NC_old1194: Nanotechnology and Biosensors

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Inactive/Terminating


Development of sensing and processing technologies utilizing nanotechnology has become more relevant for furthering our understanding of biological phenomena related to food, agriculture, environment, and energy. As we understand the molecular mechanisms that underlie the emergence and spread of pathogens and their consequent impact on our agricultural and food systems, and gain insight into the molecular mechanism of life itself, it becomes clear that the technology to investigate, intervene and mitigate need to be correspondingly small, i.e. within the realm of nanotechnology. 

According to the FY 2014-2018 Strategic Plan published by the USDA, one of the strategic goals for this period is to “Ensure that all of America's children have access to safe, nutritious and balanced meals.” Within this goal, Specific Objective 4.3 states that we must “Protect public health by ensuring that food is safe”. Reduction in the number of foodborne illnesses will require a comprehensive "farm-to-fork" risk assessment, coupled with appropriate technological measures to screen, identify, and eliminate offending food pathogens.

 In addition to safety concerns in processed foods, plant/animal pathogens also represent major threats to worldwide food security. Rapid responses to crops and livestock epidemics require fast and accurate evaluation of plant/animal pathogens, which also calls for advances in biosensor technology to provide more user-friendly tools and techniques. Besides pathogen detection, novel biosensors could support better and more rapid monitoring of crop growth and animal welfare, which could lead to better practice of production/processing that will help safeguard both food security and environmental sustainability in the long term.

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