NEERA1604: Northeast Region Technical Committee on Integrated Pest Management

Project History

The Extension IPM program established in 1971 with annually earmarked Smith-Lever 3d formula funds to support core IPM programming in each state was terminated in 2008. Funds were subsequently made available on a competitive basis through a grants program administered by USDA-NIFA. Currently this program is called Crop Protection and Pest Management - Extension Implementation Program Area (CPPM-EIP). IPM Coordinators, based on collaborations with state government agencies, universities, and other federal agencies, use these funds to create state-level IPM networks that can be linked regionally via the requested NEERA committee and national ultimately into a national IPM network.


The twelve states in the Northeast share many IPM needs because the pests, commodities and urban and suburban settings are similar in adjoining states. Therefore, IPM research and extension programs improve efficiency by collaborating. The IPM coordinators in the Northeast began meeting as a group informally in the 1980s. As the value of meeting, exchanging information and planning collaborations increased, the informal meetings grew into multi-day formal meetings and included representatives from other agencies (e.g., EPA and state departments of agriculture) and other programs (e.g., SARE). The NEERA 1004 (previously referred to as Northeast Research, Extension, and Academic Project committee on IPM from 1996 to 2011, and NREC-IPM prior to 1996) was approved by the Northeast Directors in 2001 and is advised by representative research and extension administrators. In 2002, Regional IPM Centers were established in each region by CSREES (former NIFA). NEERA 1004 took on the responsibility of advising the Northeastern IPM Center in addition to their regular activities.  

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Status: Inactive/Terminating

10/01/2016 - 09/30/2021

Regional System Administrator:
Technical Leadership/Editors
Date last edited or status changed:
NIFA Letters
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