B.J. Christ, and G.A. Porter. 2016. Lamoka, a variety with excellent chip color out of cold storage and resistance to the golden cyst nematode.&nbsp;&nbsp; <em>American Journal of Potato Research DOI 10.1007/s12230-016-9557-x</em>.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Haynes, K.G., Qu X.S.&nbsp; 2016.&nbsp; Late blight and early blight resistance from <em>Solanum hougasii</em> introgressed into <em>Solanum tuberosum</em>.&nbsp; <em>American Journal of Potato Research</em> 93: 86-95.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Jansky, S.H., Charkowski A.O., Douches D.S., Gusmini G., Richael C., Bethke P.C., Spooner D.M., Novy R.G., De Jong H., De Jong W.S., Bamberg J.B., Thompson A.L., Bizimungu B., Holm D.G., Brown C.R., Haynes K.G., Sathuvalli V.R., Veilleux R.E., Miller J.C., Bradeen J.M., Jiang J.M.&nbsp; 2016.&nbsp; Reinventing potato as a diploid inbred line&ndash;based crop. <em>Crop Sci</em> 56: 1412-1422</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Kolech S.A., D. Halseth, P. Perry, D. Wolfe, D.S. Douches, J. Coombs, W. De Jong.&nbsp; 2016. Genetic Diversity and Relationship of Ethiopian Potato Varieties to Germplasm from North America, Europe and the International Potato Center. American Journal of Potato Research 93: 609-613.&nbsp; doi:10.1007/s12230-016-9543-3</p><br /> <p>Oluwatosin, E.A., S.D. Johanningsmeier, V-D. Truong, and G. C. Yencho. 2016. Development and validation of a near-infrared spectroscopy method for the prediction of acrylamide content in french-fried potato. J. Agric. Food Chem. 64:1850&minus;1860.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Peterson, B.A., Holt S.H., Laimbeer F.P.E., Doulis A.G., Coombs J., Douches D.S., Hardigan M.A., Buell C.R., Veilleux, R.E.&nbsp; 2016.&nbsp; Self-Fertility in a Cultivated Diploid Potato Population Examined with the Infinium 8303 Potato Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Array. <em>The Plant Genome</em> 9:1-13.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Qu X.S., Peck M.W., Moore C.E., Christ B.J.&nbsp; 2016.&nbsp; Evaluation of foliar fungicides for control of potato late blight in Pennsylvania, 2015.&nbsp; <em>Plant Disease Management Reports</em> 10: V008.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Qu X.S., Peck M.W., Moore C.E., Christ B.J.&nbsp; 2016.&nbsp; Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to powdery scab in Pennsylvania, 2015.&nbsp; <em>Plant Disease Management Reports</em> 10: V035.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Qu X.S., Peck M.W., Moore C.E., Christ B.J..&nbsp; 2016.&nbsp; Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to late blight in Pennsylvania, 2015.&nbsp; <em>Plant Disease Management Reports</em> 10: V036.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Qu X.S., Peck M.W., Moore C.E., Christ B.J.&nbsp; 2016.&nbsp; Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to early blight in Pennsylvania, 2015.&nbsp; <em>Plant Disease Management Reports</em> 10: V037.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Raymundo, R., S. Asseng, R. Prassad, U. Kleinwechter, J. Concha, B. Condori, W. Bowen, J. Wolf, J.E. Olesen, Q. Dong, L. Zotarelli, M. Gastelo, A. Alva, M. Travasso, R. Quiroz, V. Arora, W. Graham, C. Porter. 2016.&nbsp; Performance of the SUBSTOR-potato model across contrasting growing conditions. <em>Field Crops Research.</em> doi:10.1016/j.fcr.2016.04.012.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Rosyara U.R., P.C. Bethke, W.S. De Jong, S.H. Jansky, D.S. Douches, and J.B. Endelman.&nbsp; 2016.&nbsp; Software for genome-wide association studies in autopolyploids and its application to potato.&nbsp; The Plant Genome 9 (2), doi:10.3835/plantgenome2015.08.0073.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>Technical Articles or Reports, not refereed</strong></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Arancibia, R. 2016. Virginia Potato Variety Trial Report - 2016.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Arancibia, R.A. 2017. Potato. In Wyenandt (Coordinator), Elsa Sanchez (Hort. Ed.), 2016-2017 Mid-Atlantic Commercial Vegetable Production Recommendations (2017 revision). VCE publication 456-420 (AREC-203P) <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>De Jong, W.S., R. Plaisted, D.E. Halseth, and S. Menasha. 2016. New York Potato Variety Trial and Breeding Report - 2016, 38 pp.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Kleinhenz, M.D., J.B. Moyseenko, S.D. Walker, and B. Williams.&nbsp; 2016. Ohio Potato Germplasm Evaluation Report - 2016, 17 pp. Also available at</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, B. MacFarline, and B. Plummer.&nbsp; 2016.&nbsp; Potato variety trial results in Maine, 2016 growing season.&nbsp;&nbsp; SFA Research Report (posted on www and distributed to industry), 2016-01, 42 pp. Also available at</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, and T. Mills.&nbsp; 2016.&nbsp;&nbsp; Maine potato breeding program annual report,&nbsp; 2016 growing season.&nbsp;&nbsp; SFA Research Report (posted on www and distributed to industry), 20 pp.&nbsp; Also available at</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Qu, X. and B.J. Christ.&nbsp; 2017. Pennsylvania Potato Research Report and Supplemental Report - 2016, 56 pp. Also available at</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Yencho, G.C. and M.E. Clough. 2016. NC Potato Variety Trial and Breeding Report - 2016, 44pp. Also available at</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Yencho, G.C. and M.E. Clough. 2016. NE1231 NC Potato Variety Trial Report - 2016. 11 pp.&nbsp; Also available at</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">&nbsp;</span></p><br /> <p>Zotarelli, L. 2016. Florida Potato Variety Trial Report - 2016, 113 pp. Also available at</p>

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