Meeting Authorization

Meeting Information

This authorizes the annual meeting: .
The meeting will be held on 01/10/2019 at Savannah, GA. :

Admin Advisor: Olga I. Padilla-Zakour (

Additional Info

The inaugural meeting of this project will be held in conjunction with the SCRI’s Eastern Broccoli Project team meeting and the Southeast Regional Fruit & Vegetable Conference. This venue will provide us access to stakeholders in the project, where we can consult with them or follow up immediately on relevant issues. Participants will report on outcomes and challenges of regional trials in 2018, and consider logistical plans for 2019 trials. We will make a strategic plan for trial network organization, with both public and private-sector participants, through the SCRI grant period and the transition to self-funding. We will plan outreach and publicity, including format and venues that best serve our stakeholders, both in the seed industry and broccoli growers.
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